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Chapter 309 Good things need to be shared

Liu Xiang was at a loss.

If we don't solve the problem of concealing our identity, we can't have a good fight with Fatty Dong.

The cold-forged fish scale armor is too conspicuous. It is the only one for a big man. Not only are the guards wearing it, but also the generals who lead the troops are equipped with it. They can't be allowed to take off their armor and go to the battlefield, right? That's nonsense. On the battlefield, the armor is the first.

Two lives.

Several generals leading troops have a high chance of being recognized.

If you go to the battlefield without a guard, you will panic.

Starting a war with an acquaintance is trouble!

He walked to the corridor, looked at the heavy rain pouring down among the leaden clouds, and felt the coolness of the rainy season.

They say listening to the rain can calm the mind, so he wanted to give it a try.

The four eaves are dense and sparse, and the sound can be heard in the futon. It is just like sleeping in Tianzhu Temple in autumn, listening to dancing beads outside the window of the East Tower.

He didn't know whether Jing was calm or not, but his mood to beat Fatty Dong didn't subside.

The worst case scenario is to act rogue. Even if Dong Zhuo is brought to court, I will be beaten to death if he refuses to admit it. None of us are clean people, so there is no need to act like a loyal minister or good general.

I'm also afraid that the damn fat guy won't be able to impeach him. The Ling Emperor has only been around for a few months, and the big bosses in the center may not be able to tangle with him.

Bet on it!

I really can't think of a good way.

Dong Zhuo has already arrived with his troops. He has no way to avoid it. He can't give up Bingzhou, right?

How can you spit out the meat you eat in your mouth?

"Come here, order the carpenters in the army to carve some ghost-faced visors." He counted them in his mind and said, "Six visors, please send them as soon as possible."

Zhao Yun, Shi A, Zhao Jing, Zhang He, Xu Rong, and then give one to Dong Zhuo.

Since you can't hide it, let's play a game that you know very well. I can't solve the problem, so just throw it to the other side and let Dong Zhuo decide whether to fight or not.

No one is a loyal minister or general of the Han Dynasty. Why don't you break up and let the other party worry about it?

Making the visor was not difficult, and I had a response within half a day.

"My lord, Wang Er, the carpenter in the army, said he has a treasure to present." Shi A came forward to report.

"Where's the visor I want?"

"Bring them together."

"Let him in."

Wang Er is a young man in his early twenties. He is six and a half feet tall, half a head shorter than an ordinary person. He has a round figure and long arms. He looks like a fat horse monkey, which is quite funny.

The treasure offered is also a face mask.

The ghostly face mask carved from fragrant wood has a fine texture and seems to have a layer of oil on the surface. If you smell it carefully, it has a milky fragrance.

"General, this is longevity wood. It grows on cliffs. It has accumulated fragrance for thousands of years. It can nourish people's Qi. It is an immortal bait. It is a precious medicine used by Taoists to practice Qi." He paused for a moment.

, nodded and continued:

"Well, that's what I said. This is a treasure. Because the general wanted a wooden face mask, I carved one out of longevity wood and presented it to the general."


Liu Xiang muttered something. After hearing Wang Er's introduction, it felt like thuja. He had heard in modern times that it was fragrant, could clear away heat and detoxify, and was also antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Ancient Taoist priests used it to soak in water and drink it.

It can prolong life and make the ears and eyes clear.

I don't know if it's real, because the price is too expensive, and ordinary people like him have never seen the real thing.

"This thing is very valuable. What do you want?"

To offer such a precious object must be for something.

Wang Er said respectfully: "I have a friend who I have known since childhood. He particularly likes things about gods. He wants to learn Taoism from the general. No...no, I made a mistake. I want to discuss Taoism with the general, so please give me a gift as a token of my gratitude."


He scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed that he had said the wrong thing.

Liu Xiang's pupils shrank, and with a flick of his wrist, he threw the Shoumu mask aside. Someone had reached into his army. What did he want to do?

Shi A's complexion changed drastically, and he rushed in front of Wang Er in an instant. The sharp blade at his waist was unsheathed, and the tip of the sword was pointed at Wang Er's throat. With just a slight exertion, he could break through Wang Er's throat.

"Tell me, who sent you here?" Shi'a's voice was full of anger. He was angry with himself. He was careless and let something from unknown sources reach the Lord's hands. If it was poisonous, he would regret it too late.


"I am the old man Yuyang, the general's original follower. I have been with the army since the general raised his army. I have no intention of harming the general." Wang Er trembled to announce his identity. He didn't understand why he suddenly used his sword.

, I am here to deliver the baby, why is the general unhappy?

Upon hearing this, Zhao Jing was not happy: "Shut up, you are worthy of being called Yuan Cong? You dare to send things from unknown sources to the lord's hands. If something goes wrong, can you afford it?"

Wang Er explained: "I have known this person since I was a child. I have known him for twenty years. He just likes to ask for immortality and has never harmed anyone. I heard that the general can refine the plague-repelling elixir and can also make ice in midsummer, so I thought

I wanted to discuss things with the general, so I came here a few days ago. I was afraid that the general would not see him, so he asked me to give him a gift. It turned out to be a piece of longevity wood. I heard that the general wanted a visor, so I carved it into one."

"When Yuyang raised his army, all those who joined my army were poor. Friends of the poor could not give away this longevity tree worth ten thousand gold. Who is he?" Liu Xiang asked in a deep voice.

"The Zhao family in Lu County, Yuyang County, my father worked in the Zhao family, and I also grew up in the Zhao family. The woman in his family is very kind and treats me as a younger brother, so she came to ask for it, so I sent it to her."

Wang Er felt that the situation was serious. He saw the doctor testing the poison and quickly defended: "It's not poisonous. I carved for a long time and it wasn't poisoned."

"Why don't you hand over the assassination instead of delivering it?"

Wang Er said a little coyly: "I said that I am General Yuan Cong, who is highly valued and can introduce her to her."

There is a story in this. Liu Xiang waited until the doctor tested that it was not poisonous, then he breathed a sigh of relief and joked: "People treat you as a younger brother, but you are not innocent. Tsk, that's interesting. Let's do this, I will let you go home.

You will have time to pursue the love in your heart, fair lady, a gentleman is always brave, so don’t be shy, just work hard.”

"Cheating Kangxi"

After saying that, he waved his hand and ordered Shi'a to take back his sword.

Wang Er was a little confused. He hadn't figured out the situation yet: "General, I still have to serve the general in the army. My father said that I must repay the general's kindness."

This man is stupid, Liu Xiang is too lazy to argue with him: "No, you go home and live a good life. Your friend is also missing. Tell her, I don't know how to cultivate immortality, and I am not interested in talking about the Tao."

, you guys go back together."

"General..." Wang Er still wanted to plead.

Liu Xiang was already inexplicably irritable. This person was being taken advantage of without realizing it. He was so innocent that he was stupid. He lowered his face and said sternly: "Do you need me to chop off your whole family's heads before you realize your mistake? I miss you."

You are an old man who has been with the army since you were in Yuyang. Let me save some dignity for you. Go home and don’t mention what happened today and don’t tell anyone about it. Just say that I miss your hard work and let you go home to support your parents.”

Wang Er retreated in confusion. He felt that today's incident was a bit serious, but he couldn't understand the reason. His father asked him to repay his kindness, so he came. Now that the general asked him to go home, he should go home.

Both his father and the general were kind to him, so he would not be wrong if he listened to their words.

This may be a big deal. He is suspected of assassinating the king and killing the driver. If he is really investigated, he will beheaded. It may be a small thing, but he is just a fool who doesn't understand the rules.

How to deal with it all depends on Liu Xiang's thoughts. He doesn't want to pursue it, so naturally he will make the big issue trivial.

"Send orders to Tiqi to investigate the background of the Zhao family in Lu County."

Wang Er can be let off, but the people behind the scenes still need to investigate to feel at ease.

He was holding the visor of Shoumu and his mouth was twitching. This Wang Er was really stunned. The one he was given was a piece of Shoumu. Judging from the specifications of the visor, it was estimated that it was not small in size and was used for Qi training and baiting.

It sounded like it was worth a lot of money, but this idiot ended up using it as lumber.

His friend is so unlucky.

"Come here, find some luxurious silk and satin, find a high-grade lacquer box, put this visor in it, and send it to Dong Zhuo. Say it is my gift to congratulate him on his promotion and fortune."

The origin of this piece of longevity wood is unknown. Who knows if there are any hidden dangers? He doesn't believe that a piece of wood can have such miraculous effects. It may not be as good as a bowl of milk and a piece of lean meat. It happens to be famous and valuable, so he gave it to Lao Dong as a gift.

It can express deep friendship.

Good or bad, let him enjoy it.

Liu Xiang feels that she is really a good person with noble moral character and is particularly good at sharing.

He was willing to share these good things with Fatty Dong, such as difficult problems and gifts of unknown origin.

Who dares to say that he is not a good person?

There is no justice!

This chapter has been completed!
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