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Four hundred and seventieth IX conflict of interests

The war in Liangzhou has come to a halt. In the tenth month of the lunar calendar, the temperature at the northern foot of the Qilian Mountains dropped very low, especially at night. Most of the Han soldiers could not adapt to such low temperatures.

They must return to the city to escape the cold wind, and they cannot continue fighting until next spring.

At this time, the battlefield in Yizhou was still overwhelming, and Liu Xiang was surprised by the smoothness.

In two months, Xu Huang had occupied most of Ba County and almost marched all the way to regain the city. The original 20,000 people heading south to Micang Road had now grown to 60,000 troops.

The deputy general Puhu is the king of the seven Yi surnames in Bajun. A large number of Banlu barbarians came out of the mountain to surrender, and many followers of Wu Dou Mi Dao also joined them. These are all expected, but many people from other tribes and old people came to surrender, which belongs to the

What an unexpected surprise.

After Liu Yan entered Shu, he relied on outsiders who fled into Yizhou from Sanfu, Nanyang, Jingzhou and other places to recruit into the Dongzhou Army, massacred the local nobles and powerful people, and plundered the local people.

The military discipline of the Dongzhou Army was also not very good. They often looted places and killed people. Everyone in Yizhou hated Liu Yan. He was not popular, and no one was willing to fight to the death for him.

If it weren't for the difficult mountain roads, Ba County would have been completely conquered long ago.

Xu Huang's troops were divided into two groups, one going south to Jiangzhou, where Bajun is the seat of the army, and the other going north along the West Han River, preparing to seize Jiameng Pass, open the northern gateway to Guanghan County, and connect with Tan Muxun's troops.

The Baima Qiang from the Guanghan vassal state were incited by Tan Munsun to kill the captain of the vassal state. More than 10,000 people raised troops to respond to this compatriot who had become a Han official. Under attack from two sides, the Baishui Pass defenders surrendered. Tan Munsun led 20,000 troops.

Straight to Jiameng.

If the two troops can capture this place, they can go south to threaten Liu Yan's seat of Mianzhu, and the three auxiliaries can support the Yizhou battlefield with grain and grass. They can also take the pass and enter the Western Han River and send it directly to Jiangzhou, rather than taking the Micang Road.

Much more convenient.

Micang Mountain is difficult to walk, and it is difficult to transport supplies.

Now there are two winners and losers in the battlefield of Yizhou, one is Jiameng and the other is Jiangzhou.

As long as one of them is captured, victory is in sight on the Yizhou battlefield.

Jiameng Needless to say, Jiangzhou is located where the Western Han River merges into the Yangtze River, which is modern Chongqing. If you capture this place, you can enter the Yangtze River waterway.

By advancing westward along the Yangtze River, we can invade Qianwei and completely surround Guanghan County and Shu County. Liu Yan will not be able to escape.

If we go eastward along the Yangtze River, we can leave Yufu County, attack South County of Jingzhou, and cooperate with Yuejin's troops in Xiangyang to seize the land north of Jingzhou.

The strategic location is extremely important.

Therefore, when Liu Yan is in trouble, should he go north to support Jiameng? Or should he go southeast to support Jiangzhou?


Yizhou has the spirit of an emperor, so he is reluctant to part with it.

But Liu Yicheng has occupied all nine states in the world, and it is not something he can hold back with the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in his hands. It is all due to the dangers of the mountains and rivers in Shu. Now, he really doesn't know if he can hold it.

As for accepting his eldest grandson as his adopted son and calling him to be Sikong, this route was not safe. If he really went to Chang'an, life and death depended on one thought, and he couldn't be sure of Liu Xiang's thoughts.

Liu Yan looked sad and couldn't eat or sleep well. In just two months, he felt twenty years older, exhausted mentally and mentally.

"Your Majesty, if Jia Meng is lost and Mian Bamboo cannot be saved, we must save it." Zhao Wei gave words of advice.

He was originally from Brazil. When he was serving as the Taicang Order in Luoyang, he decided to follow Liu Yan into Shu. He originally wanted to return to his hometown and use the power of his family to help this man achieve great things and fight for his future.

As things turned out, he had gone to the wrong person, but Liu Yicheng showed no preferential treatment to people of his family background. Most of the local wealthy families were wiped out, so he gave up the idea of ​​going there and could only guard the natural dangers of Yizhou and wait.

Something has changed.

Of course Liu Yan knew that reinforcements should be sent, but there were only more than 20,000 people in Mianzhu City. Once Baishui Pass was surrendered, there were insufficient troops on the northern front. The soldiers and horses of Jianwei County still had to suppress the barbarians in the south. How could they rescue two places with only 20,000 troops?


"Jiameng needs to be saved, and Jiangzhou can also be saved, but there are not enough troops. What can we do?"

Zhao Wei also looked sad. The back road to Baishui Pass was cut off by the Qiang people. Tens of thousands of defenders surrendered. Jiameng only had less than 5,000 men. The enemy was surrounded by 40,000 troops from the north and south. If they did not send troops to rescue, they would not be able to hold on for long.

If Jiameng loses, the war situation will inevitably deteriorate. He gritted his teeth and said: "Your Majesty, I am willing to take the middle part of my family to the north, but the troops are insufficient. Please increase my troops by 10,000. Most of the people under Jiameng City are Qiang people."

, Xisou, I will definitely be able to rush into the city and defend the pass!"


Zhao Wei led 15,000 to 15,000 people and went north to rescue Jiameng Pass, but Liu Yan's sorrow did not ease at all. He had no idea whether he could hold it and for how long. Even if the north side was defended, there would still be Jiangzhou in the southeast.

Woolen cloth.

That's also a problem.

But he was saved when he needed to be saved. He summoned Wu Yi, who was his in-law and was fairly trustworthy. Who knew what the others would do when faced with Liu Yicheng, who was in the ascendant? I couldn’t believe it.

"Ziyuan, the situation is critical now. You are the only one I can trust. You can lead the 10,000 troops in the city to join the 20,000 troops stationed in Jianwei County. Then take the Jinfan thieves with you and quickly rescue Jiangzhou and defend it.

River water, do not allow enemy troops to advance along the river."

"Don't worry, I will definitely be able to defend Jiangzhou!"

Wu Yi moved quickly. He left Mianzhu and entered the Yangtze River. Ten thousand people went down the river. With the help of numerous boats, they entered the city before Xu Huang's troops surrounded Jiangzhou. After seven days of confrontation between the two armies, 20,000 people from Jianwei County

The garrison arrived under the leadership of Gao Pei.

By the time Gan Ning, the governor of Shu County, arrived, the battle had been going on for half a month.

Xu Huang only had 5,000 regular soldiers, and the rest were all old soldiers and Banlu barbarians who had just been recruited in Bajun. Although there were 40,000 troops, their combat power was not high, and there was no naval force. They were afraid of being intercepted by the enemy and transporting grain and grass that was difficult to transport.

, had no choice but to retreat to Dianjiang County on the upper reaches of the Western Han Dynasty to confront Wu Yi's army.

Waiting for Jiameng’s good news.

The 20,000 soldiers and horses he sent there include 5,000 right army soldiers and 10,000 Hanzhong veterans, which is much more reliable than here in Jiangzhou.

Unfortunately, he was disappointed. Zhao Wei fought fiercely under Jiameng City, and more than 10,000 people rushed into the city.

Guancheng is steep and extremely difficult to defeat.

The siege started in October and lasted until the beginning of the twelfth lunar month, but there was no sign of the city being broken.

The war situation in Yizhou fell into a confrontation.

Liu Xiang leaned on the soft couch and complained to Jia Xu: "You don't even want me to conquer it myself. This is the result. If the Chinese army enters Shu, they will have already reached Mianzhu."

"If you can't attack the city, you can besiege it. If you can't attack the city, you can use tactics. Why should you be anxious, my lord? It's hard for Yizhou to withstand the might of our army."

Liu Xiang rolled his eyes: "Xu Gongming's men don't have enough combat power, so how can they gain military prestige? Now, they are cultivating military prestige for the people of Yizhou."

Liu Yan was able to withstand the pressure and did not surrender, which was somewhat unexpected.

In fact, Xu Huang led his army into Shu just to scare people. There were only 10,000 people in the right army who were really capable of fighting. Whether they were Hanyang soldiers or the transferred Western Army, they were almost useless.

Those newly defected Baima Qiang and Banlu Man are even more hopeless.

In the early stage, the momentum was overwhelming, which didn't mean anything. Later, when the main forces collided, the problem of insufficient combat power of the army was immediately revealed.

The plan failed, and Liu Xiang was a little distressed. The strong resistance of those powerful families who escaped from their territory was very strong.

It can be seen that going to Jiangnan will be more difficult than expected. Just like the previous recruitment of talents from the south, none of them came.

They have conflicting interests and are unwilling to serve themselves.

This chapter has been completed!
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