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Chapter 44: Has Uncle Liu Come?

Qiu Liju was recruited by the Han court many times and fought for more than ten years. He fought against Xianbei, Qiang and plundered Han people. He clearly knew how powerful the Han army was.

It is normal to fight one against five, and it was also done by the Han army against one against ten.

It's not just because of the sharpness of the armor.

I really envy Liu Xiang's son, he has access to Yuyang's weapons and armor.

In this mutual trade, Liu Xiang's son refused to sell steel and grain, which was really annoying.

Fortunately, Liu Xiang took out rare treasures like the Anti-Plague Pill. Although he needed a lot of high-quality war horses, he could get more from other tribes.

Qiu Liju had his own little calculation, and so did Liu Xiang.

It was impossible to lose money when trading with Wuhuan. Almost all common commodities in the Han area could be sold to the Hu people at high prices, and horses, cattle, sheep, livestock, leather, sinews, and woolen products could also be bought at low prices.

It replenished the gap between cattle and horses, and obtained a large amount of meat, as well as raw materials for making leather armor and crossbows.

It can be regarded as mutual exchange.

With the manufacturing technology of the Han people, it is clear which side is more profitable.

As for Qiu Liju taking the opportunity to grow bigger, Qiu Liju will become stronger regardless of whether Liu Xiang opens a mutual market or not. Now there are powerful families smuggling salt, iron and grain. Are you afraid that neighboring countries will close themselves off if they grow bigger?

Besides, the mutual market is not just trading with Qiu Liju. Yan Rou has already begun to win over the small Wuhuan tribe, secretly trading with them at more favorable prices, and quietly supporting them.

Let them divide and win over each other and let them tangle with Qiu Liju.

Neither Liu Xiang nor Qiu Liju wanted to fight, so the trade went smoothly.

The caravan formed by the military relatives left Liu Xiang's territory and began to trade in several counties in the south, mainly to Quanzhou to sell salt. The more bold ones went to Piaoyu in the south of Quanzhou to sell livestock to Bohai Kingdom and Qingzhou.

There is a Quanzhou County in Yuyang County, which produces salt. It is in the modern Wuqing District of Tianjin City, not Quanzhou City on the southeast coast.

The caravans that went out to sea gave Liu Xiang a lot of inspiration. Offshore trade can still be developed. Also, there are a lot of refugees in Jizhou and Qingzhou. He can find a way to transport some over. The population of Yuyang is too small.

There are not many Han residents in the surrounding counties.

Both Youbeiping and Liaoxi cannot be described as vast but sparsely populated. The combined population of those two counties ranks third among the counties in Yuyang County.

It really shouldn't be called a vast land with sparsely populated areas, but should be called a no-man's land. Except for a few counties, there are probably not as many people as there are tigers in other places.

The problem of population can only be dealt with slowly, not in a hurry.

After handling the complicated government affairs, Liu Xiang bent over his desk and practiced calligraphy. Writing on bamboo slips was a very difficult task. In this age where calligraphy is important to people, it is better not to fight against the mainstream values ​​and spend some time practicing.

Besides, I heard that practicing calligraphy can calm your breath, so you might as well give it a try, there is always no harm in it.

After writing the last line, I put down the brush and looked at my work carefully. This word is not ugly or ugly, it is really ordinary.

If you want to practice good calligraphy, you still need to learn from a teacher. If you just write by yourself, you will never see any progress.

Liu Xiang stretched out and prepared to practice riding and shooting. He would practice foot shooting in the morning and calligraphy at noon. In the afternoon, he would go to the military camp and practice riding and shooting.

The soldiers brought the white sacrifice. Before Liu Xiang could get on his horse, an attendant came running: "Report to the general, and the sentries reported back. The Zhuojun army is heading north. It has broken through Guangyang County and is advancing towards Jixian County."

"How many soldiers and horses are there? What banner does the general and the commander use?"

"There are four to five thousand soldiers and horses, and the tooth flag is Zou."

Liu Xiang thought to himself that it should be Zou Jing, the Polu captain, but he didn't know if there was Liu Guanzhang.

"Send additional sentries to find out Zhuojun's flags and marching routes, paying special attention to whether there are any flags with the character Liu."

"Wei." The attendant took the order and left.

Liu Xiang was not going to go to the military camp anymore. He took the guards to the lobby, summoned the Tiqi and the visitors, took out the command arrows, sealed the letter, and ordered:

"Send orders to Cui Yi to organize the troops and horses, pay close attention to the situation in Guangyang, and be ready to send troops at any time."

"Send orders to Yan Rou to arrange the defense of the North and bring Hu Qi to Yuyang to join the Chinese army."

"Send orders to Yang Huan to reorganize the troops, inquire about the situation in Wuzhong County, Youbeiping County, and wait for follow-up orders."

"Instruct all soldiers in the center, front, and rear to return to camp as quickly as possible, prepare their war equipment, and wait for military orders."

"It is said that each township militia group should select those who are over twenty but under forty-five years old, who are not the only son in the family, and who are not family members of the military. They will be led by the village Qiangfu to assemble in their respective counties and come under the jurisdiction of the local garrison."

According to the records in the Yellow Book, Liu Xiang estimated that these people were about 40,000, and Liu Xiang wanted to recruit them as civil servants.

"It is said that each hard labor camp, each county jail, and the general's office have set up a beggar army. Except for those on death row who are not guilty of the ten evil deeds, they can voluntarily apply for hard labor.

Behead the enemy to the first level and be exempted from guilt;

Behead the enemy for two levels, become a citizen, and participate in farm division;

Behead the enemy to the third level, join the army, and receive rewards based on merit.

Tell them that those who want to live, those who want to live a good life, must trade with the enemy's head."

Tiqi and Ye each received the command arrow, sealed the letter, and went to deliver the command everywhere.

Liu Xiang took out the map in the lobby and looked at it. After a while, he ordered his attendants to get the letter asking for help from Lu County and check it carefully to see if there were any omissions.

Lu County had already sent Tiqi to blockade the area, cutting off the communication between the garrison and the outside world.

Wu End in You Beiping is the node connecting Lu County, and Tiqi has also been sent to keep an eye on it. The Anping Right Army can go south to attack it at any time.

Now let’s see how the battle in Jixian will turn out. I hope Cheng Zhiyuan won’t lose inexplicably.

With the Yellow Turban Army's size of 40,000 to 50,000, the city can always be defended even if it lacks weapons.

Liu Xiang's fingers tapped the desk gently, which was a subconscious action when he was thinking.

Zou Jing led his troops to the north. He probably saw that the Yellow Turbans were weak and came to take advantage of them.

This shows that Zhang Jue was defeated, and Lu Zhi should have besieged the main force of the Yellow Turban Army led by Zhang Jue in Guangzong. As soon as the news spread, everyone saw the end of the Yellow Turban Army, and they would eagerly jump out and share the story.

A feast of military exploits brought by the Yellow Turban Army.

Zou Jing probably sent troops as soon as he received the news.

Now, where has this news spread? When will Gongsun Zan of the Liaodong vassal state take action?

Liu Xiang was sure that Gongsun Zan would take action after receiving the news. This had nothing to do with his character or loyalty.

Gongsun Zan has now embarked on the path of military commander in the border counties, and the foundation of this road is military merit, so the military commanders in the border counties will never miss the opportunity to perform meritorious service.

Gongsun Zan is surrounded by a group of such people. This is the source of his power and his class.

It is difficult for a person to betray his class.

Therefore, in history, Gongsun Zan killed his immediate boss Youzhou Mu Liu Yu because Liu Yu implemented a policy of appeasing the barbarians and blocked Gongsun Zan's group's path to military success.

This is mixed news.

The bad news is that Gongsun Zan is likely to raise troops to march eastward, which will bring great changes to Liu Xiang's attack on Linyu.

The good news is that the generals in Youbeiping are definitely eager to fight, and the prefect Liu Zheng is likely to be influenced by his subordinates. The success rate of Liu Xiang's plan to lure the snake out of the cave is greatly increased.

What you need to do now is to meditate.

Calm down

Waiting for his troops to assemble.

Waiting for news from all parties to react.

Just wait quietly. Don't be impatient. A restless mind will lead to unwise actions.

This is the time to nourish your Qi.

This chapter has been completed!
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