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Chapter 393: Ying Chuan's Dramatic Talents Are Willing to Work

You must be persuaded to surrender.

The Yue Cavalry harassed and fought for seven consecutive days and nights, which weakened the morale of the Gongqiu garrison. Their own consumption was not small, both men and horses were exhausted, and there were more than 100 people and more than 200 horses injured by arrows.

We don’t know how many days the subsequent siege will last, but given the state of the soldiers of the Seven Kingdoms Alliance, the casualties will be insignificant.

It is better not to fight or not to fight.

"King Chen has entered Xiaopei City, and Yuan Benchu's 30,000-strong army is heading north. Our army must capture Gongqiu as soon as possible and rush to support."

A few days ago, the news that Yuan Shao imprisoned King Pei leaked out. The magistrate of Pei County was very unhappy with the Han Dynasty. When Liu Chong led his army to the city, he opened the city and surrendered.

Liu Xiang had to cross Zhaoyang Lake before Yuan Shao's army besieged the city.

Zhaoyang Lake belongs to the Huaisi River system. The lake basin is long and narrow, running from northwest to southeast, more than thirty miles long, six to fifteen miles wide, and one and a half to three meters deep. On the north and south sides are low-lying silts and swamps.

The wetland is very large and requires a long way to go around it. It is better to cross the lake directly.

In later generations, as the Yellow River burst and changed its course many times, and floods accumulated here, four lakes, Nanyang Lake, Dushan Lake, Zhaoyang Lake, and Weishan Lake, were gradually formed. They are collectively known as the Nansi Lakes and are the largest freshwater lakes in the north.

During the Han Dynasty, only Zhaoyang Lake had springs and rivers flowing into it, and there were rivers flowing southward from the lake into Sishui.

To the southwest of Gongqiu is the narrowest part of the lake, six miles away from the other shore. People often pass here to go to Peixian County.

Taking the county seat opened the grain road from Lu State to Peixian County.

Xun Yu's letter to Xi Zhicai has been sent to the city. The two are old acquaintances, but not close friends. It is hoped that the letter and the decline of the defenders will dispel Xi Zhicai's will to continue to resist.

The harassment operations of the Yueqi troops continued uninterrupted until a general attack was launched or the opponent surrendered, otherwise they would not give the defenders a chance to rest in peace.

Xi Zhi is the letter that was read in the annoying horn. The letter just talked about some old events in Yingchuan, analyzed the situation in the world, commented on several powerful princes, and persuaded him to surrender to Liu Xiang.

"Does Xun Wenruo think so highly of Liu Yicheng? He calls him the only wise master who can calm the troubled times." He murmured in a low voice.

In fact, he was more optimistic about Cao Cao, because in Cao Cao's hands, Yingchuan, although he came from a poor family, was greatly influenced ideologically by aristocratic families. His hometown was occupied, so he would naturally be willing to serve, and there was a phenomenon of local people joining the regiment.

, was the mainstream in the Han Dynasty.

Xun Yu did not recommend talents from Yingchuan because of this reason. Even if he recommended them, no one might come.

Xi Zhi was the hometown he fled when Li Jue, Guo Si and others plundered Yingchuan. In the past two years, he had been living in Gongqiu. He originally wanted to return to Yingchuan after the war stopped and observe Cao Cao's character.

Sex, find a career.

Before setting off, the Lu State sent out troops. The leader was a hussar general who was good at fighting. The county magistrate abandoned the city and fled. Many officials and scholars also fled. He was promoted by the county magistrate to the position of guard general in the city.


Then, in view of Liu Xiang's reputation for loving the people, he devised a strategy to use the refugees to consume food and grass, hold on to the city, and wait for the enemy army to retreat after running out of food. Later, he was beaten by Yueqi and became discouraged.

Harassment by scattered cavalry is not a sophisticated strategy, but the city lacks bows and arrows, and there are no strong crossbows. The soldiers are all newly recruited refugees who are young and strong and cannot stand a fight. What can he do?

"Fan Gong, the soldiers are no longer able to fight. I am incompetent and cannot stop Liu Qiaoqi." Xi Zhicai appealed to the county magistrate Fan Quan.

Fan Quan is an old man in his fifties, with gray beard and hair, and an aging face. He looks like he is sixty years old. He sighed softly: "A person with ambition can have a strategy, but the soldiers in the city are weak. I can't blame you. For the current plan, only

Kaicheng, please surrender."

"Liu Qiao loves the people, and seeing how he resettles the refugees, it can be seen that this is true, and the city will definitely not be massacred by him. Fan Gong does not need to worry." Xi Zhicai explained to the old man in front of him that he had been living in Gongqiu for more than a year.

Cheng Zhaofu, if there was no such person, he would not defend the city at all.

Fan Quan was silent for a moment, took the bamboo slips, wrote a letter, and said: "Fighting any longer will only cost your life. I sent an envoy to ask for surrender."

"I will deliver the letter myself." Xi Zhicai took the letter and said with a wry smile: "The sarcastic words I used before were not very nice, so I have to go and calm people down, so that Liu Qiaoqi will not vent his anger in the city and let innocent people take my place.


Fan Quan shook his head helplessly: "What a mouthful you are! A gentleman should be gentle and careful in his words and deeds. How can he be sarcastic and sarcastic as soon as he opens his mouth? You must know that improper words are the root of trouble. If you speak without shame, you will be hated by others.


"Yes, yes, I have learned a lesson from you, and I will definitely restrain myself from now on. Business is important, so I will leave now." Xi Zhicai quickly took over the conversation. He didn't want to listen to the old man talking anymore. He is a good person, but he likes to talk about big principles.

Makes you dizzy.

After leaving the county government office, he went straight to the city gate and ordered the military officials to guard the city. He was ordered to go out of the city to negotiate without asking anyone to accompany him. He held a small white flag, carried a letter, and rode a donkey with a black back and a white belly.

Wandering out the door to the east, you will go to the enemy camp to discuss surrender matters.

Not long after leaving the house, the horn sounded, and a Shi Yue horseman came running from afar.

Xi Zhicai rubbed his temples, his head ached, turned the reins, and walked slowly towards the enemy cavalry. Not long after, he was surrounded by eleven cavalry. The horses were galloping around, and the dust was flying, which made him choke.


"Cough, cough, okay, okay, I know you have horses, don't show off, who has never seen a war horse." He waved the white flag and said arrogantly: "Don't go around, don't go around, you're dizzy.

, I am the messenger, please escort me to the military camp quickly."

As soon as these words came out, several Yueqi soldiers rolled their eyes and waved a white flag. What's there to be proud of?

The cavalry circled again, then slowed down and stopped slowly. It was not that they had to circle around. When they rushed to the city wall, the horses were very fast. They could not pull the reins desperately, and the horses could not even move.

Stopping within a step will hurt the horse's legs.

In order to keep an eye on the suspicious person, we could only circle around a few times to let the war horse reduce the force of the impact.

When the smoke and dust dispersed, a dozen tall horses stood around. The knight on the horse was much taller than him. Xi Zhicai said enviously: "I am an envoy. I have urgent matters to meet with the hussar general. Which one of you will give it to me?"

Can I ride a horse? My donkey can't run fast."

The Chief Yueqi sneered: "Kill the envoy who can't run fast and replace him with one who can run fast. The speed of the journey will naturally be faster. What does this envoy think?"

Xi Zhicai laughed and said shamelessly: "What sharp words. Brother, your future is limitless. Let's stop chatting here and hurry up. Don't delay important events."

After saying that, he drove the donkey, walked out of the encirclement, trotted away, and took the lead.

A group of Yueqiu smiled disdainfully and sandwiched him again from front to back and from left to right.

There is no need to go into details about the journey. Xi Zhicai got off his donkey outside the camp and walked to the Chinese army's tent.

"Ying Chuan plays Liang, whose courtesy name is Zhicai, and pays homage to the General Hussar."

Seeing Xi Zhicai leaning on the small white flag used as a walking stick, Liu Xiang asked: "Is it Gongqiu who wants to surrender, or Zhicai?"

"General, Gongqiu is willing to surrender."

"Is that why Yingchuan Xi Zhi was not convinced that he lost?"

Xi Zhicai praised with excitement: "The general's elite cavalry are brave and good at shooting. They are unparalleled in the world. They are all over the country and unstoppable. They are so powerful that I am amazed. I am so shocked that my heart is broken. It is difficult to regain the desire to win."

Liu Xiang laughed in anger and praised the cavalrymen to the sky. Wasn't he just saying that in terms of strategy, he did not lose.

"Okay, okay, stop being so arrogant, you will die sooner or later because of this mouth. There is no reason in this war. It is just about pursuing victory by any means. The process is not important. Everything depends on the result. Please sit down and say

Talk about a demand for surrender."

Xi Zhicai had a good time. The man opposite him had a good heart. He took out Fan Quan's letter from his arms and said seriously:

"Both the county magistrate and the county lieutenant of Gongqiu have fled, and the county magistrate has taken over the power on his behalf. I have submitted a letter. I only ask the general not to anger the people in the city. If you are angry in your heart, just attack the good man. If you want to kill or behead him, you are willing to do so.


"Kaicheng surrendered, Qiu did not commit any crimes. I have always kept my word and will not massacre the people in the city. You can rest assured." Liu Xiang took the slip, did not open it to read, stared at Xi Zhicai and said:

"I just want to know, Yingchuan Xi Zhicai, is he willing to serve me?"

This chapter has been completed!
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