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Chapter 476: Liu Xiang's Harvest

Liu Xiang and the Chinese army stayed in Chang'an and strengthened the defense of Beigong. He did not want to follow Dong Zhuo's footsteps.

There are many people who call him a thief.

Because until now, he still has not investigated the royal family members of the King of Hejian. Everyone knows what he has in mind.

After the news spread that he wanted to recognize his adopted son, it caused an uproar.

It should be understood that the godfather in the Han Dynasty does not mean the same thing as in modern times, right?

The adopted son has the right to inherit.

Liu Yan did not respond, but his eldest son Liu Fan was full of joy. He did not expect his son to inherit Liu Xiang's legacy. He just thought that if he gave up his son, he could exchange for the safety of his family. This was a good deal.

The three brothers lived in fear every day in Chang'an. This kind of life was too difficult.

Acknowledging an adopted son is a family matter, and others are reluctant to comment and are unwilling to participate in it. But Cui Yi didn't care about it and went directly to Beigong. As soon as they met, he complained:

"My lord, why do you think you are someone else's son? Should we pass on the empire we have built with you to others? That won't work! According to me, if you find more women and exert more effort, you can always give birth to a son.

My lord has been fighting for many years and has neglected his children. He happens to be resting in Chang'an. If you don't like the people inside the palace, find a few from outside and offer them to me. My lord will work hard and you will surely gain something."

Liu Xiang had a headache from what he was saying: "Okay, okay, why do you talk so much nonsense?"

He waved his hand and asked him to sit down: "Don't listen to the wind, it will be rain. I only want to win over Liu Yan when I accept my adopted son, in order to win Yizhou. Yizhou has rolling mountains and steep city gates. If you attack hard, the losses will be too great. I just want to

Just let them surrender and pass on the inheritance? I am only in my twenties, so why should I be anxious?"

"Hey, I thought that my lord was in a hurry to lead the army, so he appointed a son to guard the rear. So our Chinese army won't be able to go to Shu this time?" Cui Yi suddenly felt regretful again, and he couldn't move without moving.

Military merit.

"Even if the Chinese army can participate in the battle into Shu, your cavalry has nothing to do with it."

When Liu Xiang said this, Cui Yi became even more depressed.

"Zian, I want to expand the armor and riding equipment. There are more than 700 sets of armor in Haiyang's treasury. I will order the states to inspect the Xiaoguo. You will send people to various places to conduct assessments, select 800 people, and gather them together.

Two thousand armored riding equipment.

Ask Yan Gang to send people with him, select 2,000 people to join the Yueqi, and expand the Yueqi camp to 5,000 people. You will not have any wars recently, so take the opportunity to step up your training."

"Wei." Cui Yile said, no general would refuse if he could increase his troops.

Liu Xiang wanted to expand his elite cavalry because he wanted to train his troops and prepare for future expeditions.

Whether it was an expedition to the Western Regions or an expedition to Mobei, elite cavalry was the main combat force. He did not want to be like Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, who sent hundreds of thousands of troops for an expedition and completely wiped out the country's strength.

A small-scale elite force has strong combat power, can fight far, and has low logistical pressure. This is the expedition strategy he envisioned. Even if it fails once, the chance of leading the elite force to escape is high, and the cost of launching the next expedition will be easy.

Get it together.

The hundreds of thousands of troops marching out of the fortress look majestic and mighty, but the consumption is too great. The civilians who provide supplies for these soldiers have to use more than a million people. Such people, fighting all year round, can only eat.

It can impoverish the country.

Liu Xiang had not raised the people for a few years, and the damage caused by the turbulent times at the end of the Han Dynasty was not easy to recover from, and he could not afford such a war to overwhelm the country.

He had to form elite soldiers in advance, train them on domestic battlefields, and then drag them out to harvest human lives on foreign battlefields. In this era, the elite soldiers trained on the battlefields of the Han Dynasty, coupled with armors and weapons that transcended the times, were drawn to other countries.

The battlefield is dimensionality reduction strike.

One Han is like five barbarians?

No, that is the past tense. One against ten must be a basic operation. Soldiers must get used to it and be too lazy to show off.

Dreaming about a bright future, Liu Xiang told Cui Yi: "Select people, train them, be strict, tell the officers and men in the army, don't worry, there will be no battles to fight, I will take you to fight against foreigners in the future, there will be opportunities to make contributions."

When Cui Yi left, he was both happy and melancholy. He was happy that the Chinese army would not be reduced to a wealthy nest that could only guard the palace. If the elites he finally brought out turned into waste in the end, he would definitely not be able to bear it.

It's hard to die.

The sad thing is that he is almost forty. When the lord goes on an expedition against foreign tribes, can he still be able to fight against it?

Not to mention Cui Yi, Yan Gang sent people to the army and civilians in various states and counties to select brave warriors who were good at riding and shooting.

Not to mention the fact that Xu Huang led his troops to invade Bajun, and the march was as unstoppable as the king's army was restored. The followers of the Five Dou Rice Road, the old men of various tribes, and the barbarians came out of the mountains to defect to the army one after another. The more they fought, the stronger their troops became.

The harvest of Sanfu this season alone amounted to more than 8 million shi of grain, of which 300,000 yuan was paid in taxes and stored in the treasury, and more than 3 million yuan was repaid as loans for seeds and cattle. Most of the people were able to be self-sufficient and did not need to pay taxes.

Liu Xiang is supported, this is excellent news.

This year is really not easy. There was a solar eclipse at the beginning of the year, the wind caused hail in the summer, and the Huashan earthquake caused landslides. It was not a good year.

Carrying the burden of more than one million people, he pacified the six counties of Liangzhou.

There are also water conservancy projects involving hundreds of thousands of people and workshops with 300,000 female workers, all of which are also coming to an end.

Tens of thousands of hectares of wasteland have also been cleared. Although it will take two years to become mature farmland, a lot of radishes were planted in the wasteland this year, which will be enough to eat for a long time.

Finally got over it.

Without the food support from Youzhou and Jizhou, hundreds of thousands of people in Guanzhong would have starved to death.

Liu Xiang was very happy, and so were the people. He would have been even happier if he had not formed a group to kowtow outside the palace gate.

But some people are not happy. All the powerful families in Sanfu have lost their land, and hundreds of thousands of people are sitting on their hands. Over and over, more than 30,000 people have been caught by the supervisory censor and Jin Yiwei due to political changes, previous lawlessness, evil intentions, etc.

Hundreds of families were confiscated, more than 8,000 people were beheaded, and more than 20,000 people were demoted.

There are more than 100,000 wealthy people left, living in trepidation, while the common people celebrate the harvest, their hearts are bleeding, this should be their wealth, the more they think about it, the more they feel distressed.

But they didn't dare to get angry, and they didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction. There were dozens of censors in Chang'an who came down from time to time to inspect, and there were also the elusive Jin Yiwei, all staring at them.

Most of the children in the family are idle at home and have no rights at all, so they cannot resist.

People are knives and servants, and I am fish and meat.

There was bitterness in their hearts, but they had to smile along with them, because everyone was happy, and they had to be happy together, for fear of being accused of being resentful and having those Guizhou bosses beaten to death.

Really will die.

Because someone has been beaten to death.

You can't speak ill of Da Sima now. If the government doesn't trouble you, those gang of common people in Guizhou will have to beat you up. Even one person can be beaten to death. If there are many people around, they will disperse after the beating.

No one can touch it and can't find it.

Reporting to the government office has yielded no results. The law does not punish the public and cannot be investigated, for fear of arousing public anger.

I can only swallow my anger and admit myself to be unlucky.


The rituals are ruined and the music is ruined!

People’s hearts are old!

How can we live in this world?

Liu Xiang felt pity for them. After the autumn harvest, his reputation among the people at the bottom of Sanfu completely exploded. When the people in Guizhou were in a state of excitement, more than a dozen scholars who slandered him had been beaten to death.

This is the number that was reported to his desk. It is unknown how many cases were suppressed by officials in various counties, where people died in confusion, and whose families were too afraid to complain.

Anyway, Liu Xiang won't really get to the bottom of it. It's enough to supervise public security and express his attitude of strictly enforcing the law.

I will never betray my own class.

Although my body lives in the palace, my butt still sits on the side of the people!

Anyway, you have a lot of wealth that you will never spend in a lifetime, so just spend your days and nights and travel around.

Don’t! Look for! No! Self! In!

This chapter has been completed!
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