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Chapter 445 Conquest of Cao Ang

Cao Cao is thirty-eight years old this year, fourteen years older than Liu Xiang. He is a very fertile man and has had twenty-five sons and seven daughters in his life.

Of course, there are still many unborn children. This year, the eldest son Cao Ang is 18 years old, and the eldest daughter is 13 years old. I don’t know her name. Later, after Cao Pi ascended the throne, he named her the eldest princess of Qinghe.

Liu Xiang didn't like Lao Cao's eldest daughter. According to official history, she married Xiahou Dun's son Xiahou Mao and conspired with her brother-in-law to falsely accuse her husband. She was a cruel person.

He admired Cao Jie more, Queen Xianmu of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, not because she threw a seal and scolded Cao Pi, but because she persisted after Emperor Xian abdicated and encouraged Liu Xie to take off his official uniform, put on civilian clothes, and go among the people.

Use the superb medical skills learned in the palace to save the dying and the wounded, and save the common people.

In this way, Liu Xie became a rural doctor in Xuanhujishi, Shanyang. The couple often went to Yuntai Mountain to collect medicines and administer medicine to save the people. They were praised by the people as "dragon and phoenix doctors". Moreover, she also advocated that regardless of whether they are rich or poor, all children should be educated.

She could go to school, and it was because of her that Shanyang Academy prospered.

It's a pity that Cao Jie was not born yet.

"Brother Meng De, since you call me your friend, then as a friend, I also have something to say."

"All ears."

Liu Xiang wanted to say that he was pretty broad-minded and could tolerate Cao Cao, but then he thought about it, this was too false. Who would believe it? So, what he said became: "I heard that your eldest daughter

Quite domineering and unruly?"

Lao Cao was a little embarrassed. His family tradition and motto were questioned, and he felt a little embarrassed, but he couldn't refute it, because it was true, so he had to cover it up and said: "Who in this world dares to be domineering in front of you?"

That's right, when Cao Cao was the king, his daughter was naturally domineering when she got married. He took her as his concubine, but he probably didn't dare to lose his temper because he was afraid that the back house would be uneasy.

But in a political marriage, how can you be picky? Today, Cao Cao offered to marry a daughter. He just bowed his head and wanted to get closer and integrate into his subordinates. His daughter was not only unruly and willful, but also blind and lame. He had to marry him.


"I will find a matchmaker to come to propose marriage."

Lao Cao said nothing, crossed his arms, clasped his hands across his forehead, and bowed solemnly.

Liu Xiang did not return the gift, but sighed and said with emotion: "I don't have many friends. I hope I can be friends with Brother Meng De for life."

"My luck!"

The marriage was settled in this way. Today's banquet was held to appease Cao Cao and Liu Biao, so the efforts were not in vain.

It was said to be a banquet, but in fact it was just the three of them. There were no guests, no dancers, just a few attendants and maids. It was not a Hongmen banquet, and Liu Xiang did not want to kill them.

This trip south went smoothly beyond his expectation. Both Yuan and Yuan died, Cao Cao and Liu Biao surrendered, Dong Zhuo in the west was assassinated, the Battle of Chang'an was about to break out, and the window period to attack Sanfu came, and the game of world hegemony suddenly began.

Came to the next stage.

He can no longer simply wield his troops on the battlefield, he should show his ambition and impress the world.

The army can conquer territory, but it cannot appease the people. If the people are dissatisfied, the world will still be in turmoil. Cao Cao and Liu Biao were the beginning of his subjugation of the heroes of the world.

You can't die, you have to live well, and you have to live a meaningful life.

They are the people they show to the world.

Only in this way can all parties come to invest and determine the country.

Liu Xiang had to adjust his mentality as soon as possible and face the new situation.

He filled up the wine glasses for the two people who were eating together and raised the glasses: "Drink this glass to the full and spend the Mid-Autumn Festival together. I also hope that everyone in the world can reunite with their families and have long-lasting happiness. Drink victoriously!"

"Drink victory!"

The three of them drank wine. Liu Xiang tasted the taste and was not satisfied: "The grapes in Bingzhou are not as good as those in the Western Regions, and the taste is not that good. They say that the grape wine is a luminous cup. I don't care about the luminous cup, but the grape wine is indispensable.

We must pacify Liangzhou later, open up the Western Regions, and grow more grapes there for the drunkards of the Han Dynasty to enjoy."

Liu Biao laughed. He was one of the drunkards. In order to drink, he specially built three kinds of "wine jars". The big one was called Boya, which could hold seven liters, the medium one was called Zhongya, which could hold six liters, and the small one was called Ji.

Ya, it can hold five liters, and it has a nice name, called the Lord of Sanya.

At every party, everyone must drink all three "jars" of wine. Whenever someone falls to the ground drunk, a large needle is used to prick the drunk person. This is to prevent people from pretending to be drunk and avoiding drinking.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, one liter was equivalent to 0.2 liters in modern times, so "Boya" could hold two catties and four taels, "Zhongya" could hold two catties and two taels, and "Jiya" could hold exactly two catties. One banquet, each person

You should drink at least six pounds and six ounces.

Fortunately, there was no high-strength distilled liquor in the Han Dynasty. The mainstream drink was brewed rice wine, which was similar to the modern rice wine in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. It was a sweet and sour liqueur. Otherwise, you would have suffered from alcohol poisoning and drank a lot of people to death at a banquet.

"When I have time in the future, I must meet Brother Jing Sheng's title of Sanya." Cao Cao had heard about the title of Sanya, and he couldn't stop laughing. He was also a drunkard.

The Han people like to drink, and drunkards are rampant. The behavior of persuading people to drink is extremely bad. They use light words and sarcastic words. They stick a needle, pour cold water, whip, hit your head with a big stick, chop your head with an ax, and just ask you if you want to drink?

Liu Xiang shook his head in a funny way. Fortunately, no one advised him to drink like this, otherwise people would die and the consequences would be serious.

"I'm not a good drinker, so I can't let you two have a good drink. Don't blame me. I'll stop here today. To express my apology, I'll give you a bottle of wine each. You can take it back and have a good drink."

I'm really not lying. I've already had three drinks, and if I drink more, I'll get drunk. In modern times, his drinking capacity is such that he will faint after one bottle of beer and fall down after two bottles.

"Thank you, general." Cao Cao and Liu Biao were overjoyed. They were both happy to have solved their worries and to have good wine.

In recent years, wars have been raging and trade routes have been cut off. Grapes and wine are not easy to come by in Henan.

Before leaving, Liu Xiang mentioned to Lao Cao: "Cao Ang, the eldest son of Meng De, is eighteen years old this year. As a sign of filial piety and integrity, would you like to come to my side and become a regular servant of the knights?"

"That's his blessing, he couldn't ask for it." Cao Cao smiled happily and had no intention of refusing at all.

very good.

Liu Xiang was very satisfied.

After seeing off the guests, he returned to the back house of the government office and drank a cup of hangover tea soup. He was sobered by the bitter and strange smell. He took out his pen and ink and wrote the order: "Conquer Zao Mansion, and Han Hao will be the dianong."

Engage in the task and transfer Xiahou Dun to be the captain of the Runan camp."

Let’s mobilize these three first and take our time. We can’t transfer all of Lao Cao’s people at once. They need to be adjusted slowly.

Zaodi was from Yingchuan and had joined Cao Cao when he raised his army. He was good at farming and attached great importance to farming.

Han Hao was originally employed by Wang Kuang, but later joined Lao Cao, who also valued farming and mulberry.

As for Xiahou Dun, it goes without saying that he had good personal martial arts, an honest official, and a good character, but he could not be allowed to lead the army in wars and he never won. In history, there was a nickname for the farming general. During droughts, he dug canals and personally

Carrying the soil, a good name earned from leading people to farm.

Well, just take it as a good name.

Anyway, just don't let him go to the battlefield, he is doing well in other positions.

The disarmament process has come to an end, and there are about 40,000 soldiers left. This army is composed of Cao Cao, Liu Biao, Yuan Shao, and Zhang Xun. Who should be put in charge of it so that it can conquer the masses?

This chapter has been completed!
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