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Chapter 455: Dang Tu Gaoye, who replaced the Han Dynasty

Guo Si and Li Jue fought in the street. The fight did not last long before they stopped. The enemy troops surrounded the city. No matter how naive they were, they would not fight to the death.

The main reason is that the troops are about the same strength and no one wants to die together.

The winner is not decided, but the hatred is forged.

Guo Si rolled his eyes, and his plan came to mind. Li Jue wanted to monopolize the emperor. Defending the city won, and he took the biggest advantage. If he was defeated, he had a way out to correct the chaos. The plan was very good. Grand Duke, can you get your wish?

Eating alone will rot your heart and liver.

On the same day, he went to find Fan Chou and Zhang Ji and explained Jia Xu's analysis. Fan Chou thought it was reasonable. Zhang Ji had long been convinced by Jia Wenhe. The three of them had reached a consensus and Li Jue could not be allowed to take all the benefits.

What to do?

Liangzhou’s old rule is to beat him!

In the early hours of the morning, Guo Si, Fan Chou, and Zhang Ji suddenly attacked the Weiyang Palace, broke into the palace, and marched into the harem.

The chaotic fighting lasted for two hours. At Mao hour, before dawn, the Long Live Hall caught fire. The flames shot into the sky, and everyone was shocked.

Li Jue was so anxious that he almost rushed into the fire scene.

Emperor Liu Xie is inside!

The fire was so powerful that it was difficult to extinguish. People outside could not get in, and people inside could not get out. The best wood made the fire very strong.

His Majesty passed away.

The four families can no longer fight.

What a slap in the face, wasn't it just to snatch the emperor, but in the end the emperor was gone, and the war was in chaos during the night battle. No one can explain how the fire started.

Jia Xu, a recognized wise man in the Liangzhou army, was woken up in the middle of the night.

"This is such a catastrophe!" Jia Wenhe, the leader of the city, could not help but change his face: "How could you be so messy? How could you beat the emperor to death?"

It was Li Jue and Guo Si who fought in chaos and beat the emperor to death. It must be them who committed regicide. This crime must be pinned on their heads. Only in this way can he and his family be truly safe.

"What should we do? You are too ignorant! They are all Dong Xiang's old subordinates. Are you really going to beat them to death?"

The four of them, Li Jue, felt even more panicked when they saw that Jia Wenhe, who had always been calm and calm in the past, now looked furious.

Everyone understood that the retreat was blocked.

When Liangzhou people fight, they always fight if they can win and surrender if they can't. Now it's over and there's no way to surrender.

Regicide, the Yi tribe, Liu Qiaoqi is the clan outside the city.

Will never let them go.

"Wen He, the matter is over, let's come up with an idea." Guo Bang looked at Jia Xu eagerly, hoping that this smart man would find a way for them to survive and easily occupy Chang'an, so he especially respected this wise man.

"Where is the best way? For now, the only way is to defend one road." Jia Xu lamented and continued: "Sure up a few other people, cooperate sincerely, defend Chang'an, exhaust the enemy's food and fodder, and the siege will be solved.


Zhang Ji licked his dry lips and said, "I'm afraid they don't have the same heart as us."

The four of them jointly had 40,000 soldiers and horses. The soldiers were the most elite. Li Jue and Guo Si took over the arsenal when they entered the city. They also had the best weapons and armor. They had only squeezed out the others for a few days. How to win them over?

Guo Bang was a horse thief, with the strongest force and the most impatient temper. He couldn't think of a way to win over Duan Xuan, Hu Zhen and others, so he gritted his teeth and said: "Let's just annex them!"

"I think this is a good idea. If they don't agree with us, then we will kill them." Fan Chou was also murderous.

Li Jue was also a little tempted.

"Shut up, everyone! You guys are fighting tonight. How can they not take precautions against such a big commotion?" Jia Xu scolded, maintaining his image of being anxious after hearing the bad news.

He raised his hand to stop the four people's desire to speak: "Let me be quiet and think carefully."

The five people were gathering in the front hall of Weiyang Palace, which was the place where court meetings were held on weekdays. Palace lanterns and giant candles were lit inside the hall, illuminating the hall that could accommodate thousands of people.

Jia Xu paced in the middle of the palace, twirling his beard three times, looking at the position where the emperor went to court to listen to politics, and said quietly: "Ascending the throne, enfeoffment!"

The four of them waited with bated breath for a long time. When these four words came, they were all confused.

"What does Wenhe mean?"

"One person ascends the throne and seven people are crowned kings. Who can refuse?" Jia Xu turned around and glanced around. Li Jue and the other four understood.

Since the early Han Dynasty when several princes and kings with different surnames were deposed, the agreement that no one with the surname Liu could be crowned king has been in effect. For four hundred years, the princes and kings have only had clan relatives surnamed Liu.

But who doesn’t want to be crowned king?

Some people are so excited, the temptation to be crowned king is too great.

Of course, some people would rather take the throne.

Li Jue had a flash of inspiration and said loudly: "There is a prophecy: Those who represent the Han Dynasty should be Tu Gaoye! The high ones should be Que Ye, and the Que Ye should be Jue Ye. Someone will be born to be a saint."

What he said is a fallacy, but it cannot be said to be wrong. Li Jue's word "Jue" does mean a tall palace. The prophecy of "Whoever succeeds the Han Dynasty should be Tu Gaoye." has been circulated for hundreds of years and affected people.

The scope is very large and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Those who believe in this sentence are gone.

Guo Si, Fan Chou, and Zhang Ji are still dreaming about the glory of being crowned kings. Even if they only become kings for a day, they will be proud of their ancestors.

But as soon as Li Jue's words came out, their thinking was led astray. What the hell? Why are you a born saint? The princes also want to be emperors.

But after thinking about it for a long time, I seemed to have nothing to do with the throne. I was from a poor background and had no knowledge. How could I come up with so many twists and turns in a moment?

Apart from opposition, the only thing left is to hold one's neck in opposition.

They are all fighting men in the army, why do you become the emperor?

The four of them spoke to each other, and the more they talked, the more angry they became. They clenched their fists and drew their swords, their armors clanged, and they were about to get angry again.

Jia Xu sneered in his heart, arguing about dispensable things at this time is extremely stupid and will lead to his own destruction.

"Everyone, stop it. We are facing a formidable enemy. Ascension to the throne and enfeoffment are just a temporary measure to win over people's hearts. How can we keep arguing with our own people?"

"The prophecy has long predicted that I will be born to be an emperor!" Li Jue was really confused.

The position of emperor, the dignity of emperor, makes people confused.

"Why?" The other three were unhappy.

"Those who represent the Han Dynasty should be Tu Gaoye!" Li Jue shouted at the top of his voice, his voice changing its tone.

"Paint your grandma's legs! Grandpa will punch you to death!" Guo Bang hated this sentence because he couldn't think of any connection between himself and this prophecy.

Seeing that a fight was about to start, Jia Xu winked at Zhang Ji, and the two hurriedly stepped forward to start a fight. Now was not the time for a fight. According to Li Jue and Guo Si's temperament, when the anger rose, a person's brain could be beaten.

Dog brain.

The fight between these two people really made them crazy, and the subsequent plan would not go forward.

"Listen to what I say. You can follow the example of the king of Zhou in the past who divided the feudal lords. When the Liu Qiao cavalry runs out of food and retreats, each of them can occupy the territory, build a kingdom, and govern themselves. We must overcome the difficulties first, and don't mess up the situation."

Jia Xu's persuasion was somewhat effective. Under Zhang Ji's pull, Li Jue and Guo Si finally separated.

The five people sat down to discuss again, and Li Jue, who was able to make prophecies, finally became the only choice to ascend the throne because of his quick thinking.

"For the current plan, we should forge the emperor's abdication edict as soon as possible, make a book of abdication, and then order hundreds of officials to persuade him to join the throne. He will receive the Zen throne in the palace, ascend the throne directly, and issue a succession edict to enfeoff. Those who were promoted to the throne and founded the country

, I don’t care about the process of accepting Jiuxi.”

Jia Xu talked about the general etiquette of abdication. How could the other four understand this? Naturally, it was what he said.

"What if the minister of the Central Government does not agree to the above request to move forward?" Li Jue was very concerned about this matter. After all, it was his first time to ascend the throne and he was a little nervous.

Jia Xu sneered: "Haha, no matter how much we leave them alone, there will always be someone who will write it under the butcher's knife."

Liu Piaoqi divided the fields among the people, and most of the officials in the court could not stand it. Why not take this opportunity to remove this obstacle with the help of Li Jue, Guo Si and others!

This chapter has been completed!
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