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Chapter 457 Entering Chang'an

On October 18, the eighth day after Anping troops surrounded Chang'an, Zhang Ji and Duan Xuan surrendered.

The twelve city gates of Chang'an City were opened, and various units of the Anping Army entered the city to take over the city defense and palaces. More than 80,000 Liangzhou soldiers and horses abandoned their weapons and were taken to the military camp in the east of the city and the Jianzhang Palace for custody. Liu Xiang did not have a good impression of these people.

None, but they surrendered voluntarily, so he still couldn't do anything about killing prisoners.

Looking at the nearly dry gunpowder, I feel a little regretful.

He also thought of first offering sacrifices to his ancestors, then to the ghosts and gods, and then "going to the altar to perform the ritual" and blowing open the city gate.

It's a pity that the plan fell through.

Preparing gunpowder in a panic, I was so tired that my back ached, and I was shivering from the cold. In the end, the work was in vain, which is very exciting!

Of course, it is still very satisfying to be able to capture Chang'an without any bloodshed.

I had no choice but to order Su Wei to pack it in wooden barrels, and keep it together with two elm trunks that he wanted to make into explosive tubes. If Chang'an didn't use it, let's use it when attacking Xiaoguan.

Xiaoguan is the northwest gateway of the Guanzhong Plain, located in Anding County, Liangzhou, at the northern foot of Liupan Mountain in the modern Ningxia Autonomous Region.

That place is occupied by the rebel Yang Qiu, and he must take it back.

He will be killed in the spring of next year, and Ma Teng, Han Sui, Guo Guo and other traitors must be dealt with.

It's better to deal with Chang'an's affairs first. A lot of bad things are waiting for him.

With prisoners and civilian husbands, 250,000 soldiers gathered around Chang'an. The logistics pressure was too great. The Wei River has frozen, making water transportation more and more difficult. When the ice layer thickens, we will have to rely entirely on land transportation, which will be even more difficult at that time.


Therefore, he couldn't wait to enter the city, so he ordered Tan Minsun's troops to return to Hanzhong for food, and Sun Jian's troops to return to Wudu.

Zhang Ji and Duan Xuan were ordered to select 20,000 elite troops from the surrendered troops as soon as possible, and the rest were eliminated, and Yan Rou and Xu Rong were brought back to Hedong for food. After spring, they were distributed to various places in the county to farm.

In order to prevent these Liangzhou people from being dishonest, 30,000 civilian husbands composed of Bai Bo's young men also returned and mixed with them to work in the fields.

Before Liu Xiang entered the city, he had transferred 140,000 people away. He wanted to take advantage of the severe winter to mobilize all the ministries in place.

Three days after occupying the city, he rode a white horse into Chang'an from Zhicheng Gate and walked on the 45-meter-wide main road. He walked closely to the side, because the 20 meters in the center were the royal road, and there were only

It can only be used when the emperor travels.

For the sake of reputation, you still have to pay attention to such details.

In the past three days, the Chinese army had completely controlled every part of the city, and several palaces had been inspected. Liu Xiang settled in the North Palace with confidence. Now was not the time to move into the Weiyang Palace.

The Changle Palace where the Empress Dowager lives, the Gui Palace where the concubines live, and the Mingguang Palace where the maids live, cannot get involved at this time, otherwise a filthy basin of filthy palace will have to be put on his head. This kind of filth

The name cannot be stained.

Therefore, Beigong, a multifunctional palace with a playground-like feel, has become the best choice for temporary residence.

Jia Xu has already reported that the emperor was affected by the chaos of Li Jue and Guo Si and unfortunately passed away. There must be some taboos.

The first thing was to order the confiscation of the residences of Li Jue and Guo Si, as well as the Yi tribe, for the crime of treason and regicide.

The second thing is to reward the meritorious officials.

Naturally, Jia Xu was the one with the most merit, and he could be directly awarded the title of marquis for his merits. This did not include the great achievement that the two of them had tacitly agreed on.

"I'm even more happy that Wen He can come than the Third Assistant of the Quanzong." Seven years ago, he wanted to take him under his command, and he invited him again the year before last. This year, he finally succeeded. It was not easy. Liu Xiang felt sad in his heart.

Jia Xu bowed and saluted: "I am favored by my lord, but I am ashamed of myself."

"There is no need to mention the past. I have an important responsibility to entrust you." Liu Xiang stretched out his hand to help Jia Xu: "Based on Tiqi, reorganize the Jin Yiwei with a quota of 10,000 to oversee the world for me. Appoint Jia Xu as the Shizhong, Jin Yiwei

Grand Governor, promoted to the title of Marquis of Guannei."

"Zhang Ji and Duan Xuan were promoted to partial generals. Each commanded 10,000 troops and were assigned to the Western Army."

Chang'an's 80,000 surrendered troops were the best of Dong Zhuo's old troops, with nearly 10,000 cavalry. Dong emptied the arsenals of Luoyang and Chang'an, equipped with more than 40,000 sets of armor alone, tens of thousands of powerful crossbows, and 30,000 bows and arrows.

, Liu Xiang didn't care about the others. Most of the weapons and shields had to be remade.

The 20,000 people selected from among them have 8,000 cavalry. In terms of combat power, they are stronger than the 40,000 people who conquered the Western Army. However, the military discipline is so poor that some of the military officials have to be eliminated and replaced with people from the Anping Army. Here

Previously, weapons and armor were not distributed.

Qianniuwei could no longer mobilize anyone, so they had to be transferred to the Western Expeditionary Army. The veterans of the Chinese Army were also transferred to a thousand people at two levels as middle and low-level officers.

"Past crimes have been wiped out. From now on, military discipline must be strictly enforced. Seventeen bans and fifty-four executions will be imposed. However, those who violate the law will not be leniently spared." Liu Xiang warned the two men.

"General, I will obey the order." Zhang Ji and Duan Yan accepted the order with their hands raised.

They had known about the strict military laws of the Anping Army for several years. This was not targeted at them. They were all relieved to be pardoned.

At the banquet in the Beigong, six people, Li Jue and Guo Si, were killed and decided to open the city and surrender. This was very risky because they were afraid that the Hussars General would be held responsible for robbing the people in the past.

Now I'm fine, I can rest assured. Liu Qiaoqi's reputation is very good. He never breaks his promise as long as he promises something.

Currently, there are more than 20,000 Chinese troops stationed in the city, 10,000 right-wing troops, 8,000 troops led by Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun, 55,000 troops from the Western Expedition Army stationed outside the city, and 5,000 troops stationed in Wannian County.

The 20,000 Bingzhou Army and nearly 120,000 people gathered around Chang'an, and the defenses needed to be slightly adjusted.

"Transfer Cao Ren's five thousand troops back to Chang'an."

"Order Xiahou Yuan to lead 10,000 people to Chencang for garrison."

"Order Cai Mao to lead 10,000 people to Chiyang for garrison."

"Zhang He, the governor of Bingzhou, was promoted to Jing Zhaoyin, and his 20,000 Bingzhou troops were transferred to the Chang'an garrison. Two thousand were stationed in Taolinsai, 6,000 were stationed in Wannian County to guard the supplies, and 12,000 were stationed in various places in Chang'an.

City gate."

With Cao Ren and Zhang Xun keeping an eye on Zhang Ji and Duan Xuan, there are people from Jingzhou, Runan, Liangzhou, and some people from Yanzhou in the Western Expedition Army. They can achieve the purpose of checking and balancing each other. At least they won't respond to everything at once.

Form a group to rebel.

But if we want to directly send troops to pacify Liangzhou in the next spring, we need to strengthen training. These 60,000 people are selected from the 200,000 soldiers who dare to fight. A winter of training should not be a big problem.

At least the quality of the soldiers is much better than that of the rebels in Liangzhou.

The affairs of the army can be brought to an end. Liu Xie will be mourned according to the etiquette without him having to worry about it. Liu Xiang looked at the forty-eight letters of encouragement written to Li Jue and realized that these people could not be let go.

Everyone knew that they were being coerced, but they had to die. For the dignity of the Liu family, they had to die. In his heart, Liu Xiang also wanted to use this matter as an excuse to clean up the family.

Especially when he saw Sima Fang's name in these entry lists.

Over the years, the next generation of the Sima family will grow up with eight brothers, known as Sima Bada. They are all talented. Among them, Sima Zhongda, the second eldest, has great talent and is fourteen years old this year.

We can't let them grow any more.

Liu Xiang didn't dare to use it.

This kind of cunning, tolerant, long-lived, talented person cannot be allowed to grow up.

He didn't want to make Boss Cao's mistake again.

"His Majesty's posthumous title should have been decided earlier. Let's forget about the temple name. He has not yet taken charge of the government and has no achievements. There is no need to whitewash it to avoid the ridicule of the world. Thirty-seven ministers in the court were killed. They were given mourning honors, used as dukes, and buried with marquis rites.

To express my condolences to Zhongliang."

"The forty-eight rebels, for the crime of treason, ransacked the homes of the three Yi tribes. The matter was handed over to the Jinyi Guards for investigation, and the two battalions of Yueqi and Huqi assisted. They must be arrested as soon as possible to prevent the rebels from fleeing."

Liu Xiang picked up the form of persuasion from Sima Fang and handed it to Jia Xu with his own hands.

With Jia Wenhe's intelligence, he should know how to deal with it.

Now, it’s the turn of the most important thing, to help the people!

Not only the people in Chang'an City, but also the low-level people in the Sanfu Land are struggling on the edge of life and death. Before, they had to attack Chang'an and could not provide large-scale disaster relief. Now there are more than three million stones of food in the city, and the food must be released as soon as possible. It is just in time.

This is an opportunity to re-register and count the population.

This is also the reason why Liu Xiang was anxious to transfer some of his troops back to other places for food.

We should save military rations and give more food to the people.

This chapter has been completed!
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