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Chapter 164 Interlude

Little Sage Village.

Tian Yan's bedroom.

Tian Yan looked at the two senior brothers in front of him calmly.

Competing chess skills?

After Tian Yan thought about it for a while, he felt that there was no problem.

It's no secret that Xunzi is good at chess. Today, she defeated Wei Zhuang in a chess game. Xunzi came to challenge her after hearing the news. It seems to be an explanation.

After all, this "Second Senior Brother" is not generally victorious in the nineteen lanes of chess.

"Both senior brothers came to me to compete in chess?" Tian Yan asked, looking at the two old men in front of him.

"Haha, this is the first time I heard that junior brother is proficient in chess. No, we two old guys just wanted to come and learn from him and bother junior brother." Wan Zhang looked at "Junior Brother Wei Yan" in front of him and said with a smile.

"Yeah." Xunzi nodded and confirmed.

They knew Fu Nian's strength. He might not be as powerful as he would be more than ten years later, but he was not bad either. Wei Zhuang could defeat Fu Nian, so his chess skills must be among the best in the world.

But according to Zhang Liang, Junior Brother Wei Yan is too evil.

How could they not come to "ask for advice" from such a monster?

“I can’t say I’m proficient, I just know a little bit.

If you are here to ask for advice on chess, then the two senior brothers might as well come together." "Wei Yan" smiled and said to the two senior brothers in front of him.

Wan Zhang stroked his beard, closed his eyes and said nothing. He was incomprehensible.

He is the head of Little Sage Village!

A master must have the demeanor of a master. How can he join forces with Xunzi to compete with his junior brother?

Doesn't he want to lose face?

It's okay to win without losing face, but according to Fu Nian and the others, Junior Brother Wei Yan's chess skills are profound, even more powerful than his swordsmanship.

What to do if you lose?

"Junior brother, don't be too ambitious. It's better to defeat your senior brother first and then let me talk." Xunzi's face turned dark when he heard this and he said to Tian Yan.

He is also a master of chess. Although he is not invincible, no one has ever "disdained" him so much or been so "arrogant" in front of him.

"Yes, senior brother." When Tian Yan heard this, he still smiled and said respectfully to Xunzi in front of him.

"Junior brother, please." Xunzi said to Tian Yan.

"Senior brother, please give me some advice." Tian Yan bowed his hands to Xunzi and said.

I'll torture you if I torture you, but don't forget the etiquette.

The two sat across from each other in front of the chessboard, and Tian Yan wanted to ask Xunzi: "How dare you do that?"

But after thinking about it, I still held back.

This is not in line with the character, and being so domineering is not in line with her character.

The two chess jars containing the black and white pieces are placed squarely on the chessboard.

They had been lying here quietly since the first day she moved into this room, and it was only now that they were used for the first time.

Old rules.

Tian Yan stretched out his hand and pushed the chess jar with the black stones in front of him in the direction of Xunzi.

"Senior brother, please come first." Tian Yan sat upright and smiled at Xunzi.

"Huh?!" Xunzi frowned immediately.

What does it mean?

Alarm bells rang in Xunzi's heart.

The gentle push from "Junior Brother Wei Yan" actually pushed him into a dilemma.

Next, where is his dignity as a senior brother?

Wei Yan and he were called senior brothers, but in fact Xunzi often regarded Wei Yan as a junior because he was too young.

How can it be so ugly to compete with a child who is dozens of years younger than yourself?

What's more, old enemy Wan Zhang is still watching from the side!

If he didn't take it, according to Zhang Liang and others, he might not be able to beat Junior Brother Wei Yan.

When Xunzi was fighting among the nineteen roads, Junior Brother Wei Yan was probably not born yet.

Losing to such a young man is really... a bit unreasonable.

"If not, let's guess first, junior brother." Xunzi said to the upright "beautiful boy" sitting in front of him.

"Listen to senior brother." Tian Yan remained calm.

Anyway, she has clairvoyance and can just count the chess pieces.

Count one by one, and you should not make any mistakes most of the time.

Xunzi then pushed the black chess jar back to its original position, grabbed a handful of white chess pieces from the white chess jar on the side and put it in his hand.

"Single." Tian Yan closed his eyes to block the golden light in his eyes, checked it carefully several times, and said to Xunzi.

Wan Zhang's eyes lit up.

The beautiful young man in front of him has delicate features and eyes, slightly closed, like a sacred priest praying.

I have to say that Junior Brother Wei Yan’s image is really good.

Xunzi opened his palms and counted the chess pieces in his palms.

"Two...four...six chess pieces, Junior Brother Wei Yan, I will be disrespectful." Xunzi looked at the beautiful young man in front of him and said.

There was a smile that couldn't be hidden on his face, like a child of several decades.

Of course, he is still the Xunzi who is immortal, spiritual and handsome.

"Senior brother, please." Tian Yan smiled at Xunzi and said.

Of course she lost the guess on purpose. If she had played first, she really didn't know how to play.

Wan Zhang took a deep look at "Junior Brother Wei Yan".

Junior Brother Wei Yan is still as humble as ever. He has such a master's demeanor at such a young age, which is really remarkable.

In so many years, this was the first time Wan Zhang saw someone like Wei Yan.

At this moment, Xunzi also woke up from the joy of holding Heizi first and having a slight advantage.

Looking at the evil young man in front of him who was calm and calm as before, Xunzi secretly warned himself that he had only gained a slight advantage. I'm afraid it would not be that simple to defeat a master like Junior Brother Wei Yan.

He picked up a chess piece between his two fingers, thought about it again and again, and then dropped it on the chessboard.

Tian Yan followed up with a piece.

It can be seen that Xunzi is really serious, not only serious, but also probably very nervous.

Otherwise he wouldn't have thought so long at the beginning.

Xunzi continued to follow closely.

Whenever he made a move, no matter how long it took Wan Zhang, "Wei Yan" would immediately follow up with a move.

Slowly, after only a while, Xunzi's face changed slightly, and he felt something was wrong.

He couldn't understand what Junior Brother Wei Yan was going to do.

This is not a good sign.

His nephew reviewed the game for him before, and it was the same situation. He couldn't understand Junior Brother Wei Yan's moves at first. After the decisive blow, he savored it carefully and realized that the defeat started at that moment.

Xunzi felt a little frightened. He was thinking hard about what Junior Brother Wei Yan was going to do in this step.

"Junior Brother Wei Yan's step has profound meaning." Xunzi said to Tian Yan.

Wan Zhang stood aside and said nothing.

Watching chess without saying anything is a true gentleman.

And he had nothing to say because he didn't understand it either.

Tian Yan's face remained calm, but he was a little surprised in his heart.

Because she didn't understand it either.

"Senior brother, you are joking." Tian Yan said to Xunzi, who had a solemn look on his face, while fixing the bug.

Otherwise, what should I say?

Xunzi glanced at the situation on one side of the chessboard, and then began to think deeply.

Beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead.

This chapter has been completed!
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