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Chapter 53 Stockholm Syndrome

When Liu Xiang died, it was already three days later.

Endless, Junmi, Xu Wu, three counties have been conquered.

The army approached the city, but there were no soldiers to guard it. With orders from the prefect above and noise from the Guizhou chiefs below, the magistrates of the three counties could only offer the city and surrender.

The loss of land and people will inevitably lead to the loss of both people and land. This is why Liu Xiang wanted to defeat the Youbeiping County soldiers first.

The army was ordered to stay indefinitely, assisting the civilians in transporting grain, grass, baggage and city construction materials, waiting for the army to lay down the fortress, and then transporting them to the front line.

More than 40,000 militiamen and 7,000 civilians from Youbeiping traveled back and forth between Yuyang, Hunu, and Wuwen, hoarding all kinds of supplies like mountains.

Order the right army and the front army to clean up the powerful landlords on the spot, and then come to Tuyin to join the Chinese army.

Liu Xiang led the Chinese army and Hu cavalry to attack Tuyin. More than 10,000 troops, lightly armed and simple, arrived at the foot of Tuyin city and camped three miles from the west gate.

He ordered Xiaoqi to guard, while Huqi was wandering around the city. Liu Xiang and the prefect Liu Zheng went to the city gate to call the gate.

"The prefect has returned to the city. You will come to greet him as soon as possible. However, if you hesitate, you will be treated as a rebel."

Liu Zheng was so frightened that he had a shadow in his heart. He didn't want to go into the dog's belly one by one. He cooperated very cooperatively and shouted at the city: "Why don't you open the city yet? I'll chop off your heads."

On the city wall, You Beiping County Magistrate was so worried that he wanted to die. The defenders were taken away by Liu Taishou. Now the Taishou came back with other troops to call the city. Such strange things can also happen to him. An Ansheng asked him to make some money.

Isn’t it enough to make money every year?

What kind of nonsense is this? If I had known this, I would not have spent money to buy this county magistrate in the first place. This is a pit of fire.

He wanted to surrender, but the big families in the city had gathered private soldiers to occupy the city defense, and he was the one who was being held up in front.

The governor's face was full of bitterness, and he looked at Liu Taishou who was shouting happily in the city. When you left, why didn't you take me with you? It was so heartless!

Looking at the city gate that was always closed, Liu Xiang shook his head, Liu Zheng's card was no longer useful.

Although he could not open the city gate, Liu Xiang still did not retreat. He allowed Su Wei and Liu Zheng to make noises outside the city. He wanted to buy time for the army to set up camp.

Camping three miles away from the city was indeed a bit risky. He had to wait until the first trench was dug. Then he would not be afraid of being harassed by a small number of soldiers and horses in the city, but Tuyin City did not dare to send out large groups of troops.

Liu Xiang looked at the garrison on the city. They had different costumes and war equipment, and almost no crossbows or armor. They were powerful private soldiers and forcibly recruited people. They were all in chaos. They were just a ragtag group of people, barely defending the city.

That’s all.

Facing such an enemy, it's time to test the soldiers and see the effectiveness of their siege.

Liu Xiang stayed at the foot of Tuyin City for an hour, then turned his horse to go back. He estimated that the first line of defense of the camp was almost completed.

Liu Zheng saw Liu Xiang's expression was dull, and he turned back to his horse to leave. He knew that he was useless and might be beheaded to sacrifice the flag tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Fear and desire for survival broke out in his heart, and he suddenly drove his horse forward and shouted loudly: "Surrender now, and I will protect your lives. If the army breaks the city, we will slaughter all nine of you and other tribes."

I have seen with my own eyes that no one was killed in Luxian City, and the soldiers in the city are enjoying peace. You are just asking for your own death by raising troops to resist. How can a few private soldiers resist the strong attack of the army?

General Anping will divide the land for the people and reduce taxes. How can the soldiers and civilians in the city fight for you? It is not too late to surrender now. When the news of the land division spreads, the head of Guizhou will definitely rebel and you will all die without a burial place. How about you?

If you give up some wealth, you will be safe.

Which one is more serious and which one is less important, you have to decide carefully. I guarantee that you can save your life by surrendering now."

Liu Xiang was very surprised. Did Liu Zheng take the wrong medicine? He should have a grudge against him, right? He tried so hard to persuade him to surrender that he even ran into the range of the defenders.

In order to encourage Liu Zheng to actively persuade him to surrender, Liu Xiang recruited powerful crossbow shooters from the guards and ordered them to always aim at Governor Liu and prepare to give him some support.

These crossbowmen in Suwei are not simple people. They are people selected from the army who are strong and good at shooting. They use five or six stone waist-guided crossbows, which can shoot one hundred and eighty-five steps and can break through within one hundred steps.

With three layers of iron armor, after searching Yuyang, there were only thirty.

The two-stone base line of the strong crossbow in the military is a crossbow that is divided into two stones. It is a crossbow that is opened directly with both arms.

A three- or four-stone crossbow is a crossbow in which you step on the foot pedal installed on the front of the crossbow body and then pull it open with your hands.

For waist-triggered crossbows with a weight of five or six stones, you cannot stand up if you want to pull this kind of crossbow. You have to sit on the ground, put your feet against the crossbow, hold the crossbow trigger with both hands, exert force on your waist, and use your whole body to pull the crossbow.


It's a bit like a rowing machine. Those who have played it should be able to find the feeling of pulling the waist to draw a crossbow.

The one with more than nine stones is named the Big Yellow Crossbow. It is said that it can shoot three hundred steps. Liu Xiang has never seen it. It is a legendary elite war weapon and is only equipped in the Forbidden Army.

While Liu Xiang was in the air, Liu Zheng shouted loudly at the foot of the city to persuade him to surrender, and the defenders on the city had already begun to stir up chaos.

At first, when Liu Xiang's guards said that the fields should be divided, the defenders on the city were just doubtful. Now it was their governor who said this, and the nobles in the city did not refute. Most of them felt that the matter of dividing the fields could not be faked.

Field, my own field, what I have been looking forward to for several lifetimes.

And lower taxes? Why not kill these noble lords and surrender to Kaicheng?

The city was in chaos, and a siege was imminent. The powerful families in the city could not hold on any longer. With Liu Zheng's promise to guarantee their lives, they finally decided to open the city and surrender.

Liu Zheng came to Liu Xiang's horse, dismounted, knelt down, and said in a hoarse voice: "Report to the general, I have persuaded Tuyin to surrender. Congratulations to the general on taking control of Youbeiping, and congratulations on the general's military fortune."

Looking at his expression, he was actually happy. Liu Xiang felt strange. Could this Liu Zheng be a patient with Stockholm Syndrome?

Will this disease have to be renamed in the future? Should it be called Youbeiping Taishou Syndrome?

Seeing that Liu Xiang didn't speak, but just looked at him with a strange look, Liu Zheng kowtowed, fell on the ground and said: "I am willing to follow the general and do the work of dogs and horses. I have made some small achievements, and I hope the general will grant you."


Liu Xiang would not accept him. He is a sick person. Even if he is not sick, he is still a gloomy person.

"Prefect Liu, please wake up. Don't be so frightened. I keep my word and I won't harm your life. Just keep your mind calm and live your life in peace."

Hearing these words, the joy on Liu Zheng's face seemed to bloom. He smiled happily, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, General, thank you, General..." As soon as he opened his mouth, he swallowed hard.

Liu Xiang smiled and said: "Prefect Liu, why is this happening? I have no selfish hatred with the prefect. It's just that we have different paths. In the past, we were just planning contests on the battlefield. We had no intention of harming you. Prefect Liu can rest assured."

While the two were talking, the Chinese army battalions had arrived. Liu Xiang ordered the Shesheng battalion to be on guard and the guard battalion to enter the city and take over the city's defense.

All the officials in Tuyin had already taken out the yellow seals and ribbons, and the county magistrate came to surrender holding them in both hands.

Accepted the surrender and entered the city, everything went well.

After the Hujun camp took charge of the city defense, Liu Xiang led his troops into the city.

In fact, when Liu Zheng led his troops into Lu County, Youbeiping had no ability to resist, and the outcome was already doomed.

The barrier has never been an obstacle. It doesn't make any difference whether it surrenders or is captured.

Liu Xiang likes to make decisions before taking action, and does not act recklessly when encountering difficulties. This is not Liu Xiang's style.

The next step is Liaoxi.

This chapter has been completed!
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