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Chapter 364 Poison Apple

Xia Houyuanrang was famous for his courage when he was young. When someone insulted his teacher when he was fourteen years old, he was angry and killed him, so he was praised by the scholars.

Later, he followed Cao Cao in his crusade against the Yellow Turbans, and until now, he has been named Zhechong Xiaowei, leading the governor of Dongjun. He is an honest official, has no property, and has no money left in his family. He is loved by the officials and the people. When he leads the army, he takes the lead and shares all the rewards.

He is highly respected by his subordinates and military officers.

He was also extremely studious and would hire teachers to teach him whenever he had time, even in the military.

The character is really good.

It's a pity that if you don't know how to fight, you just don't know how to fight, and you don't know if you are so eager to learn. What have you learned? You should indeed act quickly to rescue friendly troops. After all, rescuing troops is like putting out fires, and the principle of speed is good.

But, there is no one like him.

The troops of more than 10,000 people all ran away in twos and threes, and the team became a thin line, stretching for five miles. This is not a long snake formation, but rice noodles crossing a bridge.

How could the infantry, which was traveling on two legs, keep up with the boats going down the river?

Won't you let the ship wait for the troops?

Do we have to chase the boat?

In case of being attacked, there is no possibility of forming a formation to resist. The enemy cannot be delayed in the attacked area, and the follow-up troops have no chance to assemble. They will always be in a state of fighting with fewer troops and more skirmishers.

When Liu Xiang led the cavalry to charge forward, the Yanzhou army fired less than a hundred arrows, all of which were deflected by Su Wei's armor and arrow-proof light shields. No casualties were caused, and there was no hindrance effect at all.

Xiahou Dun, who was taking the lead, met Zhao Yun who was charging ahead. It must be said that his personal martial arts skills were good, and he was not knocked down by Zhao Yun. The two of them fought and passed each other.

Then he faced Dian Wei. When his old strength was gone and new strength was yet to emerge, he did not dare to force a fight. He tried his best to use the spear shaft to hold the enemy general's halberd branch, but what he faced was that he was holding a weighted long halberd.

A powerful man with a halberd.

Dian Wei shouted loudly, fought with his arms, and knocked Xiahou Dun off his horse.

"Capture him alive."

Liu Xiang saw clearly from behind and stopped Su Wei who wanted to make up for his drink.

The guards around him were all skilled in martial arts. The one who was stopped did a trick, raised his sword upward, away from the chest and abdomen, and gently poked the helmet tassel.

Xiahou Dun, who had just stood up, threw his head and neck back and was knocked to the ground by the speed of the galloping horse. It is not known whether he was hit with a concussion or fell blind. After struggling twice, he couldn't get up.

Su Wei, who followed up, leaned forward and stretched his arms. With the help of his horse power, he grabbed the silk ribbon that bound his armor and pulled him onto the horse.

Xiahou Dun grunted and was placed heavily on the saddle bridge. The high bridge saddle was pressing against his stomach and kept bumping as the horse galloped.

Dizziness, stomachache, nausea.

The pain came one after another, making him so uncomfortable that he almost died.

Xiahou Dun was captured, his personal guards were killed and dispersed, the general Yaqi fell down, and the hundreds of soldiers who had just gathered were scattered in a rush.

After charging forward for a while, the long and thin marching team had no resistance at all. The Su Wei's horse power began to decrease, and there was no need to consume too much. Liu Xiang ordered Yue Qi to continue to strangle the enemy troops, and he led the Su Wei away.

Horses, go aside to groom.

Yan Gang led the Yueqi battalion to attack for five miles, chased for ten miles, strangled 7,000 enemy troops, and captured 4,000 people. Many of the ships carrying baggage escaped, but only more than 20 ships were captured, and more than 3,000 shi of food and grass were obtained.

There are more than 60,000 arrows.

The battle lasted for an afternoon, and the reinforcements from Dongjun supporting Jibei Kingdom were destroyed.

It is estimated that these soldiers and horses are the main force defending Yanzhou. Should we simply capture Yanzhou?

Mobilize the army stationed in Jizhou to go south, and take advantage of the absence of Cao Cao's main force to capture Yanzhou.

But what about the future?

Cao Cao's main force was not damaged, he was so strong, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu were not stupid, and he was forced to create a situation where the three families joined forces.

The soldiers and horses of the three states of Yu, Xu, and Yang join forces to move northward. Yanzhou has no danger to defend and will definitely become a quagmire of war. It will eventually exhaust itself and bring it down. Dong Zhuo in Guanzhong is eyeing it and will definitely take the opportunity to move eastward.

Who do you think he will hit first?

In this world, the person who fears Liu Xiang's strength the most is Fatty Dong.

Yanzhou is a poisonous apple. It tastes sweet but cannot be eaten, at least not now.

Capture Taishan to obtain a westward barrier for Qingzhou, force Cao Cao to retreat, and alleviate Yuan Shu's crisis, and then plot Xuzhou Langya to distract Yuan Shao's attention, allowing Yuan Shu to survive the disaster of destruction, causing constant conflicts in Yuzhou, and preventing the three families from joining forces.

After cleaning the battlefield and burying the corpses, the army rested for a day and returned to the camp in Lu County. They used the prisoners as civilian husbands and put people under guard to guard Xiahou Dun.

I don't want to kill him because I don't want to stimulate Cao Cao too much. The boss Cao now is not the tycoon he will be in the future. What if he gets hot-headed and has to fight for himself?

Liu Xiang did not like fighting unnecessary wars.

The camp is still building siege equipment, but more than a hundred oars have been built, so waiting around is not his style.

There are one hundred and fifty artillery carriages, one hundred crossbow carriages in the light carriage battalion, and more than one hundred oar carriages, two thousand crossbowmen in the archery battalion, two thousand soldiers in the guard battalion, and one thousand guardsmen.

, a total of 8,000 troops came to the east gate of Lu County and began to test the attack.

The soldiers stood up on the left and right to prevent the enemy from coming out of the city to harass the flanks. The crossbowmen pushed the oars forward to kill the defenders on the city. The crossbows followed to increase the intensity of the attack. The artillery carts marked the firing range and kept an eye on the city gate to guard against the enemy.

The army suddenly left the city.

The range of the light chariot battalion's single-shot cannon is similar to that of a strong crossbow. You don't dare to get too close to the city wall at this time. If you want to attack the city wall, you have to wait for the seven-shot cannon to be built.

The Suwei serves as the back line to prevent the enemy from attacking behind.

Eight thousand men and horses were in strict formation, with flags like clouds and crossbows like rain. The Lu County defenders hid behind the battlements and trembled.

Bao Xin knew this was a test, but he was still palpitating. Were those crossbowmen shooting too accurately? Two thousand people or three thousand people? They killed more than a hundred people in one encounter, and injured hundreds more.

Now the soldiers are hiding behind the battlements, but some people will still be shot, and the casualties are still increasing.

In less than an hour, there were three to four hundred corpses lying on the city wall, and even more were injured.

How could there be so many casualties?

He couldn't figure it out. He had fought in battles, and a hail of arrows couldn't actually kill many people. He understood this, but the crossbowmen on the opposite side were unreasonable.

Bao Xin couldn't figure it out, but Liu Xiang knew why this happened.

There are 4,000 people in the Shesheng Battalion. They are the best crossbowmen among the hundreds of thousands of troops. They have been trained rigorously for several years and have excellent shooting skills. The defenders of Lu County are mostly new soldiers and young men recruited.

The gap between the soldiers was too big. The new soldiers and the conscripted civilians didn't know how to avoid arrows. When the crossbowmen of the Sheng Sheng Battalion came up, they dared to stand at the crenel and look down. When they fired back, they shot arrows straight in the front.

That is courting death.

The enemy can kill people even if they lob shots from behind the battlements. Faced with such shooting skills, they dare to show their heads and fight back head on. If they don't die, who will die?

Veterans all know that when faced with the enemy's crossbow suppression, you have to hide behind cover and fight back from the side. The enemy in front of you will naturally be prepared. If you have to fight back from the front, you have to move out quickly and return quickly. How can you stand still to death?

It doesn't move, and it's not like it covers and shoots enemies who can't fight back during battle.

Standing at the crenel, drawing the bow and loading the arrow, it would be unreasonable not to shoot you to death first.

Two thousand crossbowmen suppressed the east city. The defenders of Lu County did not dare to take the lead, and counterattacks on the city were sparse.

But Liu Xiang did not send anyone to take advantage of the opportunity to fill the river. He focused on other city gates in Lu County.

He should come out, right? Being beaten and not fighting back is very damaging to morale.

Don't let me down, Bao Xin.

While muttering to himself, he looked back in the direction of the camp.

Bao Xin is not a veteran general, he has little experience in leading troops, and he doesn't know much about cavalry. He didn't lead a large group of cavalry in this expedition, so I don't know if he can be deceived.

This chapter has been completed!
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