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Chapter 69: This is a dead end

Guan Yu planned to capture the enemy general alive, but he didn't know that Liu Xiang was also watching him from a distance.

Watch him dash left and right, watch him circle his horse and look around, watch him wear armor and wield a sword, fight in all directions.

Watching Guan Yu gradually kill towards him.

Liu Xiang waited on horseback.

More and more cavalry were surrounding them.

There were fewer and fewer troops around Guan Yu.

One hundred and eighty paces, followed by fifty cavalry.

One hundred and twenty steps, followed by twenty riders.

At eighty paces, Guan Yu rode a donkey-like war horse and accelerated.

At fifty steps, Liu Xiang counted the arrows hanging on Guan Yu's body, and there were no less than twenty. He waved his hand slightly, and thirty crossbow arrows shot out beside him, like thunder and lightning, heading straight for Guan Yu.

Guan Yu saw the joking smile on Liu Xiang's face, Liu Xiang's admiring eyes mixed with regret, and even saw the archer beside Liu Xiang firing crossbow bolts.

There's something wrong with those crossbows!

Guan Yu's right hand suddenly exerted force, and the reins were pulled back quickly. The neck of the horse under his crotch was almost broken. The whole horse turned to the right. Driven by inertia, it almost turned sideways. He turned over and prepared to hide in the stirrup.

, hiding behind the horse to avoid arrows.

In the flash of lightning, Guan Yu made a series of response actions, but he still underestimated the speed of the crossbow bolt fired from the waist-guided crossbow.

He only felt several huge thrusts coming from his left arm, shoulder, armpit, waist, and thigh. Then he heard the sound of the iron armor twisting and cracking. The war horse underneath him shook violently and whined, turning over on its side.

, Guan Yu lost his balance and was knocked dizzy.

It wasn't until he fell to the ground and was pinned down by the war horse that he felt pain coming from many places. He wanted to lift the horse's body, but he couldn't exert any strength.

Liu Xiang was amazed by Guan Yu's movements to avoid arrows. This man was over two meters tall, how could he be so agile?

Can you imagine Yao Ming doing the Thomas swivel?

It’s so shocking!

Seeing that Guan Yu was still moving, several nearby guards approached on horseback, pointing their spears slantingly, in preparation for Guan Yu's sudden attack.

It wasn't until the tip of the spear was placed on Guan Yu's body that he didn't get up to resist. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. This man was so fierce that they had never seen him before.

"Tie him up." Liu Xiang ordered from a distance.

For a fierce general like Guan Yu, it is better to be careful. He will never get close until he is tied up.

Su Wei almost tied Guan Yu into a rice dumpling before showing him his injuries. He was hit by seven arrows and had many arrow wounds, especially under his armpits, which had a big gash from a crossbow arrow.

Guan Yu was tortured by Su Wei and was already unconscious.

"He lacks a good horse." Liu Xiang sighed with emotion. This is Guan Yu, a well-known figure in later generations. Without any explanation, just a name can make people recount his deeds.

As an opponent, Liu Xiang's mood was very complicated.

"Save him."

He was temporarily bandaged, looked after by several Tiqi, and quickly set off to the camp behind for diagnosis and treatment.

Although the battle was over here, the right-wing cavalry was still struggling with the Zhuojun infantry, and Liu Xiang had no time to waste.

There was no time to clean up the battlefield, leaving a group of troops to treat the wounded soldiers. Liu Xiang led the rest of the troops and galloped towards Zou Jing's central army. He had to prevent Zhuojun's troops from returning to camp.

The Qianyue cavalry on the right wing had bypassed Zou Jing's Chinese army and were attacking the infantry retreating from the city wall.

There were about eight or nine thousand infantrymen, most of whom were civilians. They were only temporarily issued with weapons. They were driven by the cavalry and fled for their lives.

Not far from the city wall, there is a formation of infantry. While resisting the attack of the Yellow Turban Army on the city wall, they move closer to the Chinese army's position. There is a filled moat, and there are trenches dug during the siege nearby. The terrain is not suitable for cavalry operations.

The Yellow Turban Army did not dare to leave the city, so they could only be allowed to form formations.

Zou Jing's Chinese army was also slowly approaching. The distance between the two formations was less than 200 steps. The formation of mutual aid had become difficult to isolate.

Liu Xiang ordered: "Order the left cavalry to cooperate with the right wing to drive away the defeated troops and attack the enemy's formation."

He led the guards to stop near Zou Jing's army to improve his power and look for flaws.

During the previous siege of the Zhuojun cavalry, Su Wei repeatedly attacked the enemy cavalry and continued to fight with Guan Yu. He suffered more than 80 casualties and consumed a lot of physical strength. He had to take a rest.

As for the casualties of the overriding cavalry, we haven't had time to count them yet, but there are probably one or two hundred casualties.

The goal of preventing Zou Jing from attacking Ji County has been achieved, and Zhuo County soldiers and horses have been trapped outside the camp. Liu Xiang is not in a hurry now.

The anxious one was Zou Jing. He had to consider withdrawing his troops. Liu Xiang only had to wait.

Waiting for Zou Jing to reveal his flaws, waiting for the second group of people to arrive.

Driving the defeated troops into a tide was just a test to see if they could disrupt the enemy's formation, and then take advantage of the situation to take another bite and continue to weaken Zou Jing's troops.

The left-wing cavalry made a large circle and cooperated with the right wing, driving three to five thousand civilians towards Zou Jing's central army.

The civilians were so frightened that they did not dare to turn around and resist. They just wanted to ask Zou Jing for protection and let them hide in the battle formation of the advancing soldiers. Zou Jing was not stupid, how could he let these civilians disrupt the formation? He ordered the soldiers to shout: "No.

Charge the formation, don't charge the formation, walk from both sides, hide behind the formation."

Civil servants who disobeyed orders were shot.

Liu Xiang looked at the civilians who avoided the front and hid along the sides of the shield formation between the two infantry formations. He felt that Zou Jing's formation looked like a dumbbell. There was a circular formation of one or two thousand infantrymen at each end, and in the middle

About three thousand civilians gathered in the open space about a hundred paces away.

He ordered Yueqi to harass him several times, but Zou Jing was able to deal with them each time and was unable to disrupt the infantry formation.

Fighting against such a veteran is really quite an experience. If the cavalry under his command had not become tired, Liu Xiang would still want to learn.

Relying on the strategic advantage of the cavalry, you can attack when you want, retreat when you want, bully the severely exhausted infantry in different ways, and there is also a battlefield veteran who will teach you how to use the infantry formation to deal with the cavalry. There are really not many opportunities like this.

The most important thing is that Liu Xiang's reinforcements are on the way. The more time he wastes, the greater his chance of winning. He just wants to drag Zou Jing here, not letting him rest, not letting him return to camp, and not letting him retreat.

, let him die here in the end.

"Order the Yueqi battalion to retract troops and repair."

Liu Xiang looked at the sky. It was about two or three o'clock in the afternoon. Although the post-autumn sunshine was blazing, it didn't have much heat anymore. A few floating clouds were floating high in the sky, looking down at the sadness of the world.

This battlefield was very tragic. Thousands of corpses were piled under the city wall and scattered on both sides of the moat. Blood flowed everywhere, glowing purple and black, and slowly seeping into the soil.

Zou Jing's formation was placed a hundred steps away from the moat. The two formations were supporting each other, with civilians in the middle, confronting Liu Xiang's more than 2,000 cavalry.

Zou Jing knew that waiting here would only lead to death, but he did not dare to move. He could mobilize less than 4,000 troops, all of them infantry, and the cavalry had been completely wiped out.

Under the pressure of two thousand cavalry, how could he march with so few infantry? If it were not for relying on the terrain, the formation would not be stable.

Without strong crossbows to suppress the formation, and no chariots and soldiers to cover it, we can't leave!

He now particularly hates the governor of Yuyang. Although he estimates that the governor of Yuyang is dead, he still hates him.

That idiot, if I have the iron armor and strong crossbows of the Yuyang frontier army, I can wipe out all the light cavalry on the opposite side. Unfortunately, his subordinates are only newly recruited soldiers from the inland counties. They lack armor and strong crossbows, and only have enough bows and arrows.

Fortunately, there was an iron officer in Zhuo County, and he was not short of weapons. When he increased his troops for the second time, he even brought a batch of heavy shields, which was a blessing in misfortune.

Time passed slowly in the confrontation.

Liu Xiang felt that now was a good opportunity to persuade him to surrender. He wanted to talk to Zou Jing, but he also felt that he should increase his leverage.

After thinking about it, he summoned Yan Gang and said to him: "Have you seen the city opposite? Go and persuade it to surrender. If you succeed, you will be considered a great achievement."

This chapter has been completed!
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