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Chapter 419 Impatient

Liu Xiang lay on the leather and looked at the stars in the night. It was late at night and he couldn't sleep.

I thought I would be able to calm down after getting the imperial seal, but it is just a beautiful white jade seal, a prop to increase legitimacy. With modern thinking, how many people would really believe in the imperial power and divine right?

Anyway, he didn't believe it.

But after I actually got it, I still couldn't calm down.

He didn't believe in destiny, but he couldn't help but everyone around him believed in it. Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Shi A, Zhao Jing, Wubai Suwei, and even Pan Zhang, who had just received his subordinates a few days ago, all looked at him with eyes.

A look that looks at the child of destiny.

Fanatic and worshipful.

Such a look made him think a lot.

"If I show the imperial seal to others, will they accept it and bow? Even if I am more cautious and only show it to my subordinates, will it make them more loyal?" Similar thoughts can never stop.


Modern people who do not believe in gods are still affected. No wonder Sun Jian became ambitious after receiving the imperial seal, and no wonder Yuan Shu dared to proclaim himself emperor.

Since Liu Bang designated the First Emperor's Jade Seal as the Chuanguo Seal, in the four hundred years of the Han Dynasty, the Chuanguo Jade Seal has acquired divine status.

Divinity that affects the human heart.

The temptation kept him awake.

Not only was he unable to sleep, but everyone in the ruins of Nangong was also asleep.

Those on night duty didn't sleep, and those who rested didn't feel sleepy at all. They were too excited to fall asleep.

Following the lord and striving for world hegemony is life-threatening. No one is sure where he will go in the end.

But it's different now.

The capital was in ruins, the palace was in ruins, and the emperor was kidnapped and taken to Chang'an, but the imperial seal remained.

After waiting for two years in the dark dry well, waiting for the Lord to arrive, he finally appeared.

This is destiny!

The lord is destined to become the emperor!

Following the emperor and conquering the world is bound to succeed.

It's like you're pre-determined to be the champion and then go out to compete.

How to lose?

Let me ask you, how do you lose? Who can beat you?

Once you know the ending and go through the process, you will feel at ease.

Who doesn’t want to be on the winning side?

The power of Conglong is already in your hands. As the lord's closest soldier, aren't you excited?

The ruins of the royal palace, sleepless nights.

The next day, when the sky was bright, everyone had eaten the morning meal, packed up their bedding, rolled it into a roll and tied it on the horse's back, ready to set off.

When inspecting the river embankment this time, Suwei was lightly dressed and did not carry heavy items such as tents or carriages at all, in order not to affect the march and to make it easier to rush on the road or to escape quickly in case of an accident.

Liu Xiang looked back at the Chengde Hall where he had once attended a court meeting. The place had become a deserted platform and high hills. He stopped sighing in his heart, left Luoyang and returned to Ye County with dark circles under his eyes.

He rode through the wasteland, crossed the Yellow River to the north, and then continued his horse riding.

After rushing all the way, at the end of April, I returned to my palace. It was not as big as the one in Luoyang, but it was intact and the windows were bright and clean.

Just after I came back, before I had time to take a breath, Cai Yong came looking for me.

This old man has never been out since he entered the bookstore. He is really a rare visitor.

When my father-in-law came, I naturally couldn't neglect him. There was no need to go to the Qinzheng Hall in front, and I invited him directly to the study.

"Did Mr. Cai finally come out of the bookstore? It's not easy. I can finally see my uncle." Liu Xiang teased with a smile.

Cai Yong was not a staid old man. He laughed loudly when he heard this: "Hahaha, my dear son-in-law, the bookstore is busy with things, and I can't get away from them. These many books, as well as many orphaned copies, can't be separated from me."

It seems that he is living a healthy life and has good energy. He is several years younger than he was in Luoyang.

"Uncle, please pay attention to your health and don't overwork yourself. There are many students in the academy who have joined the secretarial committee. Just leave the complicated and trivial matters to them."

"My dear son-in-law, don't worry. I'm in good health, refreshed and fine. I came here this time to discuss business matters. Chen Liubian and Wenli came to visit you. Chen Gongtai and Zhang Mengzhuo wanted to join you, but they didn't.

I have some concerns and want to take the old man's route.

I need to tell you about this matter. How should I reply to them? What do you think, my good husband?"

"Let me think about it carefully."

Liu Xiang actually has no plans to capture Yanzhou in the near future. He is waiting for changes in Chang'an and takes advantage of the chaos to seize the third assistant. Before that, he does not want to cause trouble.

But when people come to seek refuge, it’s hard to turn them away. Otherwise, who will take the initiative to seek refuge in the future?

Now Yuan Shao is being watched by Zhang Liao and Liu Chong, and he will not be able to make much waves in the short term. Yuan Shu is in a stalemate with Liu Miao of Jiujiang and Zhou Xin of Danyang in the south, and Cao Cao in the north, and it is difficult for him to take care of it.

Cao Cao had to deal with Yuan Shu and Liu Biao, and could not find much strength to support Yanzhou.

If you accept the surrender of Chen Gong and Zhang Miao, you can at most have a fight with Lao Cao's partial army. The scale of the war should not be too big.

Doesn't affect business.

Thinking of this, he said: "The nobles in the three counties of Yanzhou want to sell their fields to me. The private army cannot exceed thirty people. If they cannot accept it, there is no need to talk anymore."

"Okay, I'll just reply to them like this."

Cai Yong got the approval and left immediately. There were still many things waiting for him in the bookstore. There were so many books that needed to be sorted, copied, and proofread. If it weren't for the shame, he wouldn't bother to worry about other things.

This old man is absorbed in reading books, which is better than forming cliques and interfering with government affairs.

The bookstore has become a very special existence under his rule. Yuan Pang, the governor, Lu Zhi, the governor, Cai Yong, Zheng Xuan, Liu Hong and other Five Classics doctors do not care about government affairs and have no other rights.

In the bookstore, books are compiled and students are taught.

There are also many great scholars and celebrities who come here because of his reputation. They do not seek refuge with Liu Xiang, do not want official titles or salaries, and only help in the bookstore.

For example, in the name of debating scriptures, Kong Rong never left once he came.

Song Zhong, a great scholar, entered the bookstore in the name of repairing books.

Zheng Xuan's disciples Cui Yan and Mao Jie.

Ruan Yu, a disciple of Cai Yong.

Wang Can fled the chaos in Jizhou and was invited by Cai Yong to enter the bookstore.

Wait wait wait.

Even though he didn't serve him, if he can't be used by others, even if he feeds them for a lifetime, it's still cost-effective. Besides, they pay for it out of their own pockets, so he doesn't need to spend any money.

In fact, there are several talented people here, and Liu Xiang is working on their ideas.

Think long term, being too impatient can easily scare people away.

But it does not include Mi Heng.

This is Kong Rong's long-lasting friend. He is twenty years old this year. He came to the bookstore in the name of helping Kong Wen speak out against other Confucian scholars.

Don't dare to mess with him.

What if someone comes over naked and scolds me?

Keep on debating among the scholars, it is a wonderful cause.

The bookstore is like a big magnet, attracting famous Confucian scholars and students to come to Jizhou one after another.

My original decision was quite wise, and it was praised by many scholars and gained great reputation.

Take your time, the talents attracted by the bookstore will one day be used by me.

Liu Xiang took a look at the red lacquer wooden box containing the imperial seal. If this thing were unveiled, there might be a large number of talents who would immediately join his camp.

There is also the secretary Lang Zhuge Jin who was recruited by himself, but he is just doing the work. If he is shown the imperial seal, will the Zhuge family wholeheartedly serve him?

If Xun Yu knew this, would he directly pull Yingchuan Group onto his chariot?

What a tempting idea.

No, no, he took a deep breath and suppressed all these thoughts.

The national seal can attract both talents and enemies, not in this world, at least not now.

My mind is confused and I can't control myself. If I am so impatient, I'm afraid it will cause trouble.

Perhaps, we should find an elder to calm our restless mind about getting the national jade seal.

This chapter has been completed!
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