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Chapter 91: The Powder Keg

Zhang Ren is not dead.

Not dead yet.

He probably wanted to die.

He was hung in the backyard to prepare dried meat later.

Liu Xiang needed him alive temporarily, so killing the leader of the army as soon as he surrendered would force those county soldiers to rebel, which was not a wise choice.

Some of the powerful people in the city were captured by Zhang Ren, and the rest were captured by Liu Xiang's troops. Keeping them was a hidden danger.

But he did not dare to go on a killing spree. The atmosphere in the city was tense. Liu Xiang did not want to irritate their sensitive nerves at this time. He still wanted to appease the people in the city and completely control the land.

There are also Zhang Ren's confidants hidden in the county town, and they must be found as soon as possible, otherwise Liu Xiang will not be able to feel at ease.

This matter was left to Zhao Yun, while Liu Xiang had more difficult problems.

How to deal with the property and food looted by the former county magistrate? If this problem is not handled well, Beixin City will still be a powder keg, but Liu Xiang is sitting on it.

Relief to the hungry people must be done. When opening a warehouse to release grain, you need to think about it. Opening a warehouse is easy, but how to put food in is a difficult problem.

In the hearts of most people, it should originally be theirs. If they get too much, they won't be grateful. If they get too little, they will definitely resent it.

But how did Liu Xiang know how much they had been robbed? It was impossible for Liu Xiang to give an answer that would satisfy everyone.

He was very distressed because he also wanted this money and food. Looking at the numbers in the account book, his mouth watered. Two hundred thousand shi, all new food, and more than 30 million and a half baht, and a thousand taels of gold.

Who would have too much money and food? Liu Xiang's food supply was already tight.

When Sun Yi arrived, Liu Xiang was still worried.

"Greetings to the general, congratulations to the general for taking the city." Sun Yi said congratulations, but he couldn't show his happiness at all.

This is a city with little to do. Liu Xiang likes people like this and understands Sun Yi's mood, not to mention he won't blame him.

"Mr. Sun, please sit down. Don't worry about not being able to make any achievements. I have one more thing to do. If Mr. Sun can do it well, it will be considered a great achievement for you, and you will still be appointed as the county captain."

Sun Yi's eyes lit up.

His family was originally quite prosperous, with a large population and a lot of land. He was strong and martial, and he was quite generous. All his brothers and friends in the pavilion were willing to follow him.

When I meet rangers from all walks of life, I make friends with those who have a bad temper, and fight with those who are wrong. When I encounter a fight for land and water, I fight with a stick, and I have never lost so far.

He felt that days like this were quite happy.

After a military disaster, his family was destitute and his relatives and friends were killed and injured. He also saw what power is and what real power is. It is not just a sword or a stick, it is a rain of arrows hitting the sky, it is like this

Lin's spear can command thousands of people to obey, and can kill and seize in a single thought.

He used to be a farmer who dug food from the soil, but these days, he is a strongman who digs food from other people's flesh and blood. He robbed caravans and robbed bandits; he took his family and neighbors with him, and he wanted to live a better life.


He wants to have rights.

He had had a chance before, but before it was his turn to work hard, the chance was gone. He was very upset.

Now, the general is willing to give him another chance.

Never let it go.

He clasped his hands in his fists and said firmly: "Please give me the general's instructions. I am willing to fight to the death and never let down the general's expectations."

Liu Xiang smiled and said: "Mr. Sun, don't be so nervous. I want to know the damage done to each village pavilion and how much rice, grain and property they have been robbed. This matter requires local people who are familiar with the situation to inquire privately. The matter is trivial and complicated.

Mr. Sun, are you willing to bother?"

"General, please rest assured that I will do my best to fulfill the general's entrustment."

"Okay, Sun Lang is so generous. I will first allocate a thousand shi of grain. Sun Lang will use it to recruit people and spread it across the countryside. We will complete it as soon as possible."

"Only obey the general's orders."

Liu Xiang wrote a document, issued a seal, and handed it to Sun Yi: "Sun Lang can go to the treasury to collect food at any time. The sooner the better."

"Thank you General for your trust, Sun will resign."

Liu Xiang was supporting Sun Yi, first asking him to make statistics, and then asking him to handle matters, so as to divert conflicts.

If it was done well, it was Liu Xiang's benevolence; if it was not done well, it was Sun Yi's incompetence.

"Dear folks, it's not that I'm being unfair, it's that Sun Yi didn't handle it well. You can't blame me." Liu Xiang felt that his heart was getting darker and darker.

What can be done? This is a mess that cannot be sorted out. He can't think of a better way to break the situation. I hope Sun Yi is tough.

As soon as you used such words, Liu Xiang no longer wanted to say it.

The situation in Beixin City is very dangerous. The county is on the verge of getting out of control. Various things are intertwined and complicated, and there is only one Zhao Yun beside Liu Xiang.

So, if he wants to sway people, will Zhao Yun and himself be exhausted to death?

Five thousand infantrymen and thirteen teams of scribes were mobilized. They must arrive at Beixin City at noon tomorrow. If the deadline is not met, all of them will be whipped for thirty years and the leading officer will be demoted.

He ordered Tian Chou to supervise Fan Yang and speed up the construction of ordnance; he ordered Fan Yang's camp to continue training, select those who are strong and brave to fight, issue them with iron weapons, and promote them as regular soldiers; he ordered Shesheng camp to be on guard and guard Fan Yang's city.

Liu Xiang probably won't be able to return to Fan Yang in a short time.

There are many things that Beixin City needs to do, but in the final analysis it is how to calm the people. If you want to calm the people, there are two obstacles: hunger and resentment.

Let’s start with these two places.

The secretary of the county government and the servants of the traitor Cao were all sent out by Liu Xiang to read out the notice to calm the people, set up porridge shops, and provide relief to the hungry people.

He also ordered people to go to the city and various rural pavilions to announce that at noon tomorrow, the leader of the robbers who committed robberies would be executed at the execution ground, and the people were invited to come and watch the execution to vent their anger.

The rest has to wait for the mobilized manpower to arrive. He currently only has 3,400 people, 1,200 to control the four gates, 1,000 to guard the treasury, 800 to guard the prisoners, and 400 guards to garrison the county office.

To be cautious, Liu Xiang ordered all soldiers to be on guard and ready for danger.

His efforts were not in vain. In the middle of the night, someone set fire to the city.

Many fires were ignited, and the scope of involvement was huge. Several streets were in flames, and the city was reflected in red. The people living nearby were like a colony of ants that had been awakened. They were crying, cursing, and busy fetching water.


But their efforts are destined to be in vain. The rising flames and the people who keep lighting the fire laugh at their sorrow.

This scene reminded Liu Xiang of Yuyang in the past.

He forced himself to harden his heart and sent orders to the garrison everywhere to hold their ground and ignore them. This was obviously an attempt to create chaos, but it was just a feint and the intention was unclear.

During the Chou period, someone led a private army to attack the military camp, and three thousand prisoners were incited to riot in the camp. The eight hundred infantrymen who guarded them were attacked from both inside and outside, and fell into trouble.

Liu Xiang had to save him.

Although, he judged that the military camp was still not the enemy's ultimate goal.

What the enemy wants is either the people in the county government, the money in the treasury, or the city. Attacking the military camp with the intention of releasing county soldiers is just to increase manpower.

"Send orders to the treasury to hold fast to our formation and not to move.

Send an order to Zhao Yun to closely observe the movements outside the city and report back as soon as possible if there is any enemy situation."

Liu Xiang stood up and said to the guards beside him: "Gather the guards and put on my armor." He wanted to take the guards to the rescue camp.

He realized that he had made a mistake. He did not control the city yet and could not be regarded as a whole. His troops were scattered, giving the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it.

As he put on the chainmail and tied up the armor belt, he felt pain coming in waves. He gritted his teeth and felt extremely violent in his heart.

These people are looking for death.

Then let them die!

This chapter has been completed!
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