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Chapter 76 Another way of coercion

From Qiu Guo to Gu'an and then to Fan Yang, Liu Xiang was already one hundred and forty miles away from Zhuo County.

Wang Xing had 6,500 troops left to guard the camp, and 3,000 militiamen to help. If the Zhuoxian defenders left the city, he should be able to hold it, right?

Liu Xiang was a little worried, but he didn't want to go back now.

The countryside of Zhuo County had been tormented by him for more than half a month, almost turning it upside down, but no one came to attack him. The wealthy family fled south in panic, and they had no time to pack up their assets, and they had already abandoned their homes and businesses.


They were weaker and more frightened than Liu Xiang thought.

"The army was defeated, people were in panic, and the whole family fled south? Haha, this is interesting. I was confused by the performance of the Zhuoxian defenders before." Liu Xiang added his lips and murmured to himself.

What should you do when your enemy is weak?

Of course, bite him hard again!

What should we do if we don’t have enough troops?

Of course it's to coerce the people.

"Back then, I was being coerced by others. Now, I am going to coerce others. The warrior who slays the dragon will eventually become the evil dragon. In this world, people really love and hate them!" Liu Xiang murmured to himself,

The mood is a bit complicated.

Liu Xiang would definitely not use force to coerce the people. The method was too crude. He liked to use profit to bind others.

Lure them with profit, move them with emotion, enlighten them with reason, and threaten them with threats. Confucius has already explained all the methods of coercing people. All you have to do is open the book and copy the answers.

Previously, he was anxious to recover money and food, and after breaking through the manor and fortress, he left in a hurry. Now he needs to think about how to put benefits into the pockets of the poor people, and he has to do it quickly. He doesn't have time to preach slowly about dividing the fields.

Policy, this is not his territory yet.

Is he now carrying out work behind enemy lines? Liu Xiang himself doesn't know.

"I am now in the enemy's belly. I have the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys for my use. Or is there a hairy belly? Large intestine? Small intestine?"

Liu Xiang quickly shook his head. This idea was too interesting to bear.

This time, Liu Xiang regretted that he did not bring with him the military assistants who were familiar with the division of land and the registration of people. If he had known better, he would not have left them in Guangyang to create the civilian registration.

They can only recruit literate officers and soldiers from the army, and also order people to bring all the housekeepers and accountants among the captives.

Among the seven thousand troops, there were only about a hundred people who were literate, less than twenty who could write fluently, and thirty-one prisoners.

Let's make do with it.

Let those who barely know a few words and come here to make up the numbers get out of here.

Liu Xiang ordered: "A group of five people, leading a team of Tiqi and a group of soldiers guarding the military camp, dispersed to various rural pavilions to allocate fields and houses to the people. The speed must be fast, first come, first served, dare anyone

If you stop them, they will be killed on the spot."

Under Liu Xiang's urging, ten teams of people quickly rushed to various township pavilions in Fanyang County.

The main purpose of dividing the land this time is to coerce those courageous and restless hermits and landless farmers. Those who are cautious and timid? If they don't come, they won't be given. After Zhuojun is pacified, they will be dragged to Guangyang to farm.

There is a lack of labor.

It is difficult to mobilize the remaining farmers and small landowners. In order to rush for time, this small group of people can only be ignored for the first time.

Thousands of Yueqi were also sent out. They needed to monitor Fanyang County and prevent small groups of people from the city from interfering with the field allocation.

Liu Xiang also ordered Yan Gang to organize Tiqi who could speak Zhuojun accent, break them into pieces, pretend to be poor people, and quietly follow the field distribution team.

After the land was divided, a rumor spread: "The owners of the fields and houses are in the city. If they come back, they will have to give back all the things they divided, and they will take revenge. I am afraid their lives will be in danger."

After five days of this, the fields around Fanyang County were allotted, but the poor people all had mixed emotions. They were happy to receive the land, fearful of the uncertainty of the future, and lived in fear.

But are you really willing to go back? Those fields are the lifeblood, and the whole family can rely on them to survive. If you withdraw the fields and continue to make cattle and horses for others, those noble masters will be able to let them go?

I do not know.

Flee and become a refugee?

It would be great if those noble masters could not come back.

More and more people’s minds are wandering.

Wealth touches people's hearts. Especially, how can we take out the wealth that we have already carried in our arms? I don't want to give in!

Liu Xiang took advantage of this unwillingness.

Taking advantage of the rumors and popular sentiment, Liu Xiang ordered the recruitment of troops.

It's still the team dividing the fields, or the Tiqi that spreads rumors.

Those who divided the fields became those who recruited soldiers, and those who spread rumors continued to spread rumors. This time the rumors turned into inciting the people to attack the county seat.

"Kill those powerful landowners, and the fields will be your own fields, and the house will be your own house. You don't have to flee, and you don't have to work as cattle and horses for others. You can grow millet and wheat, and you will have enough food and clothing."

This kind of thing sounds really reasonable. The group of people who were first assigned to the farm house were originally bold and restless, with evil thoughts and unbearable murderous intentions.

There were many people who surrendered to the army, many more than Liu Xiang expected.

During the recruitment period, a group of clan members named Gu Jiu who were acquainted with the people in the city were also found. They were escorted by Yueqi and went to Fanyang City every day to shout about the land allocation outside the city and disturb the people in the city. Liu Xiang sincerely hoped that the city

A powerful man from a noble family can go out to fight in the city.

Unfortunately, although there was a riot in the city, the city gates remained closed.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed, and more than 30,000 young men and women have joined the army. Those on the yellow roll have been so busy that they have not had any rest during this period, and several have become paralyzed from exhaustion.

Liu Xiang reorganized these young men together with the original 10,000 civilians in the camp, into a team of 100 people, under the supervision of one person in the guard camp, and those with many veterans would be in charge of two teams.

A total of more than 45,000 infantry regiments were formed.

Liu Xiang felt that this army could definitely defeat the Yellow Turban Army. Don't expect anything else. The polarization was too serious. Three thousand armored infantrymen and more than 40,000 young men with wooden guns in their hands were difficult to evaluate.

Its fighting power.

The 30,000 refugees in the camp were also reorganized into a team of 1,000 people, controlled by a team of five horsemen. As long as they could follow the march and build a strong momentum, that would be enough.

Liu Xiang looked at the yellow roll of new recruits in the Chinese army's main tent. There were too few people who could read and the writing was messy. He looked at it with difficulty and had to rewrite some parts.

Yan Gang was helping with the paperwork next to him.

"General, why go to such trouble? As long as the general gives the order, our soldiers can capture Fan Yang. However, with these burdens, we are tied up."

Liu Xiang also knew that although the army now had a large number of people, its combat effectiveness had not improved.

He took a few bamboo slips and said while writing: "If we attack Fangcheng, Zhuoxian, Qiuguo, Gu'an, Fanyang, and Beixincheng one by one, how much will it cost? How many corpses will it take to lay the ground?"

City wall? The loss is too great."

Yan Gang hesitated for a moment and finally did not speak.

Liu Xiang guessed what he was thinking and asked: "Do you doubt that I want to use these young men to consume the enemy's army?"

"I don't dare." Yan Gang came from a humble background and still sympathized with the people at the bottom, but he didn't know whether he should give advice or not.

Liu Xiang smiled and explained: "When the crowd reaches a certain size, it will form a kind of power, and people in the crowd will feel a sense of security inexplicably, and their courage will become very big.

The enemy will feel fear and shrink back. The city is not a veteran of many battles, so they cannot withstand this kind of pressure."

The two were chatting, and Tiqi came to report: "General Qi, the captain Wang Xing is anxious to report that the soldiers and horses of Zhuo County have left the city to set up camp, and our army cannot break it."

This chapter has been completed!
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