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Chapter 109 Zhang Liang's Heart

Inside the Little Saint’s Villa.

Tian Yan's bedroom.

"I'm sorry, senior brother.

But my junior brother’s desire to learn and his admiration for the teachings of Confucian sages are genuine.

If the minions of Bao Qin come one day, I will never make it difficult for my senior brothers and seniors.

Moreover, my junior brother has been hiding his name for many years, so it should be difficult for him to find me through the net.

Junior brother already knows that he was wrong, so he just lets him do what he wants." Tian Yan looked extremely "guilty".

Because according to her statement, she actually used Confucianism to avoid being pursued by Qin's minions.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

She felt that with Zhang Liang's character, he would most likely take action against those who were also on the opposite side of Ying Zheng.

For smart people like Xiang Zhang Liang, if you want to convince them of something, it is far easier to justify it yourself than to leave the decision-making power to them.

For Tian Yan, showing weakness is a way to retreat while advancing.

"It's not a big deal. Junior Brother Wei Yan can just study peacefully. I will make other arrangements for him." Zhang Liang said with a smile, still calm and calm.

"Senior brother." Tian Yan stared pitifully at Zhang Liang in front of him with a pair of big watery eyes and said cutely, with a trace of tears in the corners of his eyes.

"It's okay. I'll show you the class area later and my junior brother. Hide the jade pendant around your neck and don't show it again." Zhang Liang touched Tian Yan's head and said with a smile.

He was really determined to help Tian Yan.

In the original work, Zhang Liang is the absolute backbone of the anti-Qin forces.

But now, he had to sadly admit that the man who destroyed his country was about to lead his tireless officials and soldiers who were not afraid of death to unify the nine states and redefine the enfeoffments.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the countries in Shandong are no longer capable of resisting Qin, let alone the extremely smart Zhang Liang?

Then he should now think about what will happen after Qin unified the world.

First, helping Tian Yan conform to his moral standards as a Confucian knight.

Secondly, and most importantly, he also needs a like-minded person.

Who is his senior brother Fu Nian?

He is a man who is absolutely obedient and loyal to his monarch.

Even if it is possible to understand something from Junior Brother Wei Yan's four sentences, it is unlikely to change the core idea of ​​his "Way of the Holy King."

His second senior brother Yan Lu was completely different from his first senior brother. Although he had no desires or demands, he was extremely loyal. Zhang Liang was 100% sure that if something happened to him, senior brother Yan Lu would definitely stand up to protect him, even at the risk of his own life.

But he didn't want to do this.

Because fighting against Qin with Yan Lu would be a drag on Yan Lu.

Senior Brother Yan Lu already had an extremely tragic past, so how could he have the nerve to allow him to have a miserable future because of himself?

But Junior Brother Wei Yan is different.

First of all, like himself, the Qin State hated him for the destruction of his family and country, and his father Wei Wuji died in the hands of Qin's minions.

Secondly, although Junior Brother Wei Yan is young, he is very talented and extremely talented. What is the concept of a fourteen-year-old child being able to surpass Fu Nian in internal skills?

I'm afraid his friend who is feared in the world, the master of Quicksand, Wei Zhuang, didn't have such strength when he was fourteen years old!

What about another ten years?

With the talents and abilities of Junior Brother Wei Yan, he can become an important helper for Zhang Liang in his great cause of fighting Qin.

In the end, what pulled Junior Brother Wei Yan off the ship against Qin was "working together in the same boat", "sharing life and death", and "being like-minded"!

These are all attributes he possesses because of his special status, but are characteristics that two senior brothers, Yan Lu and Fu Nian, do not have.

In the end, it was not difficult to protect Wei Yan.

Because Qin Wangzheng did not want to arrest Junior Brother Wei Yan.

Perhaps Junior Brother Wei Yan's name is still on Luo Wang's death list, not to mention him, Yan Lu, Fu Nian, and Wei Yan are all strong enough to stand on their own.

In Confucianism, which now has two peerless masters, Wan Zhang and Xunzi, in this place farthest from Qin and where Luo Wen's power is weakest, it would be easy to protect Junior Brother Wei Yan from Luo Wen's men.

He actually had doubts about Wei Yan's identity.

But now he has no doubts.

Because, first of all, Junior Brother Wei Yan's words just confirmed a question that he had investigated and pursued many years ago but could not find the answer.

That is the real cause of death of "Xinling Lord" Wei Wuji.

It was rumored that Wei Wuji died due to injuries caused by drinking and sex, but Zhang Liang, who knew Wei Wuji well, did not believe this theory.

Being assassinated by a trap killer was the answer that best fit his guess.

This gives Junior Brother Wei Yan's words a little more credibility.

Even here he still didn't fully believe it.

Not fully trusting others is one of the rules of survival in this cruel world.

Also, the jade pendant worn by Yan Wuji is genuine, which also greatly illustrates his identity.

And it is indeed the real thing.

Finally, is it possible that Junior Brother Wei Yan is an undercover agent sent by other forces? Is this all an illusion arranged by the mastermind behind the scenes?

The answer is impossible, absolutely impossible.

The reason is simple.

First of all, because of the few words that Junior Brother Wei Yan said before, if he did not have great admiration for the deeds of Confucian sages, a deep understanding of Confucianism, and some insights, he would never be able to say it.

Those words that even his master Wan Zhang couldn't say could be said by an undercover agent with ulterior motives?

If so, then he must visit the person who sent Junior Brother Wei Yan here another day with a heavy gift to thank him.

The second is the most embarrassing and true point.

There is nothing about Confucianism that is worth plotting by other forces.

At least based on his identity, he doesn't know.

This was one of the reasons why he chose to come to Xiaoshengxian Village after the fall of Korea.

"Let's go, Junior Brother Wei Yan, I will take you to visit the place where classes are held on weekdays." Zhang Liang said to Tian Yan.

"Wei Yan, thank you, senior brother." Tian Yan cupped his hands to Zhang Liangyi.

Little Sage Village.

Inside Wan Zhang's study.

Rows of classics by sages are neatly placed on the bookshelves on both sides.

The sun shines in through the holes in the window.

Although it is winter, it is also warm.

It's just that the atmosphere inside the house is not so beautiful.

There is a chessboard on a table, two chess baskets filled with black and white chess pieces, and two futons in front of the table.

Wan Zhang and Xunzi sat opposite each other at the table.

The two looked at each other calmly.

No one chose to move first.

Generally, at the same level, the person holding the black piece will have a slight advantage.

The outcome of this round is the top priority, and both of them are unwilling to let go of every advantage.

Both of them are destined to win this battle, so neither one is willing to give in to the other.

But neither of them chose to guess first.

Without him, both of them had incomparable skills. After picking up a few chess pieces, they almost guessed them accurately after hearing and exploring them.

This chapter has been completed!
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