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Chapter 408: Rootless Ping Ping

Li Gan held the scabbard of the Huanshou sword and was hesitant. He was originally a servant of the Li family in Wei County. He was a son of the family and grew up in the Li family. His name was given by his old master.

The Li family treated him well. The head of the family asked him to work as a book boy with Xiao Lang, where he learned to read, ate some good food, and saw some big scenes.

Later, when General Xiuqi took over Jizhou, the Li family was confiscated, the tribes were divided, and the tenants were dispersed and moved to various places to divide their fields. The servants in the mansion were also dismissed, and he was moved to Bohai County to divide the fields and farm.

Because I know a few words, I am smart and can talk, I am doing well in the village, I have a wife, and I gave birth to a boy a few years ago. Although the adobe house is not as gorgeous as the Li Mansion, it is my own, and my life is pretty good.

Gotta go down.

He actually doesn't know how to farm. When he first came here, he had to thank his neighbors for taking care of him. I heard that they all fled from Qingzhou and had been clearing up wasteland in the past few years. Things have become better in the past two years.

I originally thought that I would live such a peaceful life, with my face turned to the loess and my back to the sky, and become an old farmer whom I once looked down upon.

But a few days ago, someone came over. It was the housekeeper of the Li Mansion and told him that his master was dead and died of exhaustion in the hard labor camp. Xiao Lang escaped and wanted to gather his family for revenge.

He and Xiao Lang grew up together, and he should follow him without hesitation. This is the way to be loyal. He has read books and knows what loyalty is.

But he hesitated.

His wife is clumsy, not as pretty as the maids in the palace, and her son is babbling and hasn't learned to speak yet. He is definitely not as smart as he was when he was a child, but this is his wife and child.

The porridge and side dishes served every day are rarely meaty and not as good as the meals in the mansion, but he is a citizen, not a humble citizen.

Many people from the Li family moved here. The housekeeper went to Linxiang to contact people and said he would be back in a few days.

Take yourself with you when you come back.

Go and be a slave.

Li Gan pulled out the knife, and the silver-white blade reflected the confusion in his eyes.

This is a weapon issued by the militia, said to be a weapon for self-protection.

This knife is used to protect oneself, to kill thieves and drive away bandits. In fact, most of the time, it is used to compete with Linxiang for water and land, and to scare others.

He has been training with the militia groups in the township for several years, and has witnessed many times when militia groups from two townships faced each other in formation, and then cursed at each other all day long.

If you really do it, you don't dare to use weapons. If you kill someone, you will have to pay with your life. If you gather a crowd to resist, you will be classified as a traitor and be exterminated. Those knights in red are merciless. If they say they want to kill people, they will definitely kill people. If they say they want to confiscate their homes and exterminate their families, they will definitely exterminate their families.

It was called Tiqi. He had said it many times, but the villagers just couldn't remember it. He wore a scarlet robe, rode a fast horse, and would come to supervise him from time to time, so he was named the Red Knight.

This is my own life. I have my own house, my own fields, my wife and my children. They are all my own.

He put the knife back into its sheath, walked out of the door, and walked toward his neighbor's house.

"Brother Guan, I have a favor to ask for."

"What are you asking for? Come into the room to talk. Have you eaten?" A big man walked out of the room. He had a strong back and hunched muscles. His bronze skin reflected the spring sunshine. A strong aura came towards him, and he opened his mouth.

Under the lapel of his clothes, a palm protecting his heart hair was exposed.

Wearing short brown clothes, with rolled trouser legs, and feet covered in mud, it looked like he had just come back from the paddy fields, which ruined his beast-like image, and his tone of voice did not match his appearance.

The smile was quite honest: "But are you encountering difficulties? I still have a hundred or so big money here, feel free to use it."

"Thank you for taking care of me, brother. This time I'm not borrowing money. Someone wants me to sacrifice my life. I don't want to go. I want to ask my brother to help me kill someone."

Li Gan has made a decision. He will stick to the life he has and live peacefully.

He knew that this neighbor who had always taken care of him had a story in the past. He was skilled in martial arts and had a strong aura. He must have killed many people. Three or five big men could be defeated in a moment, and ten or eight were no problem. They fought for water and land.

At that time, I often saw him fighting with the people in Linxiang with bare hands, and he was never defeated.

He believed that his neighbor's brother could help him get out of trouble, and the housekeeper would not be able to take him away when he came back.

"What's going on?" Guan Hai asked in a deep voice.

Li dared to talk about his own experience and what happened a few days ago.

Guan Hai smiled and agreed: "That's right. You can't live a good life. You are a fool to work for those big dogs. If you don't know what to do, it's just that you know these people want to rebel against General Liu. If you encounter them, you will be killed."

Got them."

He sighed and continued: "In this world, the only one who can think about us ordinary people is General Liu. If he wasn't worried about a few children, he would also join the army. Okay, go back, I'll let you know when I get here.

Let me say something."

"Thank you, brother."

"Hey, whether you want to thank me or not is all a matter for the fellow villagers to lend their hands." Guan Hai didn't take it seriously.

Li Gan said goodbye and went home, not disturbing others' dinner.

After he left, Guan Hai's wife looked bad and complained: "Didn't you say you won't fight with others? You promised that you would stay anonymous with me and live peacefully."

"There is no need for a few thieves to work hard. I went back and told the police team that my brothers were hacking at random. Where is the danger? Eat, eat. I helped Lao Zhangtou fertilize today, but I am exhausted."

After hearing this, the wife relaxed and said disgustedly: "Hurry up and wash yourself in the river, you stink."

"Is there any fertilization that doesn't stink? Give me a vegetable dumpling first to cushion my stomach. I'm so hungry that my chest touches my back."

Guan Hai helped his neighbor Zhang's family with farm work today. He had a big appetite. Lao Zhangtou and his family were short of labor and had a hard time. They were too embarrassed to stay and eat. They just came back hungry.

While handing over the food, the wife scolded: "Your name is Guan Ping now. Don't forget it. Several neighbors know your original name. What will happen if your identity is revealed?"

Guan Hai came over and whispered: "There is no need to worry so much. Let me tell you, General Liu is the envoy of the Yellow Turban Army. He was appointed by the great virtuous teacher during his lifetime. According to me, there is no need to hide his identity?

In Youzhou, Jizhou and Bingzhou, there are many brothers who are in the Yellow Turban Army. They have arranged to divide the fields for farming. There are also many in the army. The Anping Army is their own. In the whole world, only General Liu is good to the Yellow Turban. This is

Don’t you understand yet?”

The wife was so smoked that she pushed him away: "I don't care! You promised."

"Okay, okay, okay, my name is Guan Ping and your name is Zhang An. Let's live in peace." Guan Hai finished a vegetable dumpling in several mouthfuls and went out to wash it at the river.

Zhang, however, sighed in a low voice: "The great sage and good teacher did not appoint others to be the envoys of gods. That would be a lie."

Mountains and rivers are shattered, the wind is fluttering, and life experiences are ups and downs. In troubled times, how many people drift with the tide, floating up and down in the long river of fate, and how many people can live according to their own ideas?

The world is like this and we are helpless. It is God’s mercy that we can live in peace.

Li Gan waited for several days, but did not wait for the housekeeper to come back. Instead, he heard that the Linxiang militia had killed several thieves and received a reward. The thieves' heads were hung at the city gate for public display.

He went to the county specifically to see it.

We all know each other.

It seems that someone made a choice with him.

Things like Li Gan's have happened a lot in the countryside recently, causing a few splashes and then calming down.

Tiqi began to close the net. It could not be done without arresting people, and Guo Tu wanted to run away.

Jizhou was different from what Guo Tu expected. There were many scholars with ideas, but they could not gather troops. They had money, a lot of money, but no one.

The Yingchuan scholars lived in Jizhou and could not afford to buy any property. They did not have much money. The Jizhou scholars had no land and only money.

Just having gold and silver is useless.

Those Guizhou leaders didn't listen to them anymore.

Staying here was a waste of effort and time, so he gave up. The thousands of people who gathered couldn't even attack the bookstore.

He found out clearly that the defenders of the book city were called Qian Niu Guard. There were less than a thousand people, but they were all military officials. There was a saying that Qian Niu Guard selected generals with a hundred men.

He went to observe them specifically and found that they were well-equipped and strong, and they looked like elites at first glance.

Thousands of miscellaneous soldiers attack a city garrisoned by a thousand elites, and there are tens of thousands of troops behind them ten miles away.

how to spell?

No need to fight!

There are no residential buildings in the book city, only various libraries, academies, military camps, and thousands of officials and thieves.

During the day, soldiers and horses from Ye County were patrolling, and they did not dare to gather troops blatantly. At night, there were no idle people waiting inside, so it was extremely difficult to coordinate inside and outside.

If things don't work out, it's better to go home early and go to Qingzhou or Xuzhou to think of a solution.

Let the Jizhou scholars rebel on their own, he withdrew first.

Guo Tu thought well, but Tiqi had been watching him for a while. As soon as his carriage left Ye County for ten miles, he was surrounded by a group of red knights. With a barrage of arrows, all the accompanying guards were lost.

He obediently surrendered.

After being put into prison, he gave full account of his crimes before he was sentenced.

Anyone whose name he knows will be bitten.

Yuan Huan sneered and said nothing, and Liu Yu was so angry that he wanted to slap him.

"Talk nonsense and make false accusations. This must be a trick of the thieves. We cannot fall for it."

According to the list given by Guo Tu, tens of thousands of people must be arrested. His plan to attract the population will inevitably fail, and the scholars all over the world will definitely become enemies of the Anping Army.

What a vicious thought!

Yuan Huan gave words of advice: "Don't be impatient. In the past few days, the people who have received Guo Tu and summoned the tribes have sent troops to arrest them. The rest will be decided by the lord."

It was about rebellion, Liu Yu was not good at it, so he nodded and agreed, but he was very worried. Liu Yicheng was too murderous, and he was always on guard against the scholars. Don't cause a massacre, that would be a bad thing.

When Liu Xiang received the report that the Jizhou scholars wanted to rebel, he had already led his troops to the vicinity of Tan County. Anping Army's 30,000 troops, one in the south and one in the north, trapped 78,000 Xuzhou Yellow Turbans.

Almost all the Yellow Turbans from the East China Sea have gathered here, and the Yellow Turbans from Xiapi are also preparing to move in the south, and war is imminent.

Opening the report, oh! There are so many people implicated. Let’s not talk about those I don’t know. None of the officials under my command ran away.

Is this going to go against the grain?

A closer look revealed that it was only Guo Tu's confession. One hundred and forty-two families, more than five thousand people, had been arrested. The criminals were still being tried, and those who slipped through the net were still being hunted.

The scale is not small, Guo Tu is very good at connecting!

Liu Xiang replied: "Hang Guo Tu up and beat him for three days first!"

This chapter has been completed!
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