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Chapter 13: Heaven and Earth Network

Farmhouse, Lieshan Hall.

It was a very special sword. It was blood red all over and exuded sword energy like red mist.

The sword is made entirely of gold from the hilt to the tail, and the scabbard is inlaid with gold. It is extremely luxurious.

The first of the Eight Swords of the King of Yue is used to cover up the sun. Legend has it that if you point this sword at the sky, the sky will be dark!

"Covering and covering up the sun, the overcast and the day are dark."

"Luowang, Tianzi is the best, Mr. Hiding the Sun." Tian Yan said every word through gritted teeth.

The man was wearing a Qin Army armor, and the cold eyes under the Qin Army mask were like spiders staring at their prey.

The occultation of the sun really looks like a spider.

"Oh, it seems that you know a lot of things, which is quite good. I don't need to waste any more words." Zhanri said indifferently.

Tian Yan was holding the Frightening Salamander Sword. He was extremely nervous at the moment, and his Observation of Moment and Sensation was continuously turned on. He was watching every move of Zhenri, preparing to wait for an opportunity to escape.

The other party just tested her once or twice. If he came to kill her, she would already be a corpse at this moment.

The character of Hidden Sun appears in Nine Songs of Heaven and Qin Shi Ming Yue.

They confronted Xuan Jian in Weijiazhuang, and had already ambushed and killed Shadow Secret Guard Zhang Han several times in the bright moon of Qin Dynasty.

It's impossible to determine whether the two appearances of Zhi Ri are the same person, but no matter which time he appears, this character has shown sufficient strength, either overtly or covertly.

After just a few moves, Tian Yan already understood that Zhenri's strength was superior to his own.

"Don't think about escaping, you can't leave." Zhanri calmly put the Sunshielding Sword back into its scabbard, then walked to the window, with his back to Tian Yan, as if he was looking up at the stars.

At some point, the sky had darkened.

Tian Yan was a little confused, but he didn't dare to act rashly. He just tightened his grip on the Jing Salamand Sword in his hand and didn't dare to relax.

But immediately, Tian Yan's face turned ugly.

The feedback she received from her observation team showed that dozens of auras were rapidly approaching.

The few wisps of breath among them are not much weaker than myself!

In just a few seconds, there was already a dense crowd of people outside the window.

These people were either dressed in the attire of peasant disciples, or in the uniform of a net.

They stopped only three feet outside the room.

From this position, they couldn't hear the conversation in the room, but if they moved their hands, they could help Zhan Ri capture Tian Yan in an instant.

"There are several top-level killers, dozens of top-level killers, plus one who hides the sun..." Tian Yan's heart felt cold.

A trace of warm blood flowed down the wound on her scratched arm.

Slowly dripping onto the ground, blooming beautifully like plum blossoms.

Tian Yan was speechless. He just turned around and reinserted the Frightening Salamander Sword into the scabbard, then turned back and looked at the hidden sun in front of him indifferently.

Put your hands in front of you.

Even in front of thousands of troops, she still looks like a dignified and beautiful farm lady.

"Guess, will you survive today or will you die?" Zhiri said.

The magnetism in the voice is very strong and depressing, making people very uncomfortable.

At this moment, he was holding the Sun-Concealing Sword in his left hand behind his back, and the other hand was hanging by his side. He was dressed in an ordinary Qin army uniform, but gave people a sense of oppression no less than that of a big mountain.

"I will live." Tian Yan replied to Zhenri almost without hesitation.

If he wanted to kill her, Zhanri didn't need to take action himself, he could just let Tian Meng and his subordinates do it for him.

Looking at the positions of the trap killers, it seems that she will not only survive today...

Through a series of clues, Tian Yan could almost conclude that Mr. Hiding the Sun did not come here to kill her, but had other purposes.

"Oh?" Zhanri pretended, "You are very confident."

"Then do you know why you won't die?!" The topic changed, and the sun began to become sharper, and the murderous aura in his body was also rising, which doubled Tian Yan's pressure.

Turbulent Yin Qi surged out from the Sun-Concealing Sword.

But after all, Tian Yan has deep internal strength. She has practiced hard for ten years, and coupled with the lifelong skills of her predecessor, Jing Salamander, the only difference now is sword intent and killing intent. In terms of internal strength, she is still above Mr. Zhanri in front of her.

Therefore, despite the pressure of the sun, she was not affected at all.

Tian Yan pondered, but did not answer the question about hiding the sun.

Or maybe she didn't know how to answer at all.

She lacked leverage in the conversation with Zhan Ri, and it was easy for her to get involved in the conversation blindly.

Even though she has no way to retreat.

"What do you think of that Salamander Sword? Does it suit you well?

It's like it belongs to you." Zhenri didn't get a reply, but he wasn't angry either, and then teased Tian Yan.

"Tian Yan is young, please forgive me for not understanding what Mr. Zhanri means, and please make it clear to Mr. Zhanri." Tian Yan put his hands in front of his body, maintaining the usual attitude of a farm lady, and continued to act stupid.

"I need, oh, no, it's Luo Wen who needs someone who doesn't have so many thoughts to replace Luo Wen and become the leader of Lieshan Hall, or even... the hero of the peasant family." Zhiri said.

"It seems that I have no choice." Tian Yan closed his eyes silently, as if he was tired, but also seemed to be making a decision.

Tian Yan can also activate Sense Motive and Color even when he closes his eyes.

Moreover, it can conceal the special effect of Qiu Shui's bright eyes, and also make the other party put down their guard when discerning the other party's weaknesses.

In the original work, Tian Yan may have used this method to find the weakness of Shadow Guard Zhang Han, and then slashed Zhang Han with several swords.

Her mother tried her best to get her out of the trap. She couldn't imagine how sad and disappointed her mother would be when she found out that she had joined the trap.

She still wanted to give it a try, even if the hope was slim.

"You have many choices, but different choices will bring different consequences, and the consequences you can bear are only a few." Zhiri said in a pun, enigmatically.

"Haha..." Tian Yan smiled bitterly and slowly opened his eyes.

Tian Yan's eyes are beautiful, but at this moment, those beautiful eyes are full of helplessness.

Make people pity.

Zhan Ri is indeed a top-notch killer in Luo Wan. Even though his sword has been sheathed, there is still no weakness in his body. Moreover, Zhi Ri is the only one who has Lu Wan here. For Tian Yan, this is already a dead end.

I don't know if the Zhiri in front of me and the Zhiri who appeared in Qin Shizhong are the same person, but the planning skills are indeed the same and extremely ruthless.

If you strike, you will kill, and your prey will have no chance of survival.

In other words, there is, but after Tian Yan takes action, the person who dies will still be Tian Yan.

Just now, Tian Yan had mentally deduced eighteen ways to attack, but in the end she would lose.

"If I join the snare, my mother and the others will no longer be hunted down by the snare?" Tian Yan asked first without giving Zhan Ri an answer.

This is a question that will bring endless disasters to Tian Yan, because as a swordsman, she has exposed her weaknesses.

A swordsman with no weaknesses can only be killed.

But a swordsman with a weakness can be defeated!

But even so, Tian Yan will still ask! In life, there are always some things that are more important than his own life.

"Okay." To Tian Yan's expectation, Zhanri agreed readily.

"By the way, let me tell you another secret..." There was a question Tian Yan didn't ask, but Zhan Ri wanted to give her an answer.

The answer may not be correct, as long as it makes sense.

Just like history, because no one can verify it.

So even if you say something wrong, it is still right.

"Tonight's action of destroying your mother's eight extraordinary meridians has nothing to do with the trap.

To kill a pregnant woman who passed all her inner strength to her daughter, a few top-level killers would be enough.

At the same time, Tian Meng asked Luo Sheng to get rid of you." Zhan Ri said.

Tian Yan's pupils shrank suddenly, and even though she tried her best to stay calm, her lips still trembled a little.

Under Tian Yan's strong control, he quickly recovered as before.

The blood from the wound on his arm fell to the ground drop by drop, but Tian Yan ignored it.

Tian Yan did not answer.

"This Frightening Salamander Sword is a sword that only Tianzi first-class killers are qualified to hold. It was originally given to Tian Meng, but you are not qualified.

But, I can "make the decision" and give it to you.

Together with the identity of Tianzi's first-class killer." Zhanri continued, his tone indifferent and calm.

Tian Yan's breathing was a little quick at that moment.

But then calm returned.

Whether it's true or false.

Whether it's to seek revenge like Tian Meng or to protect his mother.

No matter whether all this was planned by Zhi Ri or not.

The fact that cannot be changed, oh no, fate is...

She really needs this sword.

There are countless famous swords in Fengbeard's sword catalog, but only Jing Salamander is the most suitable for her.

Even...I won’t hesitate to go deep into hell from now on!

"If Master Zhenri needs anything in the future, just ask "Jing Salamander".

From now on, the "Frightened Salamander" will only look at you with your master's head." Tian Yan bowed and said respectfully.

"very good.

The task I give you is to lurk in the farmhouse, get rid of Tian Meng, and become the leader of the farmhouse’s Lieshan Hall, and even the leader of the heroes!”

Not to mention that Tian Meng's identity as a first-class assassin was just a temporary measure to stabilize Tian Meng.

So what if Tian Meng is really his colleague?

A middle-aged man holding a pair of black and white swords appeared in Zie Ri's mind, but he was forgotten in just a moment.

Isn't it common to devour weaker fellows for the greater good?

When Tian Yan looked up again, the sun had disappeared.

When you put down your dignity to make money, it means you are sensible;

When you use money to earn back face, it means you have succeeded;

When you can make money by using your face, it means you are already a figure.

Obviously, Hidden Sun is such a character.

Sometimes you don’t necessarily need to draw your sword to achieve your goals, right?

The surrounding killers dispersed like a tide.

Tian Yan, who was under great pressure, suddenly felt light.

Tian Yan was shocked to realize that he was breaking out in a cold sweat because of the slightly cool feeling attached to his sweat-soaked clothes.

She slowly walked back to the table where the Salamander Sword was placed.

Pick up this beautiful sword with your left hand and draw it out with your right hand!

The shining cold light made Tian Yan's eyes sting.

He smiled bitterly.

Mother will be angry...

But there was nothing she could do.

In this cruel world, who can truly control their own destiny?

The blade of the sword, like a mirror, reflected Tian Yan's face.

There was no expression on that pretty little face.

The pink sword energy on the Jingli Sword became more and more intense.

The wound that had cracked open due to several exertions of force still failed to stop the bleeding, and traces of blood slid down the scabbard of the Frightened Salamander Sword.

Just like the red lotus fire burning in Tian Yan's beautiful autumn eyes...

Revenge is a poisonous drink...

And I enjoy it as sweet as a cake!

This chapter has been completed!
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