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Chapter 351: Lao Cao wants to make waves

Sun Jian is moving recently, and he wants to empty out the Chencang.

A few days ago, my friend Liu Yicheng sent another letter to remind him that Dong Zhuo was going to lead his troops back to Chang'an and would inevitably annex his troops.

He fully recognized this point. This was not the first time he had dealt with Thief Dong. He knew very well what kind of creature that man was. He was greedy and domineering. His few soldiers and horses would definitely be swallowed up.

Huangfu Song was watching before, so he didn't dare to make any big moves, so he could only move things secretly. But now that Dong Thief has transferred people away, he can let go and openly transport supplies to Wudu, not only food, but also important supplies.

Take away the people, and leave nothing to Thief Dong except the city wall.

"Tear it down, tear it all down, and move it to Sanguan to be used as rolling stones and wood."

Sun Jian was instructing the civilians to demolish the house. Han Dang's mouth twitched when he saw it. Do you need to be so thorough? Chencang was almost demolished. If he had not led the people in the city to block the Liangzhou bandits from attacking the city, the lord's popularity here would have been

Gao, the people around Chencang have already rebelled.

"Lord, we have to leave quickly. The scouts have reported that Thief Dong's army is almost at Chang'an. If we don't leave, we will be easily hunted down."

"Okay, we'll set off after demolishing this house." Sun Jian agreed readily. He stared at the working men and sighed: "We must be fully prepared this time. A certain good brother Liu Yicheng has accurate information. If he hadn't warned him last time,

, we all have to die in Chencang, with 200,000 people attacking from both sides, how can we defend it with less than 20,000 soldiers?"

Han Dang strongly agrees with this.

At the end of February, before Liu Ai arrived in Chang'an with the emperor and officials, Sun Jian's 16,000 men and 120,000 people from around Chencang retreated into Wudu County, Liangzhou. Together with the prefects of Hanzhong, Su Gu and Baima,

The small Qiang king Tan Mimong formed an alliance, with more than 40,000 troops from the three armies. Relying on the dangerous points of the Qinling Mountains, they drew the ground to defend themselves.

In Liangzhou, Han Sui, Ma Teng, and the kingdom were separatist, and forces such as Zhang Heng, Liang Xing, and Cheng Yi rose up. Liangzhou was completely in chaos, and Dong Zhuo had no time to worry about anything else. He focused entirely on moving the capital and immigrating.

People from two hundred miles around Luoyang were forcibly expelled, and they moved to Guanzhong one by one. When they saw Liu Xiang sending more troops to Hanoi, they believed his lie that he would help stop the enemy. They thought that the Kwantung Allied Forces would not attack in the near future, so they moved to Guanzhong.

The people are somewhat more orderly, but looting and murder by soldiers still occur from time to time, and the people's situation is still difficult.

The worst thing happened to the wealthy households in Luoyang City. Dong Zhuo found a random crime and many people ransacked their homes and exterminated their clans. Hu Zhen was left in Xingyang to be on guard, and all the Aocangs behind him were moved. Lu Bu was recalled and was digging up the imperial tombs. The people buried around Luoyang were

Official mausoleums were also stolen.

At this time, the jujube coalition forces were quarreling.

Qiao Mao, the prefect of Dongjun, was short of food in his army, so he ordered his soldiers to plunder the people of Chenliu. Zhang Miao, the prefect of Chenliu, was so angry that he wanted to kill Qiao Mao and take back the grain and grass. Yuan Yi, the prefect of Shanyang, tried his best to stop him. Zhang Miao's younger brother Zhang Chao wanted to

Helping his brother to eliminate evil, Zang Hongku persuaded him to stop him. Liu Dai, the governor of Yanzhou, looked on with cold eyes. Bao Xin, the prime minister of Jibei Province, was injured and was recuperating in the camp.

The place where banquets used to be was turned into a mess. The main force of the Kwantung Allied Forces sat back and watched Dong Zhuo move the capital.

Yuan Shu was afraid of Liu Biao's army behind him and was stationed in Luyang County, unable to move northward.

Kong Min, the governor of Yuzhou who was stationed in Yingchuan, thought that he did not have enough troops to break through Xuanyuan Pass. Although it was the closest to Luoyang, he could only watch.

The most miserable situation was Wang Kuang, the prefect of Hanoi. Ke Bineng was looking at him in the northwest, and Zhang He in the east was moving the people unscrupulously. He lived alone on the north bank of the Yellow River, living in trepidation, and was awakened by nightmares of defeat and city destruction every day.

He didn't want to spend a day of this day. He was collecting boats recently and wanted to cross the river to seek safety in Jujube.

Also wanting to cross the river was Cao Cao, who was going to Yangzhou.

To be precise, he wanted to take Xiahou Dun and Cao Hong across the Yangtze River to connect Yangzhou Governor Chen Wen and Danyang Governor Zhou Xin for Yuan Shao. He was also accompanied by Chen Lin.

Chen Lin is going to visit Liu Yu, the shepherd of Yangzhou, and persuade Liu Yu to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor to fight against the puppet emperor Liu Xie. If this happens, Yuan Shao will be the first to advocate it, and Liu Yu's reputation and Yangzhou troops can be used to overwhelm Tao Qian.

Borrowing the strength of Xu and Yang, the two states formed an alliance with Jujube to attack Dong Zhuo.

By then, with the combined efforts of the four states of Yan, Yu, Xu, and Yang, great things can be accomplished.

Yuan Shao was not wasting his time in Xuzhou these days. He sent people to lobby the big families and got the support of the Wang family of Langya and the Chen family of Xiapi. The other families were also interested in Yuan family. When Cao Cao arrived, he helped him contact Guangling.

The prefect Zhang Chao, with the support of Guangling County, had suppressed Tao Qian politically.

The only thing missing is soldiers and horses.

Therefore, Cao Cao was sent to Yangzhou to join forces and be responsible for recruiting troops, especially Danyang soldiers.

Tao Qian was able to subdue Xuzhou in the first place because he had a large number of Danyang soldiers under his command, and Yuan Shao also wanted them.

Lao Cao's task was very heavy, because the current political structure in Yangzhou was very chaotic. In addition to convincing Chen Wen and Zhou Xin to join Yuan Shao's camp, he also had to help Liu Yu win support.

Chen Wen, the governor of Yangzhou, did not recognize Liu Yu's position as state pastor, because Liu Yu was the Yangzhou pastor appointed by Dong Zhuo, and he was a polished commander when he took office.

The state shepherd and the governor co-existed, with overlapping powers and great conflicts. Fortunately, neither of them were hot-tempered or ambitious people. They were only stationed in Lujiang County in the west and Wu County in the east. There was a king who could not see the king.

The clans in Yangzhou were powerful and powerful. Liu Yu was unable to control the situation for the time being and could not exercise the power of state pastor. He only had some influence in Wu County near the sea, and it all relied on his personal reputation.

Zhou Xin, the prefect of Danyang in the west of Wu County, was from a powerful family in Kuaiji County. His family had great influence in the local area. He needed to be recognized by the family before he could truly enter the class of a wealthy Han family. Therefore, Cao Cao wanted to go to Danyang first in order to get Zhou Xin.


Then go to Lujiang County to persuade Chen Wen.

With the support of these two people, the six counties of Yangzhou can basically be sorted out. Whether it is Yuan Shao or Liu Yu, they can turn the situation around. Then they can work together to defeat the national traitors, and the world will be stable, which is just around the corner.

Lao Cao's idea was good, and the action went smoothly. When Zhou Xin heard that he could get the approval of the top family, the Runan Yuan family, the person who came to contact him was the legitimate son of the Cao family in Pei. Without any hesitation, he swore on the spot to join.

Yuan Shao's camp.

To show his sincerity, he directly gave Cao Cao two thousand Danyang soldiers, and also sent his younger brother Zhou Zhe to lead two thousand troops to serve with the army.

With Zhou Xin's sincerity, Cao Cao and his party headed westward to Lujiang to visit Chen Wen.

Chen Wen was from Runan, Yuan Shao's township party, and was a family friend of Cao Hong's family. Knowing Cao Cao's intention, he spent all his family resources to get him two thousand soldiers without saying a word.

Lujiang Shangjia is no less than the elite Danyang soldiers.

He had 6,000 elite soldiers under his command, but Lao Cao was so excited that he thought he was capable again, and he was so high-spirited that he wanted to lead his troops north to stab Dong Zhuo in the heart.

Lujiang County in Yangzhou is to the south of Runan County in Yuzhou. Go north to Runan and then go northwest to Yingchuan County. When you reach the northern border of Yingchuan, you can break through Xuanyuan Pass and hit Luoyang City directly.

But Yuan Shao's letter dispelled Cao Cao's idea of ​​​​wanting to go north.

Liu Yu rejected Yuan Shao's proposal and resolutely stated that he would never proclaim himself emperor. In order to show his determination, he took his family south to Kuaiji County that day and hid on the territory of Shanyue.

"Swallowing the Starry Sky: Signing in to Become a God"

He was afraid that he would be captured by Yuan Shao, so he was extremely determined to escape, just to prevent traitors from using his reputation to destroy the little remaining majesty of the Han imperial power.

In fact, when Dong Zhuo deposed the emperor, he already trampled the imperial power under his feet. Later, he killed the young emperor, and the pants of the Han imperial power were almost taken off. If he was pushed to the throne again, then the legitimacy of the Liu family's imperial power would be lost.

It will be gone and there will be no one in the world who knows how many people will become kings and emperors.

The troubled times of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period will soon unfold.

Liu Yu escaped, but Chen Lin could not stop him. The news spread around Yuan Shao and reached Cao Cao's hands, along with Yuan Shao's order to capture Liu Yu.


Have you become Yuan Benchu’s subordinate now?

Cao Cao was very bored.

Whoever wants to go can go, but he won't go anyway. The original recommendation of Liu Yu to ascend the throne made him very disgusted, but the situation forced him to have no other good solution.

Now people are running away.

Great run!

He is worthy of being a loyal and kind man and a role model for our generation.

Cao Cao had no intention of going south at all, so he diverted his troops to Yuzhou and marched to Xuzhou in the east. He wanted to seize Tan County, the seat of Xuzhou, and directly deal with Tao Qian.

Of the five counties in Xuzhou, Yuan Shao himself occupied Langya, and Guangling and Xiapi also supported him. Tao Qian was left with Donghai County and Pengcheng State to defend Qingzhou, and Yanzhou's army was also unable to return to Langya.

What a great opportunity!

What are you still hesitating about?

He wanted to enter the country at Xiapi State, and then march quickly northeast to Tan County in Donghai County. He would catch Tao Qian by surprise and deal with the old man, so Xuzhou would naturally take over.

This chapter has been completed!
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