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Chapter 423 Thousand Characters Disciple Rules

Liu Xiang reviewed the submissions for three days before he had almost finished handling the accumulated government affairs and had time to think about the issue of elementary school textbooks.

When mentioning ancient enlightenment, three, one hundred, one thousand and one thousand naturally come to mind.

Most modern children have memorized one of the Three-Character Classic, Hundred Family Surnames, Thousand-Character Classic, and Thousand-Character Poems. Even if they have not memorized it, they still know what these are.

But there were no such enlightening articles in the Han Dynasty.

In the Han Dynasty, the enlightenment mainly used "Shuowen Jiezi" and "Erya". These two are equivalent to modern dictionaries, which do not rhyme and are inconvenient to remember.

A good ethnology teacher will teach "Jijiu Pian", "Cangjie Pian", "Xunzhuan Pian", "Fanjiang Pian", "Pangxi Pian" and so on.

If Liu Xiang wanted to truly leave a name for his education and enhance his reputation, he couldn't just run the school in an official name, he had to leave his name on the textbooks.

Then there is nothing to hesitate about, just copy it.

There are too many allusions to later generations in the Three-Character Classic, and it is inappropriate to bring them out now. He never memorized the surnames of hundreds of families when he was a child. He only remembered Zhao Qian, Sun Li, Zhou Wu, King Zheng, and so on, Jiang Chen, Han Yang, and he didn't know the rest. , Moreover, when ranking surnames in the Han Dynasty, the surname Liu must be the first. It would be too troublesome to revise this thing.

Let's copy the thousand-character essay. He had memorized this when he was a child. The sky and the earth are dark and yellow, the universe is vast, the sun and the moon are waxing, and the stars and constellations are listed. It rhymes and is catchy. It's like a children's song. You can memorize it by following it.

I still remember when I was a kid, if I forgot any sentence in the middle, I had to go over it from the beginning, and then I could remember it.

The Thousand Character Essay was written by Zhou Xingsi, a minister of Sanqi in the Liang Dynasty during the Northern and Southern Dynasties, who selected a thousand unique characters from Wang Xizhi's calligraphy works and compiled them into a text with neat dialogues, clear organization, and plain language. Easy to memorize.

The book was written not far from the end of the Han Dynasty, and there are no allusions to later generations, so there is no need for too many revisions.

Moreover, the writing is brilliant and suitable for showing off.

Liu Xiang did not want to be known as a talented man, he just wanted to change his image as a vulgar warrior. In the past few years, he had only fought in wars, and the image of a military commander was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This was not good, and he would be despised by the scholars.

He wanted to flesh out his character: he had a good family background and a great literary talent, but because of the chaos in the world, he had no choice but to abandon literature and join the martial arts. After several years of fighting, his military fortunes were prosperous, and he became what he is now, capable of both literature and martial arts.

Only in this way can most scholars accept him from the bottom of their hearts, especially the children from poor families, who will regard him as one of their own, even as an idol and role model.

Because he really came from a poor family, and his father was really talented, but he died too early and lived in a border county of Youzhou, so his talent was not revealed to the world.

Such a personality will help you win over people.

There are so many benefits, you would be a fool not to copy them!

He took the bamboo slips, pen and ink, and wrote a thousand-character essay silently with great interest.

Starting from "The sky and the earth are dark and yellow, the universe is primitive" and writing sentence by sentence, I have to sigh that the memories of childhood enlightenment can really be remembered for a lifetime. In fact, most of the knowledge in elementary school and middle school has been returned to the teacher.

When I wrote "Bushe Liaowan, Ji Qin and Ruan Xiao.", this sentence is wrong and cannot be left.

The meaning of this sentence is that Lu Bu is good at archery, Yi Liao is good at playing with projectiles, Ji Kang is good at playing the piano, and Ruan Ji is good at talking and shouting.

He couldn't remember who Yi Liao was, but Lu Bu was from this era. Ji Kang and Ruan Ji were both among the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove, and they were not born yet.

Is it written as a prophetic story?

There is also the next sentence: "Tian Bi Lun Zhi, Jun Qiao Ren Diao."

Meng Tian invented the writing brush, and Cai Lun improved papermaking. However, Ma Jun was a native of Wei during the Three Kingdoms period. He is still young and may not have been born yet.

Can't stay.

The sentence that summarizes these two sentences, "It clears up differences and benefits customs, and both are wonderful." Naturally, there is no such thing.

The contrast with the previous sentences "Mao Shi is graceful, and the workman is smiling. Xuanji hangs in the air, and the gloomy soul shines all around." cannot be left.

There is nothing wrong with the next few sentences. In fact, there are only six sentences left. I wrote them in one breath and ended with "Ignorance, ignorance, etc. The predicate helps, how can I do it?"

There are 960 words in the whole article. It is not a mistake to say that it is a thousand-character article.

Liu Xiang planned to use it as an enlightenment article, supplemented by explanations, elegance and simple addition and subtraction, as an elementary textbook.

After thinking about it, I felt it was a bit lacking, but he didn't like the "Cangjie Pian", "Xunzhuan Pian", "Fanjiang Pian", and "Pangxi Pian", leaving only the "Jijiu Pian".

The "Thousand-Character Essay", "Jiju Pian" and addition and subtraction arithmetic are indeed a bit lacking.

Just copy another one yourself.

When he was a child, his elders respected traditional culture. Before he went to elementary school, he was exposed to the scourge of feudalism. He memorized the Three-Character Classic, the Thousand-Character Classic, and the Disciple's Rules. If he hadn't gotten older and it was time to go to school, he would have almost started to recite the Four Books and Five Classics.

Someone else's child cried and shouted that he didn't want to go to school. He happily ran towards the school with his small schoolbag on his back. Primary school life was so comfortable.

Because you have to go to school and receive a systematic modern education, the elders in your family will no longer interfere for fear of affecting your studies.

For example, "the way of a university lies in clear virtue", "in being close to the people", and "in striving for perfection", I have only heard of it, but have not really understood it.

But he actually recited the "Disciple Rules" and was spanked because he couldn't memorize it.

The memory is profound.

"Disciples' rules are the teachings of saints. The first is filial piety, and the second is sincerity. Love all the people and be kind. If you have enough energy, study literature..." He could memorize it from the beginning.

This is all due to pain, which can be remembered for a lifetime.

Liu Xiang rubbed his butt and decided to add the "Disciple Rules".

This article is quite useful. It lists the polite manners that a child should have when at home, when going out, when dealing with others, when dealing with things, when dealing with the world, and when studying.

It is always right to know the right things.

Children who are polite are rare.

The two articles add up to more than 2,000 words, divided into two volumes of bamboo slips, and weigh a total of six or seven kilograms.

This is a small scroll. Large scrolls can generally contain about two thousand words, and one scroll weighs about five kilograms.

In ancient times, knowledge was very important and scholars were very powerful. Letters were really heavier than swords and could kill people if they were swung.

Therefore, the Analects of Confucius is also known as "The Analects of Confucius", which is based on facts.

Carrying the knowledge that could be used as a weapon, Liu Xiang left the palace and headed for the bookstore. He wanted to find Cai Yong. First, he asked his father-in-law to help correct it and see if there was anything out of place.

The second is to ask him to write a model. This is a master of calligraphy. Cai Bojie's handwriting is highly respected by the world. Having his calligraphy as a model will not only attract Mongolian teachers, but also allow Mongolian children to be exposed to traditional Chinese calligraphy from the beginning.

, the benefits are great.

Of course it is impossible to give every child a copybook of Cai Yong’s writing.

It was he who wrote a sample and asked the elementary teachers to copy it, and then taught it to the students, allowing the elementary students to practice calligraphy in the sandbox.

Now that there is no printing technology, Liu Xiang cannot print textbooks for every student. That would be too luxurious.

It's not like he never thought about "inventing" printing.

However, the key to printing is not engraving or movable type, but ink and paper.

What's so hard about just inventing a seal?

The real difficulty is to be able to support the flexible paper and cheap ink for printing.

The paper of the Eastern Han Dynasty is straw paper. It is rough, fragile, yellow, and has loose ink. It is okay for painting. Many of the artistic conceptions of ink painting are actually the historical reasons for the loose ink on paper. Our ancestors turned this shortcoming into art.

That’s awesome! I can’t help but accept it.

Such paper has unclear handwriting, is difficult to write on, and is not easy to preserve, let alone print on. It is too easy to be damaged during rubbing.

There is also the issue of ink. In the Han Dynasty, there was a predecessor of ink, which was the ink pad used for seals, but it was not cheap, and the cost of large-scale printing was not low.

Therefore, printing technology can meet manufacturing requirements technically, but there are many problems in promotion. He is also improving paper, but the effect is not good.

The technology is difficult to put into practice, just like there is no technology at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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