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Chapter 384 The strategic focus is about to shift

When Liu Xiang was "preaching" to people and instructing craftsmen to make telescopes.

People around Ye County were filled with excitement surrounding his actions.

On the day he came back, he took hundreds of cavalry for a ride outside the city. For the next seven days, he hid in the palace, and there were frequent troop movements inside and outside the city.

This action frightened many people. Today, he finally showed up. Although he was just standing outside the palace gate to greet the guests, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that this person had no intention of attacking them.

Especially Liu Yu, who has not been able to eat or sleep well these days, and is afraid that Liu Xiang will attack the scholars outside the city. This is because he used the influence of the bookstore and his own reputation to guide him here, and it cost a lot of money.

of effort.

During the war in the Central Plains, many scholars and common people fled to the south, which enhanced the strength of others.

Although he does not know how to fight, he knows that war is about money and food. Where does money and food come from? Only when there is a population can there be money and food.

Guiding scholars to take refuge in Jizhou created a trend. The ignorant people in Guizhou will naturally follow the trend. This is a big move he made. Once implemented, if the people in war-torn areas want to flee, their first choice will be

It's Jizhou.

If things go on like this, the population in Hebei will surely flourish. Liu Yicheng is a capable fighter, so why worry about the uncertainty of the world?

This matter has just begun, and not enough nobles have been attracted. Counting the tribes they brought with them, there are only more than 200,000. He was afraid that Liu Xiang would be too hostile to the scholars and send troops to kill them, so

All previous efforts have been wasted.

In the past seven days, he had asked to see him more than ten times, but he could not even step into the palace.

He didn't feel at ease until he was fined a salary.

He was actually quite unconvinced by the charge of military and political chaos. There were nearly 15,000 troops around Ye County, including the book city and the two acropolises. How could those relocated scholars be able to defeat them?

He had seen military exercises in the army and admired Liu Xiang's ability to run the army. The soldiers were all strong and strong, especially the four thousand soldiers in the infantry battalion. They were so tough. Who dared to cause trouble with such a strong force? Pull him out of the city.

, they can be wiped out.

But he was willing to bear the crime.

There must be a reason for frequent troop mobilizations, because his military and political affairs are in chaos, so the hussar generals have to adjust their defenses as soon as they return and have nothing to do with other things.

This can make people feel at ease.

This can only end here.

It doesn't matter whether you really wanted to deploy troops to surround and kill those scholars, or whether you wanted to lure out the rebels.

If you admit your guilt, it will be in the past. These scholars can live in the surroundings of Ye County with peace of mind, and the plan to attract the population can continue to be implemented.

Liu Yu breathed a long sigh of relief and felt very tired. At noon, he went back to the back house to sleep.

In the Xun Mansion, there were also people talking about Liu Xiang, or in other words, Xun Yan was asking, while another young man was minding his own drinking.

"Fengxiao, don't just focus on the contents of the cup. Analyze with me what the Hussars General's frequent deployment of troops is for? I can also be prepared."

"It's just a matter of paying homage to me. It's enough to express my feelings to others. It's useless to think too much." Guo Jia poured himself a drink. He was drinking happily and was too lazy to pay attention to Xun Yan.

These words were too choking, so Xun Yan walked away. He couldn't stand his brother's friend. He was too arrogant, addicted to alcohol, and even exposed his scars in front of his face. He was not a gentleman.

If his brother hadn't been at home, he wouldn't have had a banquet with this person.

Guo Jia leaned against the dining table and poured wine directly into the wine vat with a spoon. He didn't care when Xun Yan left the table.

"On the day I returned to the city, I immediately adjusted the city's defenses. I was very defensive. I often used cunning tactics on the battlefield, but I was cautious and interesting. Liu Qiaoqi's temperament is really contradictory."

Guo Jia sneered at those scholars who were worried about being massacred. If they really wanted to kill people, there was no need to mobilize troops frequently. They could just lead the cavalry and rush over and chop off their heads. Those people were just worrying in vain.

"The Sword Comes"

He drank spoonful after spoonful, dripping with wine, and didn't care if his clothes got wet.

However, there are not many people who drink easily like Guo Jia. Most of the gentry children outside the city are worried and don't know whether their decision to move to Jizhou for refuge is correct.

Most of these nobles were from Yanzhou and Yuzhou, who came to escape the war. Because there was a precedent of the Xun family relocating, the Yingchuan people were the most numerous.

They brought their property and tribes with them, but Liu Yu only gave them a place to build a mansion, and did not give them any land. They wanted to buy their own land, but they encountered obstacles everywhere.

The common people in Guizhou will not sell, even if they pay more money, they want to use force but cannot defeat the militia in the countryside. So how can Liu Qiaoqi allow these unruly people to be armed? How stupid!

Extremely stupid!

The most annoying thing is that the officials also arrested many of their tribesmen.

Is there still heavenly law? Is there still royal law?

You have arrested the wrong person!

What kind of world is this?


Everything is in chaos, morals are ruined, and people’s hearts are not as old as they used to be!

Is it really wise to come to Jizhou?

There was nothing they could do to survive, but thinking about the war in Henan, they couldn't make up their mind to move out.

People's hearts are impetuous and ready to move.

Liu Xiang is back.

The army adjusted its defenses, soldiers lined up and exchanged, and Ye County strengthened its troops.

They immediately stopped, hid their little thoughts, and behaved honestly.

But they didn't know that Liu Yu was trying to torture them. He had to suppress the spirit of these scholars before he could absorb them into Jizhou's commercial territory and form a joint force to compete with merchants from all over the world.

He had a good idea, but unfortunately, Xun Yu also had an idea for these nobles.

The purpose is the wealth accumulated by these people for generations.

No one knows what the outcome will be.

It's a different scene in the book city. Lu Zhi, Cai Yong, Zheng Xuan and others don't listen to what's going on outside the window. With this city's collection of books, they don't bother to worry about the outside world. No one dares to risk offending the world.

Scholar's risk, attack the book city.

Under their influence, the students in the academy and the traveling scholars who came to the city specifically to study and copy books were also untroubled and focused on learning.

November of the second year of Chuping began in a state of panic, and then gradually calmed down.

Liu Xiang got the finished telescope a month later. It was a telescopic telescope with two sleeves. When fully extended, it was one foot three inches long, which is 30 centimeters. When closed, it was eight inches long, which was 18 centimeters.

The objective lens is a concave lens with a diameter of one and a half inches, and the eyepiece lens is a convex lens with a diameter of one and a half inches. In order to protect the lenses, there are caps at both ends that can be covered.

The inner and outer walls of the lens barrel are painted with black paint. The outer wall is dark and shiny, as moist and full as fine lacquerware, but the inner wall is pitch black with no reflection. I don't know what kind of craftsmanship was used.

In order to be beautiful and non-slip, the outer sleeve is engraved with the pattern of Chaofeng, which is the legendary Chaofeng born of dragons and birds, so that it can be seen from a high place. The ancients always placed its statues on the four corners of the eaves of the main hall.

When the craftsman carved the image of Chaofeng on the telescope, did he mean to enchant it?

A total of nine telescopes, eight large and one small, were made, and each was packed in a long wooden box. A stable bracket was also made inside the wooden box, which was padded with soft red silk. It is beautiful and can prevent collisions. The craftsmanship is exquisite.

Beautiful, quite good.

"Six craftsmen who have improved ordnance and have made great achievements will be promoted to the first level of military rank and rewarded with ten thousand coins." Liu Xiang ordered the rewards, focusing on military ranks. Ten thousand safe and sound treasures are also a lot. According to the current purchasing power of new coins, it is equivalent to three thousand yuan.

A pound of gold.

Once the telescope is made, you have to think about who will use it.

Of course it is for military use, and it must be distributed to generals, or else should it be kept as a toy?

The quantity is too small, it is rare and valuable, and it can also be used as a rare treasure reward to increase the loyalty of subordinates.

Therefore, Yan Rou and Yang Qian can't live without Yan Rou. They both have it. If Cui Yi doesn't have it, that guy will definitely be at odds with himself. He must give it to both public and private matters.

Wang Xing, the craftsman's supervisor, gave him a small prototype as a sample, which not only gave him face, but also increased his motivation to continue to think of ways to make telescopes.

Zhao Yun, who assisted him in controlling the central army, could not do without him.

The Yueqi Battalion often had guerrilla missions. Yan Gang was also a veteran who followed him in the early days. He worked hard and made many meritorious deeds. It would be inappropriate not to give him one.

Plus keeping one for myself, there are still two free.

But Guan Yu, Xu Rong, Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, the four armies of the East, South, West and North, as well as Zhang He, the governor of Bingzhou, and Tai Shici, the captain of Yunfan camp, who are they given to? Who are they not given to?

Don't make another story about two peaches killing three people, that would be a tragedy.

Just keep it.

Whoever makes a great contribution first should be rewarded as a treasure. This will also have a little motivational effect and there will not be so much resentment.

The main reason is that there are too few, and Wang Xing has to be urged to find a way to burn glass. Flawless crystals are too rare, and crystals are too expensive to use. The cost is sixty gold each, and large-scale production is unaffordable.

Zhao Jing was summoned and ordered to lead a group of Suwei knights to send the telescope to Liaodong.

Zhao Yun and Wang Xing are by your side and can reward you at any time.

Cui Yi, Yan Gang, let’s talk about it after we meet.

The visitor sent an order to Yan Rou to make arrangements for the defense of the northern border and come to Ye County to report on his duties.

Next year will be 192. Liu Xiang doesn't know whether Dong Zhuo will die or whether Chang'an will be in chaos, but preparations must be done ahead.

Leave some troops to confront Yuan Shao, and focus most of your attention on Hedong County and the Third Assistant of Chang'an.

Now, besides himself, the most powerful person is Dong Zhuo. If the opportunity really arises, he must decisively send troops to kill the Liangzhou Group to avoid the threat from the west.

As for Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, their connections are so intricate that it would be too difficult to destroy one of them in one battle. And once the pressure is too great and there is a fatal threat, who knows whether they will abandon their old grudges and suddenly unite.

This is impossible to say.

Therefore, their jointness must be taken into account when making deductions.

Temporarily act as Yuan Shu's ally and confront Yuan Shao so that his 60,000 troops cannot regain Xuzhou. He only occupies the territories of Pengcheng and Pei, but cannot support so many troops. Confrontation is an effective way to weaken him.


It is uncertain whether the Five Kings Alliance will send troops in the coming year. If they do not send troops, they will continue to confront Yuan Shao. If Liu Chong sends troops, it will just be able to provoke conflicts between the princes surnamed Liu and the aristocratic families, and it will also better consume Yuan Shao.

At that time, based on the development of the situation, the number of partial divisions left in Qingzhou can be decided.

Next year's strategic focus will shift to the west.

This chapter has been completed!
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