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Chapter 439: Pursuing Yuan Shao

It only takes five minutes for a war horse to run at full speed and cover a distance of ten miles. However, running like this consumes too much horsepower and affects subsequent operations.

If you jog there, you'll be there in about fifteen minutes.

Most of the enemy's soldiers were pulling out of camp, and a small number were shooting at Zhang Xun's soldiers.

If they want to break up the outer perimeter and directly attack the Chinese army, and take advantage of the chaos to kill Yuan Shao, they cannot establish a stable formation. Therefore, the Anping army rushes into the formation in batches. They cannot rush over at full speed in a swarm, nor can they trot over slowly.

With the help of Su Wei, Liu Xiang put on his thin scale armor and began to assign tasks: "Liu Neng, lead the Hu cavalry under his command to march at full speed to disrupt the enemy's outer formation and not give them a chance to form a dense formation. Yan Gang, lead Yue

March forward on horseback and assist Hu Qi in tearing apart the enemy's formation."

"General, I obey the order!" The two men took the order and went down to form a team, waiting for the order to set off.

"Ziming, who do you think is the biggest threat to us in this world?" Liu Xiang turned to Cui Yi.

"My lord, do you think it's Yuan Shao?" Cui Yi actually believed in his heart that Liangzhou's soldiers and horses were more powerful than these southerners, but when my lord asked this question at this time, he was talking about Yuan Shao.

"Yuan Shao is a greater threat by himself than the 50,000 troops in front of him. Believe it or not, even if he escapes alone, it won't take long for a group of people to surround him. If he needs people, he will have money."

Money, this is the crown of the gentry."

Liu Xiang did not dare to underestimate the influence of the Yuan family in Runan. Although Cao Cao was more capable than Yuan Shao, Yuan Benchu ​​posed a greater threat to him. He looked at Cui Yi and said in a deep voice:

"Keep an eye on Yuan Shao, I will kill him."

"Don't worry, my lord, he will definitely die!"

The Anping Army put on their armor and finished forming the team. Liu Xiang did not have the habit of boosting the morale of the soldiers before the battle. There was no need to be verbose and waste time. He drew his sword in his hand and pointed in the direction of the enemy: "Destroy the enemy army and kill the enemy chief!"


"Destroy the enemy army! Kill the enemy chieftain!"

The soldiers of the third battalion shouted loudly and drove their horses forward. More than 10,000 war horses trampled the grass and gradually accelerated. The three thousand horsemen who rushed at the front started to sprint with all their strength after a slight acceleration. Two thousand armored cavalry were the leading force.

With sharp arrows, head straight for the enemy camp.

Following them were three thousand Yueqi, restraining their mounts and preventing them from running wildly after Hu Qiying, maintaining a fast running speed and conserving their horsepower.

The ones at the back were Xiaoqi and Suwei, trotting close to the enemy.

The army started at the same time, and due to the difference in speed, they gradually formed three echelons, slowly widening the distance and approaching the enemy troops who were pulling out of camp.

After Zhang Xun broke camp and retreated, Yuan Shao ordered the soldiers and civilians to follow him. For more than ten days, it has become a fixed routine. Anyway, it is enough to prevent the enemy from getting away. He does not want to order his men to fight to the death and suffer too much damage, so he still waits.

After Yuan Shu was killed by Cao Cao and Liu Biao, he thought of recruiting Zhang Xun's troops.

The vibration of the galloping horses was heard. By the time the sentries under his command discovered it, Hu Qi was already only five or six miles away from them. With his horses going at full speed, he would arrive in two or three minutes.

In such a short period of time, how could there be a chance to form a formation? Even the warning to alert the cavalry did not have time to spread throughout the army. The soldiers in the front were still focused on shooting at Zhang Xun's troops.

Yuan Shao felt numb all over. When he saw so many cavalry, Liu Xiang must have arrived.

If you don't rescue Yuan Shu, why do you come here to beat me? What kind of trick is this? It's unreasonable!

It is indeed unreasonable for the armored cavalry to attack the scattered infantry. Liu Neng led the Hu cavalry to blaze a bloody trail and smashed Yuan Shao's army from the two battalions behind him. He rushed out of the enemy formation without any hindrance and did not stop.

, left the battlefield and ran towards the distance. He wanted to change horses and fight again.

The horse carrying the cavalry sprinted for ten miles, but its strength was almost exhausted. The unladen horse could still charge for a while.

He was not worried that the enemy would take advantage of the change of horses to adjust their formation. Yue Qi was right behind him and had already rushed into the enemy's formation along the path Hu Qi took.

The attacks with swords and arrows made Yuan Shao's troops even more confused, and did not give the enemy a chance to gather his infantry and form a formation to protect themselves.

Zhang Xun was not a fool. He seized the opportunity to counterattack the enemy, entangled the two battalions in front of him, and did not give them a chance to return to support the rear camp.

The battle started suddenly. The cavalry charged too fast. Before Yuan Shao's first order was conveyed to the whole army, Hu cavalry rushed into the two troops behind who were preparing to move camp. There were nearly 20,000 infantry and more than 10,000 civilians.

, was defeated by three thousand cavalry.

After finally surviving this wave of charges, the next wave of cavalry arrived, and everything was in chaos. Civilians and soldiers were mixed together. There was no formation at all. Everyone was like headless flies, wailing and scattering.

He fled, turning his back with swords and arrows, and allowed the enemy's cavalry to kill and trample him.

More than a thousand cavalrymen in Yuan Shao's hands were sent to the front to intercept Zhang Xun. They had no time to return reinforcements. They may not have received the order to return reinforcements. It was up to the leading general to make his own judgment.

It was a pity that he could not wait for the cavalry to come back for reinforcements. Hu Qi, who had changed his horse, met the enemy cavalry who wanted to come around to rescue the Chinese army. Liu Neng was so happy that he said: "I am lucky, I took the initiative to find the merit."

Three thousand versus one thousand, the Hu Cavalry Camp wants armored cavalry and armored cavalry, and light cavalry and light cavalry. The enemy cavalry cannot escape even if they want to.

Chunyu Qiong, who led troops back to support, knew how powerful the Anping Army's cavalry was. He had seen it before and almost killed him in Pei State.

But looking at the chaotic Chinese army in the distance, the Lord was waiting for his rescue and could not retreat.

When we meet on a narrow road, we will fight to the death!

"My sons, the enemy army is exhausted. It's time to make some achievements. If you kill one enemy, you will be rewarded with ten thousand gold. If you kill the enemy chief, you will be rewarded with a thousand gold coins. You will be promoted to the third level. If you want to be promoted and make a fortune, follow me and kill the enemy!"

"Chun Yuqiong shouted loudly, not only to encourage the soldiers, but also to embolden himself.

"Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, not daring to hesitate, and rushed forward. He was afraid that if he delayed for a while, his courage would be exhausted, and he would turn around and run away.


Yuan Benchu ​​treated him like a confidant, and he could not let down his lord's deep kindness.

A soldier dies for his bosom friend, so die here in battle today!

Under his encouragement, more than a thousand cavalrymen were eager to fight and rode forward.

Unfortunately, the numbers and armor are all at a disadvantage, but the Anping army has never lacked fighting spirit and morale. The Hu Qiying camp is all naturalized Hu people who want to make more military exploits to prove that they are worthy of being Han people.


The gap in combat power cannot be made up by roaring a few times.

Chunyu Qiong, who was charging forward, first withstood the rain of arrows from the light cavalry. There were more than ten feather arrows hanging on his armor, and he collided with Liu Neng head-on. He was knocked off his horse by a blow, and the cavalry ran over him, staining the battlefield with blood.

It can be regarded as asking for kindness and getting kindness.

The cavalry who followed him in the charge were also defeated head-on.

Yuan Shao didn't know this, he was struggling in the chaos of soldiers.

"Steady! Steady! Don't run away! Follow me to defend the enemy!" Yuan Shao rode on his horse and shouted in vain. There were not many personal guards left. The flag bearers were all shot to death. The banners and flags fell to the ground.

Unable to find him, he was protected by his subordinates and struggled to withstand the attack of the defeated troops, trying to re-establish his formation.

It's a pity that even though he shouted loudly, few people paid attention to him. Soldiers and civilians were mixed together, and everyone wanted to escape. They had never experienced cavalry charging into the battle. Facing the torrent of galloping horses, they had no intention of resisting at all.

Can't lift it up.

What's more, the real torrent of steel has already arrived.

Xiaoqi arrived, but Cui Yiren was in pain. The enemy was already in chaos. It was not difficult to defeat these rebels. However, he found the enemy's general among the rebels and really gave him a hard time.

He couldn't even see the banners and banners. He couldn't blame Liu Neng. Yan Gang had beaten him too hard and he didn't dare to let the knights disperse to search. If the heavily armored cavalry suit was alone in the crowd, then wait.


He promised his lord that he would take Yuan Shao's head, and he had to do what he said.

The Xiaoqi launched a fierce back-and-forth conflict. They did not waste any horsepower and did not go out to adjust at all. They just circled in the wave of defeated troops. Wherever there were flags and horses, they would rush over to take a look, kill the people in the process, and disperse the last remaining enemy.

The will of the army to resist.

This is an extremely dangerous behavior, and the speed cannot be increased at all. If the formation is disrupted, casualties will be huge, and the entire army is very likely to be annihilated.

Liu Xiang was wandering out with his guards and did not enter the formation at all. The enemy was completely in chaos, earlier than he expected.

In the planned three waves of charge, Hu Qi disrupted the outer perimeter, Yue Qi expanded the chaos, and Xiao Qi went straight to the center. Who could have expected that the enemy would be so unwilling to resist beating, Hu Qi directly cut the enemy's formation in half, and as soon as Yue Qi arrived, the opponent's center

The army was also in chaos. When Xiaoqi and Suwei arrived, Yuan Shao's big banner fell down.

Where can I find him?

Cui Yi rushed into the crowd to search, while Liu Xiang wandered outside to search, hoping that Yuan Shao would break out of the rebels under the protection of his personal guards.

With such chaos, it was difficult for the enemy to resist. Hu Qi, who had changed his horse, and Yue Qi, who had rushed out of the chaos, had already attacked the enemy's front camp and cooperated with Zhang Xun to defeat them.

Once the panic of the defeated soldiers has passed, the prisoners can be collected.

The most important thing now is to find Yuan Shao.

Find him! Kill him!

This chapter has been completed!
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