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Chapter 462: Deserted Spring Festival

There was no such thing as the Silk Road in the Han Dynasty. Most people called it the Western Regions Trade Road, which was divided into three sections.

The eastern section is from Chang'an to Guzang County, Wuwei County, and is divided into three roads: south, north and middle.

The northern route goes northwest along the Jing River, leaves Xiaoguan, and crosses the Yellow River at Jingyuan to Wuwei. This route is the shortest, but supplies along the way are not easy.

The southern line starts from Chang'an along the Wei River, crosses Longguan to Shanggui, takes Didao to Wuhan, crosses the Yellow River at Yongjing, passes through Xining, reaches Yuedouba Valley to Zhangye County, and then goes north to Guzang County.

The middle line and the south line separated at Shanggui and took the Longguan Road to Jincheng County (now Lanzhou), crossed the Yellow River, followed the Zhuanglang River, and crossed Wushaoling to Guzang.

Although the supply conditions of the southern route were good, the detour was relatively long, so the central route later became the main trunk route.

From Wuwei County along the Hexi Corridor, passing through Zhangye County, Jiuquan County, to Dunhuang County, and exiting Yumen Pass or Yangguan, this was the middle section of the Silk Road of the Han Dynasty.

The western section refers to the countries in the Western Regions.

Starting from Yangguan, passing through Shanshan, near Nanshan Mountain in the north, and going west along the river to Shache, it is the south road. The south road passes Congling in the west and leads to Dayuezhi and Anxi.

Starting from Yumenguan, pass by Cheshi Wangting (now Turpan), follow Beishan, and go west along the river to Shule (now Kashgar) as the north road. The north road crosses Congling in the west and leads to Dayuan, Kangju, Yancai (Black Sea, Xian)


There are no more trade routes going forward. The trade routes of the Han Dynasty ended here. It was not until the Tang Dynasty that the trade routes continuing westward and southward were opened.

Liu Xiang's heart is not that big. He just wants to get through the governor of the Western Regions and do business with various small countries in the Western Regions. As for the issue of going to Central Asia, let's wait until the territory of the Han Dynasty is unified. There are also Yizhou, Jingzhou, Yangzhou, and Jiaozhi in the south.

, the four states are waiting for him to conquer.

The Hexi Corridor from Wuwei to Dunhuang covers a total distance of 1,800 miles. To the south are the Qiang people living on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, to the north are Zhangye and the Huns living in the Yan vassal state, and further north are the Xianbei people, who can threaten the trade routes at any time.

There are also horse thieves everywhere.

In order to maintain stable trade, he wanted to build a post station every thirty miles, recruit military households to live around the post station, and set up guard posts to escort caravans. This required the construction of about 60 forts.

But Wu Bao's defense capabilities were not enough. He planned to quickly build a bastion with cement. Depending on the local environment, he would set up hundreds or thousands of households to patrol the roads, escort caravans, eliminate bandits, share trade profits, and turn the Hexi Corridor into a golden channel.

, revitalize Liangzhou and promote business under the rule.

In order to achieve the goal quickly, he needs a large team of construction workers and a lot of immigrants, at least 20,000 households.

He targeted those who couldn't get a share of the land. He first organized them to dig rivers, build warehouses and roads with work in exchange for relief, and then selected those who wanted to go to Liangzhou.

In fact, he also wants to build a cement highway from Chang'an to Dunhuang, but the whole journey is at least 3,600 miles. Now he cannot afford to build it, so he can only build it slowly while making money from trade.

Planning is just such a plan.

But there is a prerequisite: Ma Teng, Han Sui, Wang Guo and more than a dozen other Liangzhou rebels must be eliminated first.

I told my subordinates about the specific plan. Lao Cao wanted to be the general who conquered the West. Not only would he be famous, but he would also be profitable. You couldn’t miss this kind of fame and fortune. But before he could say anything, Jia Xu gritted his teeth.

, he squeezed out a sentence with a heavy breath: "They must die!"

His words were short and his expression was not ferocious, but he was full of murderous intent.

Cao Cao looked at Jia Xu in surprise. This man was usually very low-key and didn't talk much. He wished he could hide in the shadows so that no one could see him. Why are you so excited today?

He doesn't understand.

But Liu Xiang understood.

He turned to look at Jia Xu and said with a smile: "I have always kept my word, Wen He can rest assured. It's just that this matter is not easy. It's complicated and complicated. Let's work together."

Jia Xu solemnly clasped his hands and saluted: "I will do my best and die without regrets!"

What is the agreement? Guo Jia was thoughtful.

Cui Yi, Yan Gang and others don't care. They don't think it will be difficult to conquer Liangzhou. As for the future governance, it has nothing to do with them. They are too lazy to use their brains. Why bother to do it? They are not in their position and do not seek political affairs.

After discussing the matter of exterminating the rebels in Liangzhou, everyone dispersed. The temperature is still low now, and the three auxiliary fields have not been divided yet. The most important thing is to thoroughly digest this territory.

Troops cannot be sent out in the short term.

However, grain and grass have already begun to be transported to Chencang, which will serve as a supply base for the invasion of Liangzhou.

Liu Xiang felt that she was very busy every day. This was one thing, and that was another thing. However, after being busy for a long time, she always felt that nothing had been accomplished. She had done a lot of things, but she had not seen any results.

Maybe he was impatient.

In this way, I was busy until the 30th of the twelfth lunar month.

It's time to celebrate the New Year.

The Han Dynasty already had the custom of the Spring Festival, which started on the 30th day of the twelfth lunar month and ended on the 15th day of the first lunar month. Different from modern times, the celebrations in the Han Dynasty were mainly to ward off evil spirits and pray for blessings.

The most important thing is to exorcise evil spirits, and the Nuo dance ceremony at the end of each year is the most important.

The imperial court will send special personnel to hold the "National Nuo".

Common people will also hold "Nuo" on their own.

The death of Da Nuo means to beat up and eliminate the powerful people.

Nuo opera is very particular, especially in Guo Nuo. One hundred and twenty disciples from the Huangmen, aged between ten and twelve years old, are selected as Yizi.

"Old Rituals of the Han Dynasty" records: "The Prime Minister Fang commanded hundreds of officials and boys, and shot them with peach arcs, thorn arrows, and earthen drums, and shot them with red pills and grains."

This means that the alchemist, along with his servants and boys, used peach wood to make bows and wattle sticks to make arrows, while dancing, beating drums and shooting arrows to scare the demons and monsters.

After the Nuo opera is over, people must be sent immediately to send lighted torches outside the city. A team of people must be arranged at each city gate. This sending of torches is like sending the plague.

Liu Xiang stood on the wall of the North Palace and watched. Many petty officials followed the Nuo opera team and danced vigorously.

Whether it was real dancing or fake dancing, he didn't bother to think about it. There were three riots in Chang'an this year, and too many officials died. People want to leave an impression on themselves, so you can't be more serious.

In fact, as long as he didn't think about the twists and turns, it was still quite beautiful. The lively crowds of people were much more interesting than the Spring Festival Gala, but he was afraid that it was not safe, so he could only look at it from the city wall, which was a pity.

It's normal to have something to gain and something to lose.

Shen Tu and Yu Lei have been erected at the palace gate. They are not statues, but portraits on peach trees. This is also the origin of peach charms, couplets and door gods in later generations.

At night, firecrackers are set off, which involves burning bamboo and listening to the sound. Those who are particular about it will put medicinal materials in the bamboo. Of course, it is not gunpowder, but cinnabar or something, medicinal materials used to ward off evil spirits.

Different from modern times, there was no Nian beast in the Han Dynasty. The purpose of setting off firecrackers was to scare an evil spirit called "Shan Xi" from entering one's home. It is said that Shan Xi looks very scary, with a human face and a monkey.

He has a body and one foot, can speak human language, can change, and especially likes to eat shrimps and crabs.

Liu Xiang had no idea of ​​using gunpowder to make firecrackers. He was mentally retarded and would expose black powder in such a trivial matter.

There were no relatives around me, and the situation was special this year. I only drank a cup of Tusu wine, a bowl of peach soup, some five-sin dishes and glue teeth with Cui Yi and Zhao Yun, and then went back to the dormitory to rest.

The Five Spicy Plate is a platter of garlic, garlic, leeks, Yuntai, and coriander, five kinds of spicy food. Jiaoya glutinous rice is not a dumpling. Dumplings have not become popular yet. It is actually a kind of caramel, which means "glue" in ancient Chinese.

Connected with "solid", Jiaoya means solid teeth.

In order to make your teeth strong, you have to eat sweets. Haha, it’s Chinese New Year, just be happy.

In the Han Dynasty, there was a custom of having New Year's Eve dinner with family members. The palace gave the banquet on the first day of the first lunar month. His family was not around, and he didn't want to get drunk, so he had to hide. Otherwise, Cui Yi and the others would toast each other and they wouldn't be able to bear it.


Go to bed first and let them have fun. With him here, Zhao Yun, Yan Gang, Dian Wei, and Shi A cannot let go.

Next day, on the first day of the first lunar month, according to custom, those who were officials in the capital would attend the Zhengdan court meeting. The officials would congratulate the emperor on the New Year, and the emperor would leave hundreds of officials to have a banquet in the palace.

Normally, on this day, the younger generation would bring pepper wine to their elders to wish them good luck and longevity.

The Han Dynasty was a stage when the culture of the Han nation reached its peak. Many customs of later generations could find their prototypes in the Han Dynasty. Taoism and Buddhism were also established during this period.

During this year's Spring Festival, there will be no official court meetings and no banquets in the palace.

There is nothing we can do. Liu Xie's body is still lying in state in Weiyang Palace. Now it is a national mourning. Just exorcise the evil spirits. Do you really want to have a banquet to celebrate?

Drinking in private and having fun is enough, forget about having a grand banquet.

During this Spring Festival, we were away at war and the emperor died, so we had a very lonely time.

Liu Xiang was in a good mood. His subordinates came to pay him New Year's greetings quietly, and then went back in peace, saving worry and money, and knowing who was coming and who was not.


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