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Three hundred and twentieth eighth chapter entrusts wife and son

The five counties of Jizhou are in hand, the Anping army is stationed in Wei County, Julu County is in peace, and the other four counties have different attitudes.

Liu Bei, the king of Hejian, sat firmly on the Diaoyutai. His status as the emperor's uncle made him think highly of himself. In addition, in recent years, the Black Mountain Army had been moving around the Hejian Kingdom, and Youzhou had not done anything to harm him, which made him feel obsessed.

He was so confident that no one in the world dared to offend him, so he was happy in his palace with great peace of mind.

The taxes from Hejian and the large amount of money sent by Emperor Ling were enough for him to squander.

The sorrows of the world have nothing to do with him.

The Prime Minister of Hejian Kingdom, He Zun, raised him like a pig. As long as he didn't cause trouble, nothing would happen.

There is nothing bad about these two people, and Hejian is relatively stable.

In contrast, Anding County in the south was in extreme chaos. It had only been eliminated four years ago, and Jizhou was in constant turmoil. No one was willing to go to Anding to take up a post, and official positions could not be sold. From prefects to county magistrates, there were many vacancies for officials.

It has become a happy valley for wealthy and powerful families, where no one can care about all kinds of activities and extravagances.

Now there is even more turmoil in the Yellow Turbans, and it is completely chaotic.

The easternmost Bohai County has long been in decline. In recent years, maritime merchants from Youzhou have gone to sea from Quanzhou County, Yuyang County, passing through Bohai County and entering Laizhou Bay. The size of the fleet has become larger and larger. In order to facilitate business, the officials of Bohai County have already

As soon as they were fed, many people among the people followed Youzhou merchants to make a living.

Everything from top to bottom relies on Youzhou.

Bohai Governor Yang Xuan finally understood that he could not offend anyone in Youzhou, otherwise the Bohai people would kill him.

Just give up all the messy thoughts, let the people live and work in peace and contentment, and everyone can make money together. Is there anything wrong with that?

This gentleman is completely lying down, with a posture of surrendering if you dare to come.

The only one that looks decent is Qinghe Country.

Qinghe Kingdom was renamed Ganling Kingdom for a while, so the king who was granted the title here was called Ganling King. Later, the country's name was changed back, but the king's title was not changed. The current Ganling King is named Liu Zhong.

Liu Zhong was very miserable. During the Zhangjiao Uprising in 184, he was captured and imprisoned by Guangzong. His heirs and Prime Minister Feng Xun were killed. Emperor Ling paid for him and bought him back, but he was old.

Now that she is old, it is difficult to have children anymore, and she has been depressed for a while.

Later he met Liu Yu.

The imperial court appointed Liu Yu as his Ganling Prime Minister to rectify the situation, provide disaster relief, and restore people's livelihood. From then on, Liu Zhong regained his strength, worked hard to govern, and was determined to take revenge.

He is the one who has done the most with the Black Mountain Army and the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans in recent years.

An old man in his sixties, whose entire family was bereaved and had no heirs, was bent on seeking revenge against the Yellow Turban Army.

Liu Xiang sympathized with him, but did not delay sending troops to kill him.

There is no room for mercy on the battlefield.

The army had been stationed in Julu for half a month, and could not delay any longer. Liu Xiang decided to lead 10,000 troops to sit here, supervise the transfer of officials, divide the land among the people, and monitor the dynamics of the local nobles.

Let the rest of the troops march eastwards.

"It's so troublesome, but I killed all Qingjing." He couldn't help but complain.

But vengeance is a grievance. He knew in his heart that killing people blindly would not work. Sooner or later he would become the public enemy of the world. The power of the nobles was very strong. They had to recruit a group and fight a group. They had to let them fight. If they joined forces to fight, he would be the best.

It cannot withstand the siege.

Accepting the surrender of the nobles this time has many benefits. It will definitely be touted in the future, and it can also dispel the concerns of other people who want to defect to themselves. Moreover, each Julu family has provided a lot of food and grass, saying that they support the army in the campaign and show their respect.


This is their life money.

Liu Xiangna felt at ease.

Cui Yi was ordered to lead 30,000 troops to attack Tangyang and Fuliu, and reach Anding County and govern Xindu County.

He ordered Yan Gang to lead 10,000 people to Guangzong County, Julu County, to guard the boundary bridge and to prevent Qinghe State from supporting Anding County.

Zhao Yun was ordered to lead 10,000 people from Ye County eastward to the border of Qinghe State, involving Liu Zhong's troops.

The former army was ordered to go south to capture Raoyang and Wu Sui, cutting off the connection between Anding and Hejian.

Zhou Cang was ordered to return to the north bank of the Yellow River.

Now is not the time to attack Yanzhou. We must first digest Jizhou. If we take too big a step, we will easily lose weight. If we eat in one go, we will not become fat, and we will only starve ourselves to death.

Before dispatching troops, he told Cui Yi: "Zi'an, occupy the entire territory of Anping as soon as possible, and then lead the army south, go out with Yan Gang and Zhao Yun to seize the Qinghe Kingdom. Do not attack Hejian. It is urgent for the transfer of imperial power now."

At this critical moment, Emperor Ling's uncle's branch is too sensitive and cannot be touched. We must surround it first and then talk about it after the new emperor ascends the throne."

"Don't worry, Lord, I'm awake!"

Cui Yi led his troops eastward, while Liu Xiang stayed in Julu and accepted the harassment from the scholars.

Today's visit and tomorrow's visit, he didn't remember anyone, he just felt annoyed, but to stay behind closed doors would affect his reputation and easily cause panic.

Scholars are easy to socialize with, and you have to conform to the mainstream values, so that others can treat you as one of their own. These people who come to see you are all here to test his attitude. Anyway, there is nothing serious. They just send some gifts, talk about scriptures, and discuss

Discussing classics and talking about local customs, that's all.

He has to see and listen, otherwise it will be difficult for others to feel at ease.

His reputation as a murderer over the years has been stamped and recognized by the scholars. Whenever his face darkens, his guests will tremble, making it difficult for them.

Forget it, just be a mascot for a few days to appease people's hearts.

On February 20, after a month and a half, he received a letter from Sun Jian again.

It should be good news this time, right?

At the beginning of the first month of the first year, Liu Xiang sent a message to Tan Munsun, hoping to find some help for Sun Jian. The messenger brought back good news, and Tan Munsun readily agreed. Su Gu, the prefect of Hanzhong, was also willing to help, and the two of them pooled together two

Thousands of cavalry and six thousand infantry came out of Yangping Pass to harass the kingdom's back roads.

Tan Mianfu also contacted the Baima Qiang tribe with whom he had friendship, and agreed to plunder the kingdom's food routes together, which greatly eased the pressure on the disbandment of the customs.

The better news is that when the messenger returned, he saw that the Han army had already marched towards Xi County and seemed to be supporting Chencang.

Sun Jian should be able to take a breath, right?

When I opened the seal, there was a silk letter inside, with a lot of dense writing, probably meaning:

Huangfu Song is really not a fucking toy. He uses me as cannon fodder, that is to say, I am awesome. He delayed the kingdom for four months in Sanguan, held back Han Sui for three months in Chencang, and completely dragged down the two rebels in Liangzhou.

Overcome the exhausted army.

Then the old bastard sent out troops.

Now that things are going well, he can only watch with envy as people snatch military glory.

The letter also emphatically thanked Liu Xiang for his visit to Shutan Fufu. He was able to help him even though he was more than two thousand miles away. This friend was worth making!

Finally, he said that since his family members were detained during the defense of the city, he could no longer let his family stay in the land of Sanfu. After thinking about it, Liu Xiang was the only one who had the ability to protect his wife and children and was willing to help him.

So he asked his wife Wu to go north to Youzhou with her four sons and one daughter. When the letter was sent, he had already set off secretly and asked Liu Xiang to send someone to meet him.

Sun Jian has five sons and one daughter. The eldest son, Sun Ce, is fifteen years old and is living with his father in the army. The second son, Sun Quan, is eight years old, the third son, Sun Yi, is six years old, and the fourth son, Sun Kuang, is three years old. These four children are

From Mrs. Wu.

The fifth son, Sun Lang, was only a few months old and was born from a concubine.

As for whether the daughter is Sun Shangxiang, I don't know. She is still in her infancy and has not yet been named. She should not be born to Mrs. Wu.

Liu Xiang and Sun Jian had a really good relationship, and they could play together when they were in Liangzhou, because Sun Jian was not a scheming person, and he didn't have much ambition. He just wanted to win military exploits on the battlefield, strengthen his family, and have a wife and son.


At least now, Liu Xiang feels that she can fulfill Sun Jian's wish.

He fought hard on the battlefield, was awarded a knighthood for his military achievements, and was a good young man of the noble group. There was no fundamental difference between him and the other generals under his command.

Unlike those aristocratic families that have political power in the central government and have people with food and influence in the local areas, these aristocratic families have grown to an abnormal level. They can check and balance the imperial power at the top, oppress the people at the bottom, and are intertwined with each other for generations.

To be honest, he couldn't think of any way to suppress such a family.

I can't hold it down.

Boss Cao took advantage of the clan and poor family in an attempt to check and balance the family. As a result, he worked hard for decades, his children and grandchildren failed to live up to expectations, and finally took advantage of Sima Yi.

This road is not easy to walk.

Jushou and Tian Feng, who were both from noble families, were both fearful to him, and he did not dare to touch those talented people who were from aristocratic families.

But Xun Yu, Xun You, and Zhuge Liang are so delicious!

Is there any way to bite them?

Liu Xiang really wanted their people, but he didn't want to be restricted by their family.

This idea is a bit rubbish.

This chapter has been completed!
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