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Chapter 470 The time to test people's hearts has arrived

The general led the army to march west, and the flute-playing army marched in Pingming.

The large banner made of colorful feathers and white oxtails was erected on a specially built high platform in the city. Next to it was the tooth flag with the word "Liu" fluttering in the morning breeze, and on both sides were the flags of the "Hussars General".

Flags with the character "Liu" were also erected on the four walls.

The real leader has appeared!

Han Sui's pupils were as narrow as needlepoints, and the cold hairs on the base of his tail stood up. Living in the blazing sunshine of June, he felt chills coming from the bottom of his heart.

The siege lasted for more than two months, but this man was still inside the city. It was no wonder that the defenders were so elite, that all of them were in armor, and almost everyone had a handful of bows and crossbows as if they were free of charge.

If the great banner is erected at such a time, it will be heart-breaking!

He instinctively wanted to retreat, but the reluctance in his heart prevented him from issuing an order.

Yan Xing beside him was inexplicably excited: "My lord, Liu Piao is riding in Ji County. This is a good opportunity to encircle and kill him. I heard that he has no children. If he dies here, his army will be in chaos. We don't have to do it anymore."

Worried about being conquered."

Yes, what Yan Xing said is not wrong at all, but Liu Qiaoqi is a famous general in the world, would he not understand these simple truths?

As soon as Da Zhao stood up, he was a bait for the hook. If you want to kill him, you don't know what the price will be.

"Leader, I heard a saying that if you fail to seize the opportunity given by God, you will be punished. The enemy chief is surrounded by us in the city. Our army is more than ten times his strength. If we don't kill him, God will

I can't even stand it." Cheng Yi tried to persuade him.

"That's why Tian Yu doesn't want to take it, but he will be blamed for it." Yan Xing corrected.

Han Sui's breathing was a little heavy. He sensed the danger, but he just backed away. He was unwilling to do so!

While he was hesitating, someone came galloping towards him. It turned out to be Liang Xing, who was stationed in the north of the city. Before his horse could stop, he asked urgently: "Big boss, the banner of General Hussar has been set up in the city, but that?"

Man? Is it really the mighty general Liu Xiang who is here?"

Han Sui confirmed his guess: "It is indeed Liu Qiaoqi's banner."

"What a great opportunity! With ten times the army surrounding the city, it's a great time to kill him. Chief, please order the siege and seize this opportunity at any cost." Liang Xing shouted excitedly.

Not only Liang Xing rushed over, but without much effort, Zhang Heng, Yang Qiu, Guo Guo, and Song Jian who were stationed in the east and south of the city also arrived. Everyone was talking about one thing: "No matter the cost,

Surround and kill Liu Xiang."

Liu Xiang's status, status and reputation were so high that everyone in the world had heard of him, and many people knew that he was childless.

He has no heirs. As long as he dies here, his subordinates will be in chaos, and the crisis in Liangzhou will be solved.

"Attack the city! Surround and kill Liu Xiang at any cost!" Han Sui finally made up his mind.

The army of Liangzhou thieves was mobilized. Under the four city walls, there were crowds of people. The ants attacked the city without stopping. The cavalry galloped back and forth in an attempt to make up for the disadvantage of insufficient bows and crossbows and support the infantry to climb the city.

The offensive lasted from morning to night, day and night.

On the city wall, the soldiers in the center kept firing their crossbows and arrows without missing a beat. There was no need to aim at all, they could just hit the target when they fired because there were too many enemies.

The bed crossbow could not find the enemy's large siege equipment, so it focused its attack on the cavalry galloping back and forth.

The power of the three-bow crossbow was vividly displayed among the cavalry. The hit was like a cloud of blood mist. The crossbow penetrated through, and the stumps and severed arms were thrown into the air, and then shot into the cavalry group behind. Finally, the kinetic energy was reduced.

They were nailed to the yellow earth with men and horses.

One salvo is a bloody road.

Eight thousand crossbows and six thousand bows and arrows have been distributed, reserve soldiers have been posted on various city walls, and all the troops from Jixian County have been assigned to defend the city.

The artillery carts in the city continuously threw three to five kilograms of small stone bullets over the city head, smashing the enemy's heads and bleeding, and those who fell to the ground were trampled to death in an instant.

Seventy steps away from the city wall, the Liangzhou people were building an earthen platform. Their siege equipment was exhausted, and they probably wanted to raise the platform to shoot arrows and throw stones into the city.

A dozen seven-shooter cannons are waiting for them to take shape.

After all, it is more devastating to have it destroyed after it is almost built than to not be able to build it in the first place.

Liu Xiang likes to torture his enemies.

The enemy's rockets continued to shoot from outside the city to the arrow sheds, trying to burn down the shields on the heads of the Anping army. However, a water dragon was built in the city to spray water on the arrow sheds. There were also special The personnel used long ladles to throw wet mud upwards, and faced the enemy's fire attack, the soldiers responded in an orderly manner.

Everyone knows that the arrow shed must not be destroyed, otherwise the crossbowmen on the city wall will suffer a large number of casualties. Without the crossbowmen's concentrated shooting, a large number of enemies can easily board the city.

If we get into hand-to-hand combat on the city, the situation will get worse and worse, and there will be more and more enemies.

Even if you are wearing iron armor, you will be exhausted.

A wooden arrow shed a few inches behind became the key to defending the city.

In fact, just a few catapults can easily destroy this line of defense.

Unfortunately, the craftsmen in Liangzhou can only make noose trebuchets, which require very high materials and technology, are not easy to manufacture, are in very small quantities, and have a range that is less than one-seventh of the three-bow crossbow equipped by the Anping Army. It's much shorter than the range of a bow and arrow.

There were only a few of them, but there were seventy or eighty bed crossbows on each city wall, and there was no chance of throwing stones.

The killing cries of tens of thousands of people shook the countryside. The battle lasted for three days and three nights. There were corpses piled up under the city wall, as well as stone bullets from artillery carts, rolling stones, oak trees, and poured gold juice thrown from the city wall. The damaged ladders, shields, and weapons of the city troops have been laid two to three feet thick.

In the midsummer of June, there were clouds of mosquitoes and flies, and the stench was soaring into the sky. The enemy's infantry were still being driven, stepping on piles of corpses to attack the city. Although they never climbed onto the city wall once, Han Sui and others were determined to consume them. All arrows from the defenders.

The sergeants rotated in a step-by-step manner, and arrows were continuously fired into the crowd. They originally had 1.2 million arrows, and they had been recycling them after guarding the city for two months. There was not much loss, and during this period they made several more arrows. One hundred thousand.

There were also wooden spears from the soldiers who surrendered in Hebei County. Even if they fought for three days and three nights, they would not be able to use up all their arrows.

Liu Xiang stood inside the city tower, enduring the stench, and looked at the enemy troops attacking one after another outside the city. It must be said that the people of Liangzhou are really resilient. In the past three days, the bodies that fell under the city have , there must be at least twelve to three thousand people.

Coupled with the previous injuries, most of the bandits would have collapsed long ago. This group of Liangzhou thieves can still roar and charge upward. As expected, the more barbaric and poor the place, the less they care about their lives.

Looking at the flags gathered around the city and listening to the drums and trumpets that kept sounding, the Liangzhou thieves' offensive showed no signs of stopping. He was very charming.

He seduced more than 200,000 people, who came one after another to die.

Hehe, something to be proud of!

"Instruct all ministries to dump oil and firewood and burn the corpses piled under the city."

Although there is not much oil in the city, it cannot survive without burning. If it does not burn, it will rot and the plague will not be far away.

Han Sui, an old bastard, may not have had the intention of causing a plague in midsummer and killing himself.

The fire started, and as firewood soaked in oil continued to be thrown down the city wall, the fire gradually spread. The flames were blazing, and thick smoke billowed into the sky. The choking smell of carbon ash was mixed with a hint of the burnt smell of burning protein.

, finally suppressed the stench of rotting corpses.

The fire surrounding the four city walls blocked the enemy's attack and gave the soldiers more opportunities to rest. Most of the personnel withdrew the city walls. With the fire in midsummer, it was easy to die from the heat.

Through the smoke and heat waves, he looked at several earth platforms outside the city that were more than ten feet tall. They were being built too slowly. Liu Xiang looked forward to seeing them smashed to pieces by trebuchets when they were about to be completed.

The earthen platform blocks part of the view, or is a tunnel being quietly dug behind it?

No matter what, he turned around and looked at the Weishui River six miles north of the city, which was still under the control of the navy.

The sentinel ship swimming among them should be able to receive the signal from Ji County. It depends on the choice of Cao Cao and Sun Jian.

This is the last test.

If you can withstand this temptation, Cao Mengde and Sun Wentai, I will truly trust you.

This time when he went deep alone, he was not just here for the Liangzhou thieves like Ma Teng and Han Sui.

The enemy army is exhausted and their injuries are approaching their limit. It depends on how ambitious some people are whether to defeat the rebels in one battle or to lead the army to break through and return to Guanzhong in disgrace along the Weishui River.

Liu Xiang's mood was very complicated. He finally reached the point where he would use human life to test people's hearts. The warrior who slays the dragon will eventually become the evil dragon.

What a fucked up world.

Troubled times are like a knife, constantly cutting morality and humanity into pieces. How many people can endure the bone-crushing pain and patiently piece it back together bit by bit with hands stained with blood?

Can you fight it well?

When you put it back together, will it still be the same as before?

People are always changing with the world.

Liu Xiang hopes to add a little bit of his own color to this era in the process of being changed beyond recognition by the world.

This chapter has been completed!
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