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Chapter 459 Can be kind but not soft

Guo Jia and Jia Xu looked at each other, Jia Wenhe quietly made a "please" gesture, Guo Fengxiao nodded and smiled, and said:

"Our army marched into Sanfu. It was invincible and its military power was outstanding. Ma Teng, Han Sui and other thieves must be afraid. They may have already formed an alliance. They should quickly advance directly to Ji County, quickly exterminate Ma Teng, and catch the thieves by surprise. My lord, you have

Ji County is the place where we can use our weapons to destroy cities."

Guo Jia was extremely curious about the "city-breaking weapon" that his lord was confident in defeating Chang'an.

First attack Ma Teng's hometown of Ji County to break his alliance. Guo Jia's typical method of using troops is to use troops quickly and unexpectedly. Liu Xiang nodded secretly in his heart and used gunpowder to blow open the city gate and defeat the confused Ma Shoucheng.

The success rate is indeed quite high.

"What's Wen He's opinion?" He continued to ask Jia Xu without coming to a conclusion.

"According to the humble opinion of the officials, we will neither attack Xiaoguan nor Ma Teng. The main force of our army will enter the Hanyang grassland to attract the thieves to gather forces to fight, so that they can attack Longxi. The alliance will inevitably split, so we can take advantage of the chaos.

Take it.”

Jia Xu's plan was very risky. He took the Qiang Road from Wudu to attack Longxi County. It was easy for the enemy to cut off his retreat from Weinan along the Qishan Road. This was a raid on the kingdom's lair. It made him rush to rescue him, and exposed a flaw to the horse.

Teng, attract him to take action, and then the main force takes the opportunity to overthrow Han Sui?

My two strategists are really amazing, one is sinister and the other is dangerous, neither is a good strategy.

Very good. How can you win a battle without being cunning? A humble gentleman is not suitable for going to the battlefield.

Liu Xiang is now thinking about how to attack Liangzhou because the famine in Sanfu is less severe than he expected. Originally, he was prepared to feed two million hungry people until the autumn harvest, and he was also prepared to continue to reduce the Chang'an garrison next year.

, waiting for the psychological preparation to attack Liangzhou the year after tomorrow.

But after the preliminary statistical results came out, he felt that it would be better to pacify Liangzhou a year earlier.

Sanfu has a population of 1.6 million, of which gentry and wealthy households account for 500,000.

This ratio is very abnormal, but when you think about it, it is not surprising that these people are a combination of the wealthy people in Sili and the family members of central officials.

When Dong Zhuo first moved people, more than 4 million people gathered in Sanfu. After experiencing plunder and famine, the first people to die must be the lower class people. After all, rich people have a stronger ability to withstand risks and have a higher chance of survival.


When Liangzhou soldiers raided the prisons, they would always save some face for the officials, and those scholars would also constantly raid the common people to make up for their losses, so most of the damage was borne by the common people at the bottom.

Only one-third survived, and they were squeezed too hard.

Lao Dong only focused on relocation, not resettlement. The fields in Sanfu were not enough to feed so many people. The people at the bottom could not afford the consumption of land reclamation. Many people could only rely on woodcutting, gathering, fishing, and hunting to make a living.

In two years, nearly 2.5 million people died. According to statistics from Hanzhong and Wudu, the two counties received less than 400,000 people in total.

On average, more than one million people die every year, 3,000 people a day, and two people die every minute. In the blink of an eye, people are dying.

It was so miserable that Liu Xiang could not even imagine what the people of Sanfu had been living in the past two years.

Cao Cao submitted a report, thinking that these rich people did not need relief and could just sell them grain at market prices. There was a small group of people among them who wanted to hoard and sell grain at high prices. Cao Cao thought that their homes should be ransacked, and they could get at least a hundred dollars.

Wanshi grain.

This is a very good suggestion. You must raid your home and use the looted food to provide disaster relief on the spot.

Based on this calculation, the people at the bottom who really need relief are 1.1 million extremely poor people. Based on the ration of half a catty of food per person per day, the daily food consumption is 9,000 dan, and only 2 million dan can feed them until the autumn harvest.

Including the affordable grain sold to wealthy households and the seed grain provided after the beginning of spring, three million dan is enough.

After the Yellow River and Weihe River are unblocked, grain from Hedong and Jizhou can be transported to Sanfu in a steady stream through waterways. Therefore, excluding the food for the army, he will be able to use at least one million shi of grain and grass after the beginning of spring.

Used to pacify Liangzhou.

Liu Xiang didn't think he would lose.

The overall strength of the troops is almost the same, the quality of the soldiers, and the weapons and equipment are all superior. With such an advantage, how can we lose?

Time is moving slowly, the harsh winter is getting closer, more and more grains are stored in the treasury of each county, and the hearts of the people of Sanfu are becoming more and more stable.

During this period, many people were killed.

There are powerful families who are obstructing disaster relief, there are local wealthy people who are hoarding goods, there are township and county officials who are using their hands to deduct food, and there are also thieves and bandits who are looting supplies and hungry people.

Of course, there are also soldiers from the Anping Army.

We kill when we are fighting for power, we kill when we put down chaos, and we even kill when we save people. Human beings are indeed the most ferocious species on earth.

Liu Xiang's mood was complicated, but he still had to do what should be done, and he had to kill the people who should be killed. A kind-hearted person has noble moral character, but a soft-hearted person cannot accomplish great things.

Needless to say, the military discipline of the Chinese army was not worth mentioning. They also looked down upon the few kilograms of grain. Xu Huang was strict in running the army. The military discipline of the right army was the best among the four armies. There were only records of frostbite and combat casualties, which made him very happy.

Those who were executed for violating military law were the Zhengxi Army. There were already 1,200 people with their heads on the ground. The number of soldiers from the two divisions of Liangzhou alone exceeded 1,000.

In the Jianzhang Palace military camp, around the various camp gates, human heads hung like door curtains, floating back and forth in the cold wind, colliding with each other, and making a clanging sound, which finally shocked people's hearts.

Rape, robbery, robbery and murder, and theft and escape finally stopped. Fear has been planted in their hearts. They will lead them to fight a few victorious battles, reward the meritorious people several times, plus they have enough food and salary on weekdays, and all kinds of things.

Preferential treatment is not afraid of losing the morale of the Western Army.

It is said that kindness and power go hand in hand. These years of experience have made Liu Xiang understand a truth. Many times, you have to establish your authority first before others can be grateful. Giving kindness blindly will only be regarded as weak and incompetent by others. They will not be grateful, but want to take advantage of you.

You are more cheap.

Human nature doesn't have many clean things.

The disaster relief is on the right track. Just wait for the temperature to warm up and the officials transferred from Youbin and the two states to take office. The army sergeants can get away. When the grass grows and the orioles fly, wild vegetables and buds can also provide more food for the hungry people.

Eat more.

At that time, the land from the powerful nobles would be confiscated and then divided into fields.

Facing hundreds of thousands of troops and millions of hungry people organized by the Anping Army, the distribution of farmland in Sanfu will definitely go very smoothly. This is the general trend.

It was Liu Xiang who occupied the entire territory of You, Bing, Qing, Ji, and Sili, half of the three prefectures of Yan, Henan, and Xu, and one county each of Jing, Yi, and Liang, with an area of ​​more than seven prefectures and a population of more than 17 million.

The rising trend.

The general trend is unstoppable.

In mid-November, the temperature dropped sharply, and the grain transport team reduced the frequency of dispatches. It was the time of cat winter.

But Liu Xiang's heart was filled with excitement. He got two pieces of excellent news.

The wealth copied from the forty-eight families and ministers has been transported to various offices. After preliminary statistics, there are more than 800 hectares of land, 400,000 dan of grain, and the wealth is calculated to exceed 10,000 jin of gold.

Although many of them could not be arrested and punished because the families were so far apart, many of them were not under the third assistant, or even under his rule, Jia Xu understood what he meant, and the Sima family was exterminated immediately, and the founding family of the two Jin Dynasties was wiped out.


The second good news is that the inventory of Chang'an's arsenal, Taicang and palace properties has been completed.

There is very little gold, and most of the copper coins are bad money. Apart from this, there are too many treasures collected by the royal family and Dong Zhuo. Many of them are priceless treasures. If they can be sold, they can be exchanged for at least 200,000 kilograms of gold, so they are sold.

The problem is more troublesome, let’s talk about it later.

What really pleased him was the arsenal. Including those captured from the Liangzhou Army, there were 50,000 sets of iron armor, 15,000 crossbows, 50,000 bows and 13 million arrows. From then on, the soldiers

There is no shortage of armor, bows and crossbows anymore, and he can even form a fully armored army of tens of thousands of people.

As for the mountains of ring-headed knives, spears, halberds, shields and other equipment, Liu Xiang had no regard for them, and most of them had to be remade.

Old Dong’s inheritance is really rich.

Let's build a tomb for him later instead of being a friend.

This chapter has been completed!
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