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Chapter 359: Liangzhou's First Counterattack

The real war is coming, and this is not the case in the past few months, when hundreds of thousands of coalition troops watched helplessly as the enemy immigrated and moved their capital as if they were joking.

Liangzhou's 30,000-strong army passed through the ruins of Luoyang and entered Yingchuan to plunder. Within a month, they successively killed Yuzhou's governor Kong Ni and Yanzhou's governor Liu Dai, and 80,000 Kwantung soldiers were defeated.

The Yanzhou Governor's Office returned less than 20,000 troops to Chenliu County, and thousands of them fled on the road.

Zhang Miao, the prefect of Chenliu, was frightened. All the soldiers and civilians on the Yellow River embankment were mobilized, and nearly 70,000 young men gathered together. He was still uneasy and felt that he could not defeat him.

Messengers asking for help were sent out in waves.

Just as frightened as Zhang Miao was Yang Qi, the governor of Runan. In fact, Runan County, located south of Yingchuan, did not have to worry about the invasion of 30,000 troops.

Runan County was the second most populous county in the Eastern Han Dynasty. It governed 37 counties, with 400,000 households and 2.1 million people. If they were really mobilized, Li Jue and others would not dare to invade the territory.

It is a pity that Yang Qi was born in the Yang family of Hongnong, but he served as an official in the Yuan family's hometown in Runan. The people who sent him wanted him to check and balance the Yuan family.

Sending a delicious little fat sheep into the tiger's mouth, is this a check and balance? This is called losing conscience!

The Yang family of Hongnong and the Yuan family of Runan were both families with four generations and three princes. In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, they fought fiercely. The Yuan family was superior and won the final victory, becoming the best family in the world at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Therefore, Yang Qi had no one to use. He thought for a long time and decided to surrender voluntarily. Although the army in the north was looting, they were returning troops from the imperial court and nominally came to Yingchuan to suppress the rebellion.

It is the duty of local officials to help suppress the rebel army. It is a matter of great righteousness!

However, this is Runan, and Yang Qi's prefecture is like a sieve. The day after he decided to surrender, he was kidnapped by local officials and sent to Yuan Shu.

How could Yuan Gongli let go of such a good opportunity? While eating hot pot and singing songs, he easily pocketed Runan County.

This is his home, no obstacles at all.

We swore an oath in public to gather 100,000 troops to guard our hometown and vow not to stand against the traitors of the country!

Great righteousness has been established, and territory has been occupied. It is much more glorious than Yuan Benchu ​​who ran back to Xuzhou in despair.

Yuan Shu was happy in his heart, seeing that everyone felt happy, so he didn't kill Yang Qi. After all, he was the late emperor's servant, and he was born in the Hongnong Yang family. He didn't want to break up with this top aristocratic family.

Yang Qi saved a small life and felt that he could no longer stay in Guandong, so he went directly to Chang'an. He just lost his jurisdiction. For a person like him, it was not a big deal. There were still people from the Yang family in the court.

Kaifu is just a matter of words.

The place is too chaotic, so it would be more stable to return to the central government and serve.

At this time, Yuan Shu, who occupied Nanyang and Runan, was very high-spirited. Although he only had the land of two counties, he had the two most populous counties in the Han Dynasty in his hands.

The Nanyang County he previously occupied was the most populous county. Like Runan, it also had 37 counties under its jurisdiction, but its population was even greater, with 520,000 households and 2.4 million people.

He suddenly became the third largest prince in the world, with a population of more than 4.5 million and an army of 150,000.

Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Ji, no one dared to offend him.

Although the three of them are all Niu Fu's subordinates, their subordinates have different strengths. Li Jue is the strongest with nearly 15,000 men, Guo Si is the second with 10,000 men, and Zhang Ji is the weakest with only five men.

There are thousands of people, and Fan Chou, who is as weak as him, with five or six thousand people, is following Niu Fu to garrison Anyi in Hedong.

When Dong Zhuo retreated to Chang'an, most of the main force stayed in Hedong County and Hongnong County to defend the eastern front.

The 40,000 men under Niu Fu's command were the most powerful of the Liangzhou Group. The purpose of sending him to Hedong was to pacify the Baibo bandits and then guard against Liu Xiang.

The one who focused on guarding against the Kwantung Allied Forces was Dong Yue, with 20,000 troops stationed in the easternmost part of Hongnong County on the south bank of the Yellow River and Mianchi County to the west of Hangu Pass. Among the three remaining troops, they were closest to Luoyang.

Duan Xuan, who was behind Dong Yue, was stationed in Huayin County, Hongnong. He had 10,000 troops and guarded the steep terrain of Huashan Mountain. He was just a gatekeeper.

Ordinarily Dong Yue should be the first to fight against the Kwantung people. He was the one with the most advanced position among the three armies.

But things are unpredictable. When Cao Cao pursued, the nearest place was only 160 miles away. Then, the Kwantung Allied Forces disbanded inexplicably.

Dong Yue stayed in Hongnong County honestly, waiting for grain and grass supplies after the autumn harvest, and refused to move eastward. The Guandong people did not come to trouble him, but instead built river embankments.

There was indeed something wrong with their minds. Dong Yue couldn't guess what the other party was thinking, so he was cautious.

The embankments were built for several months, and the people were not allowed to disperse until the autumn harvest, because it rained heavily for a long time in the late summer and early autumn. The Yellow River was churning with turbid waves, wreaking havoc on the middle and lower reaches of the river. Dong Yue began to feel that there was something on the other side.

A capable man, he moved the army's garrison to a high slope.

Still on cautious alert.

He could wait with peace of mind because Hongnong finally collected some food, enough for his troops.

But Hedong was devastated by the Baibo thieves and the Huns, and Liangzhou soldiers were constantly searching and imprisoning them. How could there be anyone left to farm?

Niu Fu had no choice but to send most of his soldiers and horses to cross the Yellow River with difficulty, preparing to rely on looting to meet military needs. However, there were less than 200,000 people in Hongnong County on the south bank, and they were hit by a wave of disasters when they moved the capital.

Dong Yue's men continued to cause trouble for several months.

How can it be possible to meet the military supplies of an army of 40,000 people if there is not even one hair left?

Li Jue and three others simply turned around and headed eastward. Anyway, the Prime Minister had issued an order to find an opportunity to wipe out the Guandong people.

Kong Ni, who was stationed in Yingchuan, and Liu Dai, who took the initiative to attack, were unlucky.

When it comes to plundering, the more they plunder, the more greedy they become. Yingchuan can no longer satisfy the greed of the Liangzhou people. Li Jue and the other three met to discuss it. The north was Liu Xiang's territory and they didn't dare to go there. The west and south were Yuan Shu's territory and they didn't dare to go.

Well, there is a king named Liu Chong in the Chen Kingdom in the southeast. Although he has less than 20,000 soldiers and horses, he has thousands of powerful crossbows, so he is not easy to mess with.

As a result, Chenliu in the east was invaded by three armies. Zhang Miao had 70,000 soldiers, 50,000 of whom were civilians. They were not even fully equipped with weapons and were beaten to a pulp.

His brother Zhang Chao has returned to Xuzhou and will not be able to support him for a while. Bao Xin and others want to come to support him, but they think of the mess in the alliance and feel that they must first find someone who can coordinate all parties. Only in this way can they feel relieved.

Of the entire Kwantung Allied Forces, only Cao Cao dared to fight. Regardless of whether he won or not, he was the only one who sent out troops to fight.

The decision is yours, Cao Mengde!

In September of the first year of Chuping, Cao Cao was elected as the governor of Yanzhou by a group of officials in Yanzhou, preparing to rely on him to resist the invasion of Liangzhou soldiers and horses.

But now Boss Cao is no longer the Cao Mengde who regarded himself as a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty. He has begun to understand the rules of this world and only has one thing in his eyes: soldiers and horses.

As soon as he took office, he took over the remnant troops of the former governor Liu Dai, and blackmailed some soldiers, horses, and war equipment from various counties, and assembled an army of 30,000 to fight against the Liangzhou people.

He can't do it unless he fights hard. He only has soldiers and horses but no territory. All supplies depend on the prefects of each county. People come to him to ask him to fight hard.

He saw one thing clearly again: territory.

No matter what ideas you have, the first step now is to drive away the Liangzhou people, otherwise, everything will be in vain.

With the intention of fighting to the death, he led his troops into Chenliu.

The south bank of the Yellow River is covered with clouds of war, the turbid waves are rolling in the river, and the infrastructure in Hebei is still under construction.

Not without action, Zhou Cang ran to the south bank again.

In recent years, under the name of Liu Xiang, he has contacted the Yellow Turbans, contacted the insurrectionary troops, attracted the people at the bottom, and pulled people back like a hook. Hundreds of thousands of people have been hooked by him.

If Liu Xiang was the biggest human trafficker in the late Han Dynasty, then Zhou Cang was his most useful legionnaire.

The target this time was the 300,000 young men on the south bank embankment. Things were going quite smoothly at first. We contacted many popular leaders and prepared to slow down the water a little, so we sent a boat to meet them. As long as we act quickly, we can pull 300,000 men.

If you don’t leave, two hundred thousand is still no problem.

As a result, people from Liangzhou came, and many people were recruited into the army. If the water hadn't been strong, there would have been no one on the embankment.

Zhou Cang was so angry that tens of thousands of his performance was lost, but there was nothing he could do. People could not leave people on the embankment now. If he caused the Yellow River to burst its embankment in order to pull people in, it would be a big sin.

So angry!

If I can’t pull away the young people on the embankment, can I still not pull away their families?

Most of the troops in Yanzhou have been transferred to fight against the people of Liangzhou. There are fewer people to supervise the people. No one is paying attention to the countryside. I want to steal people behind you.

In September, the rainy season had passed, and the water in the Yellow River was no longer as difficult to sail as in July and August. Zhou Cang's plan to steal people went smoothly.

The young and strong people on the embankment cover each other. It is impossible to see anything if a few sneak away. They return to their hometowns to deliver messages. Those who are willing to escape to the north bank pretend to be refugees and gather on the shore. Yunfanying sends a big boat to sneak out.

Shipping back.

Originally, in the early morning and evening, I took advantage of the bad weather to board the ship in a remote place. Later, I became more and more courageous, and I dared to board the ship in front of the defenders on a sunny day.

Later, they directly shot the defenders and were escorted by warships. The big ship stopped at the ferry where the water was slow to pull people away, including young people and their families.

"Swallowing the Starry Sky: Signing in to Become a God"

Finally, the defenders were transported to the north bank together.

In twelve days, the entire Yunfan Battalion was dispatched, with thirty-eight warships and three hundred large transport ships. Lian Qingzhuang and his family moved away more than 400,000 people, and took away tens of thousands of prisoners.

During this period, Cao Cao had recovered most of Chenliu County. When he wanted to return to his army, there was no one on the Yellow River embankment and the Yellow River had calmed down.

Because the embankment burst upstream.

Dong Zhuo did not repair the river embankment. The water was so strong that the Luoyang river section was damaged and burst after being washed for two months.

If the captured Liangzhou prisoners hadn't confessed, no one would have discovered it.

There was no man's land there, but now it's a vast country. The 30,000 troops who were preparing to return to support Hedong were rushed to pieces.

Niu Fu was defeated and could not stand in Hedong, but the traffic around Luoyang was cut off, so it was impossible to go there for exploration in a short time.

This chapter has been completed!
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