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Chapter 526: What is a strong soldier?

Lei Xu went south to Shu County at the invitation of the prefect Liu Xun.

When the Nanjun war broke out, Liu Xun and Ji Ling put aside their disputes and jointly decided to support Jiangxia. The main force of the boat division merged with the navy from Danyang and Jiujiang and headed for Chibi to resist the imperial army from crossing the river.

Ji Ling led his troops to Xiling to support the defeated Huang Zu, while Liu Xun took charge of the Huai River defense line.

As a result, the Chibi Navy's efforts were in vain, and the imperial army kept practicing boat divisions in the north of the Yangtze River, but did not cross the river.

Ji Ling died in battle in Xiling City.

The emperor led his army into the hinterland of Lujiang River.

Guan Yu in Runan, Liu Chong in Pei State, and Zhang Liao in Xuzhou went south. Liu Xun, Liu Miao, and Lu Bu were suppressed and beaten.

The situation is urgent, and the battle situation in Lujiang is eroding.

The Lei family, the largest powerful person in Lu'an area, became Liu Xun's last life-saving straw.

Liu Xun and the Lei family had friendships and grievances, because Lei Bo, who was born in the Lei family, was once Liu Xun's colleague and worked together under Yuan Shu.

Later, Yuan Shu died. At that time, Liu Xun, Ji Ling and others were fighting Zhou Xin, Liu Miao and others in Lujiang River, including Lei Bo.

The situation suddenly changed. This group of people did not want to take refuge with Liu Xiang, so they sued for peace with Zhou Xin and others. Liu Xun and Ji Ling supported the army to stand on their own. Chen Lan also wanted to stand on his own, but unfortunately he was defeated and fled to the mountains to become a bandit. Lei Bo lost his

Soldiers and horses returned home dejectedly, and Qiao Rui chose to live in seclusion.

Under the influence of all parties, Lujiang has been fighting each other and relying on each other for several years.

Then, the imperial court marched south and the war situation deteriorated. The Lei family was a powerful man and knew that the emperor could not tolerate them. Therefore, the chief Lei Xu took all the young men south to rescue Shu County.

But looking at the imperial army arrayed in the north of the city, every soldier was wearing iron armor and an iron helmet on his head. The dark and shiny armor plates dazzled Lei Xu's eyes.

Not to mention those densely packed crossbows and thousands of cavalry spread out on both wings.

Where has he seen such an army?

"How can you fight this battle if you are really extravagant?" He couldn't help but turn around and ask his clan brother Lei Bo.

Lei Bo was once a general under Yuan Shu, but he had never seen an army with all its members in armor. He didn't recover for a moment, so naturally he couldn't answer Lei Xu's question.

The general hesitated, and the soldiers below also looked at each other. How could the imperial army be defeated by such a powerful army?

When the two armies faced each other, the morale of Lei's private soldiers had already begun to decline before they even made any moves.

In the age of cold weapons, iron armor is justice.

The iron-wood armor worn by crossbowmen and light cavalry is no worse than steel. When painted, it looks similar to iron armor. Those who don't know the inside story all think it is iron armor.

During this period of the Han Dynasty, the whole world was short of iron. If the regular army had a 30% armor rate, it was considered elite. The shock of having all the members in armor was like someone taking out their armor during a group fight in the village.


It is impossible not to be afraid.

How could a group of private soldiers wearing linen shorts not panic?

If you slash the other person twice, the person may not be injured, but if the opposite person slashes you once, you will die. Who is not afraid of this situation?

The sunshine nearing noon was warm and refreshing, and the gentle breeze at the end of August was refreshing and pleasant.

Such light is the perfect weather to kill the enemy and serve the country.

The soldiers of the Forbidden Army lined up and moved forward. The drums beat one after another, matching the pace of the soldiers. Each blow hit the enemy's heart, making them tremble uncontrollably.

The fluttering battle flags approach like burning clouds, making people unable to breathe easily.

The forest of spears reflected the cold light, which was so dazzling.

The number of people was clearly several times smaller than theirs, but when they approached slowly with shields and spears on the other side, they did not dare to look into those murderous eyes and just wanted to turn around and run away.

The military power has been established and the enemy is timid. Liu Xiang will not go out of his way to persuade him to surrender before the battle. Although persuading surrender is an inherent process before the war begins, this momentum of suppressing the enemy's fear must not be interrupted.

"Beat the drums! Urge the army! The infantry joins the battle!"

The flags of the Chinese army were fluttering, war drums were beating like raindrops, Jinwu Guards soldiers were in front, and the Shengsheng battalion crossbowmen were behind. The six thousand infantry accelerated collectively, maintaining their formation, and quickly moved closer to the enemy's front army.

The first to launch the attack were the crossbowmen from the Shesheng Battalion. They had already been trained to cock their bows and fire while marching.

With the crossbow firing at a range of one hundred and forty steps, the enemy's archers in the front row fell to the ground one after another.

The crossbow arrows falling like raindrops opened a gap in the enemy's front line within a few breaths. The soldiers of the Jinwu Guards barely encountered the baptism of arrows before they rushed into the enemy's formation.

As the spears and halberds were swung, the enemy's shield array was torn apart, causing the enemy's front army formation to collapse and retreating steadily.

However, they did not continue to charge. Instead, they formed a circular formation, guarding all the crossbowmen in the formation. The six thousand people adjusted their pace, formed a body, opened the way with crossbow arrows, continued to chase the defeated soldiers, and rushed straight towards the enemy's central army.


The front army collapsed at the first touch, and Lei Xu panicked instantly.

"How could it be like this? How could it be defeated so quickly?" He was a little doubtful about his life. How could the battle be fought like this? He had just engaged in the battle, and the enemy was about to kill him in the blink of an eye.

"The head of the family quickly mobilized the rear formation to come for reinforcements. The two wings quickly moved up to prevent the cavalry from attacking the central army. I led someone to stabilize the formation first!" Lei Bo is an old soldier. He knows clearly that once the formation collapses in a field battle, what will happen if the formation collapses?

There was nothing left to do.

"Stabilize the formation! Follow me to kill the enemy!"

He jumped off his horse, held an iron shield in his hand, and shouted loudly to encourage morale. He led the elites of the clan to form a shield formation, holding his spears against the opposite formation. The archers in the back row fought with the imperial army at the risk of their lives.

The crossfire really blocked the Imperial Guards' infantry from moving forward.

But the crossbow bolts kept shooting through the gaps in the shields. The shield array of the soldiers on the opposite side was stronger than theirs and couldn't be broken at all. Moreover, iron spears kept being thrown at them. Those things could break the shield. Whenever there was a loophole, it would be impossible to break it.

Wave after wave of crossbow bolts are bound to hit the array.

Every time, a piece of soldiers would fall. The casualties were too great. If this went on, sooner or later, he would collapse. He couldn't hold back for long.

Lei Xu was reminded by Lei Bo and hurriedly sent orders to mobilize his troops. The rear formation moved closer to the central army and the two wings moved forward, intending to block the way for the light cavalry to attack the central army.

But Liu Xiang had no intention of letting Qingqi charge into the formation.

He didn't expect that it was just the infantry moving forward to test the attack. This was just the beginning of the battle, and they were observing each other's formation arrangements. As a result, it suddenly reached the rhythm of a decisive battle.

The six thousand infantrymen fought so hard that they were about to break through the enemy's center.

Some were unexpected.

"Order the two wings to entangle the enemy, move the rear formation forward, and put the men and horses in armor, waiting for the fighter plane." He stood on the high platform and could clearly see the battle situation everywhere.

The speed of the enemy's retreat was truly astonishing. He had indeed overestimated the opponent's combat power. The rear troops had not even put on armor yet, and the battle was about to end.

The Qingqi accepted the task of entangling the enemy's flanks. As a result, after several runs, the formation on the opposite side was on the verge of collapse.

The pace of this battle is definitely a fast-forward version.

"Go and tell Sun Ce. If he hasn't put on his armor yet, it will be none of his business."

This chapter has been completed!
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