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Chapter 324 Not on the same channel

Li Wen's mouth was full of blood. He fainted and woke up in pain, and then woke up again in pain and staggered, but never fell down.

Standing on the city wall with will.

The bravery of drawing arrows and chewing eyes shocked both our and enemy armies.

The trebuchets of the Anping Army stopped, and everyone wanted to get up close and see what this fierce man looked like.

As for being scared to the point of having no fighting spirit or losing one's soul, that doesn't exist. There are no new recruits in the Anping Army. They are all warriors who have been on the battlefield for several years. If you bite your own eyes, they will admire you for being a ruthless person.

, but you want to scare them to death with this?


The greatest impact was on the defenders of Ye County. They shared the same hatred with the enemy, their morale soared, and they were clamoring to leave the city for revenge.

Cao Xing was dumbfounded at the sight of the city. What kind of monster did he shoot?

Liu Xiang witnessed the whole process from a distance. Cao Xing took the risk to snipe, and Li Wen drew his arrows and stared. It was really a wonderful war drama.

"Send the order, ring the gold, take turns covering the troops, and retreat back to the camp."

The enemy's force is now at its peak and cannot be faced head-on.

He doesn't mind fulfilling Li Wen's good name.

Maybe today's story will be recorded in the history books: Cao Xing suddenly fired a cold arrow, and Grand Administrator Li drew his arrow and sucked it into his eyes. The enemy army was afraid of his bravery and retreated, not daring to say anything about fighting.

Unfortunately, reality is not a historical story. If you are injured, you have to recuperate, and you may die, and your temporary mood will always fall back. It is even more impossible to overcome the severe cold climate, and those who should freeze to death will freeze to death.

"Repair for three days, wait for the enemy to vent their anger, and then continue to attack the city."

Liu Xiang led his troops back to the camp, but the enemy did not open the city to pursue him. The general was injured and the group was leaderless. The other generals were afraid that the chaos would be unstoppable and would give the enemy a chance to roll back into the city.

After a few days of feigning attacks, he had figured out the number of defenders, which was probably around 10,000 people. After a lot of hard work in the past few days, many people suffered from frostbite and frostbite, and there were already signs of large-scale attrition. If he attacks again a few times, morale will be on the decline.


The aristocratic families in the city did not send out private soldiers. It is unknown whether Li Wen had other arrangements or they were trying to escape.

It doesn't matter. The temperature of more than 20 degrees below zero will help you reduce the number of defenders. The severe cold will last for at least twenty days, which is enough for you to slowly control them.

I also received some good news in the past two days.

Zhou Cang contacted several peasant rebel armies under the Yellow Turban banner. It must be said that the Black Mountain Army has become very powerful in recent years, and his reputation among the Yellow Turban Army is also very high. Those rebel armies joined directly.

There are more than 30,000 people in total, including 5,000 or 6,000 young men. They are currently being reorganized at the junction of Qinghe Kingdom in Jizhou and Pingyuan County in Qingzhou.

I wrote to ask for instructions on whether to return to Qinghe after spring or march eastward to Qingzhou.

Qinghe Kingdom is in the northeast of Wei County, and further east is Qingzhou Pingyuan County. From Qinghe to the north is Anding County, and in the northeast are Hejian Kingdom and Bohai County.

To be honest, Liu Xiang didn't understand why Zhou Cang ran so far. Didn't Wei County have a Yellow Turban? Why did he cross the two counties and go to the border of Qingzhou?

Six hundred miles, how could Zhou Cang run so well? Was it because he didn’t make his orders clear, or was it because this dark-faced guy didn’t encounter the rebels all the way?

But the matter has come to this, and we cannot call him back.

He had no choice but to reply and ordered him to continue to contact the Yellow Turbans after the spring, to strengthen their strength, and not to rush to attack the city and occupy the territory.

With his small amount of troops, how could he possibly capture the Qinghe Kingdom, let alone seize territory in Qingzhou?

Different from Zhou Cang's surprise, Yan Rou's battle report was very simple and clear. The Liao camp and the rear army marched west along the Great Wall with 10,000 infantry and cavalry. They had already occupied Dingxiang County, and the army was in Tongguo County on the bank of the Yellow River.

Overwinter, and after the beginning of spring, they will go north along the Yellow River and capture Yunzhong County.

Liu Xiang issued a document stating that after the beginning of spring, he ordered Zhang He to mobilize 10,000 troops under Yan Rou's control, attack Yunzhong and Wuyuan, and recapture the Hetao area.

The Bingzhou Army divided 10,000 soldiers to take over Tianjing Pass, and ordered the 5,000 soldiers of the Jizhou Army stationed at Tianjing Pass to join the 5,000 soldiers stationed in Heishan and march eastward to Liyang.

Liyang is the southernmost county of Wei County, located on the north bank of the Yellow River.

Liu Xiang has never been to Liyang, but he is related to that place.

Yuyang Camp was actually originally called Liyang Camp. It was originally stationed in Liyang. It was established during the reign of Emperor Guangwu. He selected a thousand elite assault cavalry from Youzhou and set up camp in Liyang County, hence the name. It was a Forbidden Army establishment and served as a barrier to Luoyang. It could also support the North

Xinjiang war.

Later, during the reign of Emperor Zhang of the Han Dynasty, northern Xinjiang was in turmoil. Liyang Camp was transferred to Shanggu and was stationed on the front line in Yuyang. Later, it was permanently stationed in Yuyang. Over time, Liyang Camp was called Yuyang Camp.

He only found out about this later. He had somehow managed to end up in one of the four camps of the Forbidden Army. It was really his luck.

God, daddy does love me!

Liu Xiang was in a happy mood, but the city of Ye County was filled with gloom and mist.

Li Wen was seriously injured and fell into coma.

The other generals and commanders had lost their backbone and were divided on whether to fight or surrender. There were many wounded soldiers in the army and the death toll was increasing day by day. They were panicked.

After three days, the soldiers of Ye County were discouraged and the Anping Army came again.

The defense line built by the oars slowly advanced, and the bed crossbows on the city could not cause effective damage. The trebuchets calmly called the names one by one. There were originally more than two hundred bed crossbows, but few of them were usable.

The worst thing is that the enemy also threw sheepskin bags and clay pots filled with water onto the city. When they hit the city wall, the water was still hot and steaming.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, if you are splashed with water and a small breeze blows, you will be frozen to the bone, and your skin and flesh will hurt like a knife. Over time, you will be so cold that you will lose consciousness.

Hitting a water bomb can kill one man.

The defenders of Ye County would rather be stoned to death than suffer such piecemeal suffering.

They really hope that the enemy can attack, and then they will pour water down hard, and let the heart-broken bastards on the opposite side taste the feeling of being frozen into popsicles in the winter.

Unfortunately, the enemy only deployed oars and trebuchets, and never fully attacked the city, but they did not dare not go to the city to defend it.

So frustrating!

The Anping Army's feint attacks continued day after day, endlessly.

It only took about ten days for the defenders of Ye County to go from angry and aggrieved to desperate and numb.

There are fewer and fewer people going up to the city, and more and more people are fleeing at the north gate. Liu Xiang ordered that no one should be stopped, as long as they did not approach in large numbers with weapons in hand, the Anping army turned a blind eye and allowed the people in the city to step on the Zhangshui River.

The ice leaves.

When these people leave the sight of Ye County, there will be troops and horses arranged to deal with them. There are Pingyang and Wuwei on the east and west sides, and Liangqi County on the north bank of the river.

Where could they run to?

It is not unreasonable to let go of the two gates of Beicheng.

Liu Xiang was not cruel and did not want to let go of the people in the city, but wanted to prevent the enemy from breaking up into pieces and sneaking around to attack.

The feint attack continued, and the trebuchets kept destroying the city battlements, because the crossbows on the city walls were destroyed. No matter how many people came to the city, or even whether there was anyone defending, the Anping army would not get close.

Li Wen lamented in despair, he was defeated, completely defeated. The opponent was indeed a world-famous good general. His tactics were changeable, and he could not grasp the opponent's ideas and the rhythm of his troops.

At the beginning, the light troops rushed in and caught themselves off guard. The Zhangshui defense line was ineffective, Wuwei was still isolated, and the western wing guard was cut off immediately.

He originally thought that the opponent was using troops quickly, but after arriving at the city, he slowly built a cofferdam. The rhythm of the troops changed suddenly, and he was deceived into thinking that the opponent was a person who was incompetent in military strategy.

Too careless.

I wanted to wait for the severe winter, but who knew that the opposite side was also waiting for the severe winter. In the meantime, I even set up a fire under the city. This fire did not hurt Ye County, but burned Pingyang to death, and I broke the wings to the east.

He made an attack in the east and attacked in the west, taking him by surprise. Even if he was put in Pingyang, he would have to send troops to rescue him, but if he sent troops, he would die.

It's hard to deal with.

Now, facing his own show of weakness and seduction, the opponent is always steady, dismantling the city defenses step by step, without making any rash advances.

What is his style?

What on earth was he thinking?

How did he use his troops?

Li Wen's head was tightly packed, and his thoughts were also blocked. He could not figure out Liu Xiang's method of using troops.

I can’t cope!

Is this because water has no permanent potential and soldiers have no permanent shape?

He was always being led by the nose and felt extremely frustrated.

The few people who were sent outside were broken into pieces and fell into the sea. I guess I made a mistake again.

"Cough, cough, cough, my revenge has not been avenged, my life is not long, I am not willing to accept it!" Li Wen was having a fever and kept coughing. Every time he coughed, his eyes hurt so much, and his head hurt so much it felt like it was about to split.

He was desperate.

But he would never have thought to his death that Liu Xiang was a time traveler, and his thinking was not on the same channel as the natives of the Han Dynasty.

This chapter has been completed!
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