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Chapter 483: Something else

Starting with the four northern counties of Yizhou, the land of abundance in the Sichuan Basin was brought under its control. However, if we want to completely control this territory, we must resolve the most fundamental contradiction in Yizhou, between the Dongzhou people and the local people.

"Wen Ruo has any good ideas?"

After the court meeting, Liu Xiang deliberately left Xun Yu, Liu Yu and others in the study room of the side hall to discuss matters related to Yizhou's peace and security.

"There are many Sisou and Qianghu people in Yizhou who have returned to Yizhou, but the only concern is the enmity between the Dongzhou people and the Shu people. Most of the people from Dongzhou are people from Nanyang, Jingzhou, and Sanfu who moved to Yizhou to take refuge. Since these people came to escape the war,

After entering Yizhou, now that the war has been eliminated, we can naturally move back to our hometown. In this way, the conflict will resolve itself."

Xun Yu felt that instead of appeasing him, it would be better to move away directly.

"People from Dongzhou have bought houses and land there and are forced to relocate. They are afraid of causing public resentment. Hundreds of thousands of people." Liu Yu shook his head in disapproval: "If there is trouble, the disaster will be huge."

It was too rough to act like this, and he didn't agree with it.

"Most of their property is to rob the local people's land, which is the root of the conflict. If it is not resolved, the hatred will be difficult to eliminate, and if they are allowed to fight endlessly, it will inevitably lead to catastrophe." Xun Yu retorted.

Liu Yu frowned and asked: "Where to move? How to resettle? Now that the spring plowing has passed and the seeds have been planted, who would be willing to abandon the field? If we want to move, there must be compensation. How much money will be needed for such a large expense? And how much money will be needed?

How much manpower and material resources are needed? Now we have to support Hexi, and Yizhou is not suitable for relocation."

The topic has come to a standstill, and it makes sense to move or not to move. No one can convince anyone, but if you don't do anything, the hidden dangers will always exist. If the problem is left for a long time, it will be more difficult to solve.

The dispute between Liu Yu and Xun Yu was probably not only a difference in ideas, but also a confrontation between the Jizhou Group and the Yingchuan Group.

Liu Xiang wanted them to fight, but he would never allow it to become a party fight. The issue of dealing with Yizhou had already appeared, and he could not allow this matter to continue to expand. He decided to directly come up with an implementation plan to interrupt the dispute between the two parties and not allow it.

They used the topic to expand the scope of the fight.

Without waiting for Xun Yu to refute, he asked: "How many surrender troops are there in Yizhou?"

Zhao Yun heard the words and responded: "Your Majesty, there are more than 47,000 people."

"Take them to Liangzhou and hand them over to Sun Jian, and ask him to send troops to guard them, and arrange to open up wasteland and farm fields in Wudu County and Hanyang County." Liu Xiang still prefers to relocate the people, but moving all the outsiders away is such a one-size-fits-all extreme.

He didn't quite agree with the approach.

"In my opinion, the people must be relocated, but they must be divided." He stared at Liu Yu and Xun Yu and said with a stern face:

"The soldiers moved to Liangzhou, and the noble families moved to Chang'an, and the tribes and tenants moved to Hongnong to open up wasteland. If the farmers want to leave, they can replace their fields in Hongnong and Henan. If they don't want to leave, they can stay here and suffer the consequences.

Okay. Do you two have any objections?"

Hongnong County and Henan Yin are still abandoning farmland. He wants to use some Dongzhou people to open up their fields.

"My lord is wise."

"Da Sima Yingming."

Liu Xiang's expression was not good-looking, and the two of them were alert. They immediately put aside the dispute and quickly flattered him.

They are not stupid people, and they can still understand the underlying meaning.

Liu Yu and Xun Yu have always been opposed to each other, and the Jizhou scholars and the Yingchuan scholars have become different for a day or two. Now one is the Situ who is in charge of hundreds of officials, and the other is the official Cao Shangshu who manages the officials. There is some overlap in power.

, the antagonistic emotions became even more serious.

So far, there has been no partisan struggle for the sake of opposition, and it is still within Liu Xiang's tolerance.

Therefore, he just struck a few words without any intention of going into details. Seeing that the two people had stopped talking, he continued to talk about Yizhou's peace of the people: "The territory is newly occupied and people's hearts are in turmoil. If we want to move the people smoothly, we need to be shocked.


After speaking, he ordered Tian Feng: "Yuan Hao, send the censor to go south and kill a group of lawless people to alert the world."

Tian Feng stood up, but did not answer the order. Instead, he took out a scroll and said: "Your Majesty, the last official is impeaching Liu Mao for secretly making something for the imperial use. There are more than a thousand carriages of the emperor in Mianzhu. This is transgression, and he should be punished for his crime!"


"Not long after they surrendered, you are going to kill their whole family. Yuan Hao, that is too harsh. Who dares to surrender in this case? Jingzhou has not been defeated yet, Yangzhou and Jiaozhi have not been pacified yet. This is forcing them to fight to the death. I

The army will definitely suffer great damage."

Liu Xiang was very helpless. In the Han Dynasty, "punishment" meant clan punishment. Tian Feng was really ruthless. He wanted to kill Liu Hao and his four brothers. If he wanted to kill only Liu Hao, he would say "the crime deserves to be executed."

rhetoric, rather than "the crime deserves to be punished."

Besides, it was Liu Yan who made the imperial objects. Old Liu is already dead. Liu Xiang also agreed to Liu Hao's surrender. Can't he just agree and then kill the whole family later? That would be too unhuman and hurtful.


Even if we want to kill him, we have to wait for a while.

But Tian Feng continued to speak regardless: "This is a serious crime of treason, how can it be ignored? If the rule of law is lost, how can we restrain the people of the world? Which is more serious and which is less important? The Lord should make a decision!"

Liu Xiang frowned and said nothing, but he did not worry about the credibility of the legal system and the law. It was not that he didn't care about this, it was indeed very important. He just felt that something was wrong with Tian Feng today. Liu Yan had started to create the Emperor Chengyu several years ago. This was a long time ago.

Things to know.

When he summoned him to serve as Sikong in Chang'an, and later accepted Liu Mao's surrender, he indicated that he would not pursue this matter. Tian Feng didn't mention it before, so why did he impeach him now?

There's no way to explain this kind of behavior with a straight-tempered temper.

He must have other intentions.

What's the picture of?

"Why is Yuan Hao impeaching now?"

"Before, the war was pending, so I didn't dare to divide my lord's heart. Now that Yizhou has been decided, we should punish the rebels."

What Tian Feng said was awe-inspiring, but Liu Xiang didn't believe a word of it. He couldn't help but think more about it. There was something fishy about it.

It is absolutely impossible to accept surrender if it is really classified as a rebellion that oversteps the imperial power. There is no reason to kill the entire clan for the crime of overstepping after surrendering.

This kind of back-tracking will not demonstrate the justice of the law, and your reputation and credibility will be damaged.

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

Liu Xiang squinted his eyes and went through the matter from beginning to end. Liu Hao was about to arrive in Chang'an. It was impossible for the four brothers to hold real power and they did not pose the slightest threat to the officials of the Jizhou Group.

"Is there any enmity between Yuan Hao and Prince Lu Gong?"

"My public heart is as bright as the sun and the moon! How can my lord humiliate me?" Tian Feng was so angry that his face turned red and his neck became thick.

Then you can understand that the sword is aimed at Liu Mao and Liu Fan's legitimate son. What Tian Yuanhao wants to get rid of is the adopted son he will adopt.

In fact, Liu Xiang didn't care whether he accepted his adopted son or not, but he felt very disgusted at being tricked by others.

"Yuan Hao wants to trap me in the palace. If you want me to have children in the harem, just say so directly without involving others."

"My lord, I must be clear that I am entirely public-minded. Liu Mao is indeed a treasonous traitor and the law will not tolerate mercy."

He was right and righteous, but how could Liu Xiang believe him?

"I thought Tian Yuanhao had an upright temperament, but it seems that he has lost his sight and wants to trap me in Chang'an?" He sneered disdainfully: "What gave you the illusion that you can control me?"

This chapter has been completed!
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