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Chapter five hundred and sixty first standing in line is very important

Xun Yu's heart trembled. Your Majesty is very wary of aristocratic families. Now that he has spoken these words, if they really dare to become officials, mountains of corpses and seas of blood will be waiting in front of them.

This kind of confrontation is something he doesn't want to see.

He lowered his eyelids, lowered his head slightly, and used his peripheral vision to pay attention to the people around him, making sure no one did anything stupid.

Did His Majesty allow them to go home and retire because of his soft-heartedness? No, he wanted to see the choices of the important officials in the court. If someone really took office, it would be blatantly siding with the aristocratic family, which would force His Majesty to raise the butcher's knife.

When the time comes, it will be hard to put the sword into its sheath, and unless one is killed, a river of blood will flow. How can the emperor's majesty be maintained?

But don’t let anyone be stupid!

He couldn't open his mouth to remind him. The timing was wrong. The Xun family of Yingchuan was a first-class family in the Han Dynasty and had great authority in the court. He couldn't be the first to speak out at this time. Your Majesty would think that the family was acting as a group and manipulating the court.

, violate taboos.

Speaking now will only make things worse.

Ju Shou's thoughts were very similar to Xun Yu's. He just observed his colleagues nervously and did not dare to speak out.

He actually wanted Fan Xian and Yuan Huan to persuade him, but he had already secretly sent several winks. Fan Xian was born in a poor family and had never interacted with anyone from aristocratic families. Today's matter had nothing to do with him, so he could just ignore it.

The human position persuades His Majesty to calm down his anger.

Although Yuan Huan comes from an aristocratic family, his father Yuan Pang is highly respected by His Majesty and is regarded as the elder of the family. Their family was also the first to join the profession. After all, they are different and he will definitely be able to speak.

Unfortunately, both of them disappointed him.

Fan Xian is not a man of power. He has not yet figured out why the emperor is so angry today. Just impeach him. Impeachments are flying all over the court. If there is no sign of impeachment one day, it will be abnormal.

He really felt that there was no need to pursue it, and he didn't understand Jushu's eyes. Instead, he gave a firm look in response, "I will second your proposal. Don't worry, I won't change my mind. You can trust my character!"

Yuan Huan is too lazy to pay attention. It's enough to second the proposal not to block his words. Do you want me to charge into the battle for you? Impossible. Our Yuan family is a relative, not the same as you.

Old Huangfu sighed, and his thoughts could not help but go back to eleven years ago, when the high-spirited young man forced himself under Quyang City, and had no choice but to choose the way out he gave. Now, that young man has become the emperor, and he is still forcing himself

You can only choose the path he gave you.


That's all, that's all, some people are looking for death, so let them die! I'm powerless, so just ask for your own blessings.

Silence fell in the royal study room. The emperor had already said that he would conquer the world again. Who dared to be angry? Those who still speak out and give advice at this time are not considered loyal, but will bring disaster to the country and the people.

As for taking office at such a juncture, it is to point at His Majesty's nose and call him a tyrant. Only a fool would do such a thing.

Liu Biao sighed, it's a pity that Duke Bo'an is not here, Yan, the Seven Kings of Yu have joined, and his clan is very busy. Moreover, the clan has to manage all the clans, Lord, there are many complicated things, and he has not paid attention to the civil affairs for a long time.

That's all, I haven't been summoned to discuss politics today.

Now, he is the only one from the clan present. The nobles dare not speak out, and the relatives do not want to come forward, so they can only persuade him by themselves. If he does not set up a step for the emperor at this time, he will have to use the heads of the children of the aristocratic family to step on him in the future.

The emperor's hand is already on the hilt of the knife, and those arrogant people who wantonly impeach may not be able to extinguish the rising anger.

He considered his words and said: "The world is about to be reunited, the Great Han Dynasty is about to rise, and your Majesty's reputation for benevolence is spread all over the world. Who dares to say that your Majesty is a tyrant? That is blind!

He repaired water conservancy, encouraged farmers and mulberry trees, established schools, and secured the frontiers. The head of Guizhou lived and worked in peace and contentment, merchants traveled to prefectures and counties, soldiers abided by military regulations, officials did their jobs, and the Han Dynasty was prosperous. All this is known to the world. Through the ages, the Ming Jun and the Holy Lord have

However, why does Your Majesty belittle yourself and call yourself a tyrant?

In this case, how should I deal with myself?

Your Majesty, please calm down your thunderous anger. It is not easy to revive the Han Dynasty, and it is not easy to bring peace to the people. Swordsmen and soldiers are not blessings, so we should not act rashly. As for the king, the king, and the little ones, there are laws to control them, and everything can be done according to the Han law.

I know that Your Majesty has a grand plan, but haste makes waste. I would like to ask Your Majesty to plan it slowly and never be impatient."

Liu Xiang had a sullen face and glanced at these important officials. Seeing them lowering their heads and looking submissive, the anger in his heart slowed down. He had no idea of ​​massacring the world's noble families. That was to abandon his martial arts and deliberately

He was not a war madman when he started civil strife, so how could he be looking for trouble?

A thorough investigation of this impeachment is intended to put an end to the tendency to frame leading generals, and also to nip the bud of partisanship.

His attitude towards his ministers is that you can fight, you can fight, but you can't fight with parties, and you can't ignore the interests of the country and the dynasty for the sake of fighting, otherwise you will die, you will die, you will die together.

He kills people, but he never shows mercy.

"What Jing Sheng said makes sense, I will think about it carefully."

This answer made everyone below him take a long breath of relief, and they quickly continued their efforts to appease the emperor's mood: "Your Majesty is wise!"

"Okay, this flattery is not sincere at all." Liu Xiang really wanted to roll his eyes and treat them like a child?

He turned to look at Tian Feng: "Tian Feng, let's start with the self-examination of the Yushitai. Under the supervision of the Jinyi Guards, this case must be investigated to the end, and no matter who it is, they will be dealt with accordingly."

"I will prove my innocence and then find out the bad apples. I will never show favoritism." Tian Feng felt that more people would scold him in the future, but it didn't matter. He was used to it.

"Jia Xu, tell everyone in the Jinyi Guard that if there are people who are corrupt, pervert the law, practice favoritism, abuse others by relying on power, I will not only kill these people, but also all the Jinyi Guard officers and men, and kill them one by one. Tell them that my own army is Tiqi.

, we must set an example for the world and never allow evil to be harbored."

A privileged institution like Jinyiwei must be controlled by strict laws, otherwise it will definitely become a big harm, and Liu Xiang has to be cruel.

"Also, tell Xia Houlan that all arrested criminals will be dealt with severely. Those who deserve to be killed will be punished. Those who are exiled will be sent to Jinchuan Guards and Wuji School Wei Department to perform hard labor depending on the seriousness of the case."

"The official obeys the order."

"Go and do it now."


Tian Feng and Jia Xu bowed and left.

Liu Xiang pondered for a moment and summoned these people to discuss politics, but he didn't get down to business yet. He wanted to develop the plains in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, especially the two lakes plains.

There was a saying in the Ming and Qing Dynasties that if the two lakes are cooked, the world will be sufficient.

This is a bit exaggerated, but it also illustrates the grain output of the Lianghu Plain. How can such a treasure land turn a blind eye?

By the way, one more thing to mention, the two lakes do not refer to Hunan and Hubei, but refer to the Yunmeng Plain around Dongting Lake and the Poyang Lake Plain around Poyang Lake.

Although Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake were not fully formed during the Han Dynasty, there was no difference in the plain landforms.

The Yunmeng Plain covers 50,000 square kilometers and the Poyang Lake Plain covers 38,000 square kilometers, just waiting to be developed by the Han people.

The war in Jiangnan is going very smoothly. The development of the two lakes should be put on the agenda. At least there must be a preliminary plan.

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