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Chapter 496: Reforming the Official System

Giving a banquet at night is considered a great time for the guests and hosts, so there is no need to elaborate.

The next day, an edict was issued to inform the world.

The first edict must be to change the year and grant amnesty to the whole country.

The era name was designated as the first year of Longxing.

But during the amnesty for the whole world, Liu Xiang changed some regulations.

In fact, he doesn't like to pardon criminals casually, but conventions should not be violated. The purpose of pardoning the world is to show benevolence, which means that after ascending the throne, he must implement good governance and create an atmosphere of universal celebration. There is a hidden plan to bring the people back to their hearts.

The Han Dynasty had a general amnesty. Except for the ten heinous crimes, all others were pardoned regardless of severity, regardless of official or civilian status.

This is not in line with his philosophy.

Therefore, Liu Xiang issued an edict that corruption, neglect of government, and capital crimes would not be pardoned.

The pardoned prisoners of war were moved to Henan Province.

In this amnesty, more than 200,000 people will be exonerated, and nearly one-third of the hard laborers will be released, which will reduce the labor force of tens of thousands of people in various mines and forest farms.

There are probably more than 50,000 prisoners of war who will be moved to Yin, Henan, and these people need supervision.

Appointed Xiahou Dun as the Yin of Henan, led 30,000 army soldiers from Runan, and went to Henan to handle land reclamation matters.

Cao Cao has returned home, and the people of the Cao family and the Xiahou family can give him a certain degree of trust.

Xiahou Dun was a man who was good in other aspects except fighting. He had managed the farmland in Runan for several years and made outstanding achievements.

The 30,000 field soldiers opened up a lot of fields, and after they were transferred, the fields were allocated to the refugees who fled to Runan.

There are a lot of refugees, a small part of them escaped from the Seven Kingdoms Alliance, and the majority of them fled from Yangzhou.

There is a general trend among the people today, that is, the nobles are going south and Guizhou is fleeing north.

Liu Xiang was delighted to see the success.

The second edict was to canonize Zhen Jiang as queen.

The edicts to confer the other five wives as concubines will be postponed for a few days to show respect for the queen.

The third edict was to reform the official system.

The three-province and six-department system has been discussed with several core staff for more than a month. The basic framework has been established and the personnel have been selected.

In the province under the clan, Wang Xing, a general and great craftsman, also served as the minister and presided over government affairs. Tian Chou, the prefect of Yingchuan, was appointed as the Shaofu to assist in handling all matters under the clan. Hua Tuo was appointed as the imperial physician and placed under the jurisdiction of the Shaofu.

Shuiheng Duwei was placed under the jurisdiction of Menxia Province.

The Zhongshu Province was responsible for handling secrets, drafting edicts, and appointing Yuan Huan as Zhongshu Ling. Tian Feng, the imperial censor, and Xia Houlan, the court lieutenant, were placed under the jurisdiction of the Zhongshu Province.

The Shangshu Tai was changed to Shangshu Province, and Xun Yu was appointed Shangshu Ling.

It consists of six departments.

Appointed Jushou as Minister of the Ministry of Personnel.

Fan Xian, the general of Dian Nong Zhonglang, was appointed as the Minister of Household Affairs.

Appointed Huangfu Song as Minister of War.

Yuan Min, Ambassador of Tihedi, was appointed Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

Appointing Man Chong as the Minister of Punishment, Liu Xiang was very optimistic about this cruel official, and he would become like Tian Feng, a sharp knife in killing wealthy families.

Liu Biao of the Imperial Academy was appointed Minister of Rites, Dahonglu was renamed Honglu Temple, Xun Chen was appointed Shaoqing of Honglu Temple, and was placed under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Rites.

Liu Yu performed meritoriously in presiding over the enthronement ceremony and was reinstated as Situ.

But after the reorganization of the official system, Sangong was just a mascot with high position and no weight, only glory. His main energy would be put into Zongzheng's affairs, because Liu Xiang was going to implement the revised order of favor.

The correct name is the Act of Succession of Titles.

Not only the princes of the clan, but also the titles of nobles are also managed.

The title inheritance law stipulates that if future generations want to inherit the title, they need to pass the Zongzheng Mansion assessment and pass the civil and military examinations before they can inherit the title.

If you fail to meet the assessment standards, you will be demoted to the first level in the second year and continue the assessment. If you have not reached the standard, you will continue to be demoted in the third year, and so on until you reach the standard.

I have made it clear that it does not mean that you will not be given a title. The premise is that your descendants must be capable. Just be a rich man and don't interfere with the matter of the title.

Raising a bunch of dandy children who are resting on their ancestors' merit books will only bring down the imperial court's finances. This matter must be put an end to as soon as possible.

Whether you can be crowned or not depends entirely on your ability, and no one can choose.

As we all know, in exams, candidates can cheat, examiners can also cheat, and those who set the questions can do it perfectly. Will they be allowed to be crowned? How? It all depends on Liu Xiang's mood.

Therefore, Liu Yu was under great pressure. Since ancient times, it has not been easy to reduce vassal status and demote nobility. He could not do it forcefully. He could only use exams as a buffer. To try this method for the first time, Zongzheng must have prestige. In the future, it would be easy to make it a permanent rule.

Much more.

I just hope that future generations will not turn this matter into a muddy mess full of shady stories.

In fact, not only the lords have to take exams, but also the selection of officials.

The selection system under Liu Xiang's rule was still the examination system for the time being, and the conditions for the imperial examination were not yet mature, so he ordered that those who were elected as Xiaolian should study in Taixue, and after passing the examination, they should go to various agencies to observe the government for half a year, and then they could be selected as officials.

The time limit is three years, and those who fail to pass the examination within three years will be deprived of the qualification of Xiaolian and the person who recommended him will be fined.

Those who are promoted to be highly qualified must go to Taixue for assessment. Those who are qualified will go to observe government. Those who are unqualified will study in Taixue for one year. If you still fail to pass the examination after one year, then go home and continue studying. The recommender will be fined.


The promotion of high rank was cancelled, and Liu Xiang did not approve of the behavior of selecting people based on their family background.

Being upright is equivalent to being filial and honest, and a moral gentleman should still be given a certain chance.

Use Taixue to assess the talents and learning of future officials, and also to prepare for future imperial examinations. When the time is right, the transition can be completed naturally.

Liu Xiang did not use the nine-grade Zhongzheng system to select talents, but he adopted the official grade system, which was divided into nine grades and eighteen grades.

The princes and kings are of the first rank.

The Three Dukes and the Great General are the first rank.

Zhongshu Ling, Shangshu Ling, Hussar General, and Guang Luxun are the second rank.

Grand Master, Grand Tutor, etc. are honored to be promoted to the second rank of Cong.

The six ministers, chariot and cavalry generals, court captains, and Zhijinwu are the third rank.

The commander-in-chief of the county, the generals with important titles such as the four expeditions and four towns, the generals who lead the army in the center, and the senior officials with a salary of two thousand dan are the fourth rank.

An official worth two thousand dan is classified as the fourth rank.

An official with a salary of one thousand dan is the fifth rank.

Eight hundred stones is the sixth grade.

Six hundred stones is the seventh grade.

The one with four hundred stones is the eighth grade.

The one with two hundred stones is the ninth grade.

One hundred stones is from the ninth grade.

Forty dan is from the ninth rank. This is the rank that Cui Yi must add even if he wants to die, because this is the salary of the team leader, and he wants to commemorate his youth.

The lowest standard for officials is the ninth rank. Those below are considered to be soldiers. Those like corps commanders, captains, and halberd-bearers cannot be counted as officials.

The official system reform mainly targets the central government and has little impact on local areas, so it will not have any impact on the plans after this year's autumn harvest.

It’s just that the drought in Sanfu and Bingzhou was more severe, and most of the crop yields were reduced. Originally, these two places were mainly dry fields. Under the influence of the Little Ice Age, there was already a considerable reduction in yields. This time the drought has reduced it again.

The grain harvested from the fields was less than one stone, which would definitely not be enough for the people to feed the next autumn harvest.

There are even some areas that are almost extinct.

This is the result of the drought relief order issued at the beginning of the year.

In addition to tax exemptions, we also need to think about how to provide disaster relief.


Liu Xiang stared at the map and frowned as he listened to Jia Xu reporting the information about the south passed by Jin Yiwei.

The army cannot move.

The South is forming an alliance.

The naval harassment is not strong enough to tire out the enemy, and the Jianghuai defense line will become increasingly difficult to defeat.

This chapter has been completed!
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