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Chapter 466 Earth Dragon Turns Over

Liu Xiang brought the Yunfan Camp in Chang'an, including nearly 600 supply ships, and captured more than 400 stern ships and sentry ships in Kunming Pool, and also collected 200 private cargo ships.

A fleet of more than 1,200 large and small ships rowed along the Wei River for more than 30 miles.

Thousands of sails sailed against the Wei River, relying on the power of the south wind.

The fleet carried 17,000 soldiers from the fourth battalion of the Chinese army, more than 800 war horses and pack horses, 200 crossbows, 100 crossbows, 200 catapults, 50 oars, and weighted trench bridges.

Four seats, two carriages, eighteen thousand stones of grain and grass, three hundred thousand arrows, twenty thousand crossbows, and ten thousand stone bullets.

The fourth battalion of infantry in the Chinese army carried eight thousand powerful crossbows and six thousand bows and arrows.

The generals accompanying the army were Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Wenpin, Cao Xing, Gao Shun, as well as Dian Wei and Shi A who were on guard.

Of course, two casual knights, Cao Ang and Sun Ce, are always with him.

The two eighteen-year-old children are at the age of passion and want to follow their idols: Da Sima and General Liu Xiang to make great achievements. Sun Ce, in particular, has been clamoring all the way to have a good fight with Ma Chao.


There are still 20,000 naval troops in the fleet, but Liu Xiang does not need them to attack the city and help establish river beach positions. After unloading the supplies, the navy will return and be responsible for transporting the second batch of supplies.

The Weishui River from Chang'an to Ji County is 800 miles long. The fleet moved forward at a speed of more than 100 miles per day. After a brief replenishment in Chencang, it crossed Longshan and entered the territory of Hanyang County in Liangzhou.

Passing through the two cities of Shanggui and Wangyuan without stopping, the oarsmen exerted their strength and the whole fleet accelerated forward.

Setting off from Chang'an, we arrived at the Hebei River section at noon seven days later.

As Liu Xiang expected, Ma Teng was not on guard by the river, and his attention was probably focused on Qishan Road and Longguan.

He was happy in his heart and ordered loudly: "Warships are on alert, small boats are covering, supply ships are rushing to the beach, protecting the military camp, falling into camp, quickly go ashore to assemble, and establish a beachhead position."

Galley warships were on guard upstream and downstream, and sentry boats were close to the river to cover. More than 500 large supply ships rushed directly to the beach, put down their planks, and soldiers jumped into the waist-deep water to quickly seize the river beach.

Crossbowmen set up a crossbow array on the bow of the ship to guard against sudden enemy attacks.

Within a quarter of an hour, 9,500 soldiers set up three square formations on the south bank of the Wei River to cover the landing site that stretched ten miles behind them.

Half an hour later, all 17,000 Chinese troops landed, and their position advanced three miles. More and more defenders were on the walls of Ji County.

The siege equipment was transported by boats and was gradually sent to the river bank.

There was no crane, so they had to use a noose to lower it down, which delayed a lot of time. The Suwei had already killed more than a hundred scouts who came to investigate, so they couldn't give Ma Teng much time to prepare.

It took six quarters to land all the troops, horses, and equipment. Liu Xiang was not satisfied with this speed. Although he ordered the ship to rush to the beach, it still took him an hour and a half to complete the initial landing, and the subsequent supplies had not yet been unloaded.

However, Ma Teng never sent troops to attack, so he probably hadn't gathered enough troops yet? After all, he was a rebel, and the quality of his soldiers would not be too high. There was still two quarters of an hour left, so it was possible that he would not be able to gather enough troops.

"Tai Shi Ci, you lead the navy as a rear formation and continue to unload supplies. All units in the Chinese army will follow me to attack the city."

The county seat of Hebei County is about six miles away from the river bank. It is a small town with a circumference of four or five miles. The moat is connected to the Weishui River and is about six meters wide. The soldiers of the Central Army push the oar cart, trench bridge, pull the crossbow cart, and single-shooting gun cart.

Go straight to the north gate.

It took a total of an hour from the time the fleet docked to the time when the troops arrived at the city. Ma Teng was so anxious that he was furious.

He had just received a message from the Shanggui garrison on horseback, saying that a large fleet had passed through the Wei River Valley and arrived at the border of Weinan. He was still guessing whose caravan it was.

The scouts came to report that a large army had landed by the river.

What is this to be done?

He didn't think much of it at first. How many soldiers and horses could be pulled by a few wooden boats? How many soldiers and horses could be pulled by them when they were swaying on the boat? Can the soldiers with weak hands and feet use knives? Can they kill people? The general galloped his horses and drove them to the river.

Go feed the tortoise here.

However, several waves of scouts were sent, but they never returned. The sentries on the city wall came to report that tens of thousands of enemy troops had come ashore under the banner of "Liu".

"Oh my God! How come there are so many people? Isn't it the evil star from Chang'an who is coming?" He slapped his thigh, realizing that he had been careless. He quickly ordered the generals to speed up the gathering of troops and immediately support the city wall.

The enemy came so quickly that troops stationed elsewhere could not be counted on.

By the time he led some soldiers and horses to the North City wall, the Anping Army had already arrived at the bottom of the city, and the oars were almost reaching the moat. The Shesheng Battalion and the Guard Battalion totaled 6,000 crossbowmen.

Under cover, the defenders on the northern wall were so pressed that they could not lift their heads.

Liu Xiang is leading people to assemble the crash car at this time. It should be said to be a modified version of the crash car. It is smaller than the ordinary crash car. It is covered with a layer of cowhide and is lighter than similar cars. The four wheels are also a bit larger. The crash log is three meters long.

Eighteen wooden purlins are fixed on the frame without bumpers. The heads are flat and covered with a layer of sealing mud. There are four half-foot-wide iron hoops one meter in front.


Can this thing hit the city?

The soldiers guarding the surrounding area were very confused.

After assembling one, Liu Xiang raised his head and asked, "Has the trench bridge been erected?"

Zhao Yun responded: "Two suspension bridges have been set up on each side."

He guessed that this thing must have a lot of mystery, otherwise the lord would not pay so much attention to it, and it would be impossible for him to lead his troops to attack the city without preparing weapons.

"Zhao Jing, do you know how to use it?" Liu Xiang turned to look at Zhao Jing.

"I know, light the medicine rope and run away quickly. Lord, don't worry, I'm very smart and can't make any mistakes."

"Okay, push the cart and attack the city!"

Su Wei pushed the "crash cart" forward. After reaching the enemy's range, Zhao Jing led seven people into the cart. From inside, he continued to push the cart forward, walked across the trench bridge with thick wooden boards, crossed the moat, and arrived at the city.

under the door.

During this process, 300 crossbows and 6,000 crossbowmen were suppressing the defenders on the city.

Liu Xiang also used another secret weapon: poison smoke balls.

He made more than two hundred of half a kilogram of gunpowder mixed with fuming poison, weighing three kilograms in total, and threw them onto the city tower and nearby city walls from a single-shot cannon cart.

Of course this thing is not poisonous to death, but it is choking and can hurt the mouth, nose, eyes, and throat. It can make people suffer so much that they have no intention of attacking the approaching car, and can also help Zhao Jing and others return.

More than fifty light carts were thrown up at one time. Yellow smoke filled the air near the north gate tower. Coughs and screams could be heard one after another. The poison smoke balls continued to burn and smoke. There was no room for people in the city.

Ma Teng tore his robe and wrapped it around his face. He held his shield and staggered back toward what he thought was the road to the city. His eyes were sore and painful that he couldn't see clearly. Tears were streaming down his nose.

My throat was burning and sore.

Arrows kept hitting the shield, and there were screams in his ears. Some were smoked, and some were hit. The sound of arrows hitting the wooden structure of the tower became a signal to guide his actions.


He had to grope along the tower to prevent himself from falling into the city. Those long screams must have been the sounds of people running around and falling.

He didn't know what tricks Liu Qiaoqi used outside the city, but he wanted to live, and he had to live even if he had to crawl around.

Under the double cover of poison smoke balls and powerful crossbows, the crash car successfully blocked the city gate. Zhao Jing and others held the shields hanging in the car, escaped from the back of the car, and retreated towards the trench bridge.

At this time, Liu Xiang was standing on a Wugang chariot, pulling out his sword, gesticulating, and acting very seriously. He wanted to "do this" to blow open the city gate. This was something that had been ordered to the entire army, in order to

The Anping soldiers were afraid of the sound of explosions and did not dare to fight.

"Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth, the root of all qi. I have cultivated it for thousands of kalpas and proved my magical power.

The bodyguards of the Three Realms, the Five Emperors' Secret Service, the Ten Thousand Gods paying homage, and the Royal Envoy Thunder.

The ghosts and monsters are frightened, and the spirits have lost their form. There are thunderbolts inside, the name of the thunder god is hidden, the wisdom of the cave is clear, and the five qi are rising."

He recited the formula over and over again, which had nothing to do with the explosion of gunpowder. Of course he couldn't control the thunder. This was part of the Taoist Golden Light Mantra.

He didn't remember the whole thing, and he didn't know if the order was correct.

As for why he does this, it starts from a cartoon in the past life. It is said that when someone is happy, others are inferior to one person, and when someone is unhappy, they are inferior to one person.

Recalling the comic plot in the battle formation, he is no longer there.


The earth shook!


The city gate broke and fell, the door frame sealed in the city wall was broken, the surrounding wall was torn, and dust flew up.

The defenders on the tower were so shocked that their mouths and noses were bleeding, and their eardrums were torn.

Ma Teng lay limply on the ground of the city wall, unable to exert any strength at all, and the pain in his stomach was like being cut into pieces by a thousand knives.

What happened? Did Earth Dragon turn over? He fainted and died full of doubts.

The defenders of Ji County were crazy, their hands and feet were weak, their livers and gallbladders were split, their mouths were wide open, and they let out meaningless wails, venting the fear that penetrated their bone marrow. Anyone who peed was considered brave, and those who urinated together were nothing.

, many people were frightened to death on the spot, even though they were not injured by the shock.

The Anping Army's attack below the city also stopped. The soldiers and generals were all so frightened that they gasped and turned their heads to look at the central army. Their eyes showed awe and fanaticism, but for a moment they could not make a sound.

They were shocked and speechless by the "magic" that was as powerful as the power of heaven and earth.

Liu Xiang looked at the collapsed city gates of Ji County, the smashed crashed cars, and the gradually dissipating smoke and dust, and felt the fanatical and respectful eyes around him, and felt that too much gunpowder had been used.

Pointing his sword forward, he shouted: "Enter the city! Surrender!"

This chapter has been completed!
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