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Chapter 47: Surprise

Liu Xiang truly admired him. Whether it was Lu Ju who had a noble character and was willing to die for others, or whether Lu Ju was a deep man who used his life to make sacrifices, he didn't want to get into it.

Anyway, the result was the same, the Luxian garrison surrendered.

Lu Ju returned to the city and explained what Liu Xiang had promised. The soldiers and people in the city breathed a sigh of relief. They were really scared. It would be great if there was a result. They felt like waiting to die every day, and they were going crazy from torture.

The gates of Luxian City were wide open, and the Anping Left Army had entered the city to take over the city defense. The original county garrison had put down their weapons and armor and returned to camp. Liu Xiang kept his promise, and after a while he would eliminate the old, weak and those who were unwilling to join the army.

The powerful people in the city did not harm them, but they did not want to go back to the fields outside the city. They had to be divided. Liu Xiang was the only one who would not compromise. Others could still be discussed.

He is not addicted to murder, and it is okay to let these powerful people go. What he offends is all the landlords in the world, a few more, not more, and a few less, not more.

Besides, who says you can't find someone to blame? He just promised not to kill anyone if he surrendered this time. If he breaks the law and is convicted in the future, he will be responsible for it. The power is in his hands, and he will slowly clear it up from now on.

Liu Xiang felt that his profound knowledge had improved again.

The transition in Lu County was very smooth, without any conflicts, and it was regarded as a peaceful handover.

Arrangements were made for Shuzuo to allocate fields to the people in the camp outside the city, and they gradually returned to their hometowns one by one. Now there are only Xiaoqi, Huqi and more than 20,000 militiamen left in the camp.

After the Chinese army battalions arrived at Lu County, Liu Xiang arranged for them to enter the city, but the banner on the city wall was still that of the original Lu County garrison. He wanted to give Liu Zheng a surprise.

In his original calculation, he had left some margin. If he could persuade Lu County to surrender, he would use the shell of the Lu County garrison, use the familiar faces of the garrison officers to lure Liu Zheng into the city, and give him a Hongmen Banquet.

Unable to persuade him to surrender to Lu County, he went to ambush Youbeiping County soldiers halfway. It was not that Liu Xiang couldn't defeat Youbeiping, he just didn't want to attack the city by force, which would cause too many casualties.

Controlling the intensity and duration of each battle and minimizing casualties is Liu Xiang's current strategy.

Only in this way can he flexibly dispatch his troops and maintain a combat advantage over every enemy around him. The enemies will not dare to attack him and he can gain room for development.

After a few days, the soldiers and civilians in the city put aside their worries, and more and more people walked on the street. Liu Xiang only refused to let people leave the city, but did not restrict others.

The sixth day of the sixth lunar month is the birthday of Dayu, and it is also the day when the Dragon King comes out of the water to dry his scales.

Han people would wash and dry their clothes on this day for good luck, so this day is called the Washing and Sun-drying Festival.

During the festival, people need to take a bath, dry their food and scriptures, appreciate lotus flowers, watch the valley shows, etc.

On this day, there are many customs of bathing and drying things, from the palace to the private sector, from the county town to the rural pavilion.

But the county seat of Lu County was sealed by Liu Xiang. The big households were fine, but the ordinary people could not go to the river to use water and could only gather around the wells to fetch water.

The sixth month of the lunar calendar is the hottest time of the year. People gather together under the bright sun and are very susceptible to heatstroke.

In the Han Dynasty, heat stroke could really kill people, so Liu Xiang felt that it was inappropriate to turn the festival into a funeral.

So he selected a thousand men from the army with sixty-six coins a day to drive two hundred water trucks to carry water to the people in the city.

Of course, the wool comes from the sheep, so he used the festival as an excuse to send a cart of water to each large household for 6,660 yuan per cart.

Robbery from the rich and give to the poor, not slander.

As for the fact that he made 100,000 yuan through this? Getting rich through hard work is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation!

In the evening, Liu Xiang returned from the camp outside the city. Bai Xi's hooves clanked on the stone road. The little white horse had been shoed not long ago, but it was still a little uncomfortable.

The horses of Liu Xiang's cavalry have all been shoed. Horseshoes seem simple, but there are many ways to do it. Many grooms under his command took a month to figure it out, and it was only in June that they finished shoeing the horses serving in the army.

It will be popularized in horse farms in the future.

A small horseshoe is so troublesome. There are a lot of things in Liu Xiang's territory. He implements many decrees simply and crudely. He knows there are many disadvantages. It's not that he doesn't want to do it more carefully and safely, but he can't do it.

The ability is insufficient, the manpower is insufficient, and there is no good solution at the moment.

He can only try to make every government order as simple and clear as possible, so that the people can understand what they are going to do and what their benefits are.

Liu Xiang simply put aside the government trap and told everyone under his command that what he wanted to do was very simple, that is, fairness.

Let those who plow the fields have food to eat, those who weave clothes have clothes to wear, and those who build houses have houses to live in. Let those who work hard get better returns.

There is a saying that goes well: Those who bear wages for others should not be allowed to freeze to death in the snow.

Liu Xiang wants those who contribute to others to live a better life, whether he is active or passive.

He told everyone, if you want to live a life like a master? Yes, then do more things for others.

For example, pick up the sword in your hand and seize more land for the common people's plow.

The simple and crude military government management model is the road Liu Xiang is taking. He knows that this road will not last long, but he has no other choice at this stage.

Just plow and fight and focus on the present.

Liu Xiang rode slowly on his horse, and Su Wei followed closely behind him. Their cavalry slowly turned the corner and met a motorcade head-on. The motorcade quickly pulled to the side of the road and stopped to make way for Liu Xiang.

The convoy on the opposite side was led by four double-column carriages, followed by more than a dozen cargo carriages.

A middle-aged man in his thirties got out of the first car. He didn't say anything. He just stood on the side of the road and bowed his hands. Liu Xiang knew clearly that he didn't dare to offend him but didn't want to have anything to do with him.


Seeing that the other party was like this, Liu Xiang didn't make it difficult for him, so he immediately nodded in return and continued to move forward.

When passing by the convoy, I saw that these carriages were decorated with vermilion paint, with cornices on the tops, and necklaces below them fluttering in the wind. They were extremely exquisite in workmanship.

Liu Xiang looked curiously for a few times, but found a pair of eyes in the third car, also looking at him curiously. It was a little girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, with skin as smooth as gel, eyebrows like distant mountains, and clear eyes.

His eyes moved, and when he saw Liu Xiang looking over, he hid behind the curtain.

Liu Xiang suddenly felt as if he had opened another pair of eyes and discovered beautiful things that he had never noticed before.

Very strange feeling.

He is not someone who has never seen beautiful women, nor is he a first brother who has never been in love, but he has never felt this way.

He shook his head and said to himself, this is just because of sex, nothing special, just an illusion caused by a few milligrams of secretion, don't worry about it.

He continued to drive his horse forward. The battle was about to begin, and he would not be distracted by it.

It's just strange that the wealthy families in the city wanted to hide in their cellars, not daring to see the light at all, for fear of attracting Liu Xiang's attention.

Who are these people? They are driving a convoy through the county in a swaggering manner, and they can’t get out, so what is there to see?

This chapter has been completed!
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