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Chapter 375: The Beginning of the Great Pioneering Era

The Yellow Turbans in Xuzhou have spread across three counties and are getting stronger every day. With their number reaching 300,000, they have become the largest Yellow Turban force.

Next is the White Wave Yellow Turban, which stretches across the east of the river and has grown to more than 100,000 people.

This is the last afterglow of the Yellow Turban Uprising.

It just ran counter to the Yellow Turban Army led by Zhang Jiao.

The current Yellow Turban Army behaves like thieves, ranging from aristocratic families to traffickers and pawns. They rob everyone wherever they go. They even plunder and annex each other, only destroying.

Don't know about construction.

Their main subjects were landless peasants who could no longer survive. However, after occupying the land, they did not do any farming. They just burned, killed and looted non-stop, creating more people who could no longer survive.

Everyone hates them, including the people they hold hostage.

At this point, the Yellow Turban Uprising is about to come to an end.

Liu Xiang watched with cold eyes, showing no intention of sending troops to suppress the bandits. Xuzhou was Yuan Shao's territory. If he wanted to fight, it was his turn to fight.

The autumn harvest is coming soon, so it’s important to take care of your own territory and safely receive the grain into the granary.

Last year, he prepared more than 6 million stones of food and grass to attack Qingzhou. As a result, he occupied three more counties, and the budget exceeded 2 million stones. He had to make up for it this year. This incident gave up the idea of ​​continuing to use large-scale troops.

No matter how good the soldiers are at fighting, they will turn into soft-legged shrimps if they are not well fed.

Food is the driving force of the army and the first factor in stabilizing a place.

The three counties of Langya, Taishan, and Jibei were merged into Qingzhou. Now Qingzhou has nine counties and a population of 3.6 million. It is the place with the highest population density among all Liu Xiang's territories. The problem of insufficient land is gradually emerging.

Langya, in particular, has many hills and a large population. Even if all the fields of the aristocratic families are redeemed, it will not be enough for the distribution plan of fifteen acres per person.

Because he also allocated land to the women of Chengding, the per capita land possession increased, and naturally it was not enough.

"My lord, reduce the share of land, or reduce the number of women who share the land. The problem of land allocation in Langya will naturally be solved, and the people will accept it. Most of the taxes have been abolished. If the land is divided less, it will not cause resentment among the people."

The plan put forward by Xun Yu was, to put it bluntly, to reduce expenditures.

But what Liu Xiang wants is open source.

"How many people in Langya can't share the land?"

"More than a hundred thousand."

“Is it also available in other places in Qingzhou?”

"There are more than 40,000 people in other counties and counties. I choose people with poor reputation to open up wasteland or plant mulberries and fruits. But there are too many people in Langya, so I can't arrange it like this." Xun Yu couldn't let so many people open up wasteland or plant crops.

Tree, that will cause a riot.

In fact, the mountainous Taishan County was most short of land. The problem was solved by moving part of the population to the nearby Jibei Kingdom. But when it was Langya's turn, there was no nearby county that could arrange it.

Liu Xiang touched the newly grown stubble on his jaw and decided to immigrate. There was a serious shortage of people in Liaodong. There was a huge shortage of people in the Liaohe Plain, but there was no one.

In recent years, Yang Gu has been using more than 200,000 troops to clear up wasteland, and it is almost impossible to plant anymore. Many places have begun to rotate farming, planting one year and resting one year, which is too wasteful.

"Those who cannot be divided into fields in Langya will immigrate to Liaodong and directly divide the cultivated fields. Those who have committed crimes and are not worthy of beheading will be sent to Liaodong military camps to open up wasteland. Those big clans will break up part of the population and immigrate to Liaodong to farm. Those who dare to resist

, beheaded in public display.”

Flooding with immigrants was a good way to stabilize the frontier, but Xun Yu couldn't accept it if he had to attack clans for no reason.

"To punish someone without committing a crime is to be cruel and undesirable. My lord wants to take over the world, so he should follow the way of a saint. How can he do such an act that greatly loses the support of the people?"

Liu Xiang frowned. He had been with Xun Yu for so long and had some understanding of his ideas. He was loyal to the Han Dynasty, but the Han Dynasty in Xun Wenruo's heart was not the child sitting on the throne, but Liu Xiang.

Han orthodox.

His political pursuit was for saints to rule from above and for scholar-bureaucrats to shepherd and guard the world.

What I yearn for is that the Liu Han royal family and the scholars rule the world together.

This guy is suitable to live in the Song Dynasty.

In the past, his words and deeds did not oppose Liu Xiang's struggle for world hegemony. Even when he was admonishing, he guided him to be a wise king. The only difference was his attitude towards the nobles.

Seek common ground while reserving differences. How many people in this world have the same ideas as you? If you want to employ people, you must be tolerant.

Regarding the handling of the Qingzhou clan issue, Liu Xiang was not too insistent. The clan issue was really complex and should not be too simple and crude.

Under the oppression of the army, they can be dismembered at will, but the resentment will be buried deep in their hearts.

"According to Wen Ruo's intention, what should be done? If you leave it alone, it will become a hidden danger."

Liu Xiang posed the problem to Xun Yu. You object to dealing with the clan in this way. I can listen to your opinion, but you have to come up with a solution.

Xun Yu already had a countermeasure: "My lord encourages the reclamation of wasteland. If the reclamation is successful, he will be rewarded with a corresponding title depending on the number of mature fields. This method is indeed a good strategy. Can you encourage clans and scholars to go to the frontier to cultivate land? And provide corresponding support?"

"Wen Ruo, what do you think? Tell me carefully."

"Creating wasteland requires extremely high manpower and material resources, and the returns are too slow. The common people do not have the financial resources. Nowadays, the scholar's clan's land has been redeemed in large quantities, and they have a lot of money in their hands. I think it is better to support them to open up wasteland in the frontiers.

Material transportation and security can be provided by the army. If the land reclamation is successful, corresponding titles can be awarded. The land will not be taken back. Someone will definitely be tempted, and it can also maintain the stability of the border."

Liu Xiang thought for a while, wasn't this the great pioneering movement in Western Europe in the Middle Ages, which was supported by the church and paid by the nobles to lead farmers to reclaim the wasteland. For this reason, a group of pioneering knights were born.

Later, the colonial policy in the Age of Discovery was also a variation of this thing.

Although there are various hidden dangers, there are also many benefits.

"Wen Ruo's method is indeed a good strategy, but it is not suitable for Liaodong. Liaodong is based on military settlements and can only be filled by individual immigrants."

The Liaohe Plain is the advance base for entering the Northeast. Although it is still unable to develop the Northeast, it has been operating as a strategic fulcrum.

Liu Xiang thought for a while and felt that the Korean Peninsula could be left to the nobles to toss around. Even if a group of powerful people appeared and the land export was in their hands, the navy was not something these people could afford. Even if the worst happened,

It's also within your control.

It can also suppress the living space of the Sanhan tribe and save the ancestors of those sticks from jumping around. Five thousand people from the Liaodong garrison were dragged there, which was annoying to death.

Thinking of this, he said: "Wen Ruo's pioneering method can be implemented in Lelang County. Both land and sea transportation can be supported, but one thing is that we cannot take away too many people. The labor can capture the barbarians and natives as slaves.

, it is strictly forbidden to enslave Han people.

Gentlemen from other prefectures and counties can also go. They only need to be registered in the general's office. They will be tax-free for three years and will be rewarded with titles based on the cultivated land. The land tax will also be collected."

"My lord is wise."

Xun Yu was very happy that his lord could listen to his advice and he was one step closer to becoming the wise king in his mind. This made him feel full of accomplishment.

Liu Xiang didn't know that Xun Wenruo had found the joy of playing a development game, and he was still thinking about developing Liaodong:

"The policy of immigrating to Liaodong cannot be relaxed. Langya's land allocation should not reduce its share. Those who have no land to allocate are encouraged to go to Liaodong. The Qingzhou Fleet and Liaodong Fleet can be responsible for transportation. The official will provide them with housing, rations, seeds, and cattle.

, the government also provides interest-free loans to let them know that life will be better if they go to Liaodong."

"The official obeys the order!"

By cultivating deeply and extensively, plowing and fighting, Liu Xiang will become stronger as he fights harder.

This chapter has been completed!
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