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Chapter 83 Everything is fine

The spanking was taking place in the audience, while Liu Xiang was treating his injuries on the stage.

He deliberately did not take off the lining of his armor and wore two layers of underwear, so his clothes were not torn by the whip. There was only some blood on his back, not many tears, and there were no rags in the wounds, so the chance of infection was low.

Big. Apart from the pain, it's basically nothing serious.

The doctor was using salt water to clean his wound. This is something Liu Xiang strongly promoted and has been popularized in medical camps. Salt water debridement can reduce the chance of infection.

Of course, alcohol disinfection would be better. Liu Xiang tried it. It was distillation. He confidently found craftsmen and made a steamer, a pot lid, and a bamboo tube for drainage according to his own ideas.

, and require tight fitting and sealing with multiple layers of Gebu.

What came out was wine mixed with water, and it didn’t taste good anyway. People who had tasted it said it didn’t taste good.

The craftsmen also didn't understand the principles of evaporation and condensation. They felt that Liu Xiang was harming the fine wine, and several jars of wine were ruined.

The distillation of alcohol failed. Liu Xiang couldn't figure it out. What's the point? Why can't I make alcohol? Does God not love me anymore?

Distillation of alcohol failed, so the only option left was to use salt water to clean wounds, which was better than wiping ashes on the bottom of a pot. In the Han Dynasty, when soldiers at the bottom of the Han Dynasty were treated for injuries, they actually put ashes on the wounds. Liu Xiang felt that using salt water was more reliable than plastering, so he only

I can comfort myself so much.

The road to alcohol is long and difficult.

After the doctor cleaned the wound, he used gold needles to drain out the blood. Liu Xiang had inspected the gold needles in advance and did not allow the use of copper or iron needles for fear of rust on them. Only pure gold and pure silver needles were allowed to be used.

In the Western Han Dynasty, golden needles were used by doctors to treat diseases, but Liu Xiang didn't know whether it counted as acupuncture. He didn't understand acupuncture, let alone meridians and acupuncture points.

And it was not until the Han Dynasty that he understood that needles made of pure gold could not be called gold needles. Needles made of gold and silver could all be called gold needles, and many people classified needles made of gold, silver, copper and iron as gold needles.

Liu Xiang asked Liu Xiang confidently: "How can a needle made of hardware not be a gold needle?"

That makes sense!

Liu Xiang found that people in the Han Dynasty always had some truths that he could not refute, which challenged his common sense and left him speechless.

After draining out the blood stasis, he applied a secret medicine for sores. Liu Xiang didn't know whether the medicine was effective or not. He smelled the smell of camphor and rosin.

The doctor didn't tell me the formula, and Liu Xiang couldn't force it. This was the rule.

There are some rules that you need to follow, otherwise your subordinates will feel cold.

Besides, this formula of golden sore medicine was very expensive and could not be promoted on a large scale, and Liu Xiang was not interested. He only asked the doctors in the medical camp to focus on researching cheap prescriptions, which would be suitable for promotion in the military and civilians.

After applying medicine and bandaging, Liu Xiang hurriedly looked for clothes, feeling a little cold with her bare arms.

The shirt is in Tian Chou's hands, but where is the lining?

He raised his eyes and looked around. Behind him, there were a dozen or so guards gathered mysteriously in a crowd. Liu Xiang was wearing a war robe and walked over curiously. Several guards in the crowd were holding knives.

He cut Liu Xiang's inner lining and clothes along the whip marks, made several cuts on his hands, and smeared the blood on his clothes.

Let me go, these idiots, what's the use of doing this now? Once the outer robe is worn, who can see the whip marks on the inner garment? Do you want Liu Xiang to wander around in the inner garment? He is not a Victoria's Secret model.

He said angrily: "Stop it, give me your clothes, I'm freezing to death."

As the commander-in-chief of an army, it was inappropriate for Liu Xiang to do so while wearing his undergarment and showing sympathy and suffering.

If it is done well, it is the icing on the cake; if it is not done well, it is superfluous. His goal has been achieved, and there is no need to do extra things.

He slapped himself in public at the beginning in order to calm the resentment in the hearts of the people, focus their attention, and be willing to listen to what Liu Xiang wanted to express.

This was called breaking ice in later generations and Zhang Mu in the Han Dynasty.

A person who is eloquent and eloquent should speak louder and louder when persuading others to shake the other person's mind.

At a gathering of celebrities and elegant people, you have to repay your family's reputation, or you have to seek recommendation from someone with high moral character and respect.

When visiting others, you either have a high status and reputation, or you bring heavy gifts.

Otherwise, who cares about you?

If you want to speak, others must listen? This doesn't make sense.

Today's incident has made the people resentful. If you read out the compensation as soon as you come up, how many of them will understand what you mean? People have died, been humiliated, have limbs disabled, and have injuries on their bodies. How much price do you have to pay to let them

Satisfied in anger?

Or beat the guilty soldier with a military stick when you come up? That's even worse. You want to use a military stick to get rid of a damnable crime? This is adding fuel to the fire.

So, Liu Xiang came up with a cruel trick. Aren't you angry? I'll give you a slap to calm your anger.

What matters is not how hard you beat yourself. Even if you beat yourself to a disability, the people won't care.

What matters is your attitude.

Of course, you can't fool around casually. People have narrow vision, but they are not fools.

If you still can't quell the people's grievances, then don't do anything else. Your efforts are in the wrong direction and you won't be able to quell the anger in the people's hearts.

Therefore, Liu Xiang ordered the entire army to be on alert to prepare for any eventuality.

He can be cruel enough to slap himself, and he can also be cruel enough to slap others.

Fortunately, the plan was successful.

Hello, hello, hello everyone, this situation is really good.

He must not give up in this battle situation. If Zhuojun is defeated, he will become a bird in a cage and a fish in a net, unable to break out of the predicament, and will eventually come to an end.

This is not possible.

He wanted to defeat Huangfu Song in Zhuo County, then leave Youzhou, join forces with the Black Mountain Yellow Turbans, gain the power to make the court fearful, have the qualifications to be taken seriously by the princes, and complete the transformation of his identity.

In the meantime, wouldn't it be great to hunt in the Central Plains and compete with the heroes of the world?

Liu Xiangchang was thinking about the future and looking at the present.

Those who were beaten, those who beat others, and those who watched, each had their own emotions and thoughts.

The fifty army batons were finally finished.

Liu Xiang got up and ordered people to go to the military camp to get a cart and bring the tortured man back to the camp for treatment.

He also said to the people: "People who have suffered damage can report their losses to the county captain Di Bai, who will verify and make a unified record. The Anping General's Office will provide compensation.

Victims and their families will be given priority in allocating land and houses.

Those who have insufficient land and no land to divide can sign up to live in Guangyang County, where there are many fields and enough distribution, and the general's office will arrange immigration."

Zhuo County had a large population and insufficient land for distribution. Liu Xiang wanted to immigrate the extra people to Guangyang County, where manpower was needed.

Those who have not been allocated any land and are unwilling to immigrate will have to seek their own livelihood, or they may open up wasteland for farming in the future.

If you want to be allocated fields in Liu Xiang's territory, there are only three ways:

The first is to allocate newly occupied territory to the people who are willing to obey Liu Xiang's orders. If they are not willing, they will not be divided. This is a one-time policy. The land will only be allocated this time and will not be followed. It is a means to win over the local people. Each person has ten

Five acres of Yongye fields and five acres of mulberry and hemp fields are the upper limit, and the extra fields are reserved as honor fields.

The second is to join the army, obtain military exploits, and gain military titles. Each level has corresponding rewards.

The third is to participate in the land reclamation and farming organized by the General's Office. After five years of farming, the General's Office will keep part of the land as land, and the rest will be distributed to the people who farm the land. The more fields are reclaimed, the more fields will be allocated, and there is no upper limit.


Of course, Liu Xiang also encouraged the people to open up wasteland on their own.

However, the cost of land reclamation is not low. There was basically not much harvest in the first three years. It would be good to be able to recover the original cost. The output in the next two years was only average.

It is really not easy to open up wasteland. You have to burn the wasteland first. Where there are trees, you have to cut down the trees and then burn them. After burning, the land is plowed, and then the stones and tree roots are picked out. Then the land is leveled, irrigated and topdressed. The fertilizer is mainly from the river.

Mud, finally tried farming.

The amount of labor is extremely large, but the yield in the first year may not be enough to recover the seeds.

The seeds have to be planted in the second year to allow the seeds and the land to adapt to each other. Also, there are a lot of weeds in the reclaimed fields, so weeding must be continued.

If you cultivate the fields like this for about three years, you will almost be able to cultivate them and go to the fields.

As for whether it can be cultivated in the field, it depends on the geographical location.

Fertile land, neither waterlogging nor drought, and easy irrigation are the basis for farming. Only in such a geographical location can it be possible to cultivate farming.

In the era when chemical fertilizers were not used, cultivated fields were more fertile than wild fields and adapted to the growth of local seeds.

It's very difficult to just take a seed, find a piece of land, and produce a certain amount per mu that year, crushing local crops.

This chapter has been completed!
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