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Chapter 322 Xiang Zhuang's sword dance is aimed at Pei Gong.

That night, Liu Xiang received a battle report. In a battle on the north bank of Zhangshui River, he killed 1,300 enemies and captured 2,000 prisoners. Yan Gang led his troops to conquer Wuwei. The supply convoy was not damaged at all and will arrive at noon tomorrow.

He had visited the small town of Wuwei specifically. It was a typical military city with four walls totaling less than a mile in length. It could only house a few thousand people. It was a link in Ye County's defense system.

It is not as big as Baoding, the auxiliary city of Beixin City. In terms of city defense, Ye County is not as big as Beixin City, the southern gate of Youzhou.

After conquering Wuwei and removing the biggest threat to his own supply line, he relaxed a lot and began to think about the future of Ye County.

He wanted to learn from Boss Cao and build a new city of Ye County on the north bank of Zhangshui River. Yanzhou, Yuzhou, Sili, and aristocratic families were all intertwined. It was a quagmire there. He didn't want to step into it too early. Ye County would become a quagmire for a long time.

The administration requires careful planning.

The two urban districts in the north and south cross the Zhang River and can rely on each other by building a bridge. Nancheng and Pingyang are at the corner, and Beicheng and Wuwei are at the corner. There is no embarrassing situation like now where Wuwei is isolated from the outside by quickly breaking through the river.


Only when the two cities are dependent on each other and defend both the north and the south can the system be considered complete.

Well, build yourself a palace in Beicheng. I have been married for a long time. I have two daughters-in-law living with me in the back house of the government office. One is the daughter of a wealthy businessman and the other is the daughter of a famous Confucian. I am afraid that I have never experienced this kind of thing in my whole life.

Feeling wronged?

I feel that Sanjin's courtyard is quite big, but in the eyes of others, it is probably extremely shabby, and I may feel aggrieved.

"Gene Era"

Let's build one. With the help of cement, if we don't rush the construction period, it shouldn't be considered a waste of people and money. There will be chaos this year, and people will be homeless next year, so we should use work as a relief.

Well, that's it.

If you want to build a new city, the first step is to occupy the land.

If you want to occupy Ye County, you must first cut off your wings.

The small town of Pingyang, which is five or six miles away from the main camp in the east of the city, can send troops to harass the rear route at any time, like a light on the back.

"How's the firewood collection going?"

"The logging team has been transporting to the camp, and a lot has been accumulated, which is enough for the winter." Secretary Lang Zhenyan came with the army this time. Tian Chou and Tian Yu wanted to focus on the minting of coins, so they did not take them with them.

"Keep collecting, I will be of great use."

Liu Xiang looked at the Zhangshui River in the north. There were more and more ice sheets, and the time was coming.

The next day, the supplies were transported in batches to the west camp of the city by fleet, which took a full afternoon. During the transportation, some boats from Ye County came out and tried to rob them. Several of them were shot over by ballistas who were on guard on the river bank in advance.

He returned to the city angrily.

The small boats transporting goods are really no match for bed crossbows, and there are no serious naval forces in Jizhou.

This was the first battle between the Anping Army and the Ye County garrison. It was not painful or itchy, and the other side had no intention of fighting tooth and nail.

The supply convoy returned safely. The Jizhou regiment that protected the convoy left two thousand men to garrison Wuwei. Yan Gang led the Yue cavalry back to camp.

In the next few days, just like before, the four city gates in the east, west, and south of Ye County were blocked by trenches, cofferdams, and bunkers. The Zhangshui River was frozen, and the ice was fragile, making it impossible for people to walk or boats.

On October 25th, the sky was high and the clouds were clear, clear and windless.

The time has come.

Ye County has six city gates, two in the north and south, and one in the east and west. The two gates in the north city are one for the water gate and the other for the land route. These are all the passages to the outside world. Liu Xiang sent troops to block them one by one.

The Yueqi detachment was ordered to roam outside the city and be responsible for intercepting and killing scouts and messengers.

Order Xiaoqiying and Huqiying to stand by at the camp in the east of the city.

Six built seven-shooter cannons and a large amount of firewood were also transported to Dongying.

He will set fire to the city!

No, he wants to set a fire outside the east gate.

The oar carts were pushed forward to establish a defensive line, and bundles of firewood sprinkled with oil were thrown across the moat by seven-shot cannons. As soon as the rockets fell, flames ignited, and a sea of ​​​​fire spread across the east side of the city.

The flames licked the city wall, and the defenders on the city were confused. The rammed earth wall could not be burned. The three-foot-high city wall was enough to block the fire and could not burn them at all. One of the methods of defending the city was to set fire under the city to hinder the enemy. Method of burning a body.

The enemy is helping them defend the city.

Li Wen frowned, guessing the other party's conspiracy.

"Keep throwing." Liu Xiang wanted to make the fire bigger.

The six seven-shooter cannons were firing non-stop, more and more firewood was thrown at the bottom of the city, and the fire became more and more intense.

Almost there.

"Change to wet wood."

Dry firewood needs to be collected specially, but wet firewood is easy to find. Bundles of wet firewood are thrown into the fire, and thick smoke rises into the sky, but the fire does not decrease. The wet firewood will be dried out quickly. To burn, you need to keep throwing it in to maintain the billowing smoke.

The defenders on the city wall were so smoked that they shed tears and coughed non-stop. They quickly retreated down the city wall to take shelter.

Li Wen kept coughing, with a look of horror on his face, and looked eastward with red eyes, extremely worried.

"Come here, cough... cough, come here, send people to break out, order Pingyang to hold on to the city, cough cough, don't go to war."

At this time, Liu Xiang was also looking in the direction of Pingyang Town, muttering to himself: "Ten miles away, they should be able to see such a big smoke. Ye County is burned, and they will definitely come to the rescue. As long as they leave the city, Don’t even think about going back.”

He turned back and glanced at the city wall of Ye County. There were no defenders on it, but it was a pity that it was difficult to get close.

It doesn't matter, I don't want to take the opportunity to attack the city anyway. The fireworks are too big and it is easy to be smoked to death if you get close.

His target was the Pingyang garrison.

"This is called Xiang Zhuang's Sword Dance, and it's meant for Pei Gong!"

Just when Liu Xiang was proud, Ye County took action. The remaining four gates opened the city, and the cavalry rushed outward along the suspension bridge. All departments of the Anping Army were already ready for sniping, including artillery carts, ballistae carts, powerful crossbows, bows and arrows, The shuttles smashed over one after another, and blood splattered on the four-door suspension bridge, leaving corpses everywhere.

There were crossbows fired on the city, but it was of no avail. The distance was too far to cause effective damage. The soldiers of the Anping Army hid behind the oars and stared at the exit of the suspension bridge to shoot. The cavalry died one after another, but they could not rush out. .

There were ships at Shuimen in Beicheng that wanted to enter Zhangshui along the waterway, breaking through the ice while moving forward at a speed slower than walking. A few rounds of fire from the ballistas deployed nearby made them give up the idea of ​​going out.

"It's great to make a sound and attack the east." Li Wen gritted his teeth and wanted to vomit blood with hatred.

The enemy was well prepared, and charging forward was actually the last resort. In this moment, more than a thousand cavalry were killed. If this continued, it was very likely that they would be pushed back into the city. It was only his fault that he reacted too slowly. He gave the order dejectedly. : "Withdraw your troops and guard the city gate."

In this confrontation, there was only one move missing, and he admitted it.

"Even if Ye County becomes an isolated city, you can't even think of attacking it. I want to see how you survive the severe winter. The outcome is still unclear. Let's do it again." Li Wen said to himself bitterly.

Liu Xiang wanted to turn Ye County into an isolated city, and Li Wen admitted that Ye County would become an isolated city. Therefore, Ye County was really going to become an isolated city.

Pingyang mobilized all its troops and came to the rescue with all its strength.

The thick smoke rising into the sky and the blazing fire burned the minds of everyone in Pingyang. The closer they got, the more anxious they became.

"What a cruel thief, I'm going to cut you into pieces today!" Pan Feng took the lead, his heart was as sharp as a knife. There were more than 100,000 people in the city, and the fire burned the city. I don't know how many people could survive.

In front of him was the enemy camp blocking the way. He didn't have time to test the reality. He pointed his spear and said: "Charge in and kill the bandits!"

He did not dare to go around for fear of being attacked on the flanks or being cut off from his retreat. He had to open a passage and clear the blockage on the east before he could rush over to rescue.

Five thousand troops stationed in Pingyang rushed forward with arrows and crossbows, and the east gate of the camp was in danger.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of hoofbeats was as heavy as thunder, and like the heartbeat of a giant beast waking up. Accompanied by the vibration of the ground, the knight camp came out of the south gate and circled around. One thousand two hundred armored riding equipment crashed in like a torrent of steel.

The flank of Pingyang Army.

Pushing all the way, unstoppable, from south to north, cutting the enemy in half.

Break the formation in, break the formation and come out!

"Hahahaha, so happy! Brothers, follow me and charge for a while!"

Cui Yi laughed heartily.

Pan Feng hated her so much that she felt like chewing it to pieces.

"Thief, please accept your fate!"

Hatred made him forget his fear, ignore the crumbling of his own soldiers, and take the initiative to charge with his few personal guards.

These butchers who set fire to the city, these evil thieves with no conscience, must be killed.

Kill them!

"Courage is not small, bravery is commendable." Cui Yi has always admired warriors who dared to fight in battle. He couldn't help but praise him, leveled his horses, led the charge, and prepared to defeat the enemy generals.

The two teams of soldiers and horses rushed towards each other. Cui Yi and Pan Feng faced each other directly. Their spears and spears collided head-on. The spear shafts flew away and the spears went straight into the middle palace, broke through the iron armor and penetrated into the chest.

Pan Feng vomited blood and screamed in pain.

Cui Yi made a habitual stir, and the opponent's heart and lungs were broken, so he moved out and took him off the horse.

The two men fought for only a moment, and the victory of the two cavalry groups was already decided. It was like a stone hitting an egg, the egg liquid splashed out, but the stubborn stone was not damaged.

The knights did not stop, raised their horses, and charged forward in formation. Once again, they made a bloody road. The Pingyang garrison completely collapsed and fled in all directions.

It was up to others to chase down the defeated soldiers. Cui Yi led a group of knights and trotted slowly to dissipate the heat.

The weather is too cold. If you don't pay attention to cooling down slowly, you can easily get windshield. This is not only true for people, but also for horses.

Hu Qiying was responsible for chasing down the remaining enemies. Ke Bi Neng lost interest and asked his subordinate Sima detachment to strangle them.

"I also have a thousand armored cavalry under my command. My lord once relied on us. How come he is now reduced to chasing down defeated troops?" He has followed Liu Xiang for four years and has already joined the Han army. He can speak Chinese.

They are just like the locals in Youzhou, except that it is more difficult to read and remember the strokes.

Anpingjun had a hard time recognizing characters. One of them was him and the other was Cui Yi.

"Maybe General Yan is right, I have to ask my lord to change my name to Chinese."

He was thinking about irrelevant things. The battle was over the moment the knights entered the formation. More than 5,000 cavalrymen attacked the scattered 5,000 infantry formations. They rushed in and won. It was that simple.

We have seen many battlefield veterans like him.

Winning the Lord's favor is the most important thing.

He decided, gathered the prisoners, and went to ask the lord to change his name.

The results of the battle were tallied quickly, and Liu Xiang got the merit record soon after.

Complete victory!

From the lighting of fire in the east of the city to the end of the battle, which lasted more than two hours, more than a thousand enemy cavalry were killed, more than 1,900 infantry were killed, and 3,000 were captured.

Our troops suffered less than 100 casualties.

Very good, Liu Xiang was very happy. Now that Ye County has shrunk again, it is time to completely surround this isolated city.

This chapter has been completed!
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