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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Deng Mao fled in despair, and the Yellow Turban Army collapsed completely. Those who scattered on the streets and those who besieged the treasury all fled in all directions.

Cui Yi led his troops to pursue and kill the Yellow Turban crowd until there was no trace of Deng Mao, then returned to the army to trap the defeated Yellow Turban troops and prepare to surrender the prisoners.

The heroic cavalry and the barbarian cavalry fought and wandered around, trying to trap the defeated troops and prevent them from scattering into civilian houses and causing greater harm to the people.

Liu Xiang, who followed the charging path of Xiaoqi and fought all the way, ordered the infantry of the guard camp to collect the prisoners, while he led his own soldiers to the west city gate to bet on whether he could catch up with Deng Mao.

At this time, Deng Mao was running wildly along the road.

He placed his hope on Tie Dao, hoping that Tie Dao could guard the west gate and guard the retreat for the Yellow Turban Army.

Unfortunately, he was disappointed.

Deng Mao looked at the closed city gates and the Han soldiers stationed on the city walls, feeling sad. Facing the powerful crossbows set up by the Han army, he hesitated and did not dare to move forward.

He thought about hiding in the city, but after daybreak the government would surely raid the entire city. He would only have hatred and no kindness in the city, and no one would help him, so he couldn't hide.

There are obstacles in front and pursuers behind. There is no way to the sky and no door to the earth.

"So, are you going to die here?" Deng Mao looked sluggish and murmured in a low voice.

Recalling the experiences of these days, he screamed with grief and anger: "Liu Yicheng misled me and led me to death!"

Several soldiers who were fleeing with him gathered around and said, "Commander Qu, I will protect him and fight out of the city. Let's climb the city from the horse road. As long as we fight up to the city wall and jump off the wall, we can escape."


Deng Mao looked at the horse path leading up to the west city wall.

The horse path is in the shape of a field (isosceles trapezoid), about three feet high, with the upper end about five feet and the bottom about twenty-five feet. There are two slope paths in the north and south, each about ten feet long.

If they wanted to take the horse route to the city, they would have to rush into the city entrance with the Han army's crossbows, and then attack for more than ten feet. It is not an exaggeration to say that they had a narrow escape from death.

He gritted his teeth, made up his mind, and said, "Now there is no other way. Brothers, please follow me and find a way out."

After saying that, he pulled out the sword from his waist and led his soldiers on horseback to rush straight to the north entrance of the horse road to the city.

Deng Mao, holding a light shield to prevent arrows, took the lead and led his soldiers to withstand two waves of arrows from the Han army. In a moment, they rushed to the horse road to the city. Fortunately, they had put on the iron armor of Xian Yuyin's command before. Although they were hit several times

Arrows, but no one is left behind.

Go up the slope and continue to gallop. On the upper wall of the horse road to the city, there are already Han troops with shields and spears waiting to charge into the formation.

There were crossbow arrows coming from the front and above his head. Deng Mao held a shield in one hand and a sword in the other. He kept blocking and protecting himself dangerously. The few soldiers who were not as powerful as him were hit by arrows one after another.

As the horse's speed decreased, several soldiers were injured more and more frequently, and within a few breaths, they all fell off their horses and died.

Deng Mao was extremely anxious. If he couldn't rush forward quickly, he would be shot to death on the horse path.

He felt cruel in his heart, and stabbed the horse's butt with the knife in his backhand. The horse he was riding was stimulated by the pain, and it kicked the ground with its hind hooves and rushed forward. Its speed increased rapidly, and finally it rushed up the city wall and ran straight into the Han army's formation.

The war horse ran directly into a bush of spears and was stabbed to death by the spears, but it also knocked away the Han army's formation.

Deng Mao had already jumped off his horse in advance, rolled around on the ground, followed the horse into the formation, raised his hand to cut down the enemy in front, raised his shield with his left hand and smashed it on a Han soldier's helmet, and kicked another one down.

Without stopping, he stepped on the Han soldiers who had fallen to the ground and rushed forward.

He wanted to take advantage of the chaos of the Han army and rush over.

He roared loudly and charged toward the outside of the city wall. The Han troops in front of him were repeatedly chopped down and kicked down by him.

Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his back. It seemed that the Han army had pierced the iron armor on his back with a spear. He did not look back in a hurry and rushed forward. Ignoring the sword that was slashing at him, he slammed his feet into the Han army in front.


Several Han soldiers were knocked down by him, and he also fell to the ground. The spear behind him passed through his right shoulder, breaking a blood groove on his back and also picking off his armor.

Deng Mao did not dare to hesitate and rolled up. He saw the moat outside the city and the hills a few miles away. He also saw Han infantry running towards him from both sides, followed by crossbowmen aiming at him.

He grinned with bared teeth, a happy smile and a ferocious smile.

"If Grandpa wants to leave, no one can stop him."

In two quick steps, he turned over and jumped off the city wall.

The three-foot-high city wall fell so hard that Deng Mao almost lost his breath. He endured the pain all over his body and quickly got up and ran away.

There were crossbow arrows coming from behind, but Deng Mao ignored them, dove into the moat, and swam to the other side. The cold river water soaked the wounds on his body, and he wailed in pain.

Trembling, I climbed up the river bank and continued on my way stumblingly. Only by running into the forest could I be safe.

When Liu Xiang rushed to the west gate, he saw Deng Mao fighting on the city wall. He watched helplessly as Deng Mao jumped off the city wall and escaped from Yuyang.

He quickly ordered the city gates to be opened and went out to pursue them.

When Liu Xiang saw Deng Mao again, Deng Mao was already limping and about to run into the mountains. He stopped his soldiers from firing arrows and had people surround Deng Mao.

At this time, Deng Mao was really miserable. He was covered in wet armor with several pieces of broken armor, five or six broken arrow shafts on his body, his arms and legs were covered with scratches, and a huge wound from his back to his right shoulder was still bleeding.

, his face was bruised and swollen, and his body was covered in blood.

Deng Mao stared blankly at Liu Xiang, his hateful eyes wishing to cut Liu Xiang into pieces with a thousand knives.

"Little Liu Xiang, why did you rebel against someone?"

Liu Xiang was riding on the horse, his eyes were cold, and he looked at Deng Mao without hesitation.

"I was sitting at home, and you came in without telling me. Such acts of kidnapping and robbery, how can you have the shame to speak of betrayal?"

Without waiting for Deng Mao to answer, he added: "I still remember that chaotic camp. I was young, weak, and unarmed. I entered this chaotic and famished place. If I hadn't been quick and smart, I might not have survived the next day."

"Shameless kid..."

Liu Xiang ignored Deng Mao's insults, drew his bow and arrow, and shot Deng Mao in the chest.

Deng Mao fell on his back, coughing up blood in his mouth, and muttering intermittently: "Pickled... pickled... shameless..."

Liu Xiang sat on the horse and watched quietly as Deng Mao struggled and died slowly.

Thinking back on the experiences of these days, I whispered softly:

"The cause of the past is the result of today. Between you and me, our grudges and grudges are gone.

Farewell, Deng Mao.

Farewell, I used to be like fallen leaves and fluttering leaves.

From now on, my destiny will be controlled by myself.

This is the end of a chaotic dynasty.

This is a world of great conflict where heroes rise.

I am Liu Xiang,


Liu Xiang sighed with emotion for a while, then called a soldier and said: "Go to the city to find a carriage, take Deng Mao's body to the barracks, and show it to the Yellow Turban prisoners. Anyone who wants revenge will be beheaded."


After saying that, he turned his horse's head and headed back to the city.

There are still many things waiting for him to deal with in the city. I wonder if Cui Yi and the others have captured the prisoners? They must calm down the chaos in the city as soon as possible, arrest the bandits quickly, and calm the people's hearts.

The Iron Official Camp outside Beicheng, under the jurisdiction of the Iron Official, and the mining slaves in the mines, which add up to thousands of people, must be controlled as soon as possible to prevent them from causing chaos.

Liu Xiang was walking slowly on his horse, thinking about all these messy things.


I really want to recruit some counselors.

During this period, what kind of talents are there in Youzhou? And which ones come from humble backgrounds and can be used by me?

Don't think about it if you are a member of the aristocratic family, you are not from the same group as me.

Even if they dare to come, do I really dare to use it?

This chapter has been completed!
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