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Chapter 25: Long Smoke and Sunset (2)

Du Zhiqing was full of passion, and while pulling him to walk on the weeds in the mountains, he said with some excitement, "This is not the top of the mountain yet. Let's go to the top of the mountain. Everything will be seen more clearly there. Let's go quickly!"

The two people climbed along the bluestone slabs in the mountain towards the top of the mountain, and finally reached the top of the mountain while circling around. The Xiufeng Mountain towered into the clouds. From the top of the mountain, they looked down the mountain.

Everything in Muzhou City was caught in sight.

"Brother Chen, we will see everything more clearly here." Du Zhiqing looked down at the scenery below the mountain and said to Mo Jianchen.

From the top of the towering Xiufeng Mountain, you can see the long smoke and the setting sun in the mountains opposite. From the top of the mountain, you can have a panoramic view of the entire Muzhou City.

The people in the city are coming and going in the streets and alleys, and the alleys are full of traffic. In this light hustle and bustle, the people live and work in peace and contentment, living a healthy and self-sufficient life, which is the most comfortable and contented way.

"Yes." Mo Jianchen nodded, looking at the streets and people at the foot of the mountain, he also sighed: "The perspective from the top of the mountain is indeed wider, and everything in Muzhou City can be seen. It really gives people a sense of wonder.

It gives you the feeling of being at the top of the mountain and seeing all the small mountains.”

"Yes." Du Zhiqing looked at the busy traffic at the foot of the mountain, "Brother Chen, look at the people at the foot of the mountain. They are so busy and lively. They all live a self-sufficient life and live and work in peace and contentment."

"Nowadays, there are no disputes, no wars, no noise from all sides, and no corpses scattered thousands of miles away in Muzhou City. Such peace and stability is so beautiful."

"Yes." Mo Jianchen also nodded and sighed deeply: "The peace and stability in Muzhou City now is the wish of all Dayi people, and it is also the wish of great heroes like us.

guarded by faith.”

Du Zhiqing took a deep breath, her bright eyes flickered slightly, as if she was thoughtful, then turned around, blinked her clear eyes, and asked Mo Jianchen with a bit of excitement in her voice:

"Brother Chen, in your heart, what is family, country and world?"

"Family, country, world?" Mo Jianchen's eyebrows moved slightly, and he pondered for a moment, and answered deeply: "Family is a small family, the country is everyone, and the country is composed of thousands of people.

Individual families are composed of families, and only when we have a country can we have a family."

"Therefore, our family, country, and world are what we, as knights, have to protect throughout our lives. Only by keeping our family, country, and world stable can we protect the peace of the world. Only when everyone is stable can our small family be prosperous."

"You are right." Du Zhiqing nodded deeply and sighed deeply: "Only when the family and country are stable can the people be at peace. This is what my parents often say to me, and it is what we must use our lifelong faith to believe.

The faith that protects.”

"Although the Muzhou City we see now is peaceful and stable, it was definitely not like this many years ago. There were thousands of corpses here, there were rivers of blood here, and the people had experienced the pain of war,

It’s something we couldn’t have imagined.”

She took a breath and asked Mo Jianchen: "Brother Chen, do you know about the battle in Muzhou more than 20 years ago?"

Mo Jianchen nodded and answered truthfully: "When I was a child, I often heard my parents and grandma mention it. It is said that the people from the North invaded Muzhou City and burned, killed and looted in Muzhou City, causing one tragedy after another."

"At that time, Luanxiang Pavilion and all the Luanxiang troops participated in this war, risking their lives to resist the Northern Army and defend Muzhou City. Finally, they drove back the Northerners and protected the peace of this side of Muzhou City."

"Yes, that's right." Du Zhiqing nodded and continued: "I also heard my parents mention it. In that fierce battle, my parents, grandpa, Grand Master, Uncle Abei and Aunt Wen Ru were all involved in that fierce battle.

Come in."

"It was their passion and passion that brought the stability of Muzhou City today. It was also because of that stop that my father and mother became famous in one fell swoop and became knights who are loved and respected by everyone in Muzhou City."

She paused for a moment, with a deep meaning in her eyes, and sighed deeply: "We were not even born at that time, and we only heard about what happened at that time. Although we have not experienced it, we have no experience of it.

We should also be aware of the suffering suffered by the people."

"Although what we see now is peace and harmony, none of us know how long this peace can last. Although the Northern Army has withdrawn from Muzhou City, it has not withdrawn from our Dayi Kingdom."

"Today's stability and peace in Muzhou is probably just a corner of peace for Dayi in the entire Central Plains. The people of the North are still eyeing Dayi. I don't know when they may still be on Dayi's land.

The city will be massacred, burned, killed and plundered wantonly, but by then, it will still be the common people who will suffer."

"Although we have not experienced such hardships, we should also know that it is our unshirkable responsibility as knights to defend our country, our country, and our people."

Seeing the petite person in front of him say such a righteous and awe-inspiring words, Mo Jianchen couldn't help but feel awe in his heart. He never thought that Du Zhiqing, who had always been willful and indulgent, also harbored such passionate pride in his heart.

He nodded, his voice full of impassioned words: "Sister Zhiqing, I never thought that a daughter like you, who lives in a family with no worries about food and clothing, would have such great righteousness in her heart."

"Everything you said is correct. Although we have not experienced those wars and sufferings, we should understand what our responsibilities are and what we should protect!"

Du Zhiqing's smile contained a bit of the chivalry among the children of the world, and his smart eyes were full of chivalrous tenderness. He said thoughtfully: "When I was young, I often heard my parents say that as a great chivalrous person,

"It is our unshirkable responsibility to protect our country and people."

"Perhaps I was born in a stable time and did not experience the war like my parents did, and did not experience the pain of people being devastated and living in dire straits, but I know very well that no matter what in this life, I must not live up to the mission of a knight!"

She took two more steps forward, looking at the long smoke and the setting sun under her eyes, as well as the civilians walking in the streets and alleys, and said passionately: "Brother Chen, look at these mountains, rivers, alleys, and beautiful rivers and mountains.

, these Li Li people, this is our land in Muzhou, this is the home we want to protect!"

"That's right, this is our home!" Mo Jianchen took a step forward, stood behind him, looked at the scenery in front of him, and said impassionedly, "Perhaps, with our small power, we may not be able to protect the entire world.

Peace, but if you can use your own efforts to protect the peace and happiness of a land and water, that will be enough!"

Du Zhiqing also nodded deeply: "That year was a time of war and chaos, and we were not born yet. It was our ancestors who exchanged their blood and lives for the stability and peace we have today."

"Now that we have all grown up, from now on, let us protect these thousands of miles of beautiful rivers and mountains!"

A wave of passion surged up from the bottom of their hearts. The young boys and girls looked at the scene all over the city, their hearts filled with impassioned enthusiasm and seemingly endless lofty ideals and heroic courage.

Looking at the long smoky sunset and the living beings in Li and Li, Du Zhiqing was filled with excitement, and suddenly an idea came to his mind. He turned his head and said excitedly to Mo Jianchen: "Brother Chen, we should drink some wine at this time to cheer up!"

"Come on, come on, come with me!" He rolled his eyes, then he took Mo Jianchen's arm and ran excitedly behind a boulder behind him.

Mo Jianchen was confused and pulled away by her: "What do you want to do?"

Du Zhiqiang didn't say anything. She excitedly raised the land behind the boulder with a tree trunk. After the soil was turned over, she saw she took out two jars of good wine from the ground, and said to Mo Jianchen with a smile: "Brother Chen

, look!”

Mo Jianchen was stunned: "This is..."

Du Zhiqing smiled playfully and said, "Don't you know this? This is the wine made by my grandpa. It has been buried on the top of Xiufeng Mountain. Whenever I get excited, I will dig it out and drink some."

"Let's drink a little. Grandpa won't blame us. Come on, brother Chen, let's get here!"

As she spoke, she carried the wine jar to a pavilion on the top of the mountain, placed the wine jar on the stone table, and sat down. Mo Jianchen followed her over.

He poured the wine from the jar into the wine glass, placed one cup in front of himself, and handed the other cup in front of Mo Jianchen. He raised the wine glass and said excitedly: "Come on, brother Chen, drink to our lofty ideals."


"Okay, let's drink to our lofty ideals. From now on, it is the unshirkable responsibility of our new generation of young people to protect our country!" Mo Jianchen also cheered up and did not refuse the wine she handed over. He clinked the glasses with her.

And drank the wine in the cup in one gulp.

After drinking a glass of strong wine, my heart becomes more intense and my chest becomes more exciting.

After drinking a glass of wine, Mo Jianchen wiped the corners of his mouth and sighed: "The family and country are beautiful, the customs are beautiful, and the wine is even more beautiful. The wines brewed by the old pavilion master are indeed good wines!"

"Of course!" Du Zhiqing was also full of passion: "The wines my grandpa brews are all aged wines. With this meager taste of wine, I feel more excited!"

"Come on, Brother Chen!" She poured another glass of wine, raised the glass, and said to Mo Jianchen: "Let's have another drink. It's rare to have such a good time. Tonight, we two will not get home until we are drunk!"

"Okay, I won't go home until I'm drunk!" Inspired by Du Zhiqing's boldness, Mo Jianchen's heart was filled with excitement, he clinked glasses with her and drank it down again.

After drinking strong alcohol, what you drink is filled with impassioned passion and ambition.

The wine was too strong. After only two drinks, Du Zhiqing's cheeks turned red and she seemed a little tipsy.

This chapter has been completed!
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