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Chapter 502 I Don’t Know What to Do Apart from Safety

Zhen Jiang has been taking care of the Zhen family's family business these years. The traveling caravans and shops in various prefectures and counties are all under her control. Her vision and methods have been honed for a long time.

Girls can't compare.

She has always managed the back house. Although Cai Yan also has some rights, Zhao Ji has no intention of competing for favor. In the past few years, she has focused all her energy on being a good secretary and prime minister.

The vast sea of ​​books occupied all her mind.

The experiences of these years have also proved that my husband is nostalgic.

Zhen Jiang now has the title of Empress of the Han Dynasty. As long as she doesn't make big mistakes, her status is still very stable.

Therefore, she only worried about the child in her belly.

Liu Xiang proposed to bring her mother and sisters into Jiaofang Palace, which moved her very much.

"Thank you for your consideration, Your Majesty." She leaned softly on her husband's shoulder, feeling much more at ease.

There is no need to say anything, as long as she can cuddle up next to her husband, she will be satisfied.

Silence is better than sound at this time.

Liu Xiang is a quiet person in private, and they are an old married couple, so there are not so many sweet words. Besides, even if he wants to say something annoying, he can't!

After sitting with Zhen Jiang for a while and watching her sleep, Liu Xiang left the Jiaofang Palace and walked to the front hall. It was already midnight, the stars were dotted, the moonlight was like silver, and the north wind was biting in the night of late autumn and early winter.


There are some things that he doesn't want to wait until tomorrow.

"Zhuan Shi, Dian Wei is here to see you."

The accompanying knights of the Huben Army and the Yulin Army were stationed in the palace city. Shi A and Dian Wei had a public room on duty in the front hall. It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive at the imperial study room.

"Shi A, please dispatch a team of tiger soldiers to station outside the Jiaofang Palace. Take my hand and tell you to leave the palace tonight and appoint Zhen Yao as the left commander of the tiger army, responsible for guarding the Jiaofang Palace. He will be on duty in the palace tonight.


"My lord, take the order."

Liu Xiang's Tiger and Ben Army are all orphans adopted by Shi'a. They have grown up around him since childhood and have not been penetrated by other forces. Now there are more than 300 people, divided into six teams. They have been trained for many years and have superb swordsmanship. They are responsible for personal protection and garrison.

Front hall.

Tiao Zhenjiang's younger brother led a team of tiger warriors to guard Jiaofang Palace, just in case.

If you stand too high, you will always be exposed to wind and rain.

"Dian Wei, you are looking for some alert and capable women in the home of your old brother Su Wei, and recruit them as knights in the inner palace, dedicated to guarding the queen. Remember, it is better to lack than to waste."

"Follow orders."

The two of them started taking action that night. Huben will be in place tonight, and the female knight in the inner palace will probably be in place tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

Female knights were not invented by Liu Xiang. They were female officials who originally existed in the palaces of the Han Dynasty. They were mainly used as guards of honor and also had the responsibility of personal protection.

Under the protection of Qimen, Yulin, and Huben, as well as female cavalry, and other female officials accompanying him in Jiaofang Palace, safety is guaranteed.

There should be no problem with raising the fetus, right?

As for prophecies and witchcraft, he didn't believe in them, so it had no impact.

There was also a top-notch doctor beside him, so he really didn't know what else to prepare.

"Well, that's it." Liu Xiang muttered. He was actually a little confused. Why didn't he feel excited? It shouldn't be that when he heard that his wife was pregnant, his husband either regretted it or was as excited as a fool.


Why didn't he?

Is there something wrong with my character?

Forget it, there's no need to worry, it's time to rest, we have to go to court tomorrow morning.

Before going to sleep, he suddenly remembered something: the new large-scale ship built by Liaodong Shipyard had not yet been named.

"Let's just call it Fu Chuan." He lay on the bed and decided on the name of the boat type, but he was too lazy to get up and decided to talk about it after he woke up.

In the morning of the next day, all the officials knelt down, talked about disaster relief matters, and reported on the construction progress of Jinchuan Guard and the Yellow River Embankment.

Xun Yu summed it up and advised: "The cold winter is approaching. It's time to rest with the people. It's time to stop work in various places. Let the heads of Guizhou return to their hometowns and the hard laborers return to their camps. Only then can we avoid resentment and show your majesty's benevolence."

This is what it should be. The land is frozen in the winter. If we force people to work, it will not only be ineffective, but people will freeze to death.

This is a rebellion forced by the government and by the people.

No matter how anxious Liu Xiang was, he couldn't do such a stupid thing.

"According to the report, the Zhongshu Province drafted an edict. The Ministry of Industry sent people to check the supplies everywhere, and the Yushitai sent people to supervise."

Yuan Huan, Yuan Min and Tian Feng stood up and responded: "I obey the order."

After everyone returned to their seats, Liu Biao, the Minister of Rites, stood up and said, "I ask your Majesty to resume hunting in the fields."

Hunting in the field has been a royal practice since ancient times and has been a system established since the Zhou Dynasty.

Hunting is not exclusive to nomadic, fishing and hunting peoples. Agricultural civilization also attaches great importance to hunting, but the purpose is different.

Farming civilization is called field hunting. First, it is to remove pests from the fields and protect the crops from being destroyed by animals, so it is called "field hunting".

The second is to provide sacrifices to the ancestral temple.

The third is to drive chariots and horses, bend bows, ride and shoot, raise troops and mobilize the masses, and conduct military training.

Field hunting is divided into four seasons: hunting in spring, hunting in summer, hunting in autumn, and hunting in winter.

There are rules: don’t catch young animals, don’t kill pregnant animals, don’t hurt young animals that haven’t grown up, don’t collect bird eggs, don’t destroy bird nests, hunt and kill without closing in, leaving room for leeway, don’t catch them all in one go, and eradicate all the weeds.

Liu Xiang pondered for a moment, Tian Lie should indeed recover, but he didn't want to make it too big.

It costs money.

He had reduced the royal hunting ground in Shanglin Garden by more than half, leaving it only a hundred miles in size. Traveling far away for hunting was too expensive and was really unnecessary. The officers and soldiers of the imperial army under his command trained very diligently, and there was no shortage of opportunities for actual combat in troubled times.

There is no need to hold military exercises four times a year.

So forget about training.

Doesn’t he want to just take officials on an outing at public expense? What are the benefits?

"Pass the imperial edict to resume field hunting. During this winter hunt, I will inspect the sons and daughters of each family. Your Majesty can bring the sons of your family who are over fourteen years old to perform martial arts in front of the emperor to have a look at the young men's grace."

"Your Majesty is wise!" Liu Biao took the opportunity to flatter him. He felt that his recent life was pretty good and he was very glad for his original choice.

Liu Xiang glanced at the faces of the officials, which were very exciting.

If someone is in high spirits, it must be his son who is promising and feels that his face is bright.

There are those who show injustice, probably because their children are not good at martial arts, but have some talent in literature. They feel that it is unfair to only perform martial arts without taking a literary exam, and not get a chance to perform.

If there are those who are downcast, it may be because their children are not living up to expectations.

There are also some who look envious, maybe because they don’t have a son?

Of course, there are also some people who don't show their emotions or anger, so you can't tell.

It feels like a parent-teacher conference.

Or is it called a son show conference?

Liu Xiang laughed and continued: "The Ministry of Rites is responsible for coordinating this winter hunting. We will set the nearest auspicious day and hold it in the mountainous area south of Shanglin Garden. The Queen is not feeling well and will not participate. The female relatives in your family do not need to participate either."

He didn't want to announce the news of Zhen Jiang's pregnancy for the time being.

One is for safety, and the other is to see who might be spying secretly.

Whoever dares to reach out will be chopped off!

This chapter has been completed!
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