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Chapter Twenty-One

"Hahaha, I'll make you proud, you should lose this round!" After winning this round, Du Zhiqing smiled happily: "Just wait, I'm going to catch up with you!"

After saying that, she jumped into the grid where Mo Jianchen was.

The two people's bodies fell into the same grid. Seeing Du Zhiqing rushing towards her, Mo Jianchen subconsciously hugged her and carried her whole body into his arms.

Du Zhiqing fell into Mo Jianchen's arms, her head pressed against his chest, and she could hear his heartbeat clearly, and her heart couldn't help but beat rapidly.

After she reacted, she was suddenly startled. She immediately pushed Mo Jianchen away and retreated to a distance of two feet away from him. She frowned, with a little displeasure on her face and a hint of displeasure in her voice.

With a bit of sullenness: "What are you doing?"

"I..." Mo Jianchen's hands were hanging in front of his chest, and he couldn't help but look confused.

He obviously didn't do anything, why would she be angry?

Isn't the way of playing now the same as that of childhood? When she was little, he would hug her whenever she jumped into his grid. Now, it's just the same way of playing as a child, so what's wrong with it?

After being stunned for a moment, he finally came to his senses. Now that they have grown up, the boy and the girl should keep a distance, and they can no longer be as close as they were when they were children.

Du Zhiqing was disgusted with him because of such things before. Now she is no longer that little girl. Girls are sensitive to such things. How can he still go there without any scruples like he did when he was a child?

Hug her.

He couldn't help but apologize to Du Zhiqing with a bit of annoyance: "I'm sorry, sister Zhiqing, I was too excited to play and forgot my sense of propriety. I shouldn't have touched you. If you are angry, just scold me.

I will never talk back."

Du Zhiqing looked at Mo Jianchen who was eager to apologize, his eyes moved slightly, and he lowered his eyes without saying anything.

She thought about it carefully and realized that she had reacted too fiercely. Logically speaking, there was nothing wrong with Mo Jianchen's move, so why should she?

This was an action they were used to doing when they were children. The action Mo Jianchen made just now was just subconscious and there was nothing excessive about it.

When he was a child, he would always hug her, and she would never feel anything strange. Why is she so sensitive when he touches her now?

He is not the kind of frivolous person who refuses to change despite repeated admonitions, and he has not done anything excessive to himself. He just hugged himself gently during the game, and it was an action he was used to doing in the past, but he did not

So sensitive and thoughtful.

If you look at it this way, you are making a fuss out of a molehill.

If you can even make a game like this, guarding against everything, what's the point?

"Oh, it's okay, Brother Chen. I was too sensitive just now." Du Zhiqing took a step forward and smiled softly: "You don't have to apologize to me. You didn't do anything wrong. I thought too much.


This was the first time that she was willing to admit her fault so gently in front of him. Mo Jianchen couldn't help but be a little stunned. He looked into her eyes and said blankly: "You really didn't blame me?"

"I'm just playing a game, so why should I blame you?" Du Zhiqing chuckled: "I was too sensitive just now and thought you wanted to be scornful of me, so I reacted so violently."

"Actually, what's wrong with you? We've always been like this when we were kids. If we grow up and avoid each other like this, and can't even play a game, what's the point? We are all informal.

Why should the children of Xiaojie Jianghu care about these deliberate etiquette?"

Seeing her so cheerful this time, Mo Jianchen's tight heart couldn't help but become happy. He nodded towards her and said happily: "In this way, I really feel like I'm a kid again and don't have to care about the world.

We don’t have to take into account so many rules and regulations, as if the whole world is a paradise for the two of us."

"It feels so good. Sister Zhiqing is still the same sister Zhiqing. She is cute and cheerful. I am still comfortable with you like this. There is no need to avoid anything."

"Yes." Du Zhiqing also said with a cheerful smile: "We can just be like we were when we were children, and don't have to worry about the mess, so that we can have fun. Okay, okay, let's not talk anymore, let's continue!"

"Okay, let's continue, come on, hammer, paper, scissors!"

"I win this time, I jump first, hahaha!"

"This can be considered the next time I give in to you, but it won't be so easy for you to win."

"I don't believe it. It's just you who can't win. Stop making excuses for yourself!"

"Then let's continue and see who laughs last..."

With that said, the two people continued to play on the empty mountain plains. The floating clouds were lingering, the bamboo leaves were green, and the originally silent empty mountain echoed with the joyful laughter of a pair of young girls.

After an unknown amount of time, the laughter in the valley gradually stopped, and a lingering sunset fell, covering half of the hills.

"Oh, I'm so tired." Du Zhiqing was exhausted from dancing. After finishing the game, he sat in the mountains, looking at the lingering sunset and the floating clouds, and sighed.

"Oh, I am indeed a little tired, but I am tired, and I am really happy." Mo Jianchen sighed as he sat next to Du Zhiqing.

"Yes, although I am very tired, I am indeed very happy." Du Zhiqing turned his head, looked at Mo Jianchen, and smiled happily, "This is the happiest day I have had in the past few years. It really feels like I have returned to

When I was little."

"Look, the sky is still so blue, and we are still so wanton and unrestrained. This feeling of being free and happy is so good. I haven't experienced it for a long time."

Mo Jianchen looked at her smile, and that pure smile penetrated her heart like spring water. He also said to her sincerely: "Now that I'm back, we can spend more time together in the future.

I often take you to play together, okay?"

"Of course!" Du Zhiqing replied happily: "You must have learned a lot of tricks in Xizhou City for so many years. I couldn't wish for you to play with me!"

Seeing that she no longer had any prejudice against him, and everything was back to the way it was when he was a child, Mo Jianchen nodded vigorously, extremely excited: "I will never let you be lonely when I stay with you in the future.

I will show you all the fun things in the world!"

He saw that Du Zhiqing's forehead was already covered with layers of sweat beads: "Sister Zhiqing, you are already sweating. Wipe it quickly, otherwise the wind will blow soon and you will get cold."

After he said that, he gently wiped the sweat off Du Zhiqing's forehead with his sleeve.

This time, she did not avoid or get angry, but sat aside obediently and let him wipe away her sweat. This scene was still like the innocent and romantic children in childhood, who had nothing to do with each other and loved each other.

After he wiped away her sweat, she smiled lightly at him and said to him in the softest and gentlest voice: "Thank you, Brother Chen."

Her tender words filled his heart like a trickle, making his heart beat involuntarily.

Just looking at the pretty person in front of him, at this moment, he just felt that nothing in the world was precious to him. As long as he had such a constant companion, it was enough.

I saw Du Zhiqing gently picking up the slightly hanging hair beside her ears, and said: "We have danced around the house for so long, Brother Chen, you must be tired too, let's sit here and watch the sunset for a while!"

"Okay." Mo Jianchen nodded and sat side by side with her, looking at the layers of setting sun shrouding the sky together, bathing in the graceful colors.

He looked at the beautiful setting sun and couldn't help but sigh: "Looking at the setting sun on the opposite mountain from Xiufeng Mountain, the scenery in the evening is really beautiful, like a fairyland on earth."

"Who says otherwise?" Looking at the lingering sunset, Du Zhiqing also said: "This Yunshui Residence was built for my grandma by my grandpa during her lifetime. The scenery here is not unsatisfactory, especially the Xiufeng Mountain where you can watch the sunset."

"The setting sun sets on the Tibetan and Mongolian Mountains opposite. You can see it clearly from the top of the Xiufang Mountain. Looking at the setting sun on the opposite side from here is really like a fairyland. Grandpa is absolutely right. The scenery here is indeed...

It’s hard to see in the human world.”

Mo Jianchen thought of Du Zhiqing's painting the day before, and couldn't help but said: "The sunset here is so beautiful, I don't know what it would look like if I painted it with ink. Yesterday, you didn't paint that beautiful scenery. You missed it."

It’s really a pity.”

Thinking of deliberately teasing him yesterday, Du Zhiqing couldn't help but feel a little guilty again. He lowered his eyes slightly and said: "Actually, the sunset here is so beautiful. I originally wanted to draw that sunset yesterday, but...

After I came up with the idea of ​​playing tricks on you, I tricked you into the cave, and then I ran down the mountain without painting the sunset like yesterday."

"It's okay, sister Zhiqing." Mo Jianchen comforted her softly: "The sunset here is always so beautiful. As long as you want to draw, you can draw it anytime. To be honest, I am also looking forward to seeing you draw it.

What does the painting look like?"

"Hey, how about this." Du Zhiqing suddenly had an idea in his mind, and turned to Mo Jianchen and said: "I don't have anything to do tomorrow afternoon. If you are free, why don't I bring the drawing board and dye here tomorrow.

How about you come with me and watch me paint the scenery here?"

Mo Jianchen was naturally willing: "Of course, as long as you are willing, I have no objection."

This chapter has been completed!
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