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Chapter 62: Closing

Liu Xiang was so happy that he went crazy.


It's not because of lack of money.

It was too expensive to raise an army, and he was almost worried to death.

Liu Xiang inherited the military system of the Han army. To recruit soldiers, he had to pay military pay. Each regular soldier was given two dan of food per month, and officers were even more. He had more than 20,000 people under his command. The monthly military pay required 50,000 dan of food expenditure. To get an army

He has fighting ability, which must not be deducted.

There are also war horses. He has 4,500 cavalry and more than 10,000 war horses. Raising war horses consumes a lot of food and grass. In the army, there is a saying that one horse beats three pawns, which means that one war horse eats the same amount of food as three soldiers.

The pay of a regular soldier.

The feed for the war horses costs 60,000 dan per month.

This does not include the creation and consumption of weapons, armor and other combat equipment. If you want to have sharp weapons and armor, you have to spend money on them. Liu Xiang has already spent tens of millions of money, and Yuyang’s treasury is almost going to cost him.


There are also the expenses of sending troops to fight, not to mention food, grass and baggage. If you get a harvest, you will get a reward. If you get hurt, you will get compensation.

How does combat effectiveness come about? How does morale become high? Just shouting slogans is not enough, you have to spend real money.

Lin Lin finally calculated it, and it was not a small sum.

The army is a gold-swallowing beast!

Why did he imprison Zhen Yi shamelessly? Well...his daughter is too beautiful?

No...no, Zhen Yi is rich and has business routes that can make a lot of money.

Now that he had swallowed up Gongsun's wealth, Liu Xiang could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Not only can he take a breather, but he also wants to expand the size of the army. He has soldiers and young men who are willing to recruit, but he could not afford them before.

Gongsun fell, and Liu Xiang was full and happy.

There are still thousands of hectares of fertile fields around Lingzhi, which are about to mature and can harvest at least two million shi of grain. There are too few fields in other counties, so it is difficult to harvest much.

The population of Western Liaoning is recorded in the Yellow Register as being only 14,000 households or a little over 80,000. Many areas have not been developed and are still in a semi-nomadic state.

Only Lingzhi County was developed by the Gongsun family.

Liu Xiang is not going to divide these fields now. He wants to collect the grain and then distribute the land to the people and distribute rations. This involves some human issues, and human nature cannot stand the test.

After the war, the troops returned to the camp and rewarded the three armies. Only Tiqi was still searching for the children of the Gongsun family, and they had already arrested nearly 2,000 people.

Liu Xiang planned to send the men of the Gongsun family to build the city, and the women and children to be sent to the weaving workshop in Tuyin to work.

The army was reorganizing in Lingzhi. Liu Xiang selected 3,000 people from more than 20,000 militiamen to join the army. The rest took the reward of 500 coins and went home to prepare for the autumn harvest.

There were originally 4,000 prisoners in the camp, and nearly 2,000 more were captured during the siege, as well as 3,000 prisoners escorted from Tuyin. After selection, these people were selected and demoted to slaves, the old and the weak and the only son of the family were eliminated.

The remaining five thousand people who were willing to join the army were broken up and organized into various armies.

Thirty thousand civilians were recruited from the hermit houses to serve as laborers to replace the returning militiamen. After preparing for the autumn harvest and dividing the fields, they went to Linyu to build the pass and build the city.

The rear army continued to defend the city, and Liu Xiang led the Chinese army back to Haiyang. It must be said that the climate in Haiyang County is good because it is close to the sea and is much cooler than Lingzhi.

On July 29, sixty seven-shot guns were mounted outside the north and south city walls of Haiyang, and one hundred and forty single-shot gun carriages surrounded the sides.

The two artillery formations were each guarded by 3,000 militiamen and more than 1,000 cavalry.

After being fully prepared, Liu Xiang ordered soldiers from each battalion to take turns to go into battle and lure the defenders to the city for defense.

The trebuchets continued to smash for three days and three nights, and the Haiyang defenders finally couldn't bear it any longer, and they rushed out hysterically.

A total of more than 4,000 people rushed out. They were shot by 2,000 crossbowmen for a while, and then trampled to the ground by 7,000 cavalry. Only less than 1,000 people survived.

Haiyang surrendered.

In the seventh month of the seventh year of Guanghe, on the first day of the seventh month, Liu Xiang completely wiped out the four counties in western Liaoning, and the eastern defense line was being established.

Yan Rou and Hu Qi were sent to explore the Great Wall defense line and Lulongsai Ancient Road, and when Yuguan was completed, Lulongsai was to be rebuilt there.

Wu Yan followed Yan Rou. They wanted to take the opportunity to capture some people outside the fortress. The population of Wu Yan's tribe was too small and could not meet the demand for troops to protect Wu Huan's military division.

The remaining 20,000 militiamen who accompanied the army this time also received the reward. Under the supervision of Tiqi, they transported the seized property and went home happily. Also returning to Yuyang with them were Xiaoqi Camp and Qingqi Camp.

And the rear army, the infantry of the right army.

Under the leadership of Cui Yi, they want to guard against Zhuo County soldiers and horses robbing food. If there is a chance, the Anping Army would not mind going to Guangyang County to help with the autumn harvest. Although Guangyang County may not need an autumn harvest, they still need to have an attitude.

There are only 5,000 Chinese troops and 3,000 former troops left in western Liaoning. The Chinese army has to take 30,000 civilians to wait for the autumn harvest. The former army has to supervise 4,000 prisoners and more than 2,000 powerful children of powerful families who have been demoted as slaves.

They were all sent to Linyu to build the pass and build the city.

Liu Xiang set up another battalion in the Chinese army, called Yunfan Camp, recruited 500 sailors in Haiyang, selected officer commanders from Tiqi, and purchased hundreds of large and small ships to reserve experience for future expansion of the navy.

Now he is responsible for transporting supplies, transporting the grain and grass baggage of Tuyin and Lingzhi, as well as city construction materials, to Linyu by sea. The seven-shooter artillery used to attack Haiyang was also transported to Linyu, preparing to serve as a city defender after the completion of Yuguan.

War gear.

There were many busy things to do, such as transporting supplies, arresting defeated bandits, and tracing the remnants of powerful families. Liu Xiang slowly grew up through the experience of these things.

The Chinese army was stationed in Lingzhi, and sent its subordinate Shu Zuo to lead teams to the four counties in western Liaoning to prepare for the direct distribution of fields after the autumn harvest.

Time has slowly come to the middle of leap July.

Youzhou is ripe.

Western Liaoning harvested 2.3 million shi of grain, Youbeiping levied a field tax of 60,000 shi, and Yuyang collected a field tax of 300,000 shi.

There was a lot of chaos during the spring plowing in Yuyang, and the production this year was seriously reduced. Normally, the field tax should be at least 400,000 dan.

Liu Xiang comforted himself in a low voice: "It will get better next year. In two years' time, the reclaimed wasteland will be cultivated into mature fields, and there will be more food by then."

This season's harvest will bring a lot more food to the people, and the people will finally have some surplus money in their hands. Commercial circulation will accelerate. Liu Xiang is looking forward to the growth of his caravan.

The autumn harvest is completed and the fields are divided in western Liaoning.

After the fields were divided, 30,000 people, under the supervision of Tiqi, had to transport 1 million stones of grain to Yuyang to prepare for the war. The remaining 1.3 million stones were reserved in Lingzhi and Tuyin counties for the common people.

Oral food, growing grain.

Liu Xiang led the Chinese army to escort the civilians back to Yuyang. The fighting in Guangyang had been going on for a long time, and Liu Xiang wanted to get involved.

When the army passed by Wu Ending, Liu Xiang thought of Tian Chou who gave advice to Boss Cao during the Three Kingdoms.

When Tian Chou was in his twenties, he was appointed as an envoy by Liu Yuzheng and sent as an envoy to visit Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty who was kidnapped by Dong Zhuo and taken to Chang'an.

He completed the task brilliantly, but unfortunately, before he returned to Youzhou, Liu Yu was killed by Gongsun Zan.

He hid in Xu Wushan and secretly gathered people to avenge Liu Yu.

Tian Chou was very capable. He opened up wasteland and gathered people in the mountains between Xu Wu and Lulongsai. He gathered a total of 5,000 households and his power increased greatly. Many tribes in Wuhuan and Xianbei had to pay tribute to him.

By the time he had the power, Gongsun Zan had been destroyed by Yuan Shao, and he was unable to take revenge.

Later, Yuan Shao and his son Yuan Shang made many conquests, but he rejected them all.

It wasn't until Boss Cao led his troops to defeat Wuhuan that he came out of the mountain. After helping Lao Cao defeat Wuhuan, Tian Chou went to live in seclusion again.

Boss Cao is so smart, how can such a talent let him run away? As a result, the official Tian Chou paid homage to Yi Lang, refused to reward him many times, and died of illness at the age of forty-six.

Tian Chou's family was probably a small landowner. He had some family members, but they were not powerful enough to be considered powerful.

When Liu Xiang was in a desperate situation, he was anxious about the war and forgot about Tian Chou. He didn't know if his family would be affected when the land was divided, and Liu Xiang didn't know if Tian Chou was still alive.

It’s useless to think too much, just go and have a look first.

If you really hurt Tian Chou and his family, you will definitely be resented, right?

From Tian Chou's deeds, it can be clearly seen that this is a Gongyang School Confucian who pays attention to the idea of ​​​​great revenge.

In the Han Dynasty, the Gongyang School, which took "Spring and Autumn Gongyang Zhuan" as its main text, was a prominent Confucian school and emphasized the idea of ​​great revenge.

This is a group of stubborn lunatics, and they are the ones who pursue the righteousness of the Spring and Autumn Period of Revenge for the Ninth World.

If you really offend them, the best way is to eradicate them and leave no one behind.

This chapter has been completed!
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