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Chapter 78: Spread the Fire? Boy

The most useful thing for defending a camp is, of course, the sound-shooting camp, but the battle situation here requires even more support from crossbowmen.

Wang Xing already has a thousand Yueqi, and if he adds another thousand, there won't be much change. Returning to Yueqi will have little effect.

There is only the heroic cavalry camp, and there is no doubt about the ability of the armored cavalry to intimidate the army. What's more, Zhuo County is full of new soldiers, and they may have never seen the armored cavalry charge into the battle.

Now that Cui Yi is seriously injured, who can make good use of this powerful army? Xiaoqi's military princes cannot be used. Those two military princes can just follow Cui Yi and rush into battle, but they don't know what to do if they lead the army alone.

These days, Liu Xiang spends a lot of time worrying about Xiaoqi. In the past, when Cui Yi was here, Xiaoqi was the most worry-free and useful.

Liu Xiang raised his eyes and looked at Yan Gang.

Yan Gang is now Liu Xiang's personal military lord, and he can barely be recognized by the proud soldiers of the Xiaoqi camp, but his qualifications are a little lower.

"Yan Gang, I appoint you as the Sima of the Xiaoqi Camp. You will be responsible for all matters in the camp and lead the team back to support the Zhuoxian camp. You should make good use of the power of the Xiaoqi army to intimidate the enemy, and do not fight recklessly."

Yan Gang was shocked, the Xiaoqi Battalion, the most powerful unit of the Anping Army, is he going to lead this powerful army?

He suddenly felt his blood surge up and became unbearably excited. He gasped and clasped his fists in salute: "My lord has such great faith in me, I will fight to the death to destroy the enemy's army fairly and sweep all directions!"

Liu Xiang was actually quite worried, but his morale could not be dampened, and he could not pour cold water on him at this time. He took out the military talisman to seal the letter, wrote the document, and handed it to Yan Gang.

"The brave cavalry is unruly and difficult to tame. You have to be more patient and don't act recklessly. Most of the enemy troops in Zhuo County are new soldiers. To deal with them, the most important thing is to attack their hearts."

Yan Gang bowed and took the documents and military symbols, and solemnly said: "I will obey the general's teachings."

"Go ahead, organize your troops and horses, and return to support the Zhuoxian camp as soon as possible."


After Yan Gang resigned, Liu Xiang continued to check the yellow book of new recruits. The reorganization had been initially completed. In the current situation, there was no time for training. He was preparing to attack Fan Yang tomorrow.

In the evening, a banquet was held for Tian Chou, and the military princes from all the battalions were invited to accompany him. Everyone heard about Tian Chou's feat of walking a thousand miles alone and admired him very much.

However, alcohol was prohibited in the army, so everyone treated each other with tea and soup, and agreed to toast after the war, and then had a big meal, which was regarded as a blessing for Tian Chou.

After dinner, everyone returned to their tents to rest. Liu Xiang had already ordered people to build a new tent for Tian Chou next to his military tent. He wanted to show his attitude as a courtesy corporal, but he was really not used to sleeping on the same bed with others, so he thought about it.


It's not his style to walk arm in arm and sleep with each other's feet touching each other. In this life, he may not be as tall as Uncle Liu Huang.


At three quarters of the next day, the army left camp and arrived at Fanyang. Forty thousand infantry were in front, thirty thousand refugees were in charge, and seventy thousand troops surrounded the city on all sides. The formation was chaotic, extending five or six miles from the city. At a glance, there were crowds of people.

The queue seems to be reaching the horizon.

A thousand Qingqi from the Yueqi Battalion ambush ten miles away from the south gate to guard against reinforcements from the direction of Beixin City.

It took nearly two hours for the army to leave the camp and besiege the city.

The time has arrived.

Liu Xiang rode a white sacrifice, with a long sword hanging on his waist and a red bow on his back. He led more than 400 knights of the Sui Guards and rode to the north gate of Fanyang.

"Please ask the chief of the city to answer."

An old man appeared on the top of the city tower, about fifty years old, wearing a wide robe and a loose belt, with white beard and hair. He replied loudly: "I am Dong Qi, the commander of Fan Yang. Is this General Anping in front of me?"

"You are the fox slave Liu Yicheng. You are sitting in the city of sleepiness. Why bother to resist in vain? Why don't you surrender?"

Liu Xiang resisted the desire to shoot Fan Yangling. When it comes to killing Fan Yangling with a strong crossbow, it is important to take it by surprise. It is okay to use a cold blow, but it cannot be used frequently. If everyone knows about it, it will not be easy to use.

The mere magistrate of Fanyang County is not worth using. He has to hide it and wait for valuable prey.

Fan Yang ordered Dong Qi to lament: "General Liu is killing Kulie, so we can only defend the city and just hope to survive."

Liu Xiang frowned, what was the purpose of saying such soft words?

His will is very firm, and he will attack the city when he should. No matter what soft words he says, he will die if he doesn't surrender.

"Surrender to me, I won't harm your lives, resist stubbornly, and kill them all."

Fan Yang made Dong Qi look sad and shouted in a hoarse voice: "I have heard that General Liu is a clan member of the Han Dynasty and raised troops for the Qing Dynasty. Why is he so harsh on the scholars? Generals should act benevolently and righteously.

Only by winning the hearts of scholars can you do great things, achieve great achievements, and spread your fame throughout the world!"

Is this old man sick? Is he scared to death?

Liu Xiang said mockingly: "If you want to give me advice, please surrender to me first."

"If the general changes his tune, I will offer the city immediately!"

“What is change of course?”

"If you are a good scholar, the world will follow you."

Liu Xiang smiled disdainfully. These powerful people from aristocratic families only knew that they had a family but not a country. In order to strengthen their family, they resisted national laws, exploited the people, colluded with bandits to plunder places, smuggled grain and steel and sold them to barbarians. They could do anything.

come out.

Now they are just trying to survive, and they actually look down on Liu Xiang's background.

Only a fool would believe them.

Use these powerful families as your team, and just wait to be sold by them.

Liu Xiang was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, turned his horse's head, ignored Dong Qi's shouts, and returned to the formation.

It is the common people who cultivate the fields; it is the common people who make salt, forge iron and make tools; it is the common people who plant mulberry and hemp, weave silk and weave cloth; it is also the common people who march and fight and fight on the battlefield.

Thousands of people are the creators of wealth and the developers and guardians of this land.

Which one is light and which one is heavy, Liu Xiang can clearly distinguish.

Returning to the main formation of the Chinese army, the tooth flag was held high, the command flag was fluttering, the flags of each formation were ringing, and Liu Xiang shouted loudly:

"Divide the fields, divide the land, have enough food and clothing."

Su Wei followed up and shouted: "Divide the fields, divide the land, have enough food and clothing."

The 70,000-strong army shouted loudly: "Divide the fields! Eat well and wear warm clothes!"

There were shouts one after another.

The sound penetrated the sky, and the wind and clouds stirred.

The small town of Fanyang was shivering.

Listening to the deafening shouts, watching the soldiers becoming more and more excited and fanatical.

Liu Xiang suddenly remembered a sentence: "If you have some heat and some light, you can be like a firefly. You can also shine a little in the dark. You don't have to wait for the torch. If there is no torch in the future, I will be the only light."

He murmured out loud: "I am the only light."

Liu Xiang actually didn't know how far he could go. He took every step with trepidation, like walking on thin ice.

He doesn't have any fearless spirit, and the original intention of embarking on this road is just to survive.

Today, at this moment, being among these noises, he suddenly felt a little at ease.

If his life stops at this moment, then he has at least lit a fire. In the darkness of the end of this dynasty, in the cold wind of the north, and in the hearts of millions of poor people, he has lit a fire.


He hoped that this flame would illuminate the fire of hope for a better life, rather than the anger of destruction.

But, who can say for sure?

Looking at Tian Chou shouting loudly next to him, he wanted to ask Tian Chou:

"Spread the fire? Young man."

This chapter has been completed!
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