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Chapter 382: Catching Fire

The 4,000 soldiers of the infantry battalion's right command were stationed in the Miyagi defense area that night.

Why so anxious?

Liu Xiang lacks a sense of security.

There was a lot of noise when mobilizing troops at night. The scholars inside and outside Ye County were frightened and stayed up all night.

This man started making moves as soon as he came back. They were all alert and had to restrain themselves and behave cautiously. The incompetent children in the family were repeatedly warned not to cause trouble. If they offended Liu Piao's cavalry, they would definitely die and the family would be implicated.

At noon the next day, five hundred guardsmen rushed back to Ye County, settled directly in the palace city, and took over the gate of the inner palace.

On the third day, Zhou Cang came back quickly and all the guards were in place.

In the evening, Zuo Sima of the Hu Cavalry Battalion and the Infantry Battalion arrived at the station.

On the fourth day, the selection of the city gate captains was completed, the Nancheng guards were assembled, the Beicheng District was directly stationed, and the Nancheng District troops were temporarily stationed in the Beicheng military camp, waiting for the construction of the Nancheng to be completed.

It was not until the seventh day that all the defenders of the two acropolis arrived, and the defense system of Ye County was completed.

Liu Xiang had enough rest and walked out of the palace gate.

"It's such a pity, why no one is doing something? The new city has not been moved for a long time, the city defense system is unclear, the army has not returned, and the Lord has not returned. This is a God-given opportunity. If we don't do an assassination or a mutiny, I'm sorry for such a good situation.


Rice Ball Exploration

He stood outside the Nangong Gate, talking in a low voice.

After saying that, he still complained without saying anything: "It's so disappointing, a bunch of incompetent guys."

When Liu Xiang visited the city a few days ago, he found that there were too many scholars around Ye County. The ten-mile boundary from the east gate to the book city was almost filled with large and small manors and houses. Outside the four walls of the book city,

It is also full of gentry mansions attached to Guo.

He couldn't count how many people there were. They were definitely more than the residents of the city. There must be at least 300,000 people in those places.

Liu Yu was good at managing civil affairs. He built a market two or three miles wide and four or five miles long by the river in the east of the city. There was also a dock inside, and a row of warehouses were built on both sides of the dock.

Seeing the bustle and bustle of people coming and going, I made a lot of money from those scholars.

But it’s still the same sentence. He is so good at civil affairs and military strategy. He moved to a new city. There are hundreds of thousands of people in the city and hundreds of thousands outside the city. You can understand by listening to the accent that most of the people outside the city

Not a native of Jizhou.

He actually had no vigilance at all. There were 14,000 defenders with unknown leadership, the defense area was in chaos, and the city defense system had not been set up at all. He probably had no idea who would be the first to engage in battle and who would have backup support.

There was no arrangement for the defense of the palace. It was the infantry battalion You Sima who mobilized a thousand soldiers on his own initiative.

If an accident occurs, the army will be in chaos.

On the other hand, the city magistrates, thieves, and youxi made arrangements very clearly. With so many people gathering, the security was pretty good.

Regardless of whether the old man Liu Yu avoided suspicion or whether the army did not listen to his orders, the blame for Ye County's defense chaos must be placed on him.

"I came and sent an audience to convey the order. Jizhou's military and military affairs were in chaos. He was fined for three months. His son Liu He was conscripted and served as a lieutenant in the general's mansion."

The visitor took the order and left, walked through the street, turned east, and entered the Prefectural Animal Husbandry Department Office. The whole journey was less than a mile.

The Jizhou Prefectural Animal Husbandry Office is on the east side across the street from Nangongmen. On the west side are the Si Nong and Jiang Zuo offices. The temporary offices of Wei County Prefecture and Ye County County Government are also here. When Nancheng is built, they will

Move over.

After throwing away the pot, Liu Xiang pointed to the east side of the small square outside Nangong Gate and said:

"Put up a four-corner pavilion there, put a big drum inside, and put a notice next to it. Set up a Dengwen drum here. If the people have grievances, they can come to me to complain. If they beat it randomly, they will be sent to Liaodong to open up wasteland."

"Wei." The attendant accepted the order and turned around to enter the palace city to find Cang Cao to allocate money and supplies.

Now that public and private matters are clearly distinguished, this kind of thing has to be paid for by his inner government.

Liu Xiang stood comfortably outside the palace gate basking in the sun. The sunshine today was good, and it warmed his body, dispelling the coldness of winter.

"Go to Zhao Aier's house and invite her and Fei Changfang to come and enjoy the scenery."

The weather is nice and the sun is shining brightly. Today I can try to make a lens made of ice. After gaining experience, I can make a sample telescope.

He did not go back to the palace, but was basking in the sun here just to tell others that he was in the city. He was in a good mood and didn't need to be too nervous. He was also waiting for Liu He to come and answer his orders.

He was surrounded by Su Wei and a group of attendants with missing eyes, broken faces, broken hands, and numerous scars.

Liu Xiang's attendants were all wounded soldiers who had retired from the guard. Those with nimble legs and feet were responsible for delivering messages and running errands, those who could speak well were responsible for reception, and those with limited mobility naturally took care of themselves at home.

They have very distinctive characteristics, including many scars, high titles, and strong martial arts. Most people cannot defeat them.

I only saw one or two, which was fine. When a group of such people gathered, it was natural to keep strangers away.

When Liu He came to answer the order, he lowered his eyebrows and didn't dare to raise his head. He got the order from the scholars around the book city to recruit teachers and prepared to open elementary schools in various counties. He walked in a hurry and raised his head.

He didn't even look back and ran away.

"This Liu Zhonglang is too cowardly." One of the attendants, who had been slashed in the face and had a long scar from his forehead to the corner of his mouth, commented on Liu He's courage.

The attendant who was missing one eye answered: "Well, it's not much bigger than a rabbit. If you look at it at a certain point, you won't dare to look up."

"Ugly people tend to do mischief. Is it because Liu Langjun is cowardly? It's because he feels disgusted when he sees you! Hahahaha." A servant with no scars on his face and only one broken hand mocked at the side.

"Hahaha, you're not much better, don't ask me to help you lift your pants next time!"

Several attendants and guards began to joke, making fun of others or mocking their colleagues. There was a cheerful atmosphere outside the palace gate.

Liu Xiang smiled and listened to their nonsense. Standing among these crooked melons and cracked jujubes, he felt even more handsome.

Once upon a time, he was surrounded by these people and bravely charged into battle.

The wounds of these people were suffered because of him, and many of them blocked the enemy's arrows, swords and spears for him. No matter how vicious or ugly they were, he did not find them ugly.

It’s just scarier when you smile!

When Zhao Aier walked over, her calves were a little cramped and she couldn't walk forward. Until she saw the handsome Hussar General in the crowd, she suddenly felt that today's Liu Hussar was extremely dazzling and extremely handsome.

"Since you are here, please follow me into the palace. The craftsmen have already found suitable ice cubes in the ice cellar."

"Thank you, General." Zhao Aier's voice was a little wavy.

"It's a crime for us to wait for you, General." Fei Changfang was much more polite. Although he was trembling, he insisted on bowing and saluting.

When he greets them outside the door, he treats them as distinguished guests. He is extremely grateful in his heart and must insist on thanking them.

"Fei Gong, there is no need to be polite, please." Liu Xiang returned the courtesy and invited the guests to come in.

"General, please." Fei Changfang slowly walked towards the palace gate.

Zhao Aier came back to her senses and saluted before realizing it. Liu Xiang was about to turn around and walk, but the salute almost missed his waist. He quickly extended his hand and said, "No need to be polite, Miss Zhao."

Everyone walked into the inner palace and stopped in the square in front of the high platform. Liu Xiang gave an order, and the craftsmen brought in the ice cubes that had been selected in advance, had good permeability and had no bubbles.

Using axes and chisels together, a convex lens the size of a washbasin was carved out, and the surface was polished smooth.

Under the sunlight, the ice lens placed on the wooden frame was crystal clear and sparkling, as beautiful as a pure diamond. The light was refracted in the ice, and a palm-sized spot of light gathered on the side and bottom of the wooden frame.

The attendant handed over a ball of tinder the size of a fist, and was ordered to find a wooden board more than a foot square.

Liu Xiang placed the wooden board holding the tinder on the ground, put on his gloves with linen, and picked up the convex lens made of ice. It was so heavy that it fell on his hands. The cold ice made his fingers hurt like needles, so he quickly put them on the carving machine again.

Ice cubes on wooden shelf.

Ugh, my IQ is short-circuited, so shameful!

Fortunately, the people around him didn't know what he was doing.

"Ahem, the quality is good and the craftsmanship is good." He coughed dryly, praised the craftsman, and pretended to check the quality of the lens.

"Thank you for the compliment, General!" Several craftsmen, whose hands were red from the cold, bowed to each other and trembled with excitement.

Liu Xiang nodded, and casually bent down to pick up the wooden board on the ground, placed it against the light spot under the wooden frame, and slowly lifted it up, looking for the focus position.

The light spot became smaller and smaller until it became a dazzling light spot, shining on the tinder.

Now you need to wait patiently.

After about half a quarter of an hour, the tinder began to smoke, then turned black and red, and flames burst out.

This trick, in modern times, can at most coax a six-year-old child, but anyone over the age of seven will scorn it.

But this was in the Han Dynasty.

"Fire in the void!" Fei Changfang stared, jumped three feet high, like a rooster with its neck pinched, roared at the top of his lungs, and pounced on him.

As soon as Zhao Jing stretched out his hand, he pulled him back. After protecting Liu Xiang, he whispered in his ear: "My lord has taken the sky fire? Is there any taboo? Do you need me to hide the secret of heaven?"

He still hasn't forgotten how he set up a tent to "shield the secrets" during a thunderstorm when he was making soap.

Liu Xiang blew out the newly ignited flame: "No, I will tell you the principle later, you can all do it."

Fei Changfang rolled around on the ground. After hearing this, he did not stand up. He knelt on his knees and bowed his head: "Your Majesty has taught you this great Dharma. Fei is willing to worship you as your teacher. Master."

Your Majesty is above, and I will be bowed down by my disciples!"

"Fei Gong, please come quickly. I don't want to accept disciples. This is not a magic spell. I will tell you the principle later."

Liu Xiang saw Zhao Aier's eyes wide open, her mouth open, staring intensely at the wooden board in her hand, and he handed these two things to her: "Check to see if they are genuine and see if there are any manipulations."

"Ah? Oh, oh."

Zhao Aier held the board and looked at it carefully, as if he was trying to poke a hole in the board with his focused gaze. Finally, he discovered that it was an ordinary board, and the tinder used to start the fire was nothing special.

"Why is this so?"

This chapter has been completed!
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