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Chapter 493: The Twelfth Regiment Battalion of the Forbidden Army

On the seventh day before the enthronement ceremony, the purge of the gentry came to an end. More than 20 officials, big and small, were dismissed, more than 50 people were released, and more than 680 people were beheaded.

More than 300 families were confiscated and more than 2,700 people were demoted to low status.

After staying in prison for three months, Tian Feng, who had grown fat and healthy, was released from prison and promoted to imperial censor, completely standing in opposition to the wealthy family.

This case was called the "Tian Feng Case" by scholars, and also jokingly called the "Hook Case" by the people.

It is said that Tian Yuanhao used himself as bait and fished out a lot of people with evil intentions. Everyone praised him and his official reputation was outstanding.

But some people are eager to eat their flesh and sleep on their skin.

The feeling was hard to describe. Tian Feng felt very complicated and silently shouldered the blame.

Liu Xiang knew that Jin Yiwei was secretly guiding public opinion, and that it was Jia Xu's arrangement that led to the conflict on Tian Feng.

This calculation is very popular with me!

Therefore, Jia Wenhe's eldest son entered Taixue as a doctor, and his second son entered the Secretary Cheng as a Langguan.

Everyone is happy!

At least that's what Liu Xiang thinks.

With nearly 4,000 heads behind him, he didn't even hear a single voice of objection to his ascension to the throne.

This is very good, the ears are clean.

In recent days, there have been many foreigners in Chang'an. Fuyu, Lunyi, and Guitair from the northeast, and Shanshan, Qiuci, Yanqi, Yuli, Khotan, and Jingjue from the western regions have all sent envoys to pay homage.

No need to go into details about the Northeast.

The reason for the Western Region was that Cao Cao's troops had already left Yumen and entered Cheshi's territory. He reported victory in Chang'an and said that his country had cities and cities and the army was weak and easy to attack. He defeated the six kingdoms of Cheshi and beheaded three kings and presented them to the imperial court.

Twenty years later, the Han troops came to the Western Regions again. The 40,000-strong army reminded them of the strength of the Han people.

The large business group of more than 20,000 people who came with the army used high-quality goods to resolve the tensions among various countries. Mi Zhu, the Han envoy, opened the way with exquisite porcelain and luxurious silk, and was happily making "friends" among the countries in the Western Regions.

The trade routes to the Western Regions were initially opened, and the strategic goals of the Western Expedition were achieved.

It’s time for the Western Expeditionary Army to retreat.

After two years of fighting and a journey of 3,600 miles, the soldiers were exhausted and Chang'an's granary was about to bottom out.

Can't beat it anymore.

The territory of the Cheshi Six Kingdoms is the modern Turpan Basin. Since it has been acquired, there is no reason to spit it out. Liu Xiang ordered:

"Appoint Cao Ren as the captain of Wuji School, and lead 5,000 troops to farm on the spot."

"Appoint Kuai Liang as the Chief Historian of the Western Regions, and lead five thousand soldiers to rebuild the Chief Historian's Mansion of the Western Regions."

"Order Cao Cao to lead an army of 30,000 to withdraw to Chang'an."

Before returning to the army, Lao Cao was given an additional task to recruit local warriors from the Western Regions to form a Semu Battalion with a full cavalry force of 1,000 and be incorporated into the Forbidden Army.

Before ascending the throne, all battalions of the Chinese army had been reorganized into the Forbidden Army.

Under the jurisdiction of the Forbidden Army are the six battalions of Yulin, Qimen, Huben, Jinyi, Qianniu, and Jinwu, Tunqi, Qiangqi, Semu, Shengzhen, Shesheng, and Qingchao, collectively known as the Twelve Regiment Battalions of the Forbidden Army.

The original infantry battalion of 8,000 people had already been converted into a military unit, and its commander, Zhou Cang, was promoted to a guard.

The Huben army was led by Shi A, the general of Huben Zhonglang.

The Xiaoqi Camp, the Yueqi Camp and the Suwei were reorganized into the Yulin Army, with a total of 7,500 cavalry, 2,000 armored cavalry as the Yulin left prisoner, 5,000 bow cavalry as the Yulin right prisoner, and 500 Suwei as the followers.

As a knight, Dian Weiti is the general of Yulin Zhonglang.

Cui Yi was promoted to Guang Luxun, commander-in-chief of Yulin, Qimen, Huben, and attendant minister.

The 8,000-strong guard camp was restructured into the Jinwu Guards, and Zhao Yun was promoted to the post of Jinwu Guards, concurrently serving as the Central Guards Corps.

The Jinyi Guards are under the control of Jia Xu, the Qianniu Guards have been transferred back to Chang'an from the Book City, and are now stationed in the Beigong, receiving instruction from Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun. Lu Zhi has retired and returned to his hometown, and his health is about to fail.

After Liu Xiang ascended the throne, he planned to set aside an area in the Beigong to establish a military academy. Qianniuwei was both a student and an instructor, responsible for training low-level military officials and filling in for mid-level and high-level officers.

These are the three armies and three guards who accompany him. If they don't go on a personal expedition, they will basically not be mobilized on a large scale.

The cavalry and soldiers of Hu Qiying were all naturalized Wuhuan people, Xianbei people, and Huns. Now they have become Chinese citizens. It would not sound good to call them Hu Qi anymore, so they changed their name to Tunqiying, light and heavy cavalry. There are all of them, with a total capacity of 4,000 people.

There are 1,500 soldiers in the trapped camp, which will be expanded to 4,000 in the future.

Shots and light vehicles remain unchanged.

The Qiang Cavalry and Semu battalions are cavalry battalions. They are only numbered now and the personnel have not yet been selected. Huang Zhong, the former captain of the guard camp, was transferred to the Qiang Cavalry Captain and is selecting cavalry soldiers in Liangzhou. After the Western Expeditionary Army withdrew, the Qiang Cavalry was also selected. within the range.

As for why the Semu Camp was established?

Of course, it was to prepare for the future expedition to the Western Regions. Taking only the Turpan Basin would not satisfy Liu Xiang's appetite.

These six battalions are the field troops of the Forbidden Army, with a tentative strength of 18,000 people.

Beginning at midnight on the fifth day of September, the Imperial Guards had already imposed martial law inside and outside Chang'an.

Today is the coronation ceremony.

The process of Liu Xiang's ascension to the throne was a little different, because his proclaiming the emperor was neither an abdication nor a direct transfer of the throne from the previous emperor, and many procedures could not be followed.

In the Han system, when the first emperor died, the new emperor succeeded to the throne first in front of his body. The enthronement ceremony was held one month later. During the ceremony, he received the royal seal from the Queen Mother, was worshiped by hundreds of officials, then changed his imperial robe and put it on again. Obey filial piety and observe filial piety for the late emperor.

Not to mention that Liu Xie had already been buried in the imperial mausoleum. According to seniority, Liu Xiang was his uncle. There was no reason to keep vigil for the younger generation. This was not in line with filial piety.

There was no Queen Mother in the current dynasty, and even if there was a Queen Mother, she did not pass down the national seal.

Therefore, Liu Xiang worshiped in the ancestral temple in the early morning, then walked around to the North Gate of Weiyang Palace, entered from this gate, marched to the front hall, and officially entered the palace city, also known as Ziwei Palace.

Offer sacrifices to ancestors, ascend the throne and proclaim yourself emperor, and accept worship.

It’s that simple and clear!

It fits Liu Xiang’s character very well.

There are three main roads within the palace city, and two parallel east-west main roads run through the palace city, dividing Weiyang Palace into three areas: south, middle and north.

There is a north-south trunk road running through the middle.

Three roads roughly divide the palace into five areas.

At this time, Liu Xiang was surrounded by the emperor's guard of honor and the accompanying officials, walking on the north-south trunk road. On the west side were the Central Government Office, the Shaofu Palace, and Shiqu Pavilion and Tianlu Pavilion, which were responsible for collecting books and organizing archives. On the east side were the It is the palace wall, and inside is the Jiaofang Hall, where the queen lives and manages the harem.

Accompanied by the sound of drums and trumpets soaring into the sky, under the admiring gazes of the imperial guards along the way, they walked to the central area of ​​Weiyang Palace and arrived at the majestic front hall.

During the Qin and Han Dynasties, the main hall of the Great Chao Dynasty in the palace was called the front hall. It did not get its name because it was in the front.

It is the most important main building of Weiyang Palace, located in the middle of the palace, on the hill of Longshou Mountain, with other important buildings surrounding it.

The front hall is a palace complex, which is divided into three main halls: front, middle and back. The middle hall is the main hall, where the emperor ascends the throne, important court meetings, royal weddings and funerals and other ceremonies are held here.

It was not the first time for him to come to the front hall, and he had been holding court meetings here for some time. But when he was set off by the solemn etiquette atmosphere, surrounded by thousands of soldiers and officials, watching and cheering, he suddenly felt that this palace was revealing.

Incomparably heavy feeling.

After four hundred years of wind and rain, it has been damaged and added to, and its appearance is no longer bright and beautiful, but the stories it carries come to mind like a revolving lantern.

There is the humiliation of getting married and getting married, there is the ruthlessness of killing heroes, there is the magnificence of marching across the vast sea, and there is the determination of a battle that will overwhelm a country.

There is also the sordid struggle for power and the pain of being burned by rebels.

There is also the loss of the transfer of the capital.

Now, I'm here.

I wonder what wonderful stories I can bring to this palace?

This chapter has been completed!
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