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Chapter 170 Wei Yan, who turned the tide (2)

Little Sage Village.

Library Pavilion.

Wan Zhang looked at Zhan Ri, who was holding a murder weapon in front of him, with a calm expression.

"Yes, so what?

No, so what?" Wan Zhang said calmly.

Xinghun slowly stepped back a few steps and stepped on the tiles, but there was no sound. The profound skills and terrifying light skills were vividly displayed in these tiny details.

"Mr. Wan Zhang has been poisoned by the Yin Yang family's Corpse God Curse, yet he can still be so stubborn. He is truly worthy of his status as a disciple of Mencius.

The Qin Dynasty will eventually dominate the world. Will Confucianism go against us in this era?

I wonder if this is the case, how many more years can Mr. Wan Zhang protect your disciples and grandchildren?" A deep voice came from behind the bronze mask.

Speaking of the Corpse God Curse Gu, he unconsciously looked at the star soul who provided it.

Did you get it wrong? Where are the Star Soul people?

When he turned around and looked at the Confucian crowd in front of him, he found that one person was missing among the Confucian crowd.

What about Wan Zhang people?

Suddenly, he felt a strong wind pressure rushing from one direction.

Xinghun forgot to tell him something.

That is, after being infected by the Corpse God Curse Gu, most people will be unable to use their internal energy immediately, but those with a certain level of skill can still use some internal energy in a very short period of time.

Feeling the fierce wind pressure, the face behind the sun-shielding bronze mask suddenly twisted.

This is impossible!

This is impossible!!!

"A skinny camel is bigger than a horse..." Tian Yan, who was hiding on the roof of one side of the house and observing everything on the field, looked at Wan Zhang who was furious and thought to himself.

"No wonder that guy Xinghun escaped." Tian Yan observed the star-blue aura that was hiding far away in his observational vision.

There is always a lot of nonsense about covering up the sun.

Is it due to personal personality? Or is it due to bad taste?

Because of this mouth, I often received unnecessary beatings.

Tian Yan observed everyone on the field attentively. In Tian Yan's field of vision, although Wan Zhang's aura was declining rapidly, he still had explosive power within a few breaths.

This old gentleman is really scary. He is usually very quiet, but compared to him and Fu Nian, he looks like an ordinary Confucian scholar.

It's actually so scary when you really start to do it.

It's almost time for her to appear.

After putting some distance away from Wan Zhang, Xinghun looked at Zhi Ri who was about to be beaten severely by Wan Zhang.

It still has that familiar ironic arc.

Zhenri wants to use Tian Yan's hand to kill Xinghun, why doesn't Xinghun not want this operation to have some surprises?

A master like Wan Zhang is unfathomable, and the Corpse God Curse Gu may not be able to directly defeat the opponent.

What if the other party has some trump cards that he doesn't know?

Or maybe there is some room left.

Wan Zhang's trump cards and remaining energy need to be piled up with corpses.

He still has a bright future, and of course he doesn't want to be a corpse, but Mr. Hidden Sun will fight to be one.

This doesn't count as betraying an ally. After all, he didn't let Zhan Ri go down to provoke Wan Zhang, right?

Even if someone is dead in Luo Sheng this time, there is no way he is going to cause trouble for the Yin Yang family. Even if Zhao Gao wants to make trouble and accuse Zhan Ri of being greedy for success and underestimating the enemy and being arrogant, the matter will be settled.


This is a fact, a fact that Genie saw with his own eyes.

Wei Zhuang took off the coat he was wearing and inserted the scabbard into the ground. With the support of his deep inner strength, the scabbard pierced the ground.

He threw down his coat casually, and the coat fell down, hanging on the scabbard of his sword, and part of it was still dragging on the ground.

It's time to take action.

On a house near the library, there was a man in white clothes and black hair, holding a sword in one hand, with the sword unsheathed.

The fine strands of hair were slightly fluttering in the wind, but the expression on his face never changed.

As indifferent as ever.

In front of the library.

Wan Zhang fell into the trap.

Wan Zhang has no internal power, but he is not completely without internal power.

Feeling the terrible wind pressure coming from the left side.


Zhanri swung his sword to the left, and the unique blade of Zhenri Sword drew a blood-red sword light in the air.

The sharp weapon cut through the air, but did not hit any target.

"Not good." Zhan Ri thought to himself, feeling that something bad was going on, but unfortunately, it was already too late.

The one holding the scabbard is his left hand, because his dominant hand is his right hand.

His left shoulder was pinched by a hand reaching out from behind.

Before he knew it, Wan Zhang had arrived behind him.

"So fast, when is it?!" Zhan Ri's heart rang with alarms, but he had no time to block. Wan Zhang's hand happened to pinch the gap in his Qin Army bronze armor.

Zhanri glanced back. The skin on that hand was wrinkled and as old as the bark of an ancient tree, but at the moment it was as hard as gold and stone. A heart-breaking pain came from his left shoulder.

But after all, he is also a top-notch killer in Luo Wang. He has experienced hundreds of battles and has rich combat experience. He immediately held the hilt of the Sun-cloaking sword and controlled the Sun-cloaking sword to stab Wan Zhang behind him.

The indifferent bloody mist adheres to this murderous weapon, doubling its power.

Wan Zhang squeezed the hand on Zhan Ri's left shoulder and pulled Zhan Ri, causing Zhan Ri to lose his balance, and the ruthless attack was naturally relieved.

Zhan Ri was once again holding the hilt of his sword. Although his body angle was disrupted by Wan Zhang, he could still launch a second wave of offensive.

He slashed at Wan Zhang's hand holding his left shoulder at a strange angle with his sword, and at the same time he flew up and kicked Wan Zhang.

Wan Zhang's hand holding Zhan Ri's shoulder exerted a little force, pulled and flicked, and easily avoided Zhan Ri's attack by turning to one side.

At the same time, Wan Zhang casually kicked Zhan Ri in the abdomen.

Zhiri's whole body was kicked into a shrimp shape and he flew back more than ten meters. Then he stuck the Zhiri Sword on the ground and used it to relieve the force and slid a few more meters before he stabilized his body.

But he looked a bit miserable. There was blood flowing out of the only visible eye socket behind the Qin Army bronze mask. There were also drops of blood flowing from his Qin Army helmet and the bottom edge of the Qin Army bronze mask.

The last kick contained all of Wan Zhang's remaining internal strength. Even though his internal strength was not weak, the kick severely injured his internal organs and caused bleeding from all his orifices.

While "flying" in the air, his left hand was no longer able to hold the scabbard, and the scabbard of the Sun-Shielding Sword fell out of his hand.

His left arm hung down weakly and was dislocated. The bronze armor originally attached to his left arm was torn off by Wan Zhang. In addition to being dislocated, the meridians of his left arm were also injured.

Zhanri stood up, his sword stuck on the ground, and his right hand trembled as he tried to touch his left shoulder.

The stinging pain in his meridians made him tremble.

I'm afraid the injury I suffered this time won't last for a year or two.

But at this moment, there was a smile on his face behind the bronze mask.

Combined with the blood spilling from his nostrils, eye sockets, and corners of his mouth, if he didn't wear a mask, he would probably scare others.

But he still smiled, because after the move just now, Wan Zhang had no internal strength.

Then the only ones on the field who still have fighting strength are him, Jing Salamander, Wei Zhuang, Gai Nie, and Xinghun.

Although his combat strength was greatly reduced due to injuries.

Among these five people, Frightened Salamander is one of our own. Although Star Soul is unreliable, he is controlled by Gai Nie.

In other words, he won.

This chapter has been completed!
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