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Chapter 37 I have a guest

Liu Xiang knew clearly that they had to retreat quickly and not be entangled. They could not take away the Yellow Turban prisoners.

A rational general would either not take prisoners in the first place, or get rid of them.

Liu Xiang knows what kind of approach is smart and rational, and he understands the truth.

"There are too many smart people in the world, so let me do something stupid." He muttered in his mind and decided to let these prisoners go. There were more than a thousand lives left. They did nothing wrong, they just couldn't live anymore.

Just rise up and resist.

This was not smart enough. At least for now, Liu Xiang was not cold-blooded enough to slaughter prisoners at will.

After resting for half an hour, everyone ate some food and fed the horses some water before setting off.

Yan Rou looked at Liu Xiang and then at the yellow scarf prisoners.

"My lord, lead the troops first, and I will lead the Hu cavalry to defeat the rear."

Liu Xiang understood what Yan Rou meant and sighed. He could not blame Yan Rou. In this era, Yan Rou's actions were rational and in line with mainstream values.

"Ziming, if the Yellow Turbans can't catch up, let these prisoners go and let them bury the bodies here to prevent the plague from happening."


He ordered the prisoners to bury all the corpses, leaving a few groups of men and horses to watch. Liu Xiang led the army and ran away, and the following groups of men and horses would follow.

They walked again and again and soon crossed the river. Regardless of their fatigue, the army rushed back to Anle that night.

The troops returned to the camp to rest, and Liu Xiang didn't care about anything else. He went back to his room and fell asleep. He was almost paralyzed from exhaustion.

When he woke up the next day, he rewarded the three armies. The infantry left behind were also rewarded, and wine, meat, food and vegetables were sent to the military camp one by one.

Liu Xiang inspected each camp and announced the rewards to the troops. Shen Shi held a banquet at the county government office, and Cui Yi, Yan Rou, Wang Xing and more than a dozen military princes were all invited.

During the banquet, when talking about the Yellow Turban raid, the cavalry generals were beaming and talking loudly, while the infantrymen sighed in dissatisfaction.

The two parties were angry and started fighting over wine.

In the beginning, they poured wine with spoons and drank from cups. When the smell of wine started to build up, they lifted up the wine jar, as if they were in military robes, holding the hand of the son, and drunkenly together with him.

Liu Xiang didn't stop him, he just hid aside and laughed at the joke, as long as he didn't make fun of him.

The Han Dynasty loves wine, and everyone from high officials to common people likes to have a few drinks.

Whenever there is a banquet, one must be very drunk before resting. If the guest is not drunk, the host will be rude, and if the host is not drunk, he will look down on the guest.

And you must never stop someone from drinking. It is an extremely disrespectful behavior. The person who is stopped will regard it as a humiliation. If you have a bad temper, you will have to fight on the spot.

I have to say that there were too many valuable things in the Han Dynasty, but life was worthless.

Liu Xiang picked up the empty ear cup and took a pretentious sip. People who are poor drinkers have to learn to pretend.

This is the way to survive!

After fiddling with the empty cup, I found out that this thing has a nice name, it's called a wine cup, which is the same cup as the Qushui Water Cup.

In the Han Dynasty, the ear cup was also called "抔", "棓" and "cup". The word "攔" comes from the meaning of holding the cup with both hands. The left and right thumbs are equivalent to the cup ears, just like the wings of a bird, so it is also called Yuqi.

Unlike modern cups, it can be seen as an oval bowl with two ears. However, the cups in the Han Dynasty were made of lacquerware, and it was not until the Song Dynasty that cups made of porcelain were available.

Although there was porcelain in the Han Dynasty, it was relatively primitive, and daily necessities were mainly lacquerware and pottery.

There is also a kind of bronze wine set called Jue, which is not very popular anymore and is too expensive. Like jade cups and glass cups, they are only preserved by princes from aristocratic families and rarely among the people.

Liu Xiang was sitting next to the food table, thinking wildly. The people below had already drank enough and started to sing and dance. This is what is called singing and dancing when the wine is full and the ears are warm.

Liu Xiang sighed. He had to go dancing. The etiquette rules of banquets in the Han Dynasty were called "dance to belong to each other."

The host has to start the dance and then invite the guests to take over until all the guests have danced once. There must also be twirling movements in the dance. It is considered impolite to not dance or dance without twirling movements.

Let’s take an example about Cai Wenji’s father.

Once, Wang Zhi, the prefect of Wuyuan, hosted a banquet for Cai Yong. After drinking happily, Wang Zhi danced for Cai Yong. This was an act of respect for him. After the dance, he invited Cai Yong to take over, but Cai Yong actually refused to give him face.


Wang Zhi became angry on the spot and cursed Cai Yong. He falsely accused the court that Cai Yong was resentful and dissatisfied with the court's previous exile. Cai Yong was forced to go into exile in Wu.

Therefore, you must abide by the rules during banquets in the Han Dynasty. Discourtesy will lead to serious disasters.

Liu Xiang was afraid that if he didn't dance with everyone, he would offend everyone. In the early days of starting a business, he had to overcome his thin-skinned problem.

No matter what, just put aside your face and just dance.

Liu Xiang fluttered his sleeves and danced, twirling and inviting guests. Everyone came to follow him, and for a while, the demons danced wildly.

Dancing alone is not enough, you also have to sing.

Liu Xiang thought about it for a while and decided to give these lieutenant generals a piece of cake:

"The bow and the bow are flying, and the words are hidden. I have a guest, and I am singing in the center. The bells and drums are set up, and they are all served in one day."

The red bow and bow are flying, and the words are conveyed. I have a guest, and I am very happy to welcome you. The bells and drums are already set up, and I will show them to the right.

The bow and the bow are flying, and the words are spoken. I have a distinguished guest, and the center is good for him. The bells and drums are set up, and he will be rewarded in one day."

What is sung is "Xiao Ya Tong Gong", which tells the story of the king rewarding meritorious princes.

After singing, I found that only Yan Rou understood it, while the others just cheered and cheered.

The pie was not finished yet, but Liu Xiang couldn't show it. He nodded to Yan Rou and said to the others:

"The music will be played, the dance will continue, and I will watch the grace of you all."

Everyone continued to dance, but no one danced well. Liu Xiang was tired and went back to sit down and rest.

Finally no longer embarrassed, he happily scooped up a glass of wine and drank it in one gulp.

Then, when I woke up it was already the next day.

Sigh~~It’s hard to describe the amount of alcohol you can drink.

Liu Xiang stretched out and heard the sound of his bones. He felt that there was still hope for his height. When would he be able to grow to seven feet five inches? It's so urgent.

He doesn't want to be as tall as Boss Cao. Uncle Liu Huang's height is better.

After getting up, washing up, eating the morning meal, and knowing that everyone had returned to the military camp, Liu Xiang looked through the files and began to deal with matters of well-being.

Because there are old rules to follow, Anle is relatively stable, and the land allocation report is in order.

Powerful landowners who committed evil deeds would have their homes confiscated and beheaded, but those who did not do evil deeds would not be disturbed.

This kind of statement is actually deceiving people. What is evil? It is not Liu Xiang who has the final say. Which aristocratic and powerful landowner does not hide his population? He does not kidnap people into slavery? He does not have a private army? It is too easy to find charges.

Even if you meet a true gentleman, who is noble and upright, but Liu Xiang has divided the fields among his tenants and has his own fields, who will rent his fields?

Abandoning the land was a serious crime in the ancient farming-based society. Therefore, he either sold the land at a low price or committed a crime.

Liu Xiang's rhetoric was just to look good. It meant to tell everyone that he was not a vicious person and would not do anything to kill everyone. Those who were killed were all to blame themselves.

In this way, some buffer room can be left, and people all over the world will not regard Liu Xiang as a scourge.

In fact, he will try his best to compress the living space of powerful families and tilt land resources to the poor people until the noble group that follows him to conquer the world rises. At that time, he may not be able to suppress it anymore.

Therefore, Liu Xiang had to make another piece of cake to draw the attention of the Future Honor Group away from the land and leave more ways for the people to survive.

The people in this land really don't want much.

This chapter has been completed!
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