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Chapter 414 Copying Homes Is a Shortcut to Getting Rich

The Wang clan of Langya gathered fifty or sixty thousand young men to rebel. Some of these people were native to Langya, and some traveled long distances from Jinan, Pingyuan, Beihai, and even southern counties.

It had a great influence, with people from Qingzhou and Xuzhou participating.

So what?

Facing the elite Chinese army, they had no ability to resist.

It took eight years to arm the Chinese army with gold and silver and fight on various battlefields. If the Chinese army couldn't defeat a group of young men with incomplete weapons, then Liu Xiang would just wipe his neck. At the end of Han Dynasty,

He is not qualified to participate in a king's game like the Three Kingdoms.

There is nothing to say about attacking the camp. The crossbowmen suppressed it, the soldiers broke the camp, the cavalry charged, and the enemy surrendered.

Four thousand enemies were killed and fifty thousand were captured.

After finishing work, go home for dinner.

Comprehensive crushing.

Things on the battlefield are over, but the counterinsurgency has not yet been completed, and there are a lot of tedious things to do in the follow-up.

Eight families headed by the Wang family sent Yueqi detachments to arrest and ransack their homes.

According to the yellow records of the tribes and tenant households of these families, there are 23,000 households in total. According to the area of ​​relocation, the county's thieves, wanderers, villagers, and pavilion chiefs are assigned to search for all men who are not at home one by one.

, will be detained pending subsequent trial.

Fifty thousand prisoners were screened according to the Yellow Book, and 13,000 civilians were selected and sentenced to five years of hard labor for being a thief. They were required to build roads, dig canals, and build embankments in Qingzhou.

The remaining 37,000 people were sentenced to life-long hard labor, dispersed and taken to the most difficult mining areas and lumber camps. Their families had their property taken back, demoted to humble status, and sent to Liaodong as slaves. The same was true for the family members of those who died in the war.


Qingzhou was busy from the army to the police for half a month, and the rebellion was basically put down. Eight noble families, 432 men and women, were captured and executed.

It's a pity that Wang Xizhi's ancestors were beheaded and disappeared from the root. I wonder if another calligraphy sage will appear in future generations? It should be possible. In this world, no one is indispensable.

The tribes and tenants of the eight families identified more than 19,000 households to participate in the rebellion, and 93,000 people were demoted and escorted to Donglai County by personnel organized by the county where their household registration was located, and delivered to the Liaodong Fleet for transportation.

A total of 630,000 acres of land in various counties in Qingzhou was taken back, and all of it was set aside as reserve land to reward meritorious soldiers.

Guo Dian, the governor of Qingzhou, was demoted one rank and fined one year's salary.

On April 22, Wang's rebellion was finally put down. Although a large number of people were affected, all the noble families in Qingzhou put aside their worries and did not expand the rebellion. They only targeted those who participated in the rebellion.

Those Guizhou leaders have nothing to do with them, and it doesn't matter how they are punished. They can drink wine in peace, hug their lovely wives and concubines, and live happily.

Not only the Qingzhou gentry breathed a sigh of relief, but the Jizhou gentry also relaxed their tense nerves.

The Jizhou rebellion was put down before it started. It didn't have the same momentum as Qingzhou, but more than a hundred families were arrested, and they were more worried about the purge.

Seeing Qingzhou's handling of the matter, they finally felt relieved.

Here in Jizhou, most of the people who intend to rebel have been arrested. For some fish that slip through the net, official documents can be sent to the sea to catch them. There is no need to go to any trouble.

When Guo Tu was hung up and beaten for an hour, he wanted to confess, but no one paid attention to him. He kept wailing for three days and three nights. The moment he was put down, he was willing to confess to anything.

As long as someone asks him something, he feels happy. Yuan Huan's face sinks, scaring him so much that he wets his pants.

According to his account, there were 63 families around Ye County who participated in the rebellion, and their servants, tribes gathered, and desperadoes hired totaled more than 4,700 people.

Another seventy-nine families were indeed wronged.

Twenty-eight of them gathered together to respond to Xun Yu's call and prepare to open up wasteland on the Lelang Peninsula.

Liu Xiang looked through the submissions from Yuan Huan and Liu Yu. It was time for the Jizhou rebellion to end. After waiting for so long, not many people jumped out to make trouble. They just made a few random noises, and no one joined forces to start an army.

What a disappointment.

So weak!

That's it for now, it's time to end, calm down and prepare to conquer the third auxiliary.

Fifty-one people, who were wrongly accused and did not summon their troops, were released from house arrest and released home.

Twenty-eight families gathered their troops, hired fugitives, and paid a fine of a hundred catties to atone for their sins. It is estimated that no one will question this sentence. It is involved in a major rebellion case. It is already thankful to God that you can escape with a hundred gold. Who will be nagging? Don't give up your life.


The sixty-three families who rebelled had their families confiscated and exterminated. The servants who attached themselves to the rebellion were forced into hard labor in Guizhou for life, and their families were demoted to humble status.

Liu Xiang didn't know how the scholars felt after experiencing this rebellion. Anyway, he was very happy. He flipped through the account books that were confiscated from his family, and the more he looked at them, the happier he became.

There is not much food, less than 300,000 shi, but there is a lot of money. There are more than 70 big families, more than 10,000 jins of gold, more than 6,000 jins of silver, and more than 70 million Ping'an Tong Bao, which is equivalent to his two and a half months' worth of coins.


There are hundreds of cartloads of other books and treasures, and more than three thousand pieces of silk, silk, and satin.

There are more than a hundred mansions and dozens of shops. Once these are sold, they will make a lot of money.

It is enough for him to lead a large army and fight for two or three years.

This money was accumulated by those families for hundreds or even hundreds of years, and finally fell into his mouth.

So delicious!

"Robbing homes is the shortcut to getting rich. I really miss the time when we first started the army." Liu Xiang turned to Cui Yi and others and joked.

Cui Yi and Yan Gang laughed loudly. They ransacked their homes frequently.

"Speaking of which, Yan Ziming is the best at this. You can't even hide a copper coin from his eyes. He can dig out any darkroom, secret vault, or dig three feet into the ground. It's quite impressive. I really admire him."

Cui Yi shook his head with joy. He had followed his lord without hesitation. This decision made him proud for the rest of his life, and he missed those days very much.

Liu Neng and Zhao Yun joined a little later and had already passed the stage of robbing aristocratic families to strengthen themselves, so they didn't feel deeply about it.

Zhao Yun gave words of advice: "My lord is now the lord of the four states. People cannot listen to such words. It will damage your reputation."

"Zilong Anxin, this is just a joke among us, don't take it seriously." Liu Xiang replied with a smile and asked again:

"Is the reward going to be given out? I'll reward the troops tonight and set off tomorrow. Zilong will follow me to check the Yellow River embankment. The flood season is coming. If you don't take a look, it's hard to feel at ease."

The war in Xuzhou is over, and the reward cannot be delayed. Fighting spirit and morale are built up bit by bit in normal times. If you try to boost morale before the battle, it will be too late. It will be a waste of time.

"Don't worry, my lord, the rewards have been awarded." Zhao Yun stood up and replied solemnly.

This job originally belonged to Chang Shi Cui Yi, but he was too lazy and passed it on to Zhao Yun. As the general protecting the army, Zhao Zilong did have the right to assist in military affairs.

Liu Xiang nodded and said to Cui Yi: "Zian, take the army back to Liyang to repair, wait for orders, and be ready to go to Hedong at any time."

"General, I will obey the order!" Cui Yi stood up and obeyed the order.

After chatting for a while and talking about the situation in the army, a few people left and returned to camp.

The army was rewarded in the evening. It had been busy for half the night. The sergeants and soldiers were full of energy. To be honest, they didn't care much about the meat.

In the northern Xinjiang, there were Wuhuan, Xianbei, and Xiongnu tribes, which cooperated with the caravans for grazing, and the production of livestock and meat increased greatly.

There are also pastures of Han people in the interior of Youzhou.

There was a locust plague a few years ago. In order to prevent the locusts from re-emerging, the people of Youzhou encouraged the breeding of poultry. The people of Jizhou followed Youzhou and learned everything. Such a big thing naturally happened. The trend later spread to Bingzhou and Qingzhou.

Poultry meat and eggs are no longer rare items.

With the development of shipbuilding technology, offshore fishing has become more and more developed. Although seafood cannot be sold, various dried salted fish and dried sea vegetables are very popular. In counties slightly closer to the seaside, you can also buy cooked shrimps and crabs.

, sea fish is not expensive.

Meat in the four states of Youbianqingji is much cheaper than in other places.

The Chinese sergeants really don't lack for that bite of meat.

What they were excited about was having dinner together and having a barbecue with their lord and generals around the campfire.

What a great performance opportunity.

Therefore, the desire to compare is very serious, and there is nothing to compare with. As long as Liu Xiang does not deliberately hurt others, and Liu Xiang has an encouraging attitude, the army sergeants must be aggressive. How can they fight if they are not aggressive?

Are you going to reason with the enemy?

That's nonsense.

Turning around, Su Wei took the lead and headed straight for the south bank of the Yellow River. He wanted to see the south bank first. On the north bank, there were river embankment visitors patrolling, as well as Tiqi and Yushi supervising, so he didn't need to be too concerned.

Most of the south bank is in enemy territory, so he can only see it by himself.

The Yellow River carries a large amount of sediment on the Loess Plateau, and the downstream sedimentation is very serious. Once it floods, it is not a regional problem, because it is likely to change its course.

Thousands of miles of land will be affected.

When he inspected the river embankment this time, he actually wanted to meet Zhang Miao and Chen Gong for a while, and also wanted to go to the Luoyang river section to see the breach there.

No one has repaired it, and it has been breached for two years. It would be better not to cause trouble and cause the Yellow River to change its course to the south.

This chapter has been completed!
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