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Chapter 334 Waiting for the next good show

Liu Xiang clearly remembered that Dong Zhuo began to excavate the imperial tombs at the end of this year, and minted bad coins at the beginning of next year in order to raise troops.

The troops under his command expanded rapidly several times. The army of more than 100,000 was extremely depleted and required gold and silver to support it. Most of the local officials had cut off taxes sent to the central government.

He sat in Luoyang and lived in vain.

Later, when he retreated to Chang'an, it was not because of the heavy losses suffered by the Kwantung Allied Forces that he really couldn't afford it.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiang quickly sent a letter to remind Sun Jian. The letter mentioned that Dong Zhuo would retreat to Chang'an in the near future and would definitely annex his troops. He suggested that he move Chencang's grain as soon as possible, retreat to Wudu County, and connect Hanzhong.

Only by relying on each other and guarding each other can we maintain our strength.

If the imperial court transfers someone, it will be rejected in the name of not being subject to chaos.

He also mentioned that the powerful family recently wanted to launch an army to attack Dong Zhuo, and advised him not to participate, as he might be used as cannon fodder, which would only increase casualties and would not be beneficial at all.

Liu Xiang would not participate in the discussion against Dong, nor did he want Sun Jian to participate. He was actually quite curious as to whether the future leader of the alliance, Yuan Shao, would still dare to come to Bohai?

And that Han Fu, will Dong Zhuo appoint him as the shepherd of Jizhou, and will he dare to take office?

What would the Kwantung Allied Forces do without the support of Jizhou?

Really curious.

His occupation of Jizhou has become a semi-open secret. The nobles in Julu County, Bohai County, and Hejian Kingdom surrendered too simply. It is difficult to refuse and the news is difficult to block. So be it, Emperor Ling is dead anyway, Luoyang

It was already in chaos and the big man was falling apart, so he had nothing to worry about.

The great era has begun. The first scene of Dong Zhuo's chaos has been going on for more than a month. The second scene of the coalition's attack on Dong is now brewing.

Now, who can do anything to themselves?

The rules have changed!

From the little fatherless boy in Lushui Pavilion, to the confused traveler who just traveled to a strange world, to one of the two great princes of the Han Dynasty, all this is like a dream.

He breathed a sigh of relief and lay on the soft couch, enjoying the tranquility of solitude.

Who can understand how much pressure he is under, and who can know how he gritted his teeth and reached this position step by step.

The traveler is born with loneliness, who can he confide in?

All this can only be enjoyed by one person.

He is destined to be a loner.

A pair of golden eyes suddenly opened in the corner of the soft couch, leaped forward, and pounced on his stomach.

It made him groan.

"I'll go, you're already weighing several pounds and you want to kill me." Liu Xiang complained softly while stroking the black cat that suddenly appeared.


"Ha, you're quite proud of yourself? You little bastard!"


Black cats are so good at attacking suddenly. As long as you close your eyes and hide in a corner, no one can find it.

Being interrupted by the little black cat, Liu Xiang stopped being pretentious and got down to business after petting the cat for a while.

"Come here, prepare your horses."

He was going to visit the construction site on the north shore.

There are more than 60,000 disaster victims employed in the new city. The foundation has almost been excavated. Now they are building adobe houses in the planned residential areas. They will be their winter houses and their future residence. When the city is completed, this will be the first step.

batch of residents.

I was really enthusiastic about building a house for myself. I worked on it one day at a time. The adobe bricks were laid in the summer and dried in the shade all autumn. The construction progress was very fast.

"My lord, it will be completed in four days, and you can move in within half a month. You don't have to worry about people freezing to death in the depth of winter." Yuan Ba, who was appointed as the magistrate of Ye County, reported the progress at his side.

He is Yuan Huan's disciple. He has been a visitor to the General's Mansion for two or three years. He is a cautious and measured person. After being transferred, he was very concerned about the construction of the new city.

"We must make arrangements for the winter before the end of October. Do we have enough food rations, fuel, and winter clothes? Sixty thousand people, nearly ten thousand households, are all people under your rule. If anything happens, I will only hold you accountable."

"Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely do my best."

Liu Xiang nodded and walked to the palace planned for him. This place is located in the center of the northernmost part of the city. The north wall of the palace area overlaps with a section of the north city wall. There is a specially opened city gate with an urn, many arrow towers, and enemy towers.

, the turret is part of the North City defense system.

Of course, there are still big holes one after another.

"There is no rush for the palace. After the spring of next year, the city wall will be built first, followed by the treasury, and then the office in the center of the city. Just build the palace slowly. Don't treat the people harshly just to meet the construction deadline. I can wait, three years, five

Years, it’s okay.”

"My lord, with the help of cement, we can build the city in one year and complete it in two years. If we hire some hard labor, it can be even faster." Yuan Ba ​​still wanted to shorten the construction period as much as possible.

The leader said that construction can be done slowly, but this cannot be taken seriously. Only by doing it quickly and well can you show your ability and leave a good impression on others.

But his proposal was rejected.

"No, they have to build roads. The top priority is to connect the highways to all parts of Jizhou. With Nancheng here, the new city of Ye County is not so anxious. By the way, tell the wealthy households that the residential areas planned in the new city will

The price for buying land now is favorable, let them bid, no copper coins are required, gold, silver, cloth, grain will do, copper will do, anyway, no copper coins are required."

The new city has one horizontal line from east to west, two vertical lines from north to south, and three main streets, dividing the city into six areas.

The area to the north of the center is the palace, to the south is the office, followed by the officials' residences, to the southwest and southeast are private residences and markets, to the northeast are the treasury and military camps, and to the northwest are military camps.

Liu Xiang didn't need an army to surround himself, so he felt unsafe.

This is a rough plan. South City is much larger than North City because there are more people living in South City.

The closer the house is to the center, the more valuable it is. He wants to auction part of the land to pay for the construction of the new city.

I don’t know how many there are, I’ll give it a try.

Yuan Ba ​​said with some embarrassment: "There must be many people who want to move to the new city. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that that is our capital, but how much land do we need to sell? How much is it worth before we can sell it? Please let me know."

"Don't talk about the quantity, let them make their own bids, and choose the ones with the highest price. First, buy the places facing the street where private houses are located. Excluding the two miles occupied by the government offices, how many mansions can be placed on the five-mile long street so that they will not feel shabby?


"The officials think that there cannot be more than ten families."

"Then let's sell it to five houses first. The starting price is one pound of gold for one foot square."


After riding Baixi around the new city with big pits and small pits for a few times, Liu Xiang returned to the Nancheng Office through the pontoon. Baixi couldn't wait to go back to the stables, and his daughter was waiting for him.

Liu Xiang rubbed her fair cheeks very dissatisfied and complained: "Don't your conscience hurt? Ah? Do you still have a conscience? I'm so good to you, and you won't want to talk to me if you have a new love!"

"Humph~" Baibai muttered impatiently, thinking that the master was ill.

"Oh! Let's go, let's go back to the stables."

Complaining was nothing but complaining, so he sent Bai Xi back to the stable in the back house to take a look at little Rouge.

Rouge is the offspring of Bai Bai and Chi Tu. She is a bright red mare with a diamond-shaped white spot on her forehead and white hooves. She is now half a year old.

The color of Chitu's fur is like charcoal, which is a bit bright red originally. The rouge is lighter than his father's fur, making it more gorgeous. The half-year-old pony's frame has already grown, and the shoulder height is almost 1.4 meters. It is extremely naughty.

No, when I saw someone approaching, I jumped over and came over.

He didn't pay attention to the fair skin of his own mother, and turned his head towards Liu Xiang, causing him to stumble.

So lively!

This is a sheep!

Who can stand the affection of a big lamb with a shoulder height of 1.4 meters, a head height of 1.7 meters, and a length of 1.8 meters?

Liu Xiang covered her chest and ran away.

I asked the groom at the door a few words and asked him to take good care of me.

The groom swore that he would do his best to take good care of this naughty little pony, and also predicted that Rouge would definitely grow to seven feet.

Liu Xiang thought he was talking nonsense. The red dodder was seven and a half feet tall at the shoulders and seven feet fair. With their two genes, as long as their nutrition kept up, wouldn't it be normal for them to grow to seven feet?

Use you to predict?

Liu Xiang rolled her eyes, rubbed her chest and walked to the front office. The attendant just reported that someone was visiting.

The person coming is Cao Mengde.

This chapter has been completed!
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