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Four hundred and sixtieth eight chapters can but show can not

It is impossible for Shanggui and Wangyuan to stop the navy. Even if they build a dam to block the water, they can only block it for a while. The Wei River will destroy the dam in a few days.

And Liu Xiang's current demand for the navy is not very urgent. After the second replenishment of the fleet, plus the seizures in the city, he has 90,000 shi of food and grass, enough to feed the army for six months, and thousands of cattle. Sheep, the little life in the city is so beautiful!

There are 1.2 million arrows, which can be opened and fired.

Three hundred crossbows have been placed on top of the city, and 70,000 crossbow guns will be a nightmare for the enemy.

The light vehicle camp currently has 200 single-shooting artillery vehicles. The sergeants in the battalion have been veterans for many years. Liu Xiang expected them to be both soldiers and craftsmen. They have lived up to this expectation. They are already familiar with the manufacturing of trebuchets. .

These days, the felled wood is being used to build seven-shooter cannons, and a kiln for firing stone bullets has also been built in the city. Even if it fails, the house can be demolished. Anyway, there is no shortage of ammunition.

Even if the enemy besieges the city with hundreds of thousands of people, so what? In a small city four miles away, they can invest tens of thousands of troops at a time?

What's more, there are more than 150 poison smoke balls in the city, as well as oversized blasting tubes filled with 150 kilograms of explosives.

Liu Xiang was able to hold on until they doubted their lives. In order to fear that Han Sui and others would be timid, he even withdrew his big banner and tooth flag, and the Chinese army was now using Zhao Yun's banner.

But he will not be arrogant and is still strengthening the city defense.

"Dig a six-foot deep pit at the base of the city wall, put it in a large vat, place one every seventy-five steps, and send people to guard it day and night." This was to deal with the enemy digging the ground to attack the city.

By digging a pit of one and a half meters and placing a large vat, you can clearly hear whether the enemy is digging tunnels, one every 100 meters. There are a total of twelve listening points on the four walls, which is enough to fully cover the defensive area.

"Build an arrow shed on the city wall. Our army mainly relies on archers to defend the city. We need to provide them with more protection."

"Twelve gate jammers are arranged at each doorway."

The door opening in Ji County is six meters wide. Three knife carts can form a temporary defense line. If the city gate is knocked open, four lines of defense can be organized in a short time. In front of the knife cart are sixteen two-foot-long lines. The blade can be pushed forward and push the enemy back.

This is a powerful weapon for guarding the door. Liu Xiang stole it from the later dynasties.

It was not difficult to make and easy to use, but no one could force him to defend the city before, so he built a batch of them in Beixin City eight years ago, but they have never been put to use. Now he has built forty-eight more in Ji County, and there is no need to use them. I know if it can be used.

It’s better to be prepared than to be without it.

"The feces are processed centrally, and the wells are guarded by dedicated personnel to prevent water pollution from causing plague, and to make it easier to brew golden juice."

Golden juice is a powerful weapon for defending the city. The most important thing is that the space in the city is limited. If the feces cannot be removed outside the city, the city will smell bad in a short time, which can easily attract mosquitoes and cause plague.

The preparations for defending the city went very smoothly, the surrender troops were obedient, the people had moved away, and the enemy did not come to harass us.

The only regret for Liu Xiang was that there was insufficient oil in Chang'an, and not much was captured in Ji County. He lacked a weapon for defending the city, so he had to take advantage of the strong walls to clear the country and collect more wood to use as fuel.

The Chinese army has also made adjustments. There are a total of 6,000 crossbowmen in the Shesheng Camp and the Guard Camp. There are 1,500 people stationed on each city wall. An additional 1,000 Guard Guard Camp soldiers equipped with bows and arrows, 2,000 surrender troops, and 70 crossbowmen have been added. There are bed crossbows, fifty catapults under the city, and seven-shooter cannons that are constantly being built.

It is estimated that when the enemy troops arrive, there will be three on each wall.

We stayed in the guard camp and fell into the camp, with two thousand soldiers guarding the camp and nearly two thousand surrendered troops, a total of six thousand people as reserve troops.

Zhao Yun was in charge of the north city. Because the north gate was damaged and the high platform inside the city cave needed to be garrisoned by separate troops, he added twenty crossbows.

Huang Zhong was in charge of the east city, Wenpin was in charge of the west city, and Cao Xing was in charge of the south city.

Not to mention that the enemy only has a few hundred thousand, even if there are two hundred thousand, Liu Xiang will not be afraid.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the enemy.

Unfortunately, Han Sui and others were too slow. It was not until the end of March that two groups of 40,000 men arrived at the foot of Ji County. At Shanggui, Ma Teng's old troops at Wangyuan also began to approach Ji County.

Old Huang Zhong asked for orders with high spirits: "My lord, I am willing to lead my troops out of the city to defeat the enemy's unsecured foothold."

In fact, it is a bit inaccurate to say that he is the old Huang Zhong. Huang Hansheng is only in his forties this year, not much older than Cao Cao. He was previously appointed by Liu Xiang as the captain of the guard camp, but he was actually demoted.

The impression that Huang Zhong is not appreciated is a misguided guide in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. When Liu Biao first arrived in Jingzhou, he declared him as General Zhonglang. Although there were many generals in the Three Kingdoms, in the early days of the troubled times, General Zhonglang was very important.

He held a high military position, and his task was to assist Liu Pan in his expedition to Jingnan.

Liu Pan is actually the supervisor of the army, and the commander is still Huang Zhong. What kind of treatment is this? This is equivalent to the four campaigns and four towns in the late Three Kingdoms period.

How can you say that Liu Biao treated him poorly and didn't recognize talents?

Therefore, after Huang Zhong surrendered with Liu Biao, he remained silent and called Liu Xiang General Hussar or Grand Sima.

However, a month ago, he "cast a spell" to cause thunder to blow open the gate of Ji County, and Lao Huang was no longer calm.

I can't calm down. I saw it with my own eyes. The superstitious people of the Han Dynasty didn't know what gunpowder was.

Originally, Liu Xiang had a high reputation in the Han military. There were not many generals who came from the imperial military circles who dissatisfied with him. His reputation was raised by world-famous generals like Huangfu Song and was built on solid achievements. Even if

Even though he was an enemy, there were also many lieutenant generals who admired him.

Huang Zhong didn't hate Liu Xiang, but he just couldn't turn around when he surrendered. Now he encountered such an exciting scene and experienced a battlefield like a fairy tale. How could he be reserved? He immediately changed his title and behaved positively.

Much more.

This was not a betrayal, because it was Liu Biao who led him to surrender, and there was no moral pressure. It was just that his thinking had not changed a few days ago.

Wenpin was in the same situation as him.

Wen Zhongye also stood up and said: "I would like to inform my lord, the enemy army will be exhausted after traveling a long distance. Our army will seize the opportunity to attack, and even the worst will be to dampen its spirit."

Liu Xiang nodded and agreed with their views, but he had other plans: "Han Sheng and Zhong Ye are really good at fighting. If we take advantage of the situation, we will surely gain something by sending troops, but I'm afraid that the enemy will not retreat."

Ah, what if you beat them too hard and drive away the Liangzhou thieves?"

Huang Zhong and Wenpin felt that their lord was a little contemptuous of the enemy, but they were surrendered generals and did not dare to say certain things, so they could only remain silent and wait for orders.

Liu Xiang smiled and didn't take it seriously. These two people had never had a head-on collision with the Anping Army, nor had they led the sergeants in a tough battle. They still knew that their subordinates were very good, but how far they were so good, they had no idea.


The 40,000 Liangzhou thieves who have traveled a long distance will really be defeated when faced with the Chinese infantry, all armored and armed with bows and crossbows.

This is what Liu Xiang doesn't want to see.

"I want to lure all the Liangzhou thieves to Ji County, so we can't dampen their spirit now, lest they damage the enemy's morale and shrink back to their old nest. Then we will have to attack the city. The damage will be greatly increased and it will take a long time.

It’s a good deal. Send an order to the whole army not to go out to fight, just take turns to climb the city and keep vigilance.”

"General, please obey the order!" Several generals accepted the order.

To be honest, Huang Zhong and Wenpin are not used to the atmosphere of the Anping Army. They understand that this is their lord's plan, but the war is about to begin, and are they still afraid that the enemy's morale will be weakened?

This kind of confidence that he can defeat the enemy's army in battle is not only possessed by his lord, but also his colleagues Zhao Yun and Cao Xing seem to take it for granted.

So proud?

The soldiers of the Chinese Army were indeed elite, with high morale and sharp armor, but this kind of arrogant self-confidence was something Huang Zhong and Wenpin had never seen before.

Whether the generals don't know how to fight, or they are arrogant and complacent. They are a little unsure, and they are very worried, fearing that the arrogant soldiers will be defeated.

The surrounding area of ​​Ji County has been fortified and clear. There are no houses, wells, or civilians within dozens of miles, and there are no trees within ten miles to cut down. Therefore, Han Sui's subordinate Yan Xing set up a stronghold on the south bank of the Wei River fifteen miles northwest of Ji County.

Fifteen thousand people under the banner of "Kingdom of Hezhong Generals" and "Heshou Ping Han King Song Jian" camped twenty miles southwest.

Ma Teng's old troops are still on the road to the east.

"They appear to be in harmony, but the alliance between the Liangzhou thieves is not strong."

Liu Xiang muttered to himself, thinking about how to take advantage of these people's resentment. Unfortunately, he was not good at alienating people. After thinking for a long time, he decided to let them get into trouble in Ji County first.

This chapter has been completed!
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